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Disallowing PLEX on PUBLIC contract

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#21 - 2014-08-10 00:42:30 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:

*splutter* station trade plex! What could possibly go wrong...Roll

If you're literate, absolutely nothing.


I see you're back from your latest temp ban for trolling.

I never trolled and
I was never banned.
Still the same kaarous I see,
How's it working out for you?
Keeping busy?

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2014-08-10 00:52:37 UTC
If CCP removed things that annoyed someone, there would be nothing left.

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#23 - 2014-08-10 00:54:12 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Ynot Eyob wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Ynot Eyob wrote:
w3ak3stl1nk wrote:
People quit from getting podded or getting their first ship blown up. People quit for many reason. Hard to say why this should be an exception.

And people would quit when getting WAR decced, those people wouldnt survive EVE anyway.

Here we are talking about people who cant afford it. Iv seen people who have playing 2 - 3 years podded many times, but falling for this scam, and just cant afford to resub for RL money.

PLEX is more or less equal RL money, and here is the different.

With complete honesty, if the loss of $15 is the tipping point, the problem isn't with EVE. I pay for my subs by not eating fast food, every two homecooked meals is one subscription paid for in my eyes. (I have five subs active at present)

And as for your last statement. PLEX is explicitly NOT real money. The game makes you sign, like five things saying that you understand that before you can even sign up for the game, and one before you buy a PLEX too.

Personally, I think it should stay as is. Caveat Emptor is important, after all.

So buying hotel and beer at FAN fest for PLEX is not like RL money....

I have had people getting divorced and have to move from house and loosing job at the same time, and last friendly circle was EVE which they couldnt play due to not being able to get plex in time.

i have 5+ accounts and i can afford it and pay my bills, but it makes me sad to see people stop playing because of an ISK issue and buy PLEX on market. Just look at the impact the high plex prise have right now, we have dropped from 55k users online to 35k users. I know summer is playing in, but not for 20k people.

The US and EU economic collaps a few years ago, people were depended on playing by plex. I gave god knows how many plex away in that period just to keep good members online and able to play.

If people who have difficulty paying with real world money, lose their in game money, and cannot carry on playing,that is really sad, they have my deepest sympathy, it may only be a game, but it has real world effects on their happiness.

Nice job helping them and helping them through it, keeping them playing is good for them and good for the game until they get through that time.
But those who take advantage, probably still manage to sleep at night somehow.
Everyone has their own conscience, and they find their own way of silencing that little voice.
Different people have different ideas of fun.
The game does allow for all types of play though it does make it interesting, if sometimes cruel.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#24 - 2014-08-10 01:05:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Ynot Eyob
Sentamon wrote:
If CCP removed things that annoyed someone, there would be nothing left.

I totally agree, and they shouldnt, but this is not just an annoyed ment, but a way to have people not being able to play the game over all.

There is a million other ways to scam, where the impact dosnt involve directly people not being able to play.

Ex. WAR allie scams, pay me 100m and we wil help you fight your WAR with my one man overpowered corp... Ya right, but ALOT of corporations bit on it.

By 50000k Zydrine for XXX, ya right

Market scams, get a Over powered item on contracts, you check maket and you can sell it in station for way more, AWESOME fast trade... except the buyer doesnt have enough isk to buy the item you just used alot of ISK on in a contract.

I personal have no issues with those. Its only the PLEX one, where you have desperate people thinking they are buying a plex in the last minut to resub.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#25 - 2014-08-10 02:28:49 UTC
There is literally no way to be scammed on a PLEX if you have even basic reading skills.

Source: I read PLEX scam contracts for my own amusement when in Jita
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#26 - 2014-08-10 02:46:47 UTC
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
There is literally no way to be scammed on a PLEX if you have even basic reading skills.

Source: I read PLEX scam contracts for my own amusement when in Jita


Hopefully by the time you can afford PLEX in Eve you've established some basic understanding of contracts.

Now contracts spell out exactly what you give and get. It even spells out amount if you can't count the 0's...

Also scams are part of Eve. Why should PLEX scams be treated differently? If you want to count PLEX having a RL money value so does everything else in Eve. I get scammed in a contract receiving a standard Raven instead of a Navy Issue I just lost RL money.
Robbie Robot
Exiled Kings
Pain And Compliance
#27 - 2014-08-10 06:29:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Robbie Robot
All lies. There is no one that has fallen for the public plex scam who was un able to subscribe their account. Reason? The would have traded a plex and 750M for a plex, and could therefore resub still, though only one acount. They might rage quit after, but how is the plex scam different than the mineral scam, or the slicer scams n terms of rage?
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#28 - 2014-08-10 06:36:43 UTC
I was plus +1ing this thread until the mention of contracts. Basically disallow PLEX.
Jur Tissant
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2014-08-10 06:44:03 UTC
PLEX scams are terribly easy to spot. Here's a quick way to tell if a PLEX contract is a scam: if it's a PLEX contract, then it's a scam.
Solutio Letum
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2014-08-10 07:42:23 UTC
That's a idiot of idea.

