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[Hyperion] Nestor Tweaks

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Valenthe de Celine
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#241 - 2014-08-13 16:50:07 UTC
Enre Rosencraz wrote:
SMA is an interesting way to go. If you are going to rethink this ship, as everyone is pretty unanimous that you should, then go a different way with it.

Make it an Anti-Bhaalgorn.

Give it a shielded capacitor. A 25-50% reduction (Amarr BS skill level based) in cap neuted per cycle.
This will give it use in C4+ anomalies and make it one hell of a remote repper.

it may even give it a purpose in PVP fleets as a logi alternative if you make it a bit more agile.

my 2 isk.

This. More ideas like this. Lets see some actual counter to cap warfare, and all of a sudden this makes it really useful in a WH RR fleet, instead of just a 1.4b ISK boondoggle ship that does everything 1/4 as well as a T3.
Valenthe de Celine
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#242 - 2014-08-13 17:12:37 UTC
progodlegend wrote:
I think people complaining about the Nestor having no uses are being incredibly uncreative.

If the price comes down, as with this change it should, then I can envision quite a few uses for it.

You guys got to think outside of the box :).

It's not that it doesn't have uses, but for being 8x the cost of a T1 battleship hull, I'd rather fly other battleships than one of these. WH residents have a strong sense of risk vs. reward, and the Nestor just doesn't make the cut. It's more favorable to run a carrier in almost all the scenarios you desire this expensive of a remote repping ship, or a fleet of something else, rather than one faction battleship that is unremarkable. It's not even a question of the cost as much as the lack of the application bonuses that ships like the Domi have for drones, and they are cheaper, and they are as capable in almost all the other areas that matter. It feels a little like CCP has a disconnect with the playerbase when ships like the Nestor come out and no one uses them. I have to wonder if the Prospect suffers from similar issues, as most folks I know who used Ventures before to mine gas are still using them cause the 500k ISK ship that does virtually the same thing as a 23m ISK ship, but no warp core bonus, has no real advantage over the other. Sure, there's the size of the ore hold, but thats about it.
The Djego
Hellequin Inc.
#243 - 2014-08-13 17:38:15 UTC  |  Edited by: The Djego
James Baboli wrote:
The Djego wrote:
Make it like a utility platform like marauders, give it a 100% damage bonus to lasers, reduce the turrets to 3 and give it a useful fitting and cap(the current one is still a joke, it needs 600m in T2 BS sized RR rigs to power up medium reps, yes medium not even large) to mount RR, Puls and tank at the same time. Reduce the sig even further to 380m since it just takes even with the resist bonus more damage than most other BS by the big sig from my experience and give it around 2-2.5k more base armor hit points to make it overall less squishy and more practical without a plate. Maybe add another 100% to the RR range bonus, since this is also something that vastly limits its use currently for stuff like Incs. Another thing would be to give it finally the 10 target slots like Logis and Marauders have them, to be more attractive in the Logi role and multi task better(lock stuff to shoot and RR at the same time).

Sooo. It can't do RR while running a weapon with a massive cap problem? Surprise.
Soo why do you need cap for an armor tank? EANMs are good enough of a passive that its ridiculous. Unless you want to local tank it, run DPS and logi, in which case, what is even going on there?
Soo a drone and logi boat with a minor secondary bonus to lasers can't do all three at once without bling? I am shocked.

Yes it is indeed a major problem if you can't use the most interesting aspect of the hull, what is a utility role as a RR BS like Marauders in a useful manner by the cap issues of the hull. Currently it can barely utilize medium corpum A type RR reps in a useful way and the Nestor could be a lot better if it actually had the proper cap to make something like 3 guns + 3-4 large reps feasible without wasting all med slots with cap rechargers.

