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Feedback Novel on Hyperion

Luft Reich
No Vacancies
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#1 - 2014-08-27 22:49:15 UTC
Greetings viewers of the forums, CCP Falcon has suggested that we use other threads to try to get our point out to the community and the dev team and get out of the crazy thread that is the Stickied Feedback Thread. I posted this in that very thread, but would like to post it in it's own thread to get it out to the public with more ease of access.

ISD's I am not ranting, or insulting CCP in anyway. I am critiquing them, trying to get a well thought out and planned writing with a possible solution out to the public, and if you lock this thread for the former statements, you only seek to help reinforce my point made in my response.

One last thing, my embedded links aren't showing up, I will try to integrate.

Dearest CCP,

I have been watching the forums and reading peoples responses and your reaction to this fiasco since day one. Before I get into the details about what I can think could be done, since apparently you would enjoy some constructive feedback because you claim there has been none, which is dim whited and entirely untrue, I would like to tell you a bit about my self to show I have some experience in the topic, something you have not.

I have been a member of WH space for about two years, I started when I only had a few million skill points and have lived here ever since that point. I've been through a number of corps experiencing small gang and large fleet wormhole combat. In real life I have a Doctorate in Social Psychology, the study of groups of people, their reactions to topics, etc etc. I am also a businessman, who worked very closely with my fellow businessmen to found what is now a Multi-Million dollar law firm. Thus I feel I have some experience in trying to help solve this fiasco you have dug yourself into.

First I would like to address you CCP on your behavior on these forums that were built on the foundation of encouraging player feedback in this player driven game, something your CEO and the entire CCP Team prides itself on. But, every time CCP Fozzie or even worse, CCP Falcon, a community manager, posts in this thread it shows myself and every other player the exact opposite of what CCP prides itself on, a player driven game where CCP listens to it's players. You request we post in another feedback thread as if this thread is not good enough, or the thread that pre-dated this one is not sufficient enough to satisfy you. CCP is a business, your actions reflect how the public look upon you, and if an outsider would open up the Wormhole sub-thread and look at how CCP was responding to the thread, would he or she be satisfied and think to himself, "Man, those CCP Dev's, they really do work for the players". Of course they wouldn't, and you must remember this.

CCP, you ask us to be professional on the forums. Some of us of course break these rules, using bad language, racist remarks, of course that is unacceptable, but players getting angry at CCP and calling members of CCP out for the lack of feedback is completely understandable. Locking, banning, closing, removing posts critiquing the actions by CCP only shows weakness in the eyes of the players as you clearly can not handle feedback, much like a child.

"I might be a horrible troll on the forums sometimes" -CCP Falcon

That is CCP Falcon saying he is a troll, the community manager saying he is a troll. One must remember this is a business, and saying you are a troll....what do you think that makes us as players think of you as, or how we view you? Not a professional look.

Moving on from the lack of good presentation to the public audience in the forums, lets delve into what we can do ingame, we being CCP. Again, CCP Falcon states that he and many others play the game. I find this believable, but definitely not in any active wormhole space groups. The changes that hit Tranquility in Hyperion is concrete evidence of this. CCP, I understand what you are trying to do, I really do. CCP Fozzie has said it before, I know you guys had good intentions to create more content with the mass change and the frigate wormholes, but when your customers say No! you have to throw away that idea (or critique it to make customers happy) because in the end we are the customers and the customers should always come first.

So I have talked alot, but where is the solution? Remove it, completely. You should not feel obligated to fill the void of a bad idea with another feature. You are thinking to yourself right now, "We spent long hours designing this" well I'll work for days to prepare a report for lawyers on the best strategy to win a case, if they say no, I first try to convince them that my proposal will work, but if they still don't agree I have to rewrite my proposal because that's what they are paying to me to do.

One last thing before I end this painful report. I want numbers, stats, graphs of all sorts on how this change has affected wormhole space. If you CCP have the audacity to ignore the players for this long, atleast show us where you are coming from with the fanfare of "This change is for the better". Because as of right now, that fanfare of great change has yet to show itself. I want to see real results, hard numbers on everything you planned to affect with this change. If you projected Frigate kills to go up, I want to see a graph on it. Expected PvE activity to go down? Want to see numbers on it. Things like this CCP help ensure that we as customers are not in the dark as you at CCP develop these new features. At this moment, you at CCP have alot of talk, I keep hearing about this fanfare of greatness, but it's more like a musical illiterate person telling me about a great band that I have never heard of before. So give us some numbers, good or bad, we should at least be entitled to that.

I expect this to be struck down, I welcome this as it only reinforces that CCP is worried.

Have a great day!

ISD Cyberdyne liked your forum post

Luft Reich
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#2 - 2014-08-27 22:50:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Luft Reich

Tl;dr for those special people who don't enjoy long essays on internet spaceships:

CCP is acting like total hypocrites and should remove the mass spawn distance mechanic entirely. They are shutting down player feedback, and failing to release any data on their new changes to reinforce their changes as being beneficial.

Will continue posting further thoughts, key points, and evidence here. Thanks for all the support so far!

