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Cynosural Field Generator Rebalance Idea

4Rum Alt
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2014-08-13 17:37:35 UTC
Dear CCP SeaGull............ I think the time has come for a Cyno rebalance as when the current system was created there were not many capitals in the game. 1st: I think the class of ships that can actually drop a cyno should be up to atleast a Battlecruiser, with Tech 2 Cruisers and Tech 3 cruisers also being able to drop them. Reason a cyno is basically a subspace beacon that is capable of sending a signal many light years away and as such should required a significant amount of power to do. Being able to light a cyno with a rookie ship just isn't right. 2nd: CCP is always preaching balance and counters, which is good, but there is not much balance or counter with a cloaky cyno uncloaking and instantly dropping a cyno. So just as the cyno is a ship based instant module there should be a ship based instant module to block it. As I said above a cyno is just a subspace beacon that capital ships can lock on to, so the counter ship based module should just blanket a 100km area surrounding the ship it was activated from. It should work exactly like a cyno in that the ship that drops it cannot move for 5 mins and so can easily be destroyed. It should be a module that just basically blacks the cyno beacon from being picked up by its fleets capital ships. So a cloaky cyno ships uncloaks and drops a cyno the targeted fleets drops its cyno beacon blocker and no hotdrop. They should not block black ops cyno. Its only fair that if a cyno can be dropped instantly that there be a module that can instantly be dropped to counter it. My idea would allow a lot more pvp small gang fights to happen as now so so many fights don't happen because small gangs are worried about getting hot dropped. You have the bigger alliances in week old cyno alts in systems just waiting to hot drop any small gang fights they see. Where is the balance of a 8 man battle cruiser fleet being hot dropped by 7 supercarriers. Also my idea is just a ruff draft and can be tweaked.
Aivlis Eldelbar
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2014-08-13 17:45:34 UTC
Protip: formatting is very important to getting your message across, walls of text don't help people read your post.

Back on topic, it would be nice to see some changes to cynos to help adress power projection, upping the fitting requirements for using a cyno could be a way, but you'd hurt logistics a lot if you forced them to be used by larger vessels. People who drop into combat already have skills for larger ships, cyno alts for freighters usually don't.

A shipboard cyno interdiction sphere is something that has been floated a few times, and that I personally think could give HICs some new life beyond their current niche. Make it a script that fits the bubble generator, and created a no cyno zone that still allows covert cynos to be lit.

Maybe some more variety in cyno module selection would help as well, like a T2 cyno, or a meta version that lasts less but eats more fuel, or whatever.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2014-08-13 17:49:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Eldwinn
4Rum Alt wrote:
Dear CCP SeaGull............ I think the time has come for a Cyno rebalance as when the current system was created there were not many capitals in the game. 1st: I think the class of ships that can actually drop a cyno should be up to atleast a Battlecruiser, with Tech 2 Cruisers and Tech 3 cruisers also being able to drop them. Reason a cyno is basically a subspace beacon that is capable of sending a signal many light years away and as such should required a significant amount of power to do. Being able to light a cyno with a rookie ship just isn't right. 2nd: CCP is always preaching balance and counters, which is good, but there is not much balance or counter with a cloaky cyno uncloaking and instantly dropping a cyno. So just as the cyno is a ship based instant module there should be a ship based instant module to block it. As I said above a cyno is just a subspace beacon that capital ships can lock on to, so the counter ship based module should just blanket a 100km area surrounding the ship it was activated from. It should work exactly like a cyno in that the ship that drops it cannot move for 5 mins and so can easily be destroyed. It should be a module that just basically blacks the cyno beacon from being picked up by its fleets capital ships. So a cloaky cyno ships uncloaks and drops a cyno the targeted fleets drops its cyno beacon blocker and no hotdrop. They should not block black ops cyno. Its only fair that if a cyno can be dropped instantly that there be a module that can instantly be dropped to counter it. My idea would allow a lot more pvp small gang fights to happen as now so so many fights don't happen because small gangs are worried about getting hot dropped. You have the bigger alliances in week old cyno alts in systems just waiting to hot drop any small gang fights they see. Where is the balance of a 8 man battle cruiser fleet being hot dropped by 7 supercarriers. Also my idea is just a ruff draft and can be tweaked.

dat grammar. I get what you are saying however it just kills my eyes reading through that.

In regards to your topic I agree a bit however I do not think it will really change anything. We would just starting treating every cyno like a super being dropped in. This will only hurt small groups that do not have bridge networks and safe POS online.
Swiftstrike Incorporated
#4 - 2014-08-13 18:20:00 UTC
I have a counter proposal:

If more than 1 cynosural field is active within 100km of each other, they should interfere with each other and neither side can jump to them. They would still last 10 minutes though. That's the price for escalating, seems reasonable it should also be the price of cockblocking an escalation.