James Baboli wrote:
As for more EHP, that ship needs more base armor like I need a hole in my cranium. It already has the 6th highest base armor HP of any faction battleship, with the amar navy and bhaal finishing ahead of it. Its closest matches in shield, the SNI and rattler do have more buffer, but this is matched with substantially harder time getting insane resists as there is more pressure on those midslots in almost every case as well as the active nature of shield tank.

Do you know what makes a big difference when you look at the total EHP and the tank? The suggestion are made when you look at the hull fully fitted in a useful setup, that would make sense. However this setups don't include trimarks or resist rigs, because the Nestor has to compromise the rig slots for the RR ability, what is a fairly massive deal if you look at overall EHP and survivability.

Improve discharge rigging:

Wrent Simulus
State War Academy
Caldari State
#244 - 2014-08-13 17:40:50 UTC
Let it use fleet assistance modules.

Bam, mini-carrier.
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#245 - 2014-08-13 17:42:06 UTC
The Djego wrote:
James Baboli wrote:
The Djego wrote:
Make it like a utility platform like marauders, give it a 100% damage bonus to lasers, reduce the turrets to 3 and give it a useful fitting and cap(the current one is still a joke, it needs 600m in T2 BS sized RR rigs to power up medium reps, yes medium not even large) to mount RR, Puls and tank at the same time. Reduce the sig even further to 380m since it just takes even with the resist bonus more damage than most other BS by the big sig from my experience and give it around 2-2.5k more base armor hit points to make it overall less squishy and more practical without a plate. Maybe add another 100% to the RR range bonus, since this is also something that vastly limits its use currently for stuff like Incs. Another thing would be to give it finally the 10 target slots like Logis and Marauders have them, to be more attractive in the Logi role and multi task better(lock stuff to shoot and RR at the same time).

Sooo. It can't do RR while running a weapon with a massive cap problem? Surprise.
Soo why do you need cap for an armor tank? EANMs are good enough of a passive that its ridiculous. Unless you want to local tank it, run DPS and logi, in which case, what is even going on there?
Soo a drone and logi boat with a minor secondary bonus to lasers can't do all three at once without bling? I am shocked.

Yes it is indeed a major problem if you can't use the most interesting aspect of the hull, what is a utility role as a RR BS like Marauders in a useful manner by the cap issues of the hull. Currently it can barely utilize medium corpum A type RR reps in a useful way and the Nestor could be a lot better if it actually had the proper cap to make something like 3 guns + 3-4 large reps feasible without wasting all med slots with cap rechargers.

James Baboli wrote:
As for more EHP, that ship needs more base armor like I need a hole in my cranium. It already has the 6th highest base armor HP of any faction battleship, with the amar navy and bhaal finishing ahead of it. Its closest matches in shield, the SNI and rattler do have more buffer, but this is matched with substantially harder time getting insane resists as there is more pressure on those midslots in almost every case as well as the active nature of shield tank.

Do you know what makes a big difference when you look at the total EHP and the tank? The suggestion are made when you look at the hull fully fitted in a useful setup, that would make sense. However this setups don't include trimarks or resist rigs, because the Nestor has to compromise the rig slots for the RR ability, what is a fairly massive deal if you look at overall EHP and survivability.

because logistics ships with infinite cap worked out so well with guardians not being horribly broken
The Djego
Hellequin Inc.
#246 - 2014-08-13 17:48:45 UTC
TrouserDeagle wrote:

because logistics ships with infinite cap worked out so well with guardians not being horribly broken

Yes because the infinite cap on a guardian is not infinite, it doesn't come from local cap recharge and the ship bonuses(that the Nestor doesn't have) have nothing to do with it. What?

Improve discharge rigging:

Obsidian Hawk
RONA Midgard Academy
#247 - 2014-08-13 17:51:47 UTC
There are a lot of ways you can take the nestor, but right now looking at the info it's primary purpose is to hit up higher level ghost sites and combat sites, which gives it a very limited role. So what role to give it besides that?
common suggestions

BS level triage - aka its own type of bastion module.
Tech II cloak bonus - 125% speed while cloaked per level etc.
- make it the black ops of SOE
drop the optimal range and give it something more useful?

