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Bohica Empire jump ship

Degnar Oskold
#21 - 2014-08-11 19:13:59 UTC
Hopefully soon BE will be inducted into Lowsec Fight Club (GalMil vs Lowsec Pirates over POCOS and POSes). These days Calmil are just a cute distraction.
Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#22 - 2014-08-11 20:12:21 UTC
A couple people trolled and emailed me asking for me to come back and FC Nano Hacs against Bohica's Nano Hac gang as they know that is something I would get excited about. I was salivating at the opportunity. Sadly this can't happen unless you rejoin Calmil. Please rejoin :)

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Kira Distler
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2014-08-11 20:49:58 UTC
Deen how about we combine nano hacs into one fleet :)
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2014-08-11 21:29:29 UTC
Degnar Oskold wrote:
Hopefully soon BE will be inducted into Lowsec Fight Club (GalMil vs Lowsec Pirates over POCOS and POSes). These days Calmil are just a cute distraction.

This. So much this. :D

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2014-08-11 21:39:21 UTC
Mr Majestic wrote:

Bit strange to see a thread about my tiny alliance here, if you were that curious guys I'm a pretty open and contactable guy in-game.

In any case I'll respond as best I can but I'll start from the beginning and formation of our alliance.

A solid response sir, thank you. I would certainly have enjoyed to fight you, but seeing as how you're on the team now I guess that's not happening :P. Don't worry, it's Black Rise and The Citadel we're talking about, there's always people to kill. I hear there are some pirates in Tama, Suje and Kinakka ;). Ofc there are squid, but you need a permit to hunt those, they're an endangered species now days. "Overfishing" I guess you could call it ;)

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#26 - 2014-08-11 23:08:14 UTC
Kira Distler wrote:
Deen how about we combine nano hacs into one fleet :)
Deen, teach them the ways of the "force", err "the nano".
Arla Sarain
#27 - 2014-08-11 23:13:40 UTC
All Ishtars are HACs.
Not all HACs are Ishtars.

nano HACs lol.
Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#28 - 2014-08-12 02:01:21 UTC
The only thing I can say to Bohica is to make your peace with the fellow GalMil corps and get in our comms. Join our fights, and we'll join yours. Always happy to have more freedom lovers.
Proioxis Assault Force
Rogue Caldari Union
#29 - 2014-08-12 04:58:22 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
The only thing I can say to Bohica is to make your peace with the fellow GalMil corps and get in our comms. Join our fights, and we'll join yours. Always happy to have more freedom lovers.

One turncoat welcoming a whole alliance of turncoats
RonPaul Rox
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2014-08-12 06:16:05 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
The only thing I can say to Bohica is to make your peace with the fellow GalMil corps and get in our comms. Join our fights, and we'll join yours. Always happy to have more freedom lovers.

I agree, you're not really GalMil til you afk in our comms til a large enough group of people congregate in one channel and you decide to figure out what's going on Cool

It's Oldman Withers
#31 - 2014-08-12 06:44:24 UTC
I just have to say that Bohica is the best name ever.

Bend Over Here It Comes Again

Phox Jorkarzul
Deep Void Merc Syndicate
#32 - 2014-08-12 06:51:14 UTC
Mr Majestic wrote:

Bit strange to see a thread about my tiny alliance here, if you were that curious guys I'm a pretty open and contactable guy in-game.

In any case I'll respond as best I can but I'll start from the beginning and formation of our alliance.

We originally wanted to join Gallente FW (we heard great things, rather than looking at your tier, believe it or not) but we have a very new player training corp in our ranks and basically we thought it would be a good idea to keep Jita and Caldari space in general open to them. Looking back it was dumb, but it's what we did and we can't go back now. So we ended up joining Calmil obviously and had a load of fun with those guys but overall it just wasn't for us. I really don't want to go into detail because feels pretty pointless (sorry if your here for drama and internal strife). There was literally no bad blood or drama it just wasn't right for us at the time.

We had a fairly... vocal corporation with us at the time we were dumping LP into hubs and seeing what would happen, we were new to FW and were simply testing mechanics and whatnot. They saw it upon themselves to smack in militia chat and go against the grain of the other corporations (that included the gloating and pretending to be pro, bs). That corporation is no longer with us and things are a lot better now.

We still don't feel like Calmil or anyone for that matter owe us anything. We had fun testing mechanics, fighting and have zero regrets putting time and effort into doing what we were enjoying doing. Sorry it didn't work out but there really isn't much more to it then that.

We joined Galmil, again like we originally wanted to after a week or so of farming those boring career missions and dropping tags into those standings agents to repair our standing and now we're here. We had a few fun brawls with the locals while we've been here and everything has been good, not looking to go anywhere soon.

In response to the other comments here, we don't have a 'lead diplo', we're not here to cash out (again, we're dumping LP into hubs and flipped a few systems for fun, not exactly what I'd consider isk efficient for farmers). We don't care for roleplaying ourselves and don't care if others do so.

One very important final point I want to make is we're not pro and we're not even that good but we're still here to learn, have fun and kill lots. Can't be much more simple then that, sorry we joined late and offended a few of you with our presence. Still not going anywhere and I sincerely hope we can help with whatever comes next for Galmil :)

Yeah our efficiency sucks this month, we lost a couple of Dreads having fun and as Gallentius said, we are in the transitional period from nullsec to lowsec, a lot of things are different and our members have to get used to that. I'm not going to apologize for having fun and learning new stuff. I have no doubt we'll get there in the end.

TL;DR caldari are rp carebears.

