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Mixed size guns

Deirdre Semmes
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-09-09 08:37:53 UTC
So I have a fit with a Rokh having 4x 350 mm railguns and 4x 425 mm railguns.

Main reason: I don't have the grid to have 8x425 mm rail guns. Secondary but still important reasons: 350 mm target slightly better these rats cruisers.

That's only for PvE by the way. Why is it so horrendous to all of you vets? I handle without issues the two ranges, thanks... I usually mix shells so that range equilibrate, so it can be (e.g) plutonium on the 350 and anti-matters on the 425, you get the idea. And no, I don't have particular difficulties on that, I know what are the ranges of my guns, for both types, and for all the ammos I use.

Would I switch to full 425 mm guns if I had the grid? Perhaps, perhaps not. Extra tracking on the 350 is nice.

Should I switch to full 350? Thanks, but no. Firing AM shells at optimal range from afar with the 425 is de facto extra DPS, compared to what the 350 can achieve.

Now, as I'm a newb, you can show me my error. Smile
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#2 - 2014-09-09 09:02:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Gregor Parud
the different guns have different ranges and tracking resulting in different situations where they work best. Lets keep it simple and only look at range, for the sake of argument.

Lets say that 350mm rails work from 20-50km and 425 work from 40-70km. That means that the ONLY situation where you can make all your guns to work properly is from 40-50km, within those ranges your ship will work because of the overlap in performance. Outside those ranges your ship will only for 50% because you're outside the performance envelope for 50% of your guns. It's thus much better to use the same guns which all perform in the same way and then simply create a scenario where they will work best.

It's better to be good at one thing than to be mediocre at two.
Bastion Arzi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2014-09-09 09:18:34 UTC
the guys having pg issues though. i think his idea is sound and if the ranges you gave as examples are correct 40-50 km is pretty decent for level 4...

you say that his current setup is mediocre but he doesnt have skills yet for an optimal set up. so its actually pretty good for where hes at.

people love to min max in this game. why not experiment, go against the trends (gasp) and have some fun.
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#4 - 2014-09-09 09:28:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Gregor Parud
Thinking outside the box is good. Being a special snowflake for the sake of it, against logic, is not. In that case he should fit 350s and simply create the scenario where 350s work best. Even more so because 425 aren't necessarily the better turret for a Rokh as it gets no tracking bonus and is shield tanked.

You have two options to make a Rokh work any decent (it'll never be amazing):

- fit 350s and fight npc in normal range and orbits
- fit 425, even if that means using fitting rigs, and use your MJD to get to range. The Rokh is one of the few ships where "lets pull range with MJD" for lvl 4 missions actually makes sense.
Deirdre Semmes
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#5 - 2014-09-09 10:53:13 UTC

As I said, I compensate the 2 different ranges, when it is needed to be on the same sweet spot for the 2 guns, with different munitions, i.e AM on 425 and plutonium on 350.

I could use 8x350 guns, but I would lose DPS, because the 425 can fire AM at such a long range that I don't want to waste that.

I could use 8x425 by removing one of the two damage-amplifiers rigs and adding something else, sure. But then I get the same DPS than the 8x350 (they can keep the 2 damage amplifiers on rigs) while having worse tracking than with 350.

And the 350s, they do actually more damages on cruisers because tracking is a bit better.

So I don't feel like flying a piece of sh Smile . yes it is weird, out of the box and I will probably shift to full 425 when I get the power grid, despite what I say about the benefits of 350 mm.

Also I don't know if you always fire full broadside on ships even if damaged, but the 2 volleys might be useful, if I see I'll finish a ship with half the guns, the other half will start softening the next target. That's a slight optimization of a few seconds from time to time though.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2014-09-09 11:05:17 UTC
In theory there is potential for problems but the scenario where those problems will appear is not always as likely as people will say. In this case the base range of the 425mm is around 57Km, the base range of the 350mm is 42Km. Forgetting about skills, mods and ammo types for simplicity. This will mean you will constantly by trying to get within 42Km of your target. But at that closer range the tracking of the 350mm might result in better applied DPS.

