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The CCP Loot Fleets - Naïve?

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-12-10 06:40:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Poetic Stanziel
I'm not sure why CCP seems surprised over the outrage and whining that has resulted from their loot fleets. Seems the inevitable outcome to me. Any person that doesn't feel they have the skillpoints, the PvP skills, the luck of the draw (on looting ships fast enough) or the social network to form an effective enough fleet is going to scream bloody murder. They're going to feel screwed out of the prizes.

I'm not participating at all in the loot fleet battles. But I'm not crying about them either. To the people that participate go the spoils. I'm not participating because I figure I'll end up losing far more than gaining. Plus, if I did participate and didn't get any loot, I'd feel peeved about the events (just like the people who are peeved but not participating.) So, I'm not participating, I'm not feeling annoyed. It's as easy as that.

Watching from the sidelines, reading all the rage and tears on the forums, it seems to me that CCP is a tad surprised at the vehemence of the responses, as if they didn't quite anticipate the outrage. That's really quite amusing. Can they really be that naïve?

If CCP wanted to limit the outrage, create a fairer system where everyone had a chance at loot, they would have run a lottery. "Hey, everyone, we're giving away 75 PLEX. We'll randomly raffle them off to any non-trial account created and paid for before December 07 2011." Boom! Who the heck can b*tch and moan about that? (I'm sure a couple people would find a way "This favours people with multiple accounts! Waugh!", but far fewer whiners overall.)

When you want to limit whining, think socialism. (In their real lives, Americans treat socialism like it's a plague rat, but they ****ing love it in their MMOs.)

-- from The CCP Loot Fleets - Naïve? (yes, a link to my blog; deal with it jive turkeys!)
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#2 - 2011-12-10 06:43:45 UTC
Are the dots on your head tattoos or spider bites?
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2011-12-10 06:45:17 UTC
Kuronaga wrote:
Are the dots on your head tattoos or spider bites?

Semen stains. An allergy. It clears up in a few days.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#4 - 2011-12-10 06:50:36 UTC
Seems Seaman's semen spurts spotty spooge.

Mr Epeen Cool
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#5 - 2011-12-10 06:50:58 UTC
Well that killed more than one theory I had.
Handsome Hussein
#6 - 2011-12-10 06:51:30 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
Semen stains. An allergy. It clears up in a few days.

So Poetic is more than just "Space Barbie"...

Leaves only the fresh scent of pine.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2011-12-10 07:47:04 UTC  |  Edited by: ACE McFACE
Steps to this post:
1. Reading OPs post
2. Saw familiar face of Poetic
3. Immediately stopped reading
4. Checked for link
5. Made this post

Now, more than ever, we need a dislike button.

Zarian Uphius
Psychotic Tendencies.
#8 - 2011-12-10 07:54:04 UTC
CCP Ship Replacement plan:

Lose your ship becuase of a ingame bug but your wreck was looted before you got to it?

-tough luck we dont replace dropped items

But yet CCP will fly **** fit ships with crap tactics full of EPIC amounts of bling to inflate the market.
Dez Affinity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2011-12-10 08:01:32 UTC
Zarian Uphius wrote:
CCP Ship Replacement plan:

Lose your ship becuase of a ingame bug but your wreck was looted before you got to it?

-tough luck we dont replace dropped items

But yet CCP will fly **** fit ships with crap tactics full of EPIC amounts of bling to inflate the market.

CCP flew a fleet that was better than you will ever fly in. With tactics superior than Brick Squad have even thought about.

Enjoy your land of decrepid fairytales and broken rainbows.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#10 - 2011-12-10 08:01:45 UTC
Zarian Uphius wrote:
CCP Ship Replacement plan:

Lose your ship becuase of a ingame bug but your wreck was looted before you got to it?

-tough luck we dont replace dropped items

But yet CCP will fly **** fit ships with crap tactics full of EPIC amounts of bling to inflate the market.

Im no financial geneus, but more supply will drive down market prices.
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2011-12-10 08:01:54 UTC
Zarian Uphius wrote:
CCP Ship Replacement plan:

Lose your ship becuase of a ingame bug but your wreck was looted before you got to it?

-tough luck we dont replace dropped items

But yet CCP will fly **** fit ships with crap tactics full of EPIC amounts of bling to inflate the market.

It's their market

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Embrace My Hate
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#12 - 2011-12-10 08:02:55 UTC
3 years ago these whiners weren't here because we were allowed to completely grief them out of the game. If CCp wants to dumb their game down to be accessible to more people than they can deal with the consequences.
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2011-12-10 08:26:42 UTC
Zarian Uphius wrote:
But yet CCP will fly **** fit ships with crap tactics full of EPIC amounts of bling to inflate the market.
The amount of loot that dropped from the CCP fleet would have a negligible effect on the market. It's peanuts compared to the amount of stuff that moves on a daily basis.
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2011-12-10 08:29:47 UTC
ACE McFACE wrote:
Steps to this post:
1. Reading OPs post
2. Pretending I didn't read it
3. Secretly admiring Poetic

I fixed that for you.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#15 - 2011-12-10 08:34:50 UTC
I'm not participating because I figure I'll end up losing far more than gaining.

Yep, that pretty much says it all.

This is why you should refrain from commenting. You have no frame of reference for the words "because it's fun". Your motivations are purely driven by imaginary profit.

The only thing wrong with this event are the forum trolls that have finally squirmed their way into being anything other than laughed at as they were in the past.

Anyone with a ready insult to direct at CCP, or a childlike fixation with fake money, is given some modicum of attention now.

The EVE community used to be smarter than that.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Forum Fighter
#16 - 2011-12-10 08:38:34 UTC
If they didn't drop anything people would ***** about that too. If they dropped T1 mods people would ***** about that too. If they dropped T2 mods people would ***** about that too. If they dropped minerals people would ***** about that too. Anyone see a pattern here?

Bearer of the 1600mm Tinfoil Hat

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2011-12-10 08:39:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Poetic Stanziel
I think what they are doing is fine. I've got no problem with it.

All I'm saying, if CCP doesn't want to get screamed at when they are actually trying to have some fun with their customers, they might try giving out the good loot via a lottery ... and have their fleet fun in ships with T1 and T2 modules.

I don't care either way ... unless they do hold a lottery and I win something ... then "F*** yeah!"

(I think it's great that CCP interacts with their customers in this way. I'm just a little sad that it has to bite them in the ass all the same. I wish people didn't have to be such dicks.)

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2011-12-10 08:41:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Poetic Stanziel
Ranger 1 wrote:
fake money

It might be fake money, but it's not free fake money. We still have to earn it.

Ranger 1 wrote:
I'm not participating because I figure I'll end up losing far more than gaining.

Yep, that pretty much says it all.

This is why you should refrain from commenting. You have no frame of reference for the words "because it's fun". Your motivations are purely driven by imaginary profit.
Actually, I'm not bothering because of the first rule of EVE. Don't fly what you can't afford to lose. I have expensive stuff to buy soon, and can't afford to be losing a bunch of ships right now, with no return.

People are misinterpreting the post. Read my comment above for clarification.
Forum Fighter
#19 - 2011-12-10 08:45:47 UTC
Bitcoins are serious business. Big smile

Bearer of the 1600mm Tinfoil Hat

#20 - 2011-12-10 08:52:41 UTC
Forum Fighter wrote:
If they didn't drop anything people would ***** about that too. If they dropped T1 mods people would ***** about that too. If they dropped T2 mods people would ***** about that too. If they dropped minerals people would ***** about that too. Anyone see a pattern here?

This ^

People will whine because thats what they do.
Poetic will find drama because thats what she do.
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