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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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20 mil sp pilot looking for null sec corp.

Tahaddi Al'Burhaan
Job's Done.
#1 - 2014-09-05 14:41:29 UTC
20 mil sp returning pilot. Looking for a null sec corp. PvP focused can fly minnie t2/t3. Working on amaar as well. Self sufficient. Blah blah.
Would like to find a Corp in the north if possible. Not interested in the south or drone regions, been there b4 and was always on the defence. I wanna blow stuff up, not keep things from blowing up. I'm in NA time zone.
Please respond here or feel free to mail/contact me in game.
Psaqi Coldness
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2014-09-05 18:35:20 UTC

Our recruitment team has noticed your efforts in searching the forums for a good Null sec corporation to join.
Sometimes such a post can have overwhelming replies, here at Zebra Corp recruitment center we would like to take this time to educate about our organization.

We are part of the CFC in an alliance named The Bastion [BASTN] which is a Goonswarm led alliance that holds Sovereignty in Vale.

- We are looking for motivated pilots that are relaxed and can take a joke.
- We are looking for Active pilots that want to pvp or learn how to pvp.
- We consider motivated newbie pilots who want to focus on PVP.

What we offer:

- We are a very experienced corp with some of the core membership flying together for over 5 years.
- We have a representative on The Council of Stellar Management (CSM) - Xander Phoena
- Xander Phoena also runs one of the most popular Eve Podcasts with fellow Zebro Jeg Elsker –
- We are a member of the CFC
- From Small roams to medium fleets to epic multiple fleet battles
- Fleets for Black ops, Frigates, cruisers and Battleships, including capital and supercapital fleets.
- Access to well-supplied trade hubs in both Empire and null security space.
- Multiple ship replacement programs.
- Experienced people in all categories of eve.

Join in game channel ZC Pub
Dependable Delinquents
#3 - 2014-09-06 09:46:18 UTC
Mate join me in the YO. PUB and lets see if we can find an agreement

Drunken Brawlers is looking for active pvp'ers. More importantly, we are looking for people who live for killing our enemies.

Primarily a EU/US operation, we welcome all timezones as we work with our alliance towards being a mean, lean, fighting force.
Good isk making is always available so you can maintain a good stock of ships when needed!

Without further ado our comprehensive list of offerings!

What we offer:
- PvP, more PvP, and wait for it............. MOAR PVP!
- Fleet fights
- Capital engagements (slowcats + triage + dreads)
- Willing to train people to pvp
- A Quality over Quantity mindset
- A comprehensive SRP program
- An active TS3
- Jabber

What we ask from you:
- Activity and participation
- Self sufficiency
- Join and Create Fleets

We are a close knit group of players who don't take things too seriously, without losing the objective
Mortis Angelus
The morgue.
#4 - 2014-09-06 18:44:01 UTC
Hi there,

Do you and your friends like a good challenge?

What do you say about getting a super for you pvp efforts or a carrier if you don't want to go all the way.

1 credit = 3 months straight with 300+ kills (no noob or pods)
1 credit = 1 carrier of your choice
4 credits = 1 super of your choice (12 months straight with 300+)

If you fail with the task you would start from zero (0)

For more info about us please read our rec post or join our ingame channel: MORTIS INFO


We operate in the south, angel rats and we are not on defense, we are actually relocated to the north to create some content.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2014-09-06 21:14:53 UTC
Hey There

Your Question Is "What Can I offer you"?

My Answer Is "I Can Offer You ....NULL SEC PVP NON-STOP ACTION 24/7 FLEETS! Titan Kills, Capital Kills, SUB-Capital Kills, Indy, Ratting, PI, POS Indy, Mining, I can offer you anything you want to do eve"

Your Next Question Should Be "When Can I Sign Up"

My Answer Will Be "Follow The Information Below"

Please check us out before you make up your mind, we might be just what your looking for.

Please join Oi Oi Oi Channel Ingame and ask for me Rampage88

Please While Viewing Don't Be Shy Give Us A Free Bump By Replying With A "Oi Oi Oi" On Our Recruitment Thread Thank You

Corporation Information
(Click Me For Recruitment Thread Free Bump Thank You )

Corporation Killboard
(Click Me For Kill Board)

Don't Delay Sign Up Today!!

Kind Regards
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2014-09-06 21:29:11 UTC
Come chat with us in "Yumping in public" channel.

Recruitment Link


Recruitment Video
LazyBoyz Band of Recreational Flyers
#7 - 2014-09-07 19:23:45 UTC
Lazyboyz Band of Recreational Flyers (LBBRF) is seeking new and interested parties to join our null sec operations. Join channel: LBBRF if you would like to know more!

Lazyboyz is a small group of trusted players who have been playing EvE for over 3 years. Our main focus is null sec alliance pvp, alliance ops and general null sec shenanigans. This comes with a full ship replacement program which includes any fleet doctrine ship. We also can be professional carebears when needed from running anomalies and mining ABC ores with full rorqal boosts..

What is expected from a member

Participation in alliance and corp ops
Training for fleet doctrine ships
Working Mic and able to communicate
A sense of humour

What we offer

The full on null sec experience
100+ man fleets
Capital Warfare
Access to labs in null or high sec

We are generally a laid back group of guys in our 20s, 30s and upwards with all the real world commitments that come with being that age. A lot of us have full time jobs, families and other things that demand our time. EVE is a game for us, somewhere that we chill out with friends and try to have some fun so we would be cool with the away for a week thing.

Whatever your game style, we have people who are into that. Those maxed out skills can be put to good use by the corp and the alliance and a good FC is a high prize when expanding.

Activity is generall evening UK onwards during the week and then all day weekends. We are a mix of UK and US guys.

Anyway, if any of this wall of text appeals to you give me a mail back, I think a player like you would be a real asset to us and you could let your ambitions
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#8 - 2014-09-07 19:49:14 UTC
in-game mail sent.
Thor Skylar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2014-09-13 12:04:17 UTC
Tahaddi Al'Burhaan wrote:
20 mil sp returning pilot. Looking for a null sec corp. PvP focused can fly minnie t2/t3. Working on amaar as well. Self sufficient. Blah blah.
Would like to find a Corp in the north if possible. Not interested in the south or drone regions, been there b4 and was always on the defence. I wanna blow stuff up, not keep things from blowing up. I'm in NA time zone.
Please respond here or feel free to mail/contact me in game.

Hey Tahaddi - please see our full recruitment post details "here"

You'll fit right in, we have several EU/UK/US/AU pilots.

We are a front line corporation operating out of Null-Security Space. If you take a look at Battleclinic you'll see we are active and have a long history :)

Idea We also have carrier and dread programs to assist members into those capital ships they have always wanted.

We are primarily a bunch of UK/EU pilots with several USTZ members all in our 20 to 60-somethings out for a good laugh and P-v-P goodness

For further information, join our in game channel NSBG.Public

Some key points about NS-BG
Arrow Combat Corporation (P-v-P) - See BattleClinic
Arrow Null-Security Corporation located in the Branch Region of space.
Arrow Capital Programs
Arrow Ship replacement programs
Arrow Implant replacement programs
Arrow Free Skill-book programs
Arrow Ore buyback programs
Arrow Mining 24/7
Arrow P-v-E

Thor Skylar
Chief Executive Officer
Founding Member of NS-BG
Website: Norse'Storm Battle Group
Recruitment Video:Link


Thor Skylar

Prince Sanguine

mtghazi Audeles

Colonial Tosh