Blasters for life

Degnar Oskold
#33 - 2014-08-12 14:18:16 UTC
Grimwood wrote:
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
The only thing I can say to Bohica is to make your peace with the fellow GalMil corps and get in our comms. Join our fights, and we'll join yours. Always happy to have more freedom lovers.

One turncoat welcoming a whole alliance of turncoats

Why not put in an application to JUSTK, Grimwood?
Shad owLord
#34 - 2014-08-12 14:35:51 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Shad owLord wrote:
Apparently being Cal Mil was 'Too hard', Bless
It's so hard that you have to base out of high sec. THAT is hard.

Awww. Now that's not very nice.
LowKey Ops
Shadow Cartel
#35 - 2014-08-12 16:08:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Phaade
Mr Majestic wrote:

Bit strange to see a thread about my tiny alliance here, if you were that curious guys I'm a pretty open and contactable guy in-game.

In any case I'll respond as best I can but I'll start from the beginning and formation of our alliance.

We originally wanted to join Gallente FW (we heard great things, rather than looking at your tier, believe it or not) but we have a very new player training corp in our ranks and basically we thought it would be a good idea to keep Jita and Caldari space in general open to them. Looking back it was dumb, but it's what we did and we can't go back now. So we ended up joining Calmil obviously and had a load of fun with those guys but overall it just wasn't for us. I really don't want to go into detail because feels pretty pointless (sorry if your here for drama and internal strife). There was literally no bad blood or drama it just wasn't right for us at the time.

We had a fairly... vocal corporation with us at the time we were dumping LP into hubs and seeing what would happen, we were new to FW and were simply testing mechanics and whatnot. They saw it upon themselves to smack in militia chat and go against the grain of the other corporations (that included the gloating and pretending to be pro, bs). That corporation is no longer with us and things are a lot better now.

We still don't feel like Calmil or anyone for that matter owe us anything. We had fun testing mechanics, fighting and have zero regrets putting time and effort into doing what we were enjoying doing. Sorry it didn't work out but there really isn't much more to it then that.

We joined Galmil, again like we originally wanted to after a week or so of farming those boring career missions and dropping tags into those standings agents to repair our standing and now we're here. We had a few fun brawls with the locals while we've been here and everything has been good, not looking to go anywhere soon.

In response to the other comments here, we don't have a 'lead diplo', we're not here to cash out (again, we're dumping LP into hubs and flipped a few systems for fun, not exactly what I'd consider isk efficient for farmers). We don't care for roleplaying ourselves and don't care if others do so.

One very important final point I want to make is we're not pro and we're not even that good but we're still here to learn, have fun and kill lots. Can't be much more simple then that, sorry we joined late and offended a few of you with our presence. Still not going anywhere and I sincerely hope we can help with whatever comes next for Galmil :)

Yeah our efficiency sucks this month, we lost a couple of Dreads having fun and as Gallentius said, we are in the transitional period from nullsec to lowsec, a lot of things are different and our members have to get used to that. I'm not going to apologize for having fun and learning new stuff. I have no doubt we'll get there in the end.

Oh, you "originally wanted to join Gal Mil."


I'm sure them being in tier 4 played no role in your decision.

And based on your Killboards, I'm sure you didn't find it too hard to be Caldari.
LowKey Ops
Shadow Cartel
#36 - 2014-08-12 16:11:43 UTC
Degnar Oskold wrote:
Hopefully soon BE will be inducted into Lowsec Fight Club (GalMil vs Lowsec Pirates over POCOS and POSes). These days Calmil are just a cute distraction.

Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#37 - 2014-08-12 21:30:34 UTC
Grimwood wrote:

One turncoat welcoming a whole alliance of turncoats


Nice to see people are still bitter. I get a good chuckle every time I'm primaried too.
Caldari State
#38 - 2014-08-13 18:15:28 UTC
Phaade wrote:

Oh, you "originally wanted to join Gal Mil."


I'm sure them being in tier 4 played no role in your decision.

And based on your Killboards, I'm sure you didn't find it too hard to be Caldari.

Actually, the tier didn't play a role.
After all, the tiers when we joined Caldari are pretty much the same as they are now and we could see that in advance.
We're here for the fights; ISK sitting in a wallet serves no purpose, and we've already stocked up on Ishtars, Tristans and all the other goodies we need.

Perhaps what we're really grooving on in GalMil isn't the tier, which will come and go; it's the other GalMil leaders being people with whom we can play together well.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#39 - 2014-08-14 07:55:00 UTC
Vajrabhairava wrote:
Phaade wrote:

Oh, you "originally wanted to join Gal Mil."


I'm sure them being in tier 4 played no role in your decision.

And based on your Killboards, I'm sure you didn't find it too hard to be Caldari.

Actually, the tier didn't play a role.
After all, the tiers when we joined Caldari are pretty much the same as they are now and we could see that in advance.
We're here for the fights; ISK sitting in a wallet serves no purpose, and we've already stocked up on Ishtars, Tristans and all the other goodies we need.

Perhaps what we're really grooving on in GalMil isn't the tier, which will come and go; it's the other GalMil leaders being people with whom we can play together well.

Welcome to the winning team :)

However, if you came for the fights you're gonna have to make do with Waffles, Snuff and the like - we pretty much beat the living **** out of squids. Still, CALSF, Mjolnir Bloc and others do fight, there's just not nearly enough of them. It could be argued that if fights were your primary reason for joining, you should have stayed in CalMil - they have more fights than they can handle.

But let's make the best of the situation and see if we can't boot Waffles from Kinakka eh? :D
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