Ofc it would still be possible to burn 100km away and light a cyno there... or light a cyno off grid and then warp in the capitals.... or light cyno in the next door system and bridge in subcaps who can jump through stargate.... etc

Casual Incursion runner & Faction Warfare grunt, ex-Wormholer, ex-Nullbear.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5 - 2014-08-13 18:26:57 UTC
Swiftstrike1 wrote:
I have a counter proposal:

If more than 1 cynosural field is active within 100km of each other, they should interfere with each other and neither side can jump to them. They would still last 10 minutes though. That's the price for escalating, seems reasonable it should also be the price of cockblocking an escalation.

Ofc it would still be possible to burn 100km away and light a cyno there... or light a cyno off grid and then warp in the capitals.... or light cyno in the next door system and bridge in subcaps who can jump through stargate.... etc

That is not really a price. It only secures the escalation on field.
Maria Dragoon
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2014-08-13 18:30:54 UTC
Swiftstrike1 wrote:
I have a counter proposal:

If more than 1 cynosural field is active within 100km of each other, they should interfere with each other and neither side can jump to them. They would still last 10 minutes though. That's the price for escalating, seems reasonable it should also be the price of cockblocking an escalation.

Ofc it would still be possible to burn 100km away and light a cyno there... or light a cyno off grid and then warp in the capitals.... or light cyno in the next door system and bridge in subcaps who can jump through stargate.... etc

Only problem with that, is those that are on the field first (typically the attacker) would have the greatest benifit as they would just pop cyno bubbles everywhere to prevent defenders from cynoing in.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Confucius

"A man who talks to people who aren't real is crazy. A man who talks to people who aren't real and writes down what they say is an author."

Athryn Bellee
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#7 - 2014-08-13 18:30:54 UTC
Allow any cyno to be jumped to regardless of the player standings or fleet status. We can see them on the map, why not just let anyone jump to them? This might make someone a little less likely to escalate if they know everyone else can jump the cyno.
4Rum Alt
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2014-08-13 22:04:14 UTC
I'm not a writer by profession, but I do own my own small business and make 150k a year, maybe I can just hire one of you grammar correct guys to either ghost write it for me next time or proof read and edit it. Anyway just get the jest of what I'm saying.
4Rum Alt
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2014-08-13 22:11:17 UTC
That was just me being a smartass. Honestly I just don't see the reason to have it be all grammar correct, it can't be that serious, or at least not to me anyway. Its just a computer game to me, but I guess many here are really smart nerd type folks who do you proper grammar and all soooooo maybe I should take the time to format, proof read and edit in the future.......NOT
Komi Toran
Caldari State
#10 - 2014-08-14 00:44:04 UTC
4Rum Alt wrote:
That was just me being a smartass. Honestly I just don't see the reason to have it be all grammar correct, it can't be that serious, or at least not to me anyway. Its just a computer game to me, but I guess many here are really smart nerd type folks who do you proper grammar and all soooooo maybe I should take the time to format, proof read and edit in the future.......NOT

If you do not respect your writing, why should anyone else?
4Rum Alt
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2014-08-14 00:59:03 UTC
That's the thing I just don't need or care if my writing is respected. There is no real life reason to even care what anyone thinks about my eve post. I mean I don't know if you've noticed or not, but........... eve isn't real life. Its just not that serious to me, I'm sorry. My job, my business, my kids ect..... those are things I take serious.
Maria Dragoon
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2014-08-14 01:05:51 UTC
4Rum Alt wrote:
That was just me being a smartass. Honestly I just don't see the reason to have it be all grammar correct, it can't be that serious, or at least not to me anyway. Its just a computer game to me, but I guess many here are really smart nerd type folks who do you proper grammar and all soooooo maybe I should take the time to format, proof read and edit in the future.......NOT

Things that will happen if your writing is hard to understand.

A: People will troll and flame war you into the ground.

B: People can't understand what the hell you are saying, thus moves on without supporting your idea, thus it falls to the bottom on the pile.

C: People MISS UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU SAY, and will flame war and troll you into the ground because they don't understand your idea.

D: Because the more clearly you write, the more likely a Dev/GM/Whomever will look at your thread.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Confucius

"A man who talks to people who aren't real is crazy. A man who talks to people who aren't real and writes down what they say is an author."

Maria Dragoon
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2014-08-14 01:09:59 UTC
4Rum Alt wrote:
That's the thing I just don't need or care if my writing is respected. There is no real life reason to even care what anyone thinks about my eve post. I mean I don't know if you've noticed or not, but........... eve isn't real life. Its just not that serious to me, I'm sorry. My job, my business, my kids ect..... those are things I take serious.

Also, based on your ability... Or lack there-of, to understand the point people are making to you, makes me believe you lack all those. I would understand if you are not from an English speaking country, you may struggle with the grammar and spelling... However, seeing that it looks like you are from an English speaking country, the lack of English skills make you look very uneducated, and very unemployable. Let alone skilled enough to run said business.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Confucius

"A man who talks to people who aren't real is crazy. A man who talks to people who aren't real and writes down what they say is an author."

