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Caldari wiped out of FW?

First post
Thanatos Marathon
#161 - 2014-09-03 01:51:48 UTC
Arla Sarain wrote:
I heard

next 36h


Sure. Hopefully the Caldari just get it over with quickly and don't give up because a couple dozen pilots are looking for fights.
Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#162 - 2014-09-03 01:52:33 UTC
A lot of people's arguments here fall flat when you realize GalMIl level 4 missions require a HAC or T3 to run.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#163 - 2014-09-03 01:53:47 UTC
Pinky Feldman wrote:
Yeah, but how many Caldari leaders were actually active that had a reason to do that compared to the number of active Gallente.
Apparently not enough. Maybe it's time they got some new ones.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#164 - 2014-09-03 02:02:33 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:
Thing is simple, it is not profitable to plex on tier 1 anymore, so no one does it , game mechanics is broken just like it was last time gallente took all systems.

But they were fine when you guys held the warzone. Im beginning to notice a pattern!

As for squatdog, i imagine he is just trolling. He wasnt even there for any of the systems that put up a defence. All he did was sit in Ladister for the 13 day campaign keeping it stable as though that was going to stop us.

Okkamon took us nearly a week to capture, numerical superiority swung from fairly even in EU tz, though they often stayed docked due to lack of FC, sometimes we would sit there plexing with 20-25 people in local as they logged in. They would be sat with equal numbers for sometimes 2 hours before making a move. Twice during Okkamon siege there were over 100 squids in 3 separate fleets during US tz compared to our 40-60 number. But ultimately their procrastination in the EU, lack of AU tz and inconsistent US tz cost them the system.

It must be wonderful to live in your fantasyland.

Heyd got blobbed with fleets of 50+ and it was hilarious watching your Ladi fleet of 20+ repeatedly zerg to Heyd every time the Russians managed to scrape together remotely even numbers.

Once the US TZ blob disbanded, the remaining Gals got completely slaughtered to the point where they ran away and Ladi was deplexed from 22% to stable. Then the blob returned and peaked at 150+ for the ihub bash.
Nat Silverguard
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#165 - 2014-09-03 02:29:12 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:

point is that you won war without enemy. ofc some people fight but reason is not always to keep systems, it is just to have fights.

Not GalMil's problem if CalMil is incompetent.

Why would a power-house country gimp itself against a third-world country in a war? What?

Just Add Water

Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#166 - 2014-09-03 02:37:19 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:
point is that you won war without enemy. ofc some people fight but reason is not always to keep systems, it is just to have fights.
Our (fail) leadership at the time did the same thing when you guys took the warzone. They quit at about Aldranette/Esesier and hoped that you'd move on to something else once you took the warzone.

it is not same, i bet you did not have alts on caldari side doing offencive plexes for lp/isk like caldari had now alts on gallente making lp/isk.

reason why no one defend ladistier could be that all was attacking it with alts.
Zazu Prota
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#167 - 2014-09-03 04:15:17 UTC
hi hello I am here to forum war.

"grrr liberals grrr"

"muh lp"

"y u blob"

k think its covered bye ))
Minmatar Citizen08787
DerpCore Mining LLC
#168 - 2014-09-03 04:42:14 UTC
Wow, I still remember when FW was a way to get low sec fights without going pie...
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#169 - 2014-09-03 05:42:02 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:
reason why no one defend ladistier could be that all was attacking it with alts.

Ladi was near 0% until the main fleet came in.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#170 - 2014-09-03 07:52:11 UTC
My 0.02 ISK in the debate: FW: Game Over

Irya Boone
The Scope
#171 - 2014-09-03 10:14:49 UTC
Squatdog wrote:

Once the US TZ blob disbanded, the remaining Gals got completely slaughtered to the point where they ran away and Ladi was deplexed from 22% to stable. Then the blob returned and peaked at 150+ for the ihub bash.

Bad messenger :reason why no one defend ladistier could be that all was attacking it with alts.

Humm guys get your story in phase .. one says lad was defended and the defenders slaughtered galmil , and the other one say no one defended Lad ... so who to believe , and i want to believe in someone :(

Anyway , still want to have the number of active pilots in galmil and calmil or now that some 0.0 alliance come aboard on your side it's not relevant now? ( but it was 1 week ago)

still want to fix the mechanics ? ^^

CCP it's time to remove Off Grid Boost and Put Them on Killmail too, add Logi on killmails .... Open that damn door !!

you shall all bow and pray BoB

Milan Nantucket
#172 - 2014-09-03 12:37:45 UTC
David Coverdale wrote:
At present moment, there remains only 1 system controlled by Caldari in faction warfare (Ladistier). Even the most devoted low-sec Caldari pvp'ers could not protect their home systems from the Gal invasion, but there doesn't seem to be any forum activity regarding this fact.
Did I miss something?

They all defected to galmil with their alts.
Plus 10 NV
#173 - 2014-09-03 13:37:02 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Don't know what the fuss is all about. Most of the time, taking a home system generates a ton of content (Okkamon, Pav/Kinakka, Asakai), and sometimes it doesn't (Heyd, Ladistier). Whatever. We were in "Take Warzone Beast Mode" and accept that one of the consequences was no fights at the end.

