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warp thingies...

Gor Yo
Taxes Shmuckses
#1 - 2014-08-29 12:10:58 UTC
I guess it belongs in this subforum, since I need to understand these modules more.
So I was ganked at a gate in my industrial again. It hasnt happened to me in a while since after first 2 ganks, when I was naively trying to rely on short time-to-warp with istabs to avoid gate ganks. After that, I never entered lowsec without 2 warpcore stabilizers and it always saved me.
Yesterday however it didnt. I was pointed, and tooltip said "warp disrupted". Does it mean I am pointed by a disruptor? Or it can be either a scrambler or a disruptor? I am still too much of a noob to distinguish a scrambler from a disruptor by its icon.
Even if it was a scrambler, dont they have 2 points of strength? So my 2 stabilizers should have been enough to escape? Or do I need 1 more point than I am being pointed for? What am I not getting here?

And a little related rant - I think that it is ridiculous that you need more stabilizer modules than scrambler modules, or that stabilizers have penalties, while scramblers dont. I mean you can point a ship many many miles away from you or stop it from using an mwd, but miraculously it doesnt do anything to your own warpcore are mwd which are mere meters away. Oh well, that is the game mechanics. Rant off.
Kev Ftw
The Filthy Few
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#2 - 2014-08-29 12:41:52 UTC
If you hover over the icon I believe it tells you whether it's a disruption or a scramble, I'm also fairly certain they've changed it to two different icons now, although I'm not 100% sure if that's been implemented yet.

If your have a warp stability equal to or higher than the strength you are being disrupted for you will be able to warp.

Some faction mods have more strength, for example True Sansha Warp Scrambler has 3 points of strength, also if you are pointed by multiple different people then that may have added up to more than your stability.

As for your rant you are incorrect in your assumption. I personally find it ridiculous that warp core stabilisers have penalties that are completely redundant since someone using them isn't really going to care about lock range or speed. I also find it annoying that a ship can load up 5-6 stabs at which point you need dedicated tackle + 3-4 more people to catch it. Or a several hundred million isk ship that requires a month+ to train into. Probably best not to rant too much on that particular argument.

Gor Yo
Taxes Shmuckses
#3 - 2014-08-29 13:26:20 UTC
Yeah, I think they 2 different shades of blue - disruptor and scrambler, but I dont remember which one is which.
And no, initially only one ship pointed me, scanned me, and when started to kill me, another one uncloaked and joined.
And yes, I hovered the mouse over the icon, and it said "warp disrupted'! So I asked if it is a general message for when your warp capabilities are compromised, or it is disrupted for a disruptor and scrambled for a scrambler?
So some scramblers have 3 points :(. I'll look more carefully when back in game today. I guess I need more stabilizers.
Adrie Atticus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2014-08-29 13:29:05 UTC
Gor Yo wrote:
Yeah, I think they 2 different shades of blue - disruptor and scrambler, but I dont remember which one is which.
And no, initially only one ship pointed me, scanned me, and when started to kill me, another one uncloaked and joined.
And yes, I hovered the mouse over the icon, and it said "warp disrupted'! So I asked if it is a general message for when your warp capabilities are compromised, or it is disrupted for a disruptor and scrambled for a scrambler?
So some scramblers have 3 points :(. I'll look more carefully when back in game today. I guess I need more stabilizers.

They might also had 2 scrams fitted, meaning you need to fit at least 4 stabs. The effect of being warp distrupted is the same no matter how many modules are activated on you, you only see one icon stating that.

I suggest cloaky haulers for the next time.
Paranoid Loyd
#5 - 2014-08-29 16:28:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Paranoid Loyd
Adrie Atticus wrote:
I suggest cloaky haulers for the next time.

This, doesn't have to be a BR.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2014-08-29 17:11:37 UTC
Could have also been a HIC with a scripted infini-point. No amount of warp core stabs will save you then.
Jacob Holland
Weyland-Vulcan Industries
#7 - 2014-08-30 09:52:34 UTC
Gor Yo wrote:
Yeah, I think they 2 different shades of blue - disruptor and scrambler, but I dont remember which one is which.
And no, initially only one ship pointed me, scanned me, and when started to kill me, another one uncloaked and joined.
And yes, I hovered the mouse over the icon, and it said "warp disrupted'! So I asked if it is a general message for when your warp capabilities are compromised, or it is disrupted for a disruptor and scrambled for a scrambler?
So some scramblers have 3 points :(. I'll look more carefully when back in game today. I guess I need more stabilizers.

