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Not sure if the right forum but uh, Compressed ores, huh?

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#1 - 2014-08-07 19:38:40 UTC
So what have people been doing with their compressed ores? Market data finally updated so you can see the "value" of your compressed ores in your inventory screen. However the actual market data in Jita says a different story. I live in a WH and my corp will buy back the compressed ores, but at only 100x the value of the uncompressed version. So I'm sitting on a few billion of value, but not really sure how to translate it into ISK at this point.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Paynus Maiassus
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2014-08-07 20:11:07 UTC
Xuixien wrote:
So what have people been doing with their compressed ores? Market data finally updated so you can see the "value" of your compressed ores in your inventory screen. However the actual market data in Jita says a different story. I live in a WH and my corp will buy back the compressed ores, but at only 100x the value of the uncompressed version. So I'm sitting on a few billion of value, but not really sure how to translate it into ISK at this point.

The fantasy value in your inventory has always been quite a bit different than the real value of the items. Shouldn't be a surprise there.

Most buyback programs are not very friendly to the miners, and most miners make more just selling their own stuff on the market. That's the way it's always been. Shouldn't be a surprise there. Your corp's ore buy program isn't that bad really. If they were buying your compressed ore at the mineral value of it, that would suck. But they're basically giving a straight ore buy, regardless of whether it's compressed or uncompressed, same price. Low sec and null sec ores are almost always more valuable than their mineral yields at a 72%-76% refine rate.

Since you're in a WH, I would sell your ore to your corp, compressed ore uncompressed (assuming you're using a corp compression array and not paying for your own POS), and not bother with refining to minerals. Moving your own ore to market is likely a hassle because your in a WH and your corp is offering you a square deal. Compressed ore is selling for more on market, though, and if you weren't in a WH I would recommend compressing and moving to market on your own.
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#3 - 2014-08-08 01:09:28 UTC
Prices in jita seem to out of whack anyhow. Some compressed ores have come down to reasonable values, but a lot of others are just completely overpriced compared to their uncompressed versions. I would personally look at the price history for some of the un-compressed ores and make a decision from that. Unless that's what you're already doing, then carry on.
Atkyaz Dreadstalker
Killer Sea Monkeys
#4 - 2014-08-08 02:48:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Atkyaz Dreadstalker
I assume this is a troll post, but I will bite.

The current price per unit of compressed ore is a little more than 100x the uncompressed ore, most are between x105-x120.

What you need to realize is, compression mechanics have also changed. When you compress, 100 units of ore go into 1 unit of compressed ore. if you compress 1,000,000 units of ore you get 10,000 units of compressed ore back. The amount you get from refining 10,000 units of compressed ore is the same as refining 1,000,000 units of uncompressed ore.

So in reality the compressed ore is not worth 100 times more than the uncompressed ore. The compression reduces the unit count by x100. The value is the same, just in a smaller package. Compression can take a full freighter load of over 1,000,000m3 of ore and compress it into blocks that will fit in a blockade runner. Same mineral value, in a much much smaller package.
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#5 - 2014-08-08 18:03:17 UTC
Atkyaz Dreadstalker wrote:
I assume this is a troll post, but I will bite.

The current price per unit of compressed ore is a little more than 100x the uncompressed ore, most are between x105-x120.

What you need to realize is, compression mechanics have also changed. When you compress, 100 units of ore go into 1 unit of compressed ore. if you compress 1,000,000 units of ore you get 10,000 units of compressed ore back. The amount you get from refining 10,000 units of compressed ore is the same as refining 1,000,000 units of uncompressed ore.

So in reality the compressed ore is not worth 100 times more than the uncompressed ore. The compression reduces the unit count by x100. The value is the same, just in a smaller package. Compression can take a full freighter load of over 1,000,000m3 of ore and compress it into blocks that will fit in a blockade runner. Same mineral value, in a much much smaller package.

Compressed ore is worth more by the virtue of people being willing to pay more for it due to it's utility. Are you sure I'm the troll?

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2014-08-08 18:20:33 UTC
The only way for nullsec alliances to get large amounts of trit is to buy compressed ore from empire.

Compress your ores and you'll make more profit selling compressed than individual minerals. Compressed ore is the new thing.