In a PVE L4 mission scenario though, it is usually just a straight slugfest with the NPC burning straight at you and you yo-yoing directly at them and then directly away from them to keep that range. Tracking is rarely an issue.

In a PvP situation tracking is more likely to be an issue. In small gang warfare it is often beneficials to go with the smaller version of the guns with the best tracking, but it depends on what movement modifiers you can apply on the target and how well you can control the range. In a null sec blob fest where it is all about the raw DPS and the Alpha. Where the target may be scrammed, webbed and painted and you have no or limited control over the range. Mixing Large Railguns to max the DPS within your fitting range may also be viable.

In short, the answer depends on the likely target and how much wiggle room you have to keep that target within both engagement profiles.

Examples of mixing Blasters with Railguns or Large with Mediums, where the engagement profiles contridict each other, is where the 'Vets' argument comes from and is a straight no-no. Some of the forum warriors on here take that to the 'nth' degree without considering the context.
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#7 - 2014-09-09 11:22:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Gregor Parud

The dps difference between 350 and 425 is 5% but the difference in tracking is almost 20% so If you take an orbiting Ferox at 175m/s, which as targets go should be pretty easy to hit, then you will apply more damage with 350s than with 425 right up to those 350 optimal (which with any decent fit will be ~50km with AM) while using less cap and being much easier to fit. So for normal missions, overall, 350mm is the better choice because it applies its dps better in many situations. Even against itself, a super slow high sig BS, 425 only do 3% more dps compared to 350s if that Rokh orbits at 45km.

The ONLY situation where 425 are better is if angular is close to 0 while at long range, targets coming straight at you, but since that's not how most missions pan out and since the Rokh lacks the brute dps to blap everything before it settled into an orbit (especially so on low SP) you will have to force them to move straight at you. Previously MWD was an option (although a bad one) but now we have MJD.

So; you either duke it out normally and there, overall, the 350 will out perform the 425 and there's no point in gimping yourself by fitting half 425. OR you nuke them from range in which case there's no point in gimping yourself using 350, because you want the range and dps from the 425.

So yeah, "the context", as you put it, is still affected by facts. I realise that facts are annoying and for boring people but that doesn't mean they won't apply.
Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2014-09-09 11:25:59 UTC
Deirdre Semmes wrote:
I could use 8x350 guns, but I would lose DPS

Max DPS as shown in EFT, or applied DPS as measured in-game?
Deirdre Semmes
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#9 - 2014-09-09 11:48:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Deirdre Semmes
in-game. I don't feel comfortable firing at the range of the 350 mm guns with AM, I'm more comfortable sniping them at a longuer range, say the range where the 425 mm can fire AM at optimal or even plutonium at optimal. This means that the 350 mm are probably using thorium when the 425 are using Plutonium or Plutonium when the 425 are using AM.

So in practice, my 350 mm are not firing AM very often, because I like to keep range, if only to not be at scram/web range of these pesky frigates. Or to hit more often, with less angular velocity the destroyers / cruisers on me. Plus some NPC battleships can't hit you at 70 km, or have lessened damages. That's why my 350 mm are rarely using AM. But the 425 having a longuer reach can use them, and so in practice they have higher damage throughput. I think Big smile

Now I reckon I should perhaps go for an all 350 mm fit, Gregor Parud have some points. It is rare that the 425 mm are used without a tracking issue I reckon.
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#10 - 2014-09-09 12:05:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Gregor Parud
Deirdre Semmes wrote:
So in practice, my 350 mm are not firing AM very often, because I like to keep range

Yup, so choose to go all 425 even if that means toying with your fit a bit, because your ship will perform a lot better with that chosen tactic. If you're that long range you won't need an XL booster, a large is enough so you can shave off some PG there or if needed use a PG implant.

And perhaps for specific, shorter range, missions refit to 350 or even blasters (Damsel). Which ever you choose to use, you'll be just better off with a full rack of the same guns.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#11 - 2014-09-09 12:12:12 UTC
One thing with identical guns is that you can group them all. This allows you to ensure damage is dealt simultaneously.

