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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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46m SP - Hisec - Missions, Mining, Incursions and Roams

Johann Tollefson
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-12-09 20:24:26 UTC
Hello Folks,

What I'm Looking For

  • HiSec Corp
  • Mission Runners
  • Members who run Incursions
  • PVP Roams
  • Possible interest in WH
  • Mining / Industry
  • US TZ - EU cool if filled with Insomniacs
  • Laid back casual corpmates
  • Mature Members

What I'm Not Interested In

  • LowSec
  • Pure NullSec
  • POS Warfare
  • Blob Warfare
  • Immature Members
  • Merc Life
  • Alarm-Clock Fleets

My skills range a bit of everything. My previous roles in fleets ranged from BS pilot to dictor (heavy and light). I've lived life as a miner, mission runner, exploration runner, 0.0 Ratter, 0.0 Miner, bubble-monkey, tackler, Fleet Gorilla, and laid back dude. I've run in campaigns ranging from the fall of ASCN to roams into the Drone Regions. I've been in major massive fleet fights and done small gang roams.

My EVE time however is now limited. I used to be able to do 6-8 hour stretches including Alarm-Clock fleets for POS timers but with RL I am down to an hour or two a day. So my focus is on casual. I want to be able to come into game, do my own thing if I'm limited on time or hang out on some ops. Incursions look interesting, I've not given it a try yet. My main focus these days is running a mission and building up my wallet.

If you're in 0.0 I'm cool with that, but I'm not digging that life right now and will remain in empire. Maybe in the future. If you roam into 0.0 though... I loved roams. Especially the Drink-Drink roams...

I'm in Gallente space right now. Anyone I flew with in D2, MH, NC, Frege, drop me a line eh?

Send me a mail / convo in-game if you are interested.

Lee Solanum
The New Eden Beacon
#2 - 2011-12-09 23:23:37 UTC
Hey Johann, Combat Pigs fits your list perfectly:

-We are a Gallente High Sec corporation based mainly in the US
-Combat Pigs has daily missioning fleets, L4s with Fed Navy
-We are expanding in to Incursions, running them on a weekly basis
-Combat Pigs offers Low Sec Roams on a weekly basis.
-We are planning on running Wormhole Plexes as well as eventually establishing a permanent presence in a C3-4 in the near future
-Daily mining fleets with Orca support (sometimes 2)
-US Timezone.
-No ops are mandatory. If you can't be online for a large period of time, we won't penalize you for it. All corp events are completely optional.
-We have mature members, but we can handle a joke. Combat Pigs has access to a TS3 server as well

If we interest you, let us know by dropping me and EVEMail. I'd love to chat.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2011-12-10 22:19:44 UTC
found already what u were looking for?
Johann Tollefson
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2011-12-10 23:33:53 UTC
Not yet... waiting to contact a few folks until I get a handful to evaluate.
Othar en'gilliath
Hosse en'gilliath
#5 - 2011-12-10 23:49:45 UTC
Hello Johann Tollefson you might be interested in OMNI Tech

From our recruitment thread Stop by our pub channel and we can have a chat
We dont advertise everything either, come talk with us to learn more.

Members we are looking for:

Mission runners
Incursions runners

We are a corp that has a fun laid back low stress environment, we can show you the ropes of eve.

We have a mining base for our miners, and can offer perfect refining for your ore.

We have members that do missions/mining/Incursions.

weekday timezone 18:00 to 00:00

pub channel

OMNI Tech Pub.

p.s we have cookies
Derp Company
Get Off My Lawn
#6 - 2011-12-11 02:47:20 UTC
I find it rather hard to express the personality of our corporation in a summarized list of bullet points. I'd like to direct you to our thread to get a full understanding of what we're all about.

Take a read, and let me know if you like what you see!
Othar en'gilliath
Hosse en'gilliath
#7 - 2011-12-12 21:35:28 UTC
Just posting to see if everything is going well with your search :)

We care for our members your welcome anytime back into our pub chat

Hope you find somewhere to go whether its with us or not

hope to hear from you

Ta o/
Commander Pop'n'Lock
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#8 - 2011-12-12 22:58:35 UTC
Hi Johan,

We are a Caldari based PvE corp dabbling in bit of PvP as well as mining. Basically a bit of everything, If you want to know more look at our ad or join our recruitment channel:

Ninja Pub
Nani Civaro
Sanctum Scala Caeli
#9 - 2011-12-14 10:42:16 UTC
Hey have a look at our recruitment post, we might be what you are looking for Big smile
Johann Tollefson
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2011-12-14 11:47:08 UTC
Thanks for the interest folks but I've joined up with OMNI.

I think there going to be doing some really cool stuff in the near future and I'm looking forward to being a part of it.