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Community Concerns Regarding SOMERblink

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Ace Boogi
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#141 - 2014-08-19 07:25:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Ace Boogi
Mike Azariah wrote:
To some of you . . . thank you for the input and the opinions.

To others, get a room and a argue the minutia of word meaning while grabbing your own dictionaries.

Trust me, neither CSM nor CCP is sitting back waiting for this to 'blow over'.


I hope so. Did CCP even give us that 'community survey' or whatever they promised us last year? I'm a bit cynical that we'll see any meaningful changes or consequences this time around because the last time this popped up it felt like CCP just did their best to ignore it and hope it went away on it's own.
Ace Boogi
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#142 - 2014-08-19 07:28:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Ace Boogi
Lucas Kell wrote:
Ah. Now that Somer have posted the agreement they supposed had signed off, it's a little clearer what went on. Looks like Somer basically made up some bullcrap about not giving over isk for cash.

Proposal: If you buy an ETC from the Blink affiliate link, you turn it into PLEX. Blink will buy the PLEX from you at a published rate that is the same for all ETC buyers-- just contract the PLEX to Blink for the agreed-on price. You can only sell 2 PLEX at this rate for each ETC you purchased (so you can't just go buy PLEX in Jita and resell them to Blink for more than you paid)
Justification: Blink provides no extra ISK or bonus Blink credit for buying through the link. Instead, we make it easy to sell your PLEX and get your ISK quickly, no matter where you are-- no Jita alt required. This is a service, in keeping with CCP's new guidelines that ETC affiliate link rewards should be service-oriented.
The first line of the justification suggests that there is no bonus isk, which is clearly a lie. We can see from the price they are buying at that it's extra. If this is what CCP signed off, I would hope to see Somer vanish very rapidly, especially with this being the 2nd time they've tried to wiggle around RMT rules. Don't give them a chance to do it a third time.

Yep. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice...

If it turns out that Somer did indeed lie here, there shouldn't be a strike three, especially after that slap in CCP's face last year with the week of billion isk credit cashouts.
Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#143 - 2014-08-19 07:29:51 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
To some of you . . . thank you for the input and the opinions.

To others, get a room and a argue the minutia of word meaning while grabbing your own dictionaries.

Trust me, neither CSM nor CCP is sitting back waiting for this to 'blow over'.


Really? Because we have plenty of drama threads from the past that say the exact opposite. Like the first one about SOMERBlink and RMT.

Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

Hendrick Tallardar
#144 - 2014-08-19 07:32:12 UTC
Completely Unaligned wrote:
So, you are all ganging up on Somer, nowhere do I see Eve-bet or mentioned. So many people are going to be affected by this witch hunt, Somer sponsors many groups with both isk and items.
I don't believe that thousands of $ are being made as mentioned, personally I don't have a problem with a few bucks to pay expenses being made. Isn't the real world full of enough haters for you, can't you leave it out of our games.
I joined Eve to have fun and get away from real life problems for a couple of hours a day, so thanks for merging the two worlds so very successfully. Bravo haters of the world.

Pretty sure the reason EVE-Bet aren't mentioned, is that they're not running a real money making scheme through their service. Once you can actually prove, or even find suspicious activity of, that then you can try and ask why they're not being looked at with the same level of scrutiny.
Prince Kobol
#145 - 2014-08-19 07:36:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
Sentient Blade wrote:

This is quite simple and has only 3 outcomes:

1. CCP Legal were contacted about this and approved of it. In which case Somer deserves no penalties, even if the program is then stopped.

2. CCP Legal were contacted about this, refused permission, and they did it anyway. Somer will be shut down.

3. CCP Legal were not contacted. Somer gets hit for making false accusations of legal approval.

If CCP does allow it, then fair enough, just make it a level playing field.

Well it is looking like CCP Legal agreed with this and if that is the case then CCP could be in a lot of trouble if they try to stop him.

Also to those saying he lied, he didn't.

He is following what he agreed with CCP to the letter. The most important part of the agreement is that there was no set price for how much he pay for each plex.

That is what he needed to make this work and CCP amazingly agreed.

We all know that is nothing more then a clever way to RMT and that Somer has scammed CCP in the true nature of Eve.

The problem is for CCP that if they have legally agreed to this backing out could cost them.
Prince Kobol
#146 - 2014-08-19 07:37:59 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
To some of you . . . thank you for the input and the opinions.

To others, get a room and a argue the minutia of word meaning while grabbing your own dictionaries.

Trust me, neither CSM nor CCP is sitting back waiting for this to 'blow over'.


Seriously dude, stop trying to defend CCP.

As many people have already stated, they did exactly that the first time round. I know you are trying to defend your friends but all your doing is making the CSM look more and more like a mouth piece for CCP.
Josef Djugashvilis
#147 - 2014-08-19 07:39:34 UTC
Are SOMERblink too big to fail?

For the sake of the game, I hope not.

This is not a signature.

Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#148 - 2014-08-19 07:40:29 UTC
CCP legal department has to have even better space lawyers than those we see posting on forums from time to time. Good game, Lisa :)
Oh well, at least they "investigate", that has to count for something, right?

Invalid signature format

Jarnis McPieksu
Gallente Federation
#149 - 2014-08-19 07:42:32 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
To some of you . . . thank you for the input and the opinions.

To others, get a room and a argue the minutia of word meaning while grabbing your own dictionaries.

Trust me, neither CSM nor CCP is sitting back waiting for this to 'blow over'.


No worries.

The torches and the pitchforks are here just to make sure of that. No monument is being shot. Yet.
Tam Arai
Mi Pen Rai
#150 - 2014-08-19 07:43:50 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Sentient Blade wrote:

This is quite simple and has only 3 outcomes:

1. CCP Legal were contacted about this and approved of it. In which case Somer deserves no penalties, even if the program is then stopped.

2. CCP Legal were contacted about this, refused permission, and they did it anyway. Somer will be shut down.

3. CCP Legal were not contacted. Somer gets hit for making false accusations of legal approval.

If CCP does allow it, then fair enough, just make it a level playing field.

Well it is looking like CCP Legal agreed with this and if that is the case then CCP could be in a lot of trouble if they try to stop him.

Also to those saying he lied, he didn't.

He is following what he agreed with CCP to the letter. The most important part of the agreement is that there was no set price for how much he pay for each plex.

That is what he needed to make this work and CCP amazingly agreed.

We all know that is nothing more then a clever way to RMT and that Somer has scammed CCP in the true nature of Eve.

The problem is for CCP that if they have legally agreed to this backing out could cost them.

"Blink provides no extra ISK or bonus Blink credit for buying through the link"

But they are doing exactly that. So It's blink that have broken the agreement already and should be in trouble
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#151 - 2014-08-19 07:46:20 UTC
Completely Unaligned wrote:
So, you are all ganging up on Somer, nowhere do I see Eve-bet or mentioned. So many people are going to be affected by this witch hunt, Somer sponsors many groups with both isk and items.
I don't believe that thousands of $ are being made as mentioned, personally I don't have a problem with a few bucks to pay expenses being made. Isn't the real world full of enough haters for you, can't you leave it out of our games.
I joined Eve to have fun and get away from real life problems for a couple of hours a day, so thanks for merging the two worlds so very successfully. Bravo haters of the world.
They aren't being mentioned because they aren't engaging in RMT. Our issue isn't with running an eve gambling site, it's with them running an RMT scheme to run it as a business. I joined EVE for entertainment, and I'd like to continue being entertained, not watch the game go down the pan from RMTers wrecking it to make some quick cash. Somer clearly doesn't give a crap about the game, just about their bottom line, so CCP should smash that banhammer down with full force and be done with them.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Prince Kobol
#152 - 2014-08-19 07:47:55 UTC
Tam Arai wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
Sentient Blade wrote:

This is quite simple and has only 3 outcomes:

1. CCP Legal were contacted about this and approved of it. In which case Somer deserves no penalties, even if the program is then stopped.

2. CCP Legal were contacted about this, refused permission, and they did it anyway. Somer will be shut down.

3. CCP Legal were not contacted. Somer gets hit for making false accusations of legal approval.

If CCP does allow it, then fair enough, just make it a level playing field.

Well it is looking like CCP Legal agreed with this and if that is the case then CCP could be in a lot of trouble if they try to stop him.

Also to those saying he lied, he didn't.

He is following what he agreed with CCP to the letter. The most important part of the agreement is that there was no set price for how much he pay for each plex.

That is what he needed to make this work and CCP amazingly agreed.

We all know that is nothing more then a clever way to RMT and that Somer has scammed CCP in the true nature of Eve.

The problem is for CCP that if they have legally agreed to this backing out could cost them.

"Blink provides no extra ISK or bonus Blink credit for buying through the link"

But they are doing exactly that. So It's blink that have broken the agreement already and should be in trouble

"Blink provides no extra ISK or bonus Blink credit for buying through the link" Correct, they don't. They are using the fact that they agreed no set price for what they would pay for plex as a way to make this work
Prince Kobol
#153 - 2014-08-19 07:50:41 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Completely Unaligned wrote:
So, you are all ganging up on Somer, nowhere do I see Eve-bet or mentioned. So many people are going to be affected by this witch hunt, Somer sponsors many groups with both isk and items.
I don't believe that thousands of $ are being made as mentioned, personally I don't have a problem with a few bucks to pay expenses being made. Isn't the real world full of enough haters for you, can't you leave it out of our games.
I joined Eve to have fun and get away from real life problems for a couple of hours a day, so thanks for merging the two worlds so very successfully. Bravo haters of the world.
They aren't being mentioned because they aren't engaging in RMT. Our issue isn't with running an eve gambling site, it's with them running an RMT scheme to run it as a business. I joined EVE for entertainment, and I'd like to continue being entertained, not watch the game go down the pan from RMTers wrecking it to make some quick cash. Somer clearly doesn't give a crap about the game, just about their bottom line, so CCP should smash that banhammer down with full force and be done with them.