Play off the lore of SOE. They are going into deep space to rescue people, ships and try to restore the EvE gate. Oh and personal opinion - ship bay is worthless.

Why Can't I have a picture signature.

Also please support graphical immersion, bring back the art that brought people to EvE online originaly.

Ghaustyl Kathix
Rising Thunder
#248 - 2014-08-13 18:14:57 UTC
TrouserDeagle wrote:
because logistics ships with infinite cap worked out so well with guardians not being horribly broken
As a Guardian pilot, I can name four different hard counters for the Guardian. Stop complaining about "broken" ships and start learning their counters.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#249 - 2014-08-13 18:32:54 UTC
Obsidian Hawk wrote:
There are a lot of ways you can take the nestor, but right now looking at the info it's primary purpose is to hit up higher level ghost sites and combat sites, which gives it a very limited role. So what role to give it besides that?
common suggestions

BS level triage - aka its own type of bastion module.
Tech II cloak bonus - 125% speed while cloaked per level etc.
- make it the black ops of SOE
drop the optimal range and give it something more useful?

Play off the lore of SOE. They are going into deep space to rescue people, ships and try to restore the EvE gate. Oh and personal opinion - ship bay is worthless.

No. To tank it to 500+ dps required to clear most combat sites in null or in WH space, you sacrifice everything, including damage. Plus, it cant handle neuts common in sleeper sites.

Nestor only kinda works in tandem with another nestor or a feeder guardian; a pair of nestors can half-assedly tank a C5 sleeper site, up to wave 2, maybe, but with serious problems in damage application. Forget running a C6.

But seriously, for wormhole PvE its a marauder or tengu for higher-end content, or RR domis for lower-end. There is NO reason to take nestors in PvE. Absolutely NONE. Ditto for null, only they use ishatrs in complexes I believe.

baltec believes it a PvP roam support battleship, but wont use the ship himself in that role.

Maybe nestor now has marginal uses in low-sec battleship-heavy gate camps as a mobile depot now at zero on the gate, but thats about it. When was the last time 30+ battleships sat on a low-sec gate? Those days are long gone...
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#250 - 2014-08-13 18:44:23 UTC
I predict only 1 role for nestor IMHO.

Alliance Tournaments.

Maybe, just maybe, a flagship nestor logi is slightly better in a tournament format - if the cap stability is solved.

Yes range of RR is an issue, but a nestor and 2 domis/megas on the sides - hard to break.
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#251 - 2014-08-13 18:44:24 UTC  |  Edited by: James Baboli
The Djego wrote:

Yes it is indeed a major problem if you can't use the most interesting aspect of the hull, what is a utility role as a RR BS like Marauders in a useful manner by the cap issues of the hull. Currently it can barely utilize medium corpum A type RR reps in a useful way and the Nestor could be a lot better if it actually had the proper cap to make something like 3 guns + 3-4 large reps feasible without wasting all med slots with cap rechargers.

It will do both of these with shiny fits, implants and high skills. I agree that it could use slightly better cap, but it should not be able to do all of these things at once without making some kind of meaningful sacrifice. A rack of application bonused guns, a full flight of sentries, range bonused RR and a strong tank should be enough to make sacrifices for. It should be mostly cap modules if you are trying to fit such an all purpose ship, as lasers don't use ammo and already have wonderful selection, but pay for it with high cap use and limited damage types, RR is designed to use cap as its limiting resource and you still have bonused drones. So pick one role and stop trying to make it do everything at once. It can do everything, just not at once, and this SMA will let a nestor gang refit to do everything, just like a carrier gang can.

The Djego wrote:

Do you know what makes a big difference when you look at the total EHP and the tank? The suggestion are made when you look at the hull fully fitted in a useful setup, that would make sense. However this setups don't include trimarks or resist rigs, because the Nestor has to compromise the rig slots for the RR ability, what is a fairly massive deal if you look at overall EHP and survivability.

