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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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****> Unit 479 Is Looking Members and FCs For Anti-pirate Roams

Bexar Ying
Unit 479
#1 - 2014-07-30 04:21:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Bexar Ying
I posted an ad earlier, and, somehow, I seem to have conveyed the wrong impression.

I am the CEO of a corporation, and I like it. We are a member of an alliance that I also like, because one of my alts runs it.

We are not looking for another corp, or even alliance, to join.

We are looking for experienced FCs, and new members who are willing to learn how to do anti-pirate roams, and survive.

Ventrilo is a must. I don't even go into Low without it.

You can find help at VEERV Public if you have questions.