The only thing lolworthy here is Squatdog's assessment only because he was spot on in his analysis. The way to beat the blob is to spread out and force fights in many places. The Amarr did this exact thing to the Minmatar when they were down to just Sahtogas and it worked for them. Caldari could have potentially royally griefed us Gallente militia neckbeards if they had employed this strategy BEFORE all the systems were taken. Maybe we would have adjusted, maybe we wouldn't have - we'll never know.

Whatever. Good to see you back. Never thought you'd leave.

I think it's time to add "We didn't want to maintain total warzone control anyways" Big smile

Edit: Also, you guys still have us in total time warzone controlled with a score of about 180 days to 4. Big smile

Sure they could have tried to spread out the blob to keep the systems. But no one cared enough to bother. At least not the people who have been in fw long enough to really understand the occupancy mechanics.

The pvp corps are leaving and being replaced with corps where every member has a plexing alt. Call it the "new Gallente."

The forums are full of the same very vocal 6 people who think fw occupancy is something worth caring about.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#174 - 2014-09-03 14:22:55 UTC
Cearain wrote:
Sure they could have tried to spread out the blob to keep the systems. But no one cared enough to bother. At least not the people who have been in fw long enough to really understand the occupancy mechanics.

The pvp corps are leaving and being replaced with corps where every member has a plexing alt. Call it the "new Gallente."

The forums are full of the same very vocal 6 people who think fw occupancy is something worth caring about.

That's their option. Eve is a sandbox afterall.

Meanwhile those 6 guys are getting lots of pvp in FW precisely because they "care" about it. Yesterday it was Tama. We lost the system but got some really good pew out of it.

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#175 - 2014-09-03 14:51:26 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Sure they could have tried to spread out the blob to keep the systems. But no one cared enough to bother. At least not the people who have been in fw long enough to really understand the occupancy mechanics.

The pvp corps are leaving and being replaced with corps where every member has a plexing alt. Call it the "new Gallente."

The forums are full of the same very vocal 6 people who think fw occupancy is something worth caring about.

That's their option. Eve is a sandbox afterall.

Meanwhile those 6 guys are getting lots of pvp in FW precisely because they "care" about it. Yesterday it was Tama. We lost the system but got some really good pew out of it.

We were terrible though, we were outnumbered 2 to 1 so we docked up. OH WAIT, we didnt.
Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#176 - 2014-09-03 16:33:05 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
X Gallentius wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Sure they could have tried to spread out the blob to keep the systems. But no one cared enough to bother. At least not the people who have been in fw long enough to really understand the occupancy mechanics.

The pvp corps are leaving and being replaced with corps where every member has a plexing alt. Call it the "new Gallente."

The forums are full of the same very vocal 6 people who think fw occupancy is something worth caring about.

That's their option. Eve is a sandbox afterall.

Meanwhile those 6 guys are getting lots of pvp in FW precisely because they "care" about it. Yesterday it was Tama. We lost the system but got some really good pew out of it.

We were terrible though, we were outnumbered 2 to 1 so we docked up. OH WAIT, we didnt.

It's not for lack of balls, those players stuck with calmil after everyone saw the writing on the wall. They didn't care about losing ships, you would have got fights if it was even remotely realistic, but in the end it was just stupid to pad galmil kill boards.

The fleet i was in had some early success, was up for hours winning some losing some, reshipping and flying straight back out. We didn't dock until galmil came with massive fleets of armor hacs and assault frigs with logi, I also saw a lot of minmattar in local so you dragged everything available in both militias to roflstomp us. We flew into it once for a laugh got barbecued, and saw we were nowhere near breaking the reps so we went back to ship up, but not enough of our players had the skills to ship up to that level and the fleet disintegrated as yet more orange filed in from all over both warzones. We wanted to fight but it was ridiculous, even though we dragged everything available in militia into that fleet to stage an 11th hour defence, we were outnumbered, outgunned, outrepped, just completely over matched, so we just said fk this whats on telly, and I don't think you got any good fights again after that night.

If you want to control the warzone keep doing what you did, it will work 100% of the time when you have such a big advantage, and there's no shame in that either btw. Just don't blame us for not bringing the fights when you didn't come looking for fights, you wanted to roll the warzone: mission accomplished, well done, but whats next?
Gorski Car
#177 - 2014-09-03 16:57:30 UTC
Dont worry we got this caldari. Tama now warzone next

Collect this post

Thanatos Marathon
#178 - 2014-09-03 17:10:57 UTC
Gorski Car wrote:
Dont worry we got this caldari. Tama now warzone next

Can we hold you to that?
Dread Operative
Main Corporation
Prisoners With Jobs
#179 - 2014-09-03 17:46:38 UTC
Please please please attack Nis.
Aves Enderas
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#180 - 2014-09-03 22:07:03 UTC
Dread Operative wrote:
Please please please attack Nis.

Please this. We will welcome you with hugs!