ISD Cyberdyne liked your forum post

Icarus Able
#3 - 2014-08-27 23:57:02 UTC
Also i'd like to point out that more capitals dying that are fit like this does not count as more kills happening in whspace.
Sweetsthehooker Zateki
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2014-08-28 00:04:37 UTC
bumping for justice.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2014-08-28 00:12:59 UTC
Icarus Able wrote:
Also i'd like to point out that more capitals dying that are fit like this does not count as more kills happening in whspace.

Hey i frapsed it that thing dropped like a rock SOOOO EXCITING! SO CONTENT! MUCH PATCH!

Community-Challenge: Make Jack Miton sing a Duett with me. Jibbychiggawooooow - CSM 9 Corbexx

Rei Moon
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-08-28 00:17:37 UTC

Down the pole podcast "Annhhh"

Luft Reich
No Vacancies
No Vacancies.
#7 - 2014-08-28 00:23:56 UTC
Rei Moon wrote:

1000 word novels about internet spaceships doesn't make you happy? Roll

Also Reserved post updated, will continue to do so.

ISD Cyberdyne liked your forum post

Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#8 - 2014-08-28 00:35:04 UTC
Hey can someone TLDR this? I don't have the attention span to read the entire thing

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Icarus Able
#9 - 2014-08-28 01:00:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Icarus Able
Andrew Jester wrote:
Hey can someone TLDR this? I don't have the attention span to read the entire thing

OP is super experienced in things of this nature

OP thinks Devs are not responding well to player input in a very player driven game

OP is sad CCP usually good at this stuff is very bad

OP thinks its bad Falcon has a sense of humour.

OP wants graphs and metrics showing any positive or negative effects from these changes.
Luft Reich
No Vacancies
No Vacancies.
#10 - 2014-08-28 01:03:06 UTC
Icarus Able wrote:
Andrew Jester wrote:
Hey can someone TLDR this? I don't have the attention span to read the entire thing

OP thinks its bad Falcon has a sense of humor.


You must be serious 100% all the time Pirate. Confirmed that is my point, otherwise pretty much everything else spot on.

ISD Cyberdyne liked your forum post

Rei Moon
Caldari State
#11 - 2014-08-28 01:07:50 UTC
i was crying of emotion...
also, your falcon's link got removed

Down the pole podcast "Annhhh"

Luft Reich
No Vacancies
No Vacancies.
#12 - 2014-08-28 01:16:04 UTC
Rei Moon wrote:
i was crying of emotion...
also, your falcon's link got removed

RAWR Now I gotta link all of that again for posterity purposes.

ISD Cyberdyne liked your forum post

#13 - 2014-08-28 01:53:38 UTC
This post was amazing the first time I read it and is still amazing now.

So at the risk of sounding repetitive, let me ask for the 4th time on these forums(once deleted): CCP, is there a timeline, rough estimate, some idea of when Devs that were involved in the decision to implement the mass/spawn change can comment on the voluminous and well articulated concerns raised by your customers?
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#14 - 2014-08-28 03:03:39 UTC
inbefore you get locked bro

how dare you say bad things about ccp and their patch
Honestly We didnt know
#15 - 2014-08-28 07:57:58 UTC
Posting in a redundant emotional npc alt thread
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2014-08-28 08:19:57 UTC
When developers ask for feedback, they are not obliged to give you their feedback on your feedback... What?

No doubt when CCP finally get round to "fixing" local chat in K-space, there will be hundreds of complaints from all the nullsec ratters/miners. That doesn't mean it isn't a good change.

Ps. post with your main
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2014-08-28 09:41:19 UTC
Still waiting for this failure of a patch containing unwanted and repeatedly rejected content to be rolled back.
Icarus Able
#18 - 2014-08-28 09:51:12 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
When developers ask for feedback, they are not obliged to give you their feedback on your feedback... What?

No doubt when CCP finally get round to "fixing" local chat in K-space, there will be hundreds of complaints from all the nullsec ratters/miners. That doesn't mean it isn't a good change.

Ps. post with your main

Slightly different scenario with local chat, but i do understand your point. Listening to the masses isnt always a good choice.
Gosti Kahanid
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#19 - 2014-08-28 09:52:47 UTC
I´m with a small WH-Corp living in a C5. At the moment we have 10 Pilots logged in max.

For the last few days we experimented how to close C6 and 0.0-WHs with less risk as possible. To close those, we use a Dread, an Orca and a Battleship. Both Dread and Orca are now fitted with 3-4 Overdrives and a 100MN MWD.
It´s important that the Dread jumps first so he doesn´t spawn more than 15km away from the WH. With its MWD on it flies about 400m/s so he reaches jumprange in about 30 seconds. Orca, as a smaller/lighter Ship is even faster.

So after adapting a little bit we can still close a WH in about 30 Seconds. I really don´t see the big problem here. Ok, if someone was already lurking at a WH then you have a problem with your Dread 10km away from jumprange, but this was already a risk before the change. The only difference now ist that the Dread will be trapped on the other side, but this is the Risk when living in a WH...
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#20 - 2014-08-28 10:53:21 UTC
Naglerr wrote:
This post was amazing the first time I read it and is still amazing now.

So at the risk of sounding repetitive, let me ask for the 4th time on these forums(once deleted): CCP, is there a timeline, rough estimate, some idea of when Devs that were involved in the decision to implement the mass/spawn change can comment on the voluminous and well articulated concerns raised by your customers?

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