The only way to sell things from sov space hubs that have been flipped is to contract it.
There forth if you flip a hub you cant publicly sell your plex's anymore if you had one in there for some silly reason.
Its stuck there, "forever"
Adriana Nolen
Sama Guild
#31 - 2014-08-10 07:52:14 UTC
I have yet to see a plex contract that isn't a scam.
Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#32 - 2014-08-10 08:23:43 UTC
Solutio Letum wrote:
That's a idiot of idea.

The only way to sell things from sov space hubs that have been flipped is to contract it.
There forth if you flip a hub you cant publicly sell your plex's anymore if you had one in there for some silly reason.
Its stuck there, "forever"

This i didnt think of, and on that part your 100% right, fortune iv been able to put my stuff on the market after Sov flip.

I to think the contracts are easy to spot, yet again i see to many not seeing the give a plex at the bottom.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Samantha Floyd
#33 - 2014-08-10 20:35:39 UTC
Scamming belongs in EVE, so an absolute "no" to this suggestion.

The UI could use some work, however. It should not be saying,

"You pay

"You get

"You pay

Despite this making sense (you need to get the PLEX first to resell it), this confuses far too many new players and causes them to be scammed. It should be listing the exact result of the contract in a more obvious manner.

"You pay
700mil + 1 PLEX (from seller)"

"You receive

Including the bracketed section.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#34 - 2014-08-10 20:48:29 UTC
Samantha Floyd wrote:
Scamming belongs in EVE, so an absolute "no" to this suggestion.

The UI could use some work, however. It should not be saying,

"You pay

"You get

"You pay

Despite this making sense (you need to get the PLEX first to resell it), this confuses far too many new players and causes them to be scammed. It should be listing the exact result of the contract in a more obvious manner.

"You pay
700mil + 1 PLEX (from seller)"

"You receive

Including the bracketed section.

By the time one manages to aquire enough ISK to buy a PLEX they should be smart enough to understand what the terms "get" and "pay" are. Other than putting "THIS IS A SCAM" in the contract I don't see how it could be any clearer.

If any contract might be tricky it's the T3 skill book instead of subsystem scam. That one could catch someone not paying attention because it looks like you're getting a T3 with subsystems.
Tabyll Altol
Amarr Empire
#35 - 2014-08-10 21:25:50 UTC
learn to read contracts.

or take the consequenzes it´s not that hard :D


Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#36 - 2014-08-11 06:14:35 UTC
Samantha Floyd wrote:
Scamming belongs in EVE, so an absolute "no" to this suggestion.

The UI could use some work, however. It should not be saying,

"You pay

"You get

"You pay

Despite this making sense (you need to get the PLEX first to resell it), this confuses far too many new players and causes them to be scammed. It should be listing the exact result of the contract in a more obvious manner.

"You pay
700mil + 1 PLEX (from seller)"

"You receive

Including the bracketed section.

This i actually like, make the UI better so at least there is no doubt

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Absolute Order XVI
Absolute Honor
#37 - 2014-08-11 07:12:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Pelorios
A sandbox game should be twice as careful as to use of real money.

You just get a really bad reputation if you make the news about people losing thousands in real life money, because someone "blew up" their ship in a game.

Any publicity might be good publicity, you just end up attracting the wrong crowd.

After 10 years on and off in this game I am disappointed that the scamming and lowlife element [torturing people with double your money games] has in fact gotten worse. I can only be in awe of CCP's tolerance in this area.

Money is not everything, but its funny how people say don't carry your EVE problems to EVE players in real life. Well do you think that real money is a tad closer to real life than a subscription only based game?

Just be careful, is all i say.
Absolute Order XVI
Absolute Honor
#38 - 2014-08-11 07:22:34 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Because the market has a tax associated with it, while contracts have considerably less in fees. Same reason you would (and should) station trade them, save that you can do it over great distances and don't have to be online to sell it.

So you would forgo protecting new players or pitfalls of bad design because you are ...a greedy MMO player?

This is real life cash we are talking about here and in this game it seems they can be lost faster than you can make them...

I believe we agree that we don't want the isk-sink elements of this game to become RLmoney-sink elements just so that some people want to play an online game.

After all you can never take them out of the game, otherwise CCP would get a call from the gambling commission and start thinking about moving to Malta...
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#39 - 2014-08-11 07:27:10 UTC
Pelorios wrote:

So you would forgo protecting new players or pitfalls of bad design because you are ...a greedy MMO player?

No, I would forgo bubble wrapping new players. That, and assuming that basic reading skills are something that everyone who plays EVE possesses.


This is real life cash we are talking about here

No, it's not. Read the EULA.


After all you can never take them out of the game, otherwise CCP would get a call from the gambling commission and start thinking about moving to Malta...

??? What in the hell are you rambling about?

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Absolute Order XVI
Absolute Honor
#40 - 2014-08-11 07:46:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Pelorios
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:


This is real life cash we are talking about here

No, it's not. Read the EULA.

And he calls me

Please don't'll still be able to play for free, it would just take a few extra EvEisk to buy your PLEX