I can get it cap stable with a full rack of RR, 70%+ resists, 100k EHP and no modules more expensive than t2, and t1 rigs, without using implants. This looks fairly reasonable to me for most currently proposed setups theory crafted, as it VERY quickly gets better when you start running faction modules or implants. Granted, it lacks the guns, but it has almost double the raw rep power of a guardian or onieros, without a cap chain to foul on.

TrouserDeagle wrote:

because logistics ships with infinite cap worked out so well with guardians not being horribly broken

This is much more an issue with cap chains being a very powerful mechanic than with logistics ships themselves. It is a force multiplier for the guardian/basilisk to be able to relieve neut pressure, but it is countered by the fact that applying such pressure and then breaking the locks in the cap chain will cause several ships to cap out, rather than just one. This is simply the easiest and most frustrating counter.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Ayiana Sive
Odysseys Point
#252 - 2014-08-13 19:16:21 UTC
Would love to see a jump drive on it.
Be Nice Inc.
Prismatic Legion
#253 - 2014-08-13 19:45:44 UTC
XvXTeacherVxV wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
We are giving the Nestor a 5000m3 Ship Maintenance Bay that will allow friendly ships to refit when they are nearby.

I get that this new ship bay is useful for refitting, but the space in the bay itself is pretty much worthless. I'd like to see this ship maintenance bay mean something more than "You can put a shuttle in it!" That's not giving players very interesting choices. What you put in this bay should matter, otherwise it's just flavor and a fitting service and this ship is already too much flavor and not enough function.

I'd be satisfied with the Nestor if it had another low-slot, a jump drive, and the SMA held ~20K-30K m3. That would mean pilots could stash a frigate in the SMA for their cyno alt to swap into. You could even take those analyzer & probing bonuses away and I doubt anyone would miss them since most people won't even need them if they can keep an astero in the bay.

I like the neutralizer resistance idea so long as it is not total neutralizer immunity, but with so many mid-slots you could achieve this to some degree anyway by fitting capacitor batteries, so I'm not sure it would revolutionize the hull unless the resistance was quite substantial.
Can you see the rapier?:,GH6lqDE
Steph Livingston
Neko's Blanket
#254 - 2014-08-13 20:25:14 UTC
You know, the reason there’s so many different ideas on how to fix the Nestor just helps highlight the real issue, it doesn’t have a specific purpose, or focus. It does a ton of things ok, but nothing extremely well. It has a ton of bonuses, few that actually benefit it or have any synergy, and as a result any effect it could be having right now is completely watered down. No offence, but I think the addition of a maintenance bay shows that not even the devs know where it’s going either.

Instead of going through a ton of small iterations, I’d rather see the Nestor taken back to the drawing board and rebuilt. It has several good ideas that should be salvaged but the problem with the original design is that it didn’t have a direction, it was just the core SOE bonuses with a BS hull strapped around them. Remote Reps had to be added later because the ship was to weak. At this point I think trying to support probes, decryption, drones, remote rep and lasers all at once is pointless. Figure out the core idea and give it a purpose, THEN add the bonuses.

I have no doubt the Nestor could be an amazing ship, I’d just rather not have to go through 10 different iterations in order to get there.

The Djego
Hellequin Inc.
#255 - 2014-08-13 20:41:45 UTC  |  Edited by: The Djego
James Baboli wrote:
The Djego wrote:

Yes it is indeed a major problem if you can't use the most interesting aspect of the hull, what is a utility role as a RR BS like Marauders in a useful manner by the cap issues of the hull. Currently it can barely utilize medium corpum A type RR reps in a useful way and the Nestor could be a lot better if it actually had the proper cap to make something like 3 guns + 3-4 large reps feasible without wasting all med slots with cap rechargers.

