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Request for a clone swap POS module for Hyperion release.

#41 - 2014-08-09 23:12:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Winthorp

While i do see Jacks point doesn't it make those risk adverse save ISK by fitting the appropriate clone i think those people would either not have bling clones in the first place or not go on that roam or not PVP in the bling clone anyway making it a mute point.

I think it will lead to killing of more expensive clones TBH if people think its "safe" to put in their bling set while they PVE or scan.
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#42 - 2014-08-10 02:57:11 UTC
Capsuleers are evolving and advancing. One capsuleer (The Broker) has already taken control of his own cloning (although he had disastrous results because he was reckless). There is no reason, lore wise, game wise, that we shouldn't be able to buy "clone templates", add a bit of biomass and proteins, and install our own clones in mobile platforms. I'm less interested in the mechanics behind the platforms and more interested in getting these platforms introduced into the game.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Var D'ovoli
Kiwis In Space
Shadow Cartel
#43 - 2014-08-10 11:12:04 UTC
Kireitsugu Secheh wrote:
Okay, i think people doesnt know that but i'll tell all of you the simple way to get a clone without implants in your pos

Step 1: If you are in a C4-C6 wh, go to a C1-C3 .
Step 2: Go to k space
Step 3: Find a station, install a jump clone
Step 4: Find another station, and jump to the clone created in Step 3
Step 5: Go back to your wspace

I think that you've missed the point that the OP made. Have another look, and consider the frigate/dessy/hic hole that is being introduced.
Kireitsugu Secheh
Les chips electriques
#44 - 2014-08-10 11:22:30 UTC
I'm aware of that new hole.
I'm still trying to understand how it makes things more complicated to go into kspace to do some clone swaping for a special format of squirmish.

I understand that going to kspace is tiresome :(
But heh. Wanna ice belts in your system ?
Var D'ovoli
Kiwis In Space
Shadow Cartel
#45 - 2014-08-10 12:55:35 UTC
Kireitsugu Secheh wrote:
I'm aware of that new hole.

But heh. Wanna ice belts in your system ?

Nah... I could live without them just as we have. As far as the clones go, I think it would be nice to be able to get in a frig and get lots of pew and not sweat any implants. I can see the point of bigger KM's without the change but, meh
Ahost Gceo
Violence is the Answer
Wormhole Society
#46 - 2014-08-10 14:32:33 UTC
I support this for the simple fact that w-space needs new content and not some skimpy tweaks like what has been the norm for a long time.

Flying in w-space feels like I've been eating my favorite sandwich for every meal of every day for the past three years, with the only change being a different bag of chips every few months.

CCP ignore me please, I make too much sense.

Rei Moon
Caldari State
#47 - 2014-08-10 16:35:10 UTC
Bag of what?

Down the pole podcast "Annhhh"

Sum Olgy
Caldari State
#48 - 2014-08-10 17:14:32 UTC
In short no.

At the 2013 Fanfest this was mooted and the answer form the players and CCP was a resounding no. W Space is becoming more and more like null with every little 'tweak' and this isn't where I want W space to go.

The mechanic here is 'Ooo - I have an espensive head full of PvE implants and there's fight on so I'll just swap out to a cheap PvP clone. What a cop out. W space is the unknown where anything should be able to happen. Turning it into a more easily(cheaper) living space is not the way W space should be heading.

W Space is hard(not hard enough IMO) - deal with it.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#49 - 2014-08-10 17:40:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Rroff
Sum Olgy wrote:

The mechanic here is 'Ooo - I have an espensive head full of PvE implants and there's fight on so I'll just swap out to a cheap PvP clone. What a cop out. W space is the unknown where anything should be able to happen. Turning it into a more easily(cheaper) living space is not the way W space should be heading.

While a valid point and also not something I'm a fan of that is only looking at a relatively narrow aspect of its use, if the majority of action was w-space on w-space I'd be completely in agreement with you, Jack and others. These days the bigger percentage of PVP involves roaming further afield, usually in ishtars :( or t1 cruisers and other cheap disposable setups generally into null, etc. which makes no sense to take expensive anything with it implants or otherwise.
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#50 - 2014-08-10 18:14:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Kretan
Sum Olgy wrote:
In short no.

At the 2013 Fanfest this was mooted and the answer form the players and CCP was a resounding no. W Space is becoming more and more like null with every little 'tweak' and this isn't where I want W space to go.

The mechanic here is 'Ooo - I have an espensive head full of PvE implants and there's fight on so I'll just swap out to a cheap PvP clone. What a cop out. W space is the unknown where anything should be able to happen. Turning it into a more easily(cheaper) living space is not the way W space should be heading.

W Space is hard(not hard enough IMO) - deal with it.

That's just not the case. There are different implants I use for pvp vs pve. So for example the case with my ship I currently use for pve is a proteus and the ship I use for pvp is a gila. Totally different ships requiring a whole different set of implants needed between the two ships to maximize them effectively. If you think this would make more poeple risk adverse then I think your kidding yourself and besides eve is a game about choices. So let people make their choice. If nothing else and you go with the pos mod dropping the clones implants you could just bash the risk adverse peoples pos and get a nice loot pinata. If they're so risk adverse they wont put up a fight right?
Sum Olgy
Caldari State
#51 - 2014-08-10 22:37:39 UTC
You're missing the point. W space is DIFFERENT. The more it becomes an extension of K space with all its luxury options the more debased it becomes.