Out of interest, what rigs are you using?

You might get better performance from all 350s, with the freed up powergrid allowing you to support a Large Hybrid Burst Aerator I rig (which adds 5% to 9% to the PG requirement of EACH gun you have fitted, and adds 10% damage, stacking penalized with Magnetic Field Stabilizers, so 8.7% DPS if you have 1 Magstab, 5.7% if you have 2, and about 3% if you have 3).

If you post your entire fit, we can help a bit more.

Further question: What level is each of the following skills at?

- Power Grid Management
- CPU Management
- Weapons Upgrades
- Advanced Weapons Upgrades
- Hybrid Weapon Rigging

Those will all impact your fitting options (CPU and PG). I recommend training them to 5, 5, 5, 4 and 2 respectively and fairly quickly.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Jur Tissant
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2014-09-09 13:04:08 UTC
Definitely train up the PG skill. I didn't have any problem decking out a Rokh with 425s with PG IV. Usually a good tactic is to take out the frigates from a distance (using a MJD immediately if you jump in at short range), or use drones to nail them. A tracking computer can help you hit them.
Mobbel Ernaga
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#13 - 2014-09-09 13:47:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Mobbel Ernaga
Deirdre Semmes wrote:
Also I don't know if you always fire full broadside on ships even if damaged, but the 2 volleys might be useful, if I see I'll finish a ship with half the guns, the other half will start softening the next target. That's a slight optimization of a few seconds from time to time though.

Not good, requires attention. Hitting F1 every now and then is enough action for the average missionrunner like me.

Maybe you post your current fit, 2 damage rigs doesn't sound least not when you go with the long range weapon system (rails vs. blasters). Reason for 425s over 350s is pretty simple: dps&range, the small stuff dies pretty fast while approaching you or is handled by the drones so no tracking issues anymore.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#14 - 2014-09-09 17:02:03 UTC
Op, listen to Gregor.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#15 - 2014-09-09 22:34:06 UTC
Gregor Parud wrote:

The dps difference between 350 and 425 is 5% but the difference in tracking is almost 20% so If you take an orbiting Ferox at 175m/s, which as targets go should be pretty easy to hit, then you will apply more damage with 350s than with 425 right up to those 350 optimal (which with any decent fit will be ~50km with AM) while using less cap and being much easier to fit. So for normal missions, overall, 350mm is the better choice because it applies its dps better in many situations. Even against itself, a super slow high sig BS, 425 only do 3% more dps compared to 350s if that Rokh orbits at 45km.

The ONLY situation where 425 are better is if angular is close to 0 while at long range, targets coming straight at you, but since that's not how most missions pan out and since the Rokh lacks the brute dps to blap everything before it settled into an orbit (especially so on low SP) you will have to force them to move straight at you. Previously MWD was an option (although a bad one) but now we have MJD.

So; you either duke it out normally and there, overall, the 350 will out perform the 425 and there's no point in gimping yourself by fitting half 425. OR you nuke them from range in which case there's no point in gimping yourself using 350, because you want the range and dps from the 425.

So yeah, "the context", as you put it, is still affected by facts. I realise that facts are annoying and for boring people but that doesn't mean they won't apply.


Nuff said.

/thread closed.

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State War Academy
Caldari State
#16 - 2014-09-10 08:12:42 UTC
I got 99 problems son
mixed guns aint one.

Its legit on med and small blasters since the range is equally ****.

other than that dont mix guns because of reasons.

Deirdre Semmes
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#17 - 2014-09-11 05:51:19 UTC
Ok, I believe I'm convinced. I'll go either full 350 or full 425. I have PG 5 btw.

