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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

43m sp pvp oriented pilot returning to eve

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-12-10 15:50:01 UTC
I have just returned to EvE after a long break (2.5y) and is now looking for a new home. Im very rusty and will need a place that let me grow as a player again. But sitting in a station and spinning ships wont help me much. Roll

what Im looking for
- relaxed corp
- 0.0 based corp (I dont mind npc 0.0)
- organized but "casual" PvP (no constant sov wars thx)
- not to unstable enviroment (dont want to move my stuff every 3 weeks)
- mixed or euro time-zone (my work hours are mixed)
- lots of fun

not looking for
- blue/empty overview
- cowards and station huggers (tactical retreat is one thing, hiding in fear, is something else)
- obligatory CTA every time I log on
- babysitting (I can take care of myself... or at least I tell myself that all the time)

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-12-10 16:52:22 UTC
Are you looking for very good 0.0 fights? Dont mind to roam in small gangs and fight in big scale fleets? You like to kill supers with just canes? You like to fight in a thunderdome position? We have all that along with nice fellows, ciggies and whiskey. If you're interested, we need to talk!!!

We are looking for new members to join us in null-sec. If you want to make a difference, like the diversity of null-sec or just want to pewpew, this is your chance. We have daily pvp-ops, 23/7 incursion fleet, possibility to null-sec mining, plexing, trading... you name it.

Genesis Nation is a 0.0 based corp formed by veteran players of Eve and flying under the Gentlemens Agreement banner.

Gentlemens Agreement owns multiple stations and systems in Cloudring and Fountain. We are a PvP corp with a strong industrial and logistical backbone. Strong presence in EU/ early US. Action in alliance and coalition happens in all major timezones.

Alliance killboard


Active Corp with veteran players who are supportive, active, mature and experienced
Diversity of 0.0 (roaming gangs, big scale fleet fights, ratting, mining, incursions etc.)
Daily Fleet operations
A large number of active friends and allies
Multiple ship replacement programs
PvP training


Are active, although we understand RL comes first
Are happy to get involved in various roles in the corporation
Enjoy working as a team

We donĀ“t have a minimum sp requirement. Although we expect any new pilot who dont fly any of our daily flown ships, to train for a bc or interceptor within a short notice of time.

If you would like to know more about us, please join our recruitment channel "Genesis Nation Recruitment" for a chat. You can also mail our recruiters Bakomar or Zwemleeuw. They are happy to assist you.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2011-12-11 01:17:08 UTC
Mail sent
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2011-12-11 01:30:04 UTC
Hey -

I think League of Gentlemen has what you're looking for.

  • 2003 Founded PVP Corp in 0.0 sov holding alliance
  • Mature, fun, and experienced corp mates. (avg SP 50m+)
  • Frequent Corp and/or alliance PVP roams!
  • Ship Replacement Program
  • Cap and SC Construction Program
  • Much more!
  • Public Channel - "LOG PUB"

EVE Mail me with any questions.
Derp Company
Get Off My Lawn
#5 - 2011-12-11 02:45:15 UTC
I find it rather hard to express the personality of our corporation in a summarized list of bullet points. I'd like to direct you to our thread to get a full understanding of what we're all about.

Take a read, and let me know if you like what you see!
Cephelange du'Krevviq
Gildinous Vangaurd
The Initiative.
#6 - 2011-12-11 02:48:31 UTC
Welcome back, Sebroth-

I really think Hephaestus LLC is the sort of corp you're looking for.

- We live in NPC null (Syndicate region)
- We have competent FCs
- No CTAs - we engage as we will
- Logistics system in place to aid in asset procurement/relocation
- fun folks to be "around" in chat

More information can be found in our recruitment thread. Any further inquiries or questions can be directed through the forums or in-game.

Best of luck on your search.

"I am a leaf on the...ah, frak it!"

Andy Croxton
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2011-12-11 06:10:17 UTC
Hit me up if you are interested. The particulars are linked below.

UDEAD Public - ingame channel


Recruitment Post