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C4's and solo Marauders

Icarus Able
#21 - 2014-08-17 14:02:33 UTC
The Dastardly Tuggles wrote:
Deus Vex wrote:
The Dastardly Tuggles wrote:

I assume this would be viable in a no-effect hole as well?

Sure, I'd personally just swap the Sensor Booster for another Tracking Computer for no-effect C4s.

If running these sites with duo marauders would you replace a nos with a cap transfer?

If you know this little about marauders i think you should stick with rr domis or something
Erufen Rito
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#22 - 2014-08-17 14:03:31 UTC
The Dastardly Tuggles wrote:
Deus Vex wrote:
The Dastardly Tuggles wrote:

I assume this would be viable in a no-effect hole as well?

Sure, I'd personally just swap the Sensor Booster for another Tracking Computer for no-effect C4s.

If running these sites with duo marauders would you replace a nos with a cap transfer?

Unless you plan to cap each other while out of bastion, then no.

This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

The Dastardly Tuggles
Infinite Evolution
#23 - 2014-08-17 14:07:51 UTC  |  Edited by: The Dastardly Tuggles
Lol derp.

To be honest I've not really looked at the bastion mod other than seeing the rep bonuses. Hence my ignorance in the subject.

My bad.

Thanks for the help though guys, gals, and guys pretending to be gals. Much appreciated.
The Dastardly Tuggles
Infinite Evolution
#24 - 2014-08-17 16:38:23 UTC
Deus Vex wrote:
I used this solo Paladin in my old C4 Magnetar to good effect.

[Paladin, C4 +Magnetar Bonus]
Dark Blood Heat Sink
Dark Blood Heat Sink
Dark Blood Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Centum B-Type Medium Armor Repairer
Centus B-Type Large Armor Repairer

Large Micro Jump Drive
Cap Recharger II
Sensor Booster II, Targeting Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script

Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Bastion Module I
Imperial Navy Large EMP Smartbomb
Heavy Diminishing Power System Drain I
Heavy Diminishing Power System Drain I

Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
Large Capacitor Control Circuit II

The faction smart bomb is priceless for those orbiting frigates, and you won't need the Sensor Booster if you're not in a Magnetar. This has an omnitank of 2000dps and the only time cap stability was a problem was against the 4x Sleepless Safeguards wave in the relic/data sites (just deploy mobile depot and refit for cap injection), otherwise 95% of the time even the NOS's were just slot fillers. The MJD is handy for initial positioning, but after that I found it best to stay put so that the sleepers were always in MTU range when they popped.

What kind of DPS do you get out of this fit?

Mine is.... kind of low.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#25 - 2014-08-17 21:50:19 UTC
Why the hell is there a medium rep on that fit....

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Ab'del Abu
Atlantis Ascendant
#26 - 2014-08-17 21:58:49 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Why the hell is there a medium rep on that fit....

Medium armor reps are clearly better at tanking small stuff. Straight forward Idea
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#27 - 2014-08-17 22:48:00 UTC
Ab'del Abu wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:
Why the hell is there a medium rep on that fit....

Medium armor reps are clearly better at tanking small stuff. Straight forward Idea

MY GOD!! why didn't I think of that?!?!

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

The Dastardly Tuggles
Infinite Evolution
#28 - 2014-08-17 23:14:43 UTC
Lol... so is the medium repper not a good idea?
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#29 - 2014-08-18 01:44:42 UTC
The Dastardly Tuggles wrote:
Lol... so is the medium repper not a good idea?

on a battleship? sure. while youre at it, fit 2 medium pulse lasers to hit cruisers better.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Samwise Everquest
Plus 10 NV
#30 - 2014-08-18 03:40:34 UTC
The Dastardly Tuggles wrote:
Lol... so is the medium repper not a good idea?

I dunno, is slapping a bandaid on a gunshot wound gonna make it all better?

Pras Phil.

Joraa Starkmanir
Station Spinners United
#31 - 2014-08-18 07:52:47 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Why the hell is there a medium rep on that fit....

Would assume 1 large is not enought, and 2 large is overkill + use more cap.

Deus Vex
Phantom Psionics
#32 - 2014-08-18 20:58:39 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Why the hell is there a medium rep on that fit....

A few reasons I prefer this combo, first is obviously overall cap stability is improved.

Second, you can match incoming DPS to the appropriate repper, so for lower DPS waves use 1x MAR, medium DPS waves use 1x LAR, and high DPS waves use both. This way you can preserve yet more cap by cutting down on overtanking and not needing to bother pulsing a LAR.

Third is the lower duration on the MAR. Particularly handy when accidents™ happen, as the higher DPS waves can put you into structure surprisingly fast, and if you've just turned on 2x slow LARs at the same time then you might have a problem.

Fourth reason, using a MAR and LAR combo leaves you with enough PG possible to fit a Heavy Cap Booster for cap charge guzzling (without having to offline something else). PG% implant required.

Fifth reason, I had the ISK and this tanks just as much in total as 2x T2 LAR and enough for the hardest C4 sites.

Sixth reason, personal preference. I've used MAR + DED Space SAR combos on Cruiser sized hulls in the past where cap / grid were limited and I needed every ounce of sustainable active tank as possible. Each to his own.

The Dastardly Tuggles wrote:

What kind of DPS do you get out of this fit?

Mine is.... kind of low.

I don't doubt it in a non-Magnetar WH. With my implants and skills I was getting 1500 DPS with Scorch in Magnetars, over 2000 DPS with Conflag and mid 1800's DPS with Imp Navy Multi. Don't forget you can throw out a flight of Hobgoblins.

No WH effect and I'd have been looking at ~1000 DPS Scorch, ~1350 DPS Conflag, ~1200 DPS Imp Navy Multi.
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