I don't want W space to have K space options and features I wast W space to have its own options and be something markedly different. By all means add in new W space specific features but just adding K space ones for convenience is the wrong way to go.

I'll say it again , and it hope CCP follow the statement with results

W space is hard.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#52 - 2014-08-11 00:31:31 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Sum Olgy wrote:
You're missing the point. W space is DIFFERENT. The more it becomes an extension of K space with all its luxury options the more debased it becomes.

I don't want W space to have K space options and features I wast W space to have its own options and be something markedly different. By all means add in new W space specific features but just adding K space ones for convenience is the wrong way to go.

I'll say it again , and it hope CCP follow the statement with results

W space is hard.

Ok lets give you an alternative,
Let sleeper data centres have a facility to allow you to swap implants. As you know they are defended.
You have to take them there and bring the unfitted ones back.
You have to replace like with like, Ie if you have a slot 6 you have to refit a slot 6. Etc etc.
And nothing can be under a plus 2

Well that is certainly different, and that means no cheap cheap clones.

And even better are the following plus features.

One can refit to operate in different wormhole effects.
One can refit for PvE and PvP
There are more people flying in space outside the pos
There are shinys in ships that can be looted. Everyone would love to loot a set of slaves? Right?

Seems like everyone is happy, because everyone has something to gain or something to shoot.
Especially if someone is alone they are going to travel down the chain to find a data site they can handle.
Win win

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#53 - 2014-08-11 15:34:39 UTC
Sum Olgy wrote:
W space is hard.

Sorry, but there's a difference between tedious and hard. Having to scan down a HiSec so I can get my new clone back into the WH to do WH things is not hard. It's just tedious.

You keep saying you want Wspace to be distinct and separate from Kspace. This change would allow you to avoid having to go to Kspace for even longer periods of time. I know for myself the reason I came to Wspace was because I wanted to experience the unknown and get away from Kspace. Every time I have to go to Kspace for any reason, even if HiSec is only 2 holes away, I hate it. It's not challenging or hard to have to come back from Kspace each time I get podded... it's tedious, boring, and breaks my immersion.

It makes no sense not to have this feature.

If you're worried about it being "op" or "too" convenient, those are not actually valid complaints. There are ways to implement the feature that it would not be either.

  • You can only store a max of 1 or 2 clones at a Mobile CRU.
  • Clones take 1 week to install.
  • Swapping between the clones takes 12 hours + the standard 24 hours (as modified by infomorph psychology)

See, that wasn't hard now was it?

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Kireitsugu Secheh
Les chips electriques
#54 - 2014-08-14 18:55:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Kireitsugu Secheh
Immersion ? Sense ? Getting away from highsec ?
What are you talking about.
You say you hate it yet you want to do highsec stuff in wormholes.
I'm sorry but no. Clones are crapy stuff from kspace where you can store things safely in stations.

Dont get me wrong. I'm not against a feature that allow people to tune themselves in wormholes.
I'm just again copypasting kspace here.

Why would wspace would clones to swap implants?

What we need is a unplug array or something you can board and get your implants extracted. Those thing would work only in kspace due to yourself being far away from your next medical clone, and could only process an amount of people per time.
There would be also a small chance for the implant to get destroyed in the process, and you would need dead corpse to initiate a full removal :D

Stop being jalous of KSPACE ! Innovate !
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#55 - 2014-08-15 05:14:57 UTC
Kireitsugu Secheh wrote:
Immersion ? Sense ? Getting away from highsec ?
What are you talking about.

Yeah dude. If I could store 1 or 2 clones in the WH, it means that many fewer trips to KSpace. Which means I spend more time immersed in WH space.

At EVE Vegas a Dev mentioned blurring the lines between Capsuleers, DUST Mercs, and Valkyries. They're all different variations on the same technology. And Capsuleers are becoming more indepen- nvm, you don't seem like a lore kinda guy to me anyhow.

Kireitsugu Secheh wrote:
You say you hate it yet you want to do highsec stuff in wormholes.


Kireitsugu Secheh wrote:
I'm sorry but no. Clones are crapy stuff from kspace where you can store things safely in stations.

So this your whole argument, then? K.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Joraa Starkmanir
Station Spinners United
#56 - 2014-08-15 05:48:02 UTC
When your pve implants cost 100x the frig your about to roam in, suddenly there is something very important to do in RL.

The other alternative is to only ever use cheap clone with basicly no implants.

Does any of those alternatives scream more pew pew, or shiny killmails?

Realisticly thats the options we have, unless you can dig up a good number of killmails that show something else (frig KM, followed by high grade pod kill or something along those lines)
Jaari Val'Dara
Grim Sleepers
#57 - 2014-08-15 10:07:35 UTC
It's not even a question of being risk averse. You know what I will do if it gets introduced, I will have an expensive pve clone and also expensive pvp clone. It simply a fact that pve clone is so much more different from pvp clone that it isn't even funny.
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