I believe that the focussed disruption script will also say "disrupted" but without knowing what the one ship was we can only speculate. If it were the case however; the focused disruption script is designed to hold down supercapitals and no number of stabs on a standard, sub-capital warp-drive will allow you to warp.

I will say however that the stab-tackle "stabs have penalties, scrams don't" concept is somewhat fallascious. Stabs are an entirely passive defence, if you're willing to suck up the penalties then all you need to do is dedicate a slot to them. To catch a fast frigate however the other side of the contest must either fit a disruptor or a scam and some luck (a T2 scram's range if 9km without boosts and a ship jumping in will spawn 15km from the gate's zero-sphere - meaning that the tackler at the gate's centre must traverse at least 6km before they can apply tackle; or, they must position themselves on one side of the gate or the other and rely on luck); in most cases they will also need to fit Sig Amps or a Sensor booster because a fast frigate will align and warp in about four seconds (without significant modifications) giving them only three seconds (at best) to achieve a lock (due to the server tick system); the larger the ship the slower their natural lock and therefore the more slots they will have to dedicate to such modules. They must also fit Prop modules, because if you have one and they don't you can outrun them, webs so that if you run back to the gate they have a chance to stop you... Many fast tackle frigates will be relatively low damage and paper thin because they dedicate so many slots to their role as tacklers.
Helena Tiberius Mabata
#8 - 2014-08-30 18:05:07 UTC
Focused disruption only says disrupted, I looked for your killboard mr. Gor but only found a dead retriever so im not sure exactly what happened. Either wway my advice would be scout first then jump that way you don't need stabs
Ice Fire Warriors
#9 - 2014-08-30 18:39:28 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Gor Yo wrote:
So I was ganked at a gate in my industrial again. It hasnt happened to me in a while since after first 2 ganks, when I was naively trying to rely on short time-to-warp with istabs to avoid gate ganks. After that, I never entered lowsec without 2 warpcore stabilizers and it always saved me.
Yesterday however it didnt. I was pointed, and tooltip said "warp disrupted". Does it mean I am pointed by a disruptor? Or it can be either a scrambler or a disruptor?

I tried to look you up on the killboards but nothing except a dead mining barge is coming up (you should have tanked that thing BTW)... so I can only speculate on what killed you.

You say it was only one ship that warp disrupted you? It may have been a HIC (Heavy Interdictor). They can script their special AoE warp disruptor into an "infinite point" which basically ignores all warp core stabilizers.

Alternatively... you could have been killed by a Recon cruiser or T3 (specifically the Arazu/Lachesis or Proteus). Those ships have a bonus to warp disruptor/scrambler range and it isn't uncommon for them to fit more than one.

Gor Yo wrote:
I am still too much of a noob to distinguish a scrambler from a disruptor by its icon.
Even if it was a scrambler, dont they have 2 points of strength? So my 2 stabilizers should have been enough to escape? Or do I need 1 more point than I am being pointed for? What am I not getting here?

Disruptor is light blue. Scrambler is dark blue.

However, you can't really tell at a glance what you are on the receiving end of it (the icon looks the same from your point of view).

If you have 2 warp core stabs and someone warp scrambles you, yes... you can warp away. Which means that you were either pointed by an "Infini-point" (which ignores all WCSs) or a warp scrambler and another scrambler/disruptor (which overcame your marginal immunity to being pointed).

Gor Yo wrote:
And a little related rant - I think that it is ridiculous that you need more stabilizer modules than scrambler modules, or that stabilizers have penalties, while scramblers dont. I mean you can point a ship many many miles away from you or stop it from using an mwd, but miraculously it doesnt do anything to your own warpcore are mwd which are mere meters away. Oh well, that is the game mechanics. Rant off.

Funny story about this.

Back in the day, Warp Core Stabilizers did not have any penalties (except for CPU need). What people started to do is snipe in full gank battleships at ranges that only frigates could get to quick enough. As soon as a frigate grabbed the battleship, it would warp off laughing.
And bear in mind that a battleship has anywhere between 6 to 8 low slots... more than enough for 3 weapon enhancement mods and 3+ warp core stabs.
The DEVs then heavily nerfed the warp core stabilizers because it was actually preventing people from fighting (people would just warp away or overblob).