Dude, As much as I agree with what you are saying and would love Somer to get permanently banned and every single isk in any wallet he has access to removed if CCP have legally agreed this with him then they might not be able to do anything.

I have have always said nothing CCP does surprises me anymore.. boy was I wrong lol
Lauresh Thellere
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#154 - 2014-08-19 07:51:06 UTC
Thanks for the update Falcon, I will be extremely displeased if this gets swept under the carpet like CCP has a tendency to do.

I do hope that people aren't crucifying you and the other devs for what seems to be an idiotic move from Sales/Legal.
Prince Kobol
#155 - 2014-08-19 07:52:54 UTC
Lauresh Thellere wrote:
Thanks for the update Falcon, I will be extremely displeased if this gets swept under the carpet like CCP has a tendency to do.

I do hope that people aren't crucifying you and the other devs for what seems to be an idiotic move from Sales/Legal.

Like how many people were crucifying the GM's as they thought they okayed this?
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#156 - 2014-08-19 07:59:30 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Dude, As much as I agree with what you are saying and would love Somer to get permanently banned and every single isk in any wallet he has access to removed if CCP have legally agreed this with him then they might not be able to do anything.

I have have always said nothing CCP does surprises me anymore.. boy was I wrong lol
First off, they can do what they want. They can literally ban you for liking the colour yellow.

Secondly, what they agreed to appears to be "no extra isk", and what they are doing is paying extra isk for the plex. So what CCP appear to have agreed (which is in error itself I agree) is not what is happening. Had the agreement not had this specific line: "Blink provides no extra ISK or bonus Blink credit for buying through the link." then perhaps they could have wiggled it, but this is pretty clear, and certainly not a reflection of the reality of the situation. Buy though their link, get extra isk for your plex.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

KaRa DaVuT
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#157 - 2014-08-19 08:03:37 UTC  |  Edited by: KaRa DaVuT

Defending CCP and telling that they just did not know what happened is a "naive" approach, If you know the past tendencies of CCP to create inbalances between certain player groups by simply supporting them unequally ( from some GM giving t2 blueprints to certain groups to last years Somer incident ) and and breaking the balance of the game.

It is also naive to expect a company based on sole profit not to see its memberbase as dollar signs.. But at least I wanted to be treated more than that, because CCP as a service provider and producer claimed that they will give more than that.

It seems CCP deliberately supporting a party to make RMT (which I lost my doubts about that ) because of the symbiotic relationship between CCP and Somer. They doing this just to guarantee their survival, with selfish intentions, like every other company out there.

So please, at least be honest Hilmarr and go out public and say the truth to these people, or you deny this with your words If ther eis more than the tip of the Iceberg. I for one want to hear your words on that, instead of your workers. I want to hear this from the decisionmakers IF there is really this incident occured, whict it seems it is.

Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. What God desires is in your heart and on your mind... And what you decide to do every day, makes you - not your race - a good man - or not.

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#158 - 2014-08-19 08:05:23 UTC
Out of curiosity.

For all you folks gathering the pitchforks and torches and learning to tie ropes into nooses. Do you expect a single or mass execution? Just Somer or Somer and staff or Somer staff and anybody who has ever done business with them?

damn, that includes me.

Or if you are heading the mob towards CCP are you looking for the one person mentioned in the 'email leak' or their entire staff or (as some of you love to ask for) the entire senior management team of CCP for allowing this to take place? Community and CSM thrown in for good measure, no doubt.

damn I made the list again

How much blood, how many bodies do you need to satisfy your craving for justice?

After all, as the queen once said . . . `Sentence first--verdict afterwards.'

I am not apologizing for CCP, just reminding some that this is not an instantaneous kind of thing. But some of you want to skip sentence, verdict, and leap straight to the execution(s) so anything I say to delay that must be stonewalling and sucking up to my masters.

Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

KaRa DaVuT
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#159 - 2014-08-19 08:07:37 UTC  |  Edited by: KaRa DaVuT
Mike Azariah wrote:
Out of curiosity.

After all, as the queen once said . . . `Sentence first--verdict afterwards.'

I am not apologizing for CCP, just reminding some that this is not an instantaneous kind of thing. But some of you want to skip sentence, verdict, and leap straight to the execution(s) so anything I say to delay that must be stonewalling and sucking up to my masters.

I just want to hear from the real people, the people who involved that to explain what really happened. From The decision makers. Not from the people that just learned this 24 hour ago.

There are people out there really know whats happenning in CCP. I want them to go out public and explain to me that, why some pople are treated differently than the others in this game when it comes to EULA? As legally both me and somer are subcribers. So both are bound to the EULA rules.

Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. What God desires is in your heart and on your mind... And what you decide to do every day, makes you - not your race - a good man - or not.

Thatt Guy
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#160 - 2014-08-19 08:09:44 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:

Trust me, neither CSM nor CCP is sitting back waiting for this to 'blow over'.

Haters gonna hate, Trolls gonna troll.