It will do both of these with shiny fits, implants and high skills. I agree that it could use slightly better cap, but it should not be able to do all of these things at once without making some kind of meaningful sacrifice. A rack of application bonused guns, a full flight of sentries, range bonused RR and a strong tank should be enough to make sacrifices for. It should be mostly cap modules if you are trying to fit such an all purpose ship, as lasers don't use ammo and already have wonderful selection, but pay for it with high cap use and limited damage types, RR is designed to use cap as its limiting resource and you still have bonused drones. So pick one role and stop trying to make it do everything at once. It can do everything, just not at once, and this SMA will let a nestor gang refit to do everything, just like a carrier gang can.

That sounds like the Nestor is a awesome ship right now already. However all that fittings are outdone by block standard Logi or RR Marauder for a fraction of the price with a lot better survivability or DPS. If you use the meds for cap recharges, the utility compared to a Oni is laughable(the survivability already is, it needs 3 times more RR -> 4 vs 1 T2 large RR on it in the same scenario to keep it alive), if you use the low slots for tank you will see like 400 dps from it, what is so worth the extra price tag over the Oni(especially without tracking links). Compare it to a RR Marauder that can deal more DPS and also fields a lot of RR, the only a advantage of the Nestor is a bit more RR range and RR amount however to make it really practical it needs the capacitor to actually utilize all this modules halve way decent. Else I could just slap 2-3 cap mods on my Paladin and call it a day, still more room for TCs and damage mods, still more DPS and still a lot cheaper.
Btw, lasers do use T2 and faction crystals(a lot actually).

James Baboli wrote:
The Djego wrote:

Do you know what makes a big difference when you look at the total EHP and the tank? The suggestion are made when you look at the hull fully fitted in a useful setup, that would make sense. However this setups don't include trimarks or resist rigs, because the Nestor has to compromise the rig slots for the RR ability, what is a fairly massive deal if you look at overall EHP and survivability.

I can get it cap stable with a full rack of RR, 70%+ resists, 100k EHP and no modules more expensive than t2, and t1 rigs, without using implants. This looks fairly reasonable to me for most currently proposed setups theory crafted, as it VERY quickly gets better when you start running faction modules or implants. Granted, it lacks the guns, but it has almost double the raw rep power of a guardian or onieros, without a cap chain to foul on.

That is the difference I don't theory craft, I have and use on that is fitted quite expensive, with all skills at 5 and that is actually used in a useful niche. Btw the double RR is a lot less impressive as it looks like, since you need a hole Logi just to keep the Nestor alive(that single logi can also already keep the rest alive on its own), you don't use large reps(because it gimps your dps and utility to much, so it is not twice the RR), while a Oni or Guardian can survive very easy by staying close to a RR BS without any issues on cap or RR amount whatsoever for most practical purpose. Also you could fit up a guardian with 6 reps as well, if RR is all you need(that actually works with 2 med reps on it rather well without cap chain and decent EHP, similar to a 6/0 Basi).

Lets pretend for one second we use a realistic fitting. Is it awesome at DPS? No not really, it doesn't have the application bonuses from the Domi and loses nearly everything that makes it more practical than the Domi by fitting lasers(the RR) and with the extra low to slap on a another plate the EHP difference is not that great(the extra resists are nice, then again signature). Also Marauders can do a similar thing nearly as good with more DPS and cheaper. Is it awesome as Logi? If you need a static solo logi it is ok, however it costs a fortune to add some utility the Logis have out of the box and a for most practical applications a solo Nestor paired up with RR BS is far easier to kill than a solo logi, that gets worse by scaling, because Logis tank a lot better. Plus mobility and RR range on the normal Logis is still a lot better, plus being a lot more expandable.