As far as "penalties" go with warp disruptors and scramblers...
- they consume a fair bit of capacitor power (especially true for frigates).
- they require CPU
- they require a precious medium slot that could be better used for tank, utility, propulsion, or weapon application.
- disruptors have long range... but only deal 1 point of warp disruption and nothing else.
- scramblers deal 2 points of warp disruption and shut down MWDs... but have such short range that they require a ship to go into the "zone of commitment" (where they too can be locked down).
Gor Yo
Taxes Shmuckses
#10 - 2014-09-01 12:37:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Gor Yo
Thanx for all the replies!
It wasnt this char, I was on my trading alt.
I wasnt aware about this infinite point :(. Looks like it was a Gnosis and a Phobos, which is a HIC. And the the warp disruptor field generator II has a range of 19.2km which alone is enough to cover all ships coming out of a gate (plus 25% for HIC level 5), so no point talking about them getting lucky in this scenario.
Oh well, they caught me on my way to get stuff, so I was empty-holded.
So... how do I scout? Something that doesnt require a lot of training :). Can I scout in my pod? I noticed that gate gankers dont go for the pod, or maybe I never chose to stay long enough to find out :).
And that poor retriever on this char was my first ever acquaintance with the dark side of some EVE players. It wasnt even a gank, I foolishly accepted a duel without looking when he said he would send an invite to a mining channel. Oh well, just a few extra hours of mining :).
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2014-09-01 13:20:04 UTC
Gor Yo wrote:

And a little related rant - I think that it is ridiculous that you need more stabilizer modules than scrambler modules, or that stabilizers have penalties, while scramblers dont. I mean you can point a ship many many miles away from you or stop it from using an mwd, but miraculously it doesnt do anything to your own warpcore are mwd which are mere meters away. Oh well, that is the game mechanics. Rant off.

I was going to answer you but then I read that you are another carebear that wants risk free EVE.

I hope you get ganked until you learn your lessons the hard way.

Gor Yo
Taxes Shmuckses
#12 - 2014-09-01 13:55:29 UTC
Luwc wrote:

I was going to answer you but then I read that you are another carebear that wants risk free EVE.

I hope you get ganked until you learn your lessons the hard way.

Oh ffs why did you even bother writing this? If you have nothing constructive to say, then just move on.
Where exactly did you read that "I am just another carebear that wants risk free EVE"? Did your mighty PVP psychic abilities tell you that?

As a new player, I come to the forums for information only to have stuck up "hardcore EVE PVPers" act like its even beneath them to impart some knowledge to the beginners.

You probably didnt even have anything to answer anyway... Quite often the most ignorant ones are the loudest Roll
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#13 - 2014-09-01 14:29:57 UTC
Gor Yo wrote:
Luwc wrote:

I was going to answer you but then I read that you are another carebear that wants risk free EVE.

I hope you get ganked until you learn your lessons the hard way.

Oh ffs why did you even bother writing this? If you have nothing constructive to say, then just move on.
Where exactly did you read that "I am just another carebear that wants risk free EVE"? Did your mighty PVP psychic abilities tell you that?

As a new player, I come to the forums for information only to have stuck up "hardcore EVE PVPers" act like its even beneath them to impart some knowledge to the beginners.

You probably didnt even have anything to answer anyway... Quite often the most ignorant ones are the loudest Roll

He thinks this is a stealth "nerf tackle/buff stabs" whine is all I.e. be untackelable while running missions, which would be ridiculous.

Btw, don't pve with warp stabs, they'll gimp your ship really badly.

Don't remember if anyone else mentioned but if you ctrl-click any ewar icon (the one ontop of your capacitor) you will target the ship applying it.
Gor Yo
Taxes Shmuckses
#14 - 2014-09-01 14:37:48 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:

He thinks this is a stealth "nerf tackle/buff stabs" whine is all I.e. be untackelable while running missions, which would be ridiculous.

Btw, don't pve with warp stabs, they'll gimp your ship really badly.

Don't remember if anyone else mentioned but if you ctrl-click any ewar icon (the one ontop of your capacitor) you will target the ship applying it.

I didnt ask for any nerfs Roll Had no idea pvp crowd is so touchy Blink

I am not planning to pve with warp stabs, I know about their drawbacks. And I know if I go to lowsec, warp stabs arent the proper way of protecting me. Cloak and awareness are. I just wanted to know how to protect myself on short courier trips into lowsec. Is all.

Thanx for ctrl-click tip. That will come in handy!

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#15 - 2014-09-01 15:33:51 UTC
Gor Yo wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:

He thinks this is a stealth "nerf tackle/buff stabs" whine is all I.e. be untackelable while running missions, which would be ridiculous.

Btw, don't pve with warp stabs, they'll gimp your ship really badly.

Don't remember if anyone else mentioned but if you ctrl-click any ewar icon (the one ontop of your capacitor) you will target the ship applying it.