Here is my fit, for historical and archiving purpose. And yes, I'm also in love with Diag system Lol

[Rokh, Rokh-Mixed Feelings]
Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Beta Reactor Control: Diagnostic System I
Beta Reactor Control: Diagnostic System I

X-Large C5-L Emergency Shield Overload I
Optical Tracking Computer I, Optimal Range Script
Experimental 100MN Afterburner I
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I

425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
350mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Plutonium Charge L
350mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Plutonium Charge L
350mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Plutonium Charge L
350mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Plutonium Charge L

Large Hybrid Locus Coordinator I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Hybrid Collision Accelerator I

Patrick Yaa
FridgeOre Mining Group
#18 - 2014-09-11 06:29:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Patrick Yaa
If you would get an anicllary shield booster, you wouldn't need the cap booster, which would save you a huge amount of PG...
[Rokh, mixed feelings]

Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Optical Tracking Computer I
Experimental 100MN Afterburner I
X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Sensor Booster I

425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun

Large Hybrid Locus Coordinator I
Large Hybrid Collision Accelerator I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

is at 99.19% PG for all Vs, so you might need to put in a reactor control instead of one of the magstabs...
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#19 - 2014-09-11 08:23:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Gregor Parud
Deirdre Semmes wrote:
Ok, I believe I'm convinced. I'll go either full 350 or full 425. I have PG 5 btw.

Here is my fit, for historical and archiving purpose. And yes, I'm also in love with Diag system Lol

[Rokh, Rokh-Mixed Feelings]
Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Beta Reactor Control: Diagnostic System I
Beta Reactor Control: Diagnostic System I

X-Large C5-L Emergency Shield Overload I
Optical Tracking Computer I, Optimal Range Script
Experimental 100MN Afterburner I
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I

425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
350mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Plutonium Charge L
350mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Plutonium Charge L
350mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Plutonium Charge L
350mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Plutonium Charge L

Large Hybrid Locus Coordinator I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Hybrid Collision Accelerator I

A few observations as your fitting choices are a bit counter productive;

- don't fit invuls, you'll be fighting a known entity with known damage types so take the 10 seconds per mission to swap out resists. Using specific resists gives a better tank (for the same slots used) at a much lower cap cost. There really is no point in not be willing to put in a few seconds of effort to massively optimise your fit, allowing you to alter your fit elsewhere making your ship even more focussed. For instance; you get almost the exact same amount of tank towards guristas from using 2 invuls or just one kinetic (freeing up a mid slot and using a ton less cap), the choice is thus obvious

- fit a micro jump drive, it's your "get out of jail free" card (you can use it while being pointed by NPC), and also your main strategy since you want to nuke stuff from range using your 425

- you're using a hybrid dps rig (these up the PG cost on your turrets) while only using 2 damage mods, especially since you have PG issues there's better ways to do it

Here's a fit that's far from ideal, it's a bit of a hybrid fit, but there's method to the madness. Having guesstimated your skills you will need to train up to Advanced Weapon upgrades 2 to use it but then you REALLY need to have that anyway. It does more dps at better ranges while having an MJD and also be easier on the cap as long as you don't get into trouble.

The combi of both CCC rigs and a medium cap booster sounds a bit weird and under ideal conditions it would be but for you, on low SP, it means that you can maintain your dps and the occasional shield boost purely on your innate cap recharge and only have to resort to cap boosters in case of real trouble. Once your get better SP (dps, cap related and fitting skills) and experience you will require less CCC rigs, relying more on the cap booster in case of emergency, so then you can swap the rigs for something more useful.

[Rokh, LVL 4 - Snipe]
Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Mark I Generator Refitting: Diagnostic System

Experimental 100MN Afterburner I
Large Micro Jump Drive
X-Large C5-L Emergency Shield Overload I
Optical Tracking Computer I, Optimal Range Script
Limited Kinetic Deflection Field I
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800

425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

If you run into a mission where 425 just aren't logical and you'd be better off with 350s then simply replace them, use the extra PG to swap to a heavy cap booster and drop either then AB or MJD (depending on need) and add a 2nd resist for a much better tank (thermal in case of fighting Guristas). Now you're a more medium range fit with a beefier tank. Once you get used to swapping out fits it'll takes mere seconds and is WELL worth it because of the massively increased performance.
Deirdre Semmes
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#20 - 2014-09-12 05:45:13 UTC
Thanks Gregor and anyone, you are of great help.

About the 2x Invulnerability, this is just the 'generic fit' presented for EFT, but in reality I'm indeed fitting the 2 damages specific modules.