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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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[Stalking and PVP] Talking Trash in local should have drawbacks.

First post
Tom Gerard
Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
#1 - 2014-08-26 20:28:00 UTC
CCP has done a fantastic job with the new UI including the warpable diamonds seen in-space.

My suggestion would be that every chat message creates a non-warpable yellow diamond to pop up.

Immediate Benefits:
Folks sitting in station talking trash could be immediately called on it.
It provides an incentive for defenders to undock.
It would provide a submarine vs submarine combat mechanic when stalking a cloaky in a cloaky.

Most importantly it would make spamming in local during fleet fights a tactical Faux pas

Now with 100% less Troll.

Stitch Kaneland
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#2 - 2014-08-26 20:34:47 UTC
Initially i liked the idea. But then thought of the people who like to watch the world burn.

Losing the fleet fight? Tell members of your 2k man fleet to spam local. Node crashes, supers are saved. gg
Fer'isam K'ahn
SAS Veterinarians
#3 - 2014-08-26 20:44:30 UTC
Yeah right, all the Jita spam, Incursion contests, GFs, GCs, and censorship is really what we need here. Nothing is worse then self censorship, which is what you are promoting. And you know you can blink local off right ?! Or minimize the text field for max intel gathering ..

Oh, you weren't serious.

IB4L then.
Tom Gerard
Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
#4 - 2014-08-26 20:48:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Tom Gerard
Fer'isam K'ahn wrote:
Yeah right, all the Jita spam, Incursion contests, GFs, GCs, and censorship is really what we need here. Nothing is worse then self censorship, which is what you are promoting. And you know you can blink local off right ?! Or minimize the text field for max intel gathering ..

Oh, you weren't serious.

IB4L then.

This isn't self-censor ship, it is accountability, one of things that EVE used to thrive upon was accountability for one's actions. I still thing the accountability aspect is a powerful draw EVE retains today.

Stitch Kaneland wrote:
Initially i liked the idea. But then thought of the people who like to watch the world burn.

Losing the fleet fight? Tell members of your 2k man fleet to spam local. Node crashes, supers are saved. gg

An option to turn it off wouldn't be an issue, and I don't think spamming in local has ever killed a node, the chat servers are independent of the node.

Now with 100% less Troll.

Stitch Kaneland
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#5 - 2014-08-26 21:02:42 UTC
Tom Gerard wrote:
Fer'isam K'ahn wrote:
Yeah right, all the Jita spam, Incursion contests, GFs, GCs, and censorship is really what we need here. Nothing is worse then self censorship, which is what you are promoting. And you know you can blink local off right ?! Or minimize the text field for max intel gathering ..

Oh, you weren't serious.

IB4L then.

This isn't self-censor ship, it is accountability, one of things that EVE used to thrive upon was accountability for one's actions. I still thing the accountability aspect is a powerful draw EVE retains today.

Stitch Kaneland wrote:
Initially i liked the idea. But then thought of the people who like to watch the world burn.

Losing the fleet fight? Tell members of your 2k man fleet to spam local. Node crashes, supers are saved. gg

An option to turn it off wouldn't be an issue, and I don't think spamming in local has ever killed a node, the chat servers are independent of the node.

Except that you're relying on the server to send out pings of people's positions in space when they type in local. So if i typed "d" 50 separate times in local, the server would have to send out 50pings, letting ypu know where i was. Multiply that times a few thousand intentional spam sessions, and it could get hairy.
Fer'isam K'ahn
SAS Veterinarians
#6 - 2014-08-26 21:11:37 UTC
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#7 - 2014-08-26 21:18:29 UTC
Just punch them in the face with an antimatter slug.
Tom Gerard
Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
#8 - 2014-08-26 21:20:54 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Just punch them in the face with an antimatter slug.

Absolutely the intent, but 8 out of 10 are docked

One is cloaked 100km off a gate, and one guy is running a anom.

Now with 100% less Troll.

Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2014-08-26 23:01:54 UTC
Tom Gerard wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Just punch them in the face with an antimatter slug.

Absolutely the intent, but 8 out of 10 are docked

One is cloaked 100km off a gate, and one guy is running a anom.

Then kick logic to the curve and amp things up to find the 11th man!
Let not the mere boundaries of gate space stop you!
Push through the divide and invade the space beyond, where the sleeping dream!
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#10 - 2014-08-27 04:53:44 UTC
5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive, and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

Thread closed.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department