I didnt ask for any nerfs Roll Had no idea pvp crowd is so touchy Blink

I am not planning to pve with warp stabs, I know about their drawbacks. And I know if I go to lowsec, warp stabs arent the proper way of protecting me. Cloak and awareness are. I just wanted to know how to protect myself on short courier trips into lowsec. Is all.

Thanx for ctrl-click tip. That will come in handy!

Well we wouldn't be but for the wailing and gnashing of teeth that goes on in aid of making our playstyle harder and less engaging.
I wasn't having a go at you btw, just pointing out his (admittedly harsh) reaction has a fairly longstanding cause.

Also, if you can, use a scout, be it an alt or an in-game friend a jump ahead of you (this actually saves me ships consistently)
Gor Yo
Taxes Shmuckses
#16 - 2014-09-02 11:00:10 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:

Well we wouldn't be but for the wailing and gnashing of teeth that goes on in aid of making our playstyle harder and less engaging.
I wasn't having a go at you btw, just pointing out his (admittedly harsh) reaction has a fairly longstanding cause.

Also, if you can, use a scout, be it an alt or an in-game friend a jump ahead of you (this actually saves me ships consistently)

I know you didnt, I was referring to the poster above.
I dont have an alt, not on another account at least. So scouting would be limited to this char. What is best for scouting anyway? As I mentioned previously, would doing it in a pod be a viable solution? Dock in a station before low sec jump, change into a pod, jump. Pods have very short align time, less than 1 sec IIRC. Jump in, assess the situation, warp to any celestial and cme back for the ship.
Cant really ask anyone to accompany me when I am doing occasional jumps into lowsec on courier missions :).
State War Academy
Caldari State
#17 - 2014-09-02 12:35:48 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
Gor Yo wrote:
Luwc wrote:

I was going to answer you but then I read that you are another carebear that wants risk free EVE.

I hope you get ganked until you learn your lessons the hard way.

Oh ffs why did you even bother writing this? If you have nothing constructive to say, then just move on.
Where exactly did you read that "I am just another carebear that wants risk free EVE"? Did your mighty PVP psychic abilities tell you that?

As a new player, I come to the forums for information only to have stuck up "hardcore EVE PVPers" act like its even beneath them to impart some knowledge to the beginners.

You probably didnt even have anything to answer anyway... Quite often the most ignorant ones are the loudest Roll

He thinks this is a stealth "nerf tackle/buff stabs" whine is all I.e. be untackelable while running missions, which would be ridiculous.

Btw, don't pve with warp stabs, they'll gimp your ship really badly.

Don't remember if anyone else mentioned but if you ctrl-click any ewar icon (the one ontop of your capacitor) you will target the ship applying it.

One Like = One Prayer

PLS Help Gor Yo be a carebear.

Gor Yo
Taxes Shmuckses
#18 - 2014-09-02 12:52:15 UTC
Luwc wrote:

One Like = One Prayer

PLS Help Gor Yo be a carebear.

No winning with you PVP toughguy-wannabe types.
New guy whining about getting ganked? carebear pleb.
New guy asking about how to avoid getting ganked? carebear pleb.
If you have nothing to say on topic, go troll other threads with your useless comments Cool
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#19 - 2014-09-02 16:28:02 UTC
Gor Yo wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:

Well we wouldn't be but for the wailing and gnashing of teeth that goes on in aid of making our playstyle harder and less engaging.
I wasn't having a go at you btw, just pointing out his (admittedly harsh) reaction has a fairly longstanding cause.

Also, if you can, use a scout, be it an alt or an in-game friend a jump ahead of you (this actually saves me ships consistently)

I know you didnt, I was referring to the poster above.
I dont have an alt, not on another account at least. So scouting would be limited to this char. What is best for scouting anyway? As I mentioned previously, would doing it in a pod be a viable solution? Dock in a station before low sec jump, change into a pod, jump. Pods have very short align time, less than 1 sec IIRC. Jump in, assess the situation, warp to any celestial and cme back for the ship.
Cant really ask anyone to accompany me when I am doing occasional jumps into lowsec on courier missions :).

shuttles are your friendBlink they are cheap, you would have to put some effort into finding a station in eve that dosent have them for sale, means more than one locking cycle to get at your corpse, and will save your pod assuming you know how to get it out.

what you actually want for a scout is
another toon logged in at the same time(meaning a separate account)
that you always have on the other side of the gate you are ABOUT to warp to so you know what's on the other side of it before you wrap to it.

Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#20 - 2014-09-02 18:00:38 UTC
Scouting in a pod will get you podded.

Use the shuttle and if caught mash the warp button before, during and after you go pop.
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