Aivlis Eldelbar
State War Academy
Caldari State
#14 - 2014-08-14 11:55:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Aivlis Eldelbar
4Rum Alt wrote:
That was just me being a smartass. Honestly I just don't see the reason to have it be all grammar correct, it can't be that serious, or at least not to me anyway. Its just a computer game to me, but I guess many here are really smart nerd type folks who do you proper grammar and all soooooo maybe I should take the time to format, proof read and edit in the future.......NOT

If you don't value your ideas enought to express them well, why should we care about them? Plus, bad formatting (not grammar) makes texts difficult to read, hence making people ignore you.

P.S.: If your first reaction to being asked to write properly so we may understand you and give a proper answer is to call us nerds and pull the "I'm an X in real life, come at me bro" card, then I'll just point you to the door. It's over there in the corner of your screen, shaped like an x; click it.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#15 - 2014-08-14 12:30:07 UTC
4Rum Alt wrote:
That's the thing I just don't need or care if my writing is respected. There is no real life reason to even care what anyone thinks about my eve post. I mean I don't know if you've noticed or not, but........... eve isn't real life. Its just not that serious to me, I'm sorry. My job, my business, my kids ect..... those are things I take serious.

Didn't read your proposal because I simply can't be arsed to read something when the writer can't be arsed to write it legibly. Then you go on to say, paraphrasing "I'm a total douche and don't care enough about my idea to give a crap about it". Well, in that case, neither do I.

Oh yeah, and you come across as a bit of a ****.
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#16 - 2014-08-14 14:04:40 UTC
Hot dropping mechanics need to be erased from the game - they are stagnating PVP esp in lowsec.

cynoing should be able to logistically move ships around the game, but there should be a strong counter to ****-blobbing an entire fleet onto the battle-grid... Force a trickle through or mass restriction to prevent entire capital fleets from cynoing 151km off as well and just warping down

This would force people to cyno well off grid, allowing the defending fleet to deagress and escape, which would in turn force people to stop using these pathetic tactics and would ultimately sprun more old fashioned GF's since nobody fights anymore as they're all scared of being cyno-blobbed (and rightly so)
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#17 - 2014-08-14 14:30:03 UTC
4Rum Alt wrote:
My idea would allow a lot more pvp small gang fights to happen as now so so many fights don't happen because small gangs are worried about getting hot dropped.

nah, I don't buy it. More likely has nothing to do with small gang fights and you just want to be able to roll around with some friends and gank solo players. Problem is being unsure if that target is really a solo player or bait. Taking the time to ship scan them would mean many real solo players will get away.

4Rum Alt wrote:
You have the bigger alliances in week old cyno alts in systems just waiting to hot drop any small gang fights they see. Where is the balance of a 8 man battle cruiser fleet being hot dropped by 7 supercarriers. Also my idea is just a ruff draft and can be tweaked.

You exaggerate, not saying it's never happened, but if people did this as often as your trying to make it sound like they'd get noticed and someone would bait them and happily remove their toys.

the entire enemy support fleet is dead except for one interdictor a titan could easily finish off with drones  - Commander Ted

4Rum Alt
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2014-08-15 18:13:55 UTC
Aivlis Eldelbar, you are posting in my post so why would you point me to the door. If you don't like the way my post is written, you hit the X in the corner and keep it moving to the next more legible post. Maria Dragoon no matter what you think about my english my grammar or my "skills" at running a business none of that will change the fact that I have my own business and run it efficiently. Second I'm a black guy from Florida and if you know any black people you know so called trolling is not in our culture, we don't give a flying **** about that ****. I just don't want to personally take the time to write a grammar correct post for a video game forum, I'm sorry, its just not at the top of my list of things I need to do the right way to be successful in life. With things in my life that really matter I take the time to do them right, this forum my friend or "bro" is just not one of them. Again I am sorry if my post was not up to your standards of what a video game forum post should be, but really who gives a ****.
Lothras Andastar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2014-08-15 18:25:26 UTC
Make cynos work like titan bridges. Consumes fuel based on the mass of the ship that jumps to it.

Because the Legacy Code has too much Psssssssssssssssh, nothing will ever get fixed until CCP stop wasting money on failed sparkle MMOs and instead rewrite the entire backend of EvE from scratch.

4Rum Alt
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2014-08-15 18:25:49 UTC
Now that being said I agree with Chandaris 110% and he is in Shadow Cartel. Cyno mechanics are really just well overdue for a change. You can defended them all you want, but if they stay at their current state many people whom enjoy small gang pvp will simply lose interest in Eve and move on to other games. How fun will it be for you hot drop players when you guys are the only ones online? Its like you major hot drop players are not even looking for good fights, but just easy kills to pad your meaningless kill board. Where is the challenge in hot dropping a battlecruiser fleet in super carriers. The battlecruisers don't even bother shooting back. But I degress as CCP isn't going to let their game just die, eventually they will change it and the game will be much better for it.
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