It can be used as Inc Logi for VGs, it isn't even that awesome since it only offers 1-2 more tracking link over the Oni(again you want Omnis on it for the Sentry drones so it is more like 1-0), it adds around 650 dps over a Oni(if you 3 slot tank it and most not fully maxed Logi pilots will have issues to keep it up on her own), however it is pointless in bigger sites where you need mobility(by the limited rep range), it is awful as solo logi(because it needs a truck of RR on it to keep it up) and the extra RR is rather pointless if you use 2 loigs anyway(a single Oni can already handle the incoming DPS). Overall it is even questionable in a very this small niche. Is it worth the price tag? While it is a ok alternative, it is not worth 10 times the ISK than pimped Oni and yes I say that despite the fact actually having one fitted that way and using it from time to time.

Improve discharge rigging:

Atreidun Order
#256 - 2014-08-13 20:42:42 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hey everyone. We have another set of balance changes to talk about today. We've been keeping a close eye on the Nestor battleship and we're planning to make a few small but significant changes to it in the Hyperion release.

The most significant change by far is that we are increasing the drop rate of the Drone Nexus chips that can be converted to Sisters of EVE ship BPCs quite dramatically. These should now drop much more often from all types of "Sentient" rogue drone commander NPCs, especially from the Sentient Alvus battleships.
This should go a long way to helping bring the price of the Nestor down from its current levels.

Secondly, we are adding a new function to the Nestor that fits well with its role as a group support vessel. We are giving the Nestor a 5000m3 Ship Maintenance Bay that will allow friendly ships to refit when they are nearby.

And finally, we are reducing the Nestor's signature radius a bit from the current 465m to 420m.

We know that some of you will be unsatisfied with the fact that we're not adding covert cloak or jump drive capabilities or some other completely new role to the Nestor with this pass. We won't rule out the possibility of future changes but we are first going to observe the results of these adjustments in Hyperion.

As always, we welcome your feedback in this thread.


This is awesome! I was one of the ones screaming for the covert ops capabilities, but the ship maintenence bay is also something I advocated for. I'm glad you guys are considering the option!

P.S. I still like the covert ops idea, maybe make a black ops variant of the Nestor hull fit that purpose? Just a thought! You guys are doing good, keep it up!
Kasimir Wulf
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#257 - 2014-08-13 20:54:44 UTC
Harvey James wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Harvey James wrote:
interesting adding some genuine uniqueness .. what it also tells us is that Rise is far too conservative with changes .. since every change he does needs further changes later on down the line ... please give him a kick up the arse for us please

This is actually the best way to do things, better to make small changes to get to a good place than to over buff something and have people suffer in game for weeks or months before CCP can come back around and fix it.

or we have too wait for months for any meaningful changes .. in the meantime we are stuck waiting for those said changes too actually occur

i'd rather wait for meaningful changes then have to deal with people abusing the crap out of a blatantly obvious overpowered ship.
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#258 - 2014-08-14 01:12:59 UTC
Upon further investigation into the Nestor I came up with a few changes I would implement.

Power Grid: 13000 (+1750)
Max Velocity: 100 (+8)
Signature: 420 (-45)
Sensor Strength: 26 (+2)
10+ bonus to Relic and Data Analyzer virus strength
50% Reduction in Remote Armor Repair Capacitor Usage
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#259 - 2014-08-14 04:37:46 UTC
Bonuses are still meaningless as they don't fit to a theme.
Meaning it has no clear role and will continue to be outplayed in almost every role.
Savon Starfarer
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#260 - 2014-08-14 06:00:51 UTC
Hi, first time posting here. I was just looking at the ship, looking at the virus strength and it's role as exploration ship. Being a 'fast' bs, it's still a bs - slow and lumbering. I suggest the following.

1. Give it an analyser range bonus that can cover entire exploration site grid.
2. A module that only it can use, to collect any loot from cracked open exploration container anywhere on grid instantly, acting like those beaming device in Star Trek.

In this case, being the premier exploration battleship that it is meant to be, can simply fly into an exploration area, align to an escape SS, and still do hacking and collect loot. Well, at least it can actually fulfill a role in exploration that is unique.
Just my penny thought, what do u guys think?

"Beam them in, Scotty" lol