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Hobgoblin food

#1 - 2011-12-09 15:52:20 UTC
Hello everyone!

I hope that you are all having a wonderful time!

Using my Helios for exploration I am finding that My high slots are full of things which are not actually weapons, as you can imagine that has a negative influence on the ship's damage output. However, there is a sole saving grace to this issue in the form of my one true friend; Hobgoblin drone.

Hobgoblin drone is very strong and brave, he fights hard to keep me and my ship safe and he listens very well to my stories when it is cold and dark and time for bed. He is a good friend.
It is a shame that I cannot get him any brothers or sisters but there just isn't space in his kennel.

Anyway, I would like to reward my hobgoblin for his latest efforts which resulted in a profit of over half a billion isk by injecting him with all sorts of performance enhancing steroids, what would you recommend I use to make him MAXIMUM YES? I am currently feeding him a mix a omnidirectional tracking nibbles and navigation computer chunks, sprinkled with durability enhancing flakes, he seems to enjoy this but perhaps someone can suggest a better mix?

-Benco97 & Hobgoblin drone
Alexa Coates
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-12-09 16:14:08 UTC
You can always stop trying to make an EXPLORATION BOAT into a drone boat. Its not supposed to have weapons.

That's a Templar, an Amarr fighter used by carriers.

#3 - 2011-12-09 16:19:01 UTC
My little ship is very much an exploration boat, I am not trying to do anything else to it! I enjoy to explore with my faithful Hobgoblin by my side, the two of us drifting through space with no worries, no cares, no ties. It is a life of freedom and excitement, one which I would not like to change.

Do not worry, I will not stop using my helios for exploration and will not fit weapons to it, I will continue to live free!
Thank you for your concern!
-Benco97 & Hobgoblin drone
Valkyrie Herland
True Design
#4 - 2011-12-09 16:36:33 UTC
Man and drone, side by side like they should be, you could use a remote rep or shield recharger (forgot its name) for it.

Hammerheads, are a girls best friends :).
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-12-09 17:36:12 UTC  |  Edited by: zatazon
granted this is for fitting, but you could always improve your drone durability, sharpshooting, navigation and so forth and make your companion stronger that way.

BTW I enjoyed your post and support your adventures!
Arom Wraelt
The Zetetic Elench
#6 - 2011-12-09 17:53:39 UTC
Whenever you come across wrecks (I'm assuming you don't make many of those...), let him chew on them. The lorentz fluid has some addicting properties, that makes him happy, and makes him more aggressive towards potential enemies. Bear
Shovel Bros
#7 - 2011-12-09 18:38:35 UTC
Drone Interfacing 5. It makes your drones much happier.
Derath Ellecon
Shadow Cartel
#8 - 2011-12-09 19:42:33 UTC
As much as i love my helios for a very safe scanner, I still use an imicus for "exploration". Especially high sec, where a properly setup Imicus with 3 hobs can actually clear out the rats. Not pure combat sites, but when I have done this I'm mostly looking for radars.
#9 - 2011-12-09 20:50:11 UTC
You could definitely get some remote repair, although that would take a highslot. My recommendation would be to skill up for an Ishtar. More slots and plenty of space for friends for your trusty hobgoblin.

PS. CCP, please let us name drones Lol That way Dscan could show an ishtar on one scan, and a whole 6 man gang on the second! At least until they look at types, but who knows, might work once.
Barbie D0ll
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2011-12-09 20:52:08 UTC
Valkyrie Herland wrote:
Man and drone, side by side like they should be, you could use a remote rep or shield recharger (forgot its name) for it.

Hammerheads, are a girls best friends :).

I hear you like being hammered
Captain Nares
O3 Corporation
#11 - 2011-12-09 21:35:09 UTC
Thank you for the topic. Hobs are really the best.

Decided to polish my hobgoblin skills up (Drone Sharpshooting/Navigation V, Gallente Drone Specialization V).
Shovel Bros
#12 - 2011-12-09 21:46:15 UTC
Dibblerette wrote:
You could definitely get some remote repair, although that would take a highslot. My recommendation would be to skill up for an Ishtar. More slots and plenty of space for friends for your trusty hobgoblin.

PS. CCP, please let us name drones Lol That way Dscan could show an ishtar on one scan, and a whole 6 man gang on the second! At least until they look at types, but who knows, might work once.

Ishkur also works amazingly well for highsec sites and is nice and cheap and much quicker than an Ishtar.
#13 - 2011-12-09 21:48:08 UTC
Don't helioses roam wormhole space - I hear that where the mighty t3 ships come from - you should modify your drone so it can have a subsystem or 2 ....ahh if only, eh ?
Valkyrie Herland
True Design
#14 - 2011-12-09 22:00:24 UTC
I would love to be able to customize drones, itzy and blitzy, with custom fitted guns ect, like custom fighter drones, but you fit them.

speeking of that i would love a fighter class of ship, if you look at the fighter drones they have people in. i want to be that person :).
#15 - 2011-12-09 22:31:05 UTC
they're disposable non capsule shmoes - believe me you're better off as the carrier than the fighter :P
Pryvate Pile
#16 - 2011-12-09 22:53:13 UTC
Posting to confirm that the helios has a purpose.
#17 - 2011-12-10 00:13:42 UTC
Benco97 wrote:
Hello everyone!

I hope that you are all having a wonderful time!

Using my Helios for exploration I am finding that My high slots are full of things which are not actually weapons, as you can imagine that has a negative influence on the ship's damage output. However, there is a sole saving grace to this issue in the form of my one true friend; Hobgoblin drone.

Hobgoblin drone is very strong and brave, he fights hard to keep me and my ship safe and he listens very well to my stories when it is cold and dark and time for bed. He is a good friend.
It is a shame that I cannot get him any brothers or sisters but there just isn't space in his kennel.

Anyway, I would like to reward my hobgoblin for his latest efforts which resulted in a profit of over half a billion isk by injecting him with all sorts of performance enhancing steroids, what would you recommend I use to make him MAXIMUM YES? I am currently feeding him a mix a omnidirectional tracking nibbles and navigation computer chunks, sprinkled with durability enhancing flakes, he seems to enjoy this but perhaps someone can suggest a better mix?

-Benco97 & Hobgoblin drone

quoting for reminding me of the movie 'cast away'..Big smile
1-Up Mushroom
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2011-12-10 03:25:33 UTC
The initial and third post made me smile. +1
5 Senses In A Person... 4 Seasons In A Year... 3 Colors In A Stoplight... 2 Poles On The Earth... ONLY 1-UP MUSHROOM!!!  If You Like My Sig, Like Me!   Remember EVE is EVErything!