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Crius Issues

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Ares Finken
#741 - 2014-07-25 15:38:43 UTC

i still have an serious issue with delivering 5 bpos in a pos

it keeps telling me it has not enough space to deliver cause it wants to deliver 20 cruisers (per bpo) unpackage which would use up ~2,4 Million m³ and says it cant deliver them.

i have an open ticket about it.
plz help/fix it its has an enormous impact on may production....
Irin Fidard
R-P Heavy Industries
#742 - 2014-07-25 15:39:18 UTC
Angie Chatter wrote:
Just had a very strange and serious issue, i never encountered before so maybe this is Crius related.

After i jumped through a Jumpgate i was not able to warp anymore and the game was telling me i "try" to use 12000 m3 of my 5000 m3 of carge space? This was very confusing, so i opened the fitting window and i got a total empty fitting window for my ship with all slots empty and i had all slots "unlocked" as if i was flying a super ship with maximum possible slots of all types.

Basically i could not jump/dock, since all my modules (including cargo expanders) where not visible anymore, but also disabled and i had no way to enable those again.

I could get into a station, by launching all my cargo. I did than relog, leave my ship, completely unfit/refit the ship and cleared the game cache. The problem remained, the moment i undock from the station all my modules are offlined and i see a wrong+empty fitting window?

I tested 2 other toons and they worked fine in the same system/station so i have no clue what happens here?
This did happen with empty cargo, so i had time to figure out a way to launch my empty containers, otherwise i would have had no way to warp anymore.

This is a rather scary bug.

PS: After one of the undock tests of this "buggy" toon/ship i also got a completely blank screen after undock happened, but the game was still running and i could hear sounds?

This is not Cirius related. I had the same behavior with one of my Prowlers about 4 months ago. I was able to "scoop" the defunctioning ship up with an orca and later GM fixed it for me...
CCP Nullarbor
C C P Alliance
#743 - 2014-07-25 15:51:32 UTC
Ares Finken wrote:

i still have an serious issue with delivering 5 bpos in a pos

it keeps telling me it has not enough space to deliver cause it wants to deliver 20 cruisers (per bpo) unpackage which would use up ~2,4 Million m³ and says it cant deliver them.

i have an open ticket about it.
plz help/fix it its has an enormous impact on may production....

I will have a look into this.

CCP Nullarbor // Senior Engineer // Team Game of Drones

Strato LeMont
Gallente Federation
#744 - 2014-07-25 15:53:14 UTC
CCP Nullarbor wrote:
Ares Finken wrote:

i still have an serious issue with delivering 5 bpos in a pos

it keeps telling me it has not enough space to deliver cause it wants to deliver 20 cruisers (per bpo) unpackage which would use up ~2,4 Million m³ and says it cant deliver them.

i have an open ticket about it.
plz help/fix it its has an enormous impact on may production....

I will have a look into this.

Same problem here.

Jarnis McPieksu
Gallente Federation
#745 - 2014-07-25 15:58:53 UTC
If you have any (small) containers around, get rid of them (move them elsewhere) - it seems that the code tries to randomly stick them into one of those cans and, well, can't fit 'em.
Irin Fidard
R-P Heavy Industries
#746 - 2014-07-25 16:00:11 UTC
I have several Invention Jobs ready for delivery now that I started before Cirius. All of them were started with the +9 run Decryptor. I cant see the decryptor changes in the "Outcome". It shows me I will get a 1 run copy. that seems to be pretty wrong.

Or did I miss something ?

CCP Nullarbor
C C P Alliance
#747 - 2014-07-25 16:02:20 UTC
Irin Fidard wrote:
I have several Invention Jobs ready for delivery now that I started before Cirius. All of them were started with the +9 run Decryptor. I cant see the decryptor changes in the "Outcome". It shows me I will get a 1 run copy. that seems to be pretty wrong.

Or did I miss something ?

If you deliver it you should get the correct output, just a UI display bug.

CCP Nullarbor // Senior Engineer // Team Game of Drones

Strato LeMont
Gallente Federation
#748 - 2014-07-25 16:03:00 UTC
There are no containers there. Just the Med. Ship Assembly Array
Wildly Inappropriate
Wildly Inappropriate.
#749 - 2014-07-25 16:18:05 UTC
CCP Nullarbor wrote:

If you had a POS structure with jobs installed using remotely accessed blueprints in a station, all these active jobs should now be moved to the station in system. In this case you may safely unanchor the POS structure EXCEPT if you have an active super capital job. Super capital producers in this situation have already been contacted about this particular scenario and our GMs are handling those cases.

Is this description clear? I am happy to answer any other specific questions if not.

I am building supercapitals, but i have not been contacted about my supers in build... SO um whelp?
CCP Engineering Corp
#750 - 2014-07-25 16:26:13 UTC
Firvain wrote:
CCP Nullarbor wrote:

If you had a POS structure with jobs installed using remotely accessed blueprints in a station, all these active jobs should now be moved to the station in system. In this case you may safely unanchor the POS structure EXCEPT if you have an active super capital job. Super capital producers in this situation have already been contacted about this particular scenario and our GMs are handling those cases.

Is this description clear? I am happy to answer any other specific questions if not.

I am building supercapitals, but i have not been contacted about my supers in build... SO um whelp?

I have spoke to a GM who will get in touch directly.

Feel free to poke me on: Twitter

CCP Nullarbor
C C P Alliance
#751 - 2014-07-25 16:34:57 UTC
Firvain wrote:
CCP Nullarbor wrote:

If you had a POS structure with jobs installed using remotely accessed blueprints in a station, all these active jobs should now be moved to the station in system. In this case you may safely unanchor the POS structure EXCEPT if you have an active super capital job. Super capital producers in this situation have already been contacted about this particular scenario and our GMs are handling those cases.

Is this description clear? I am happy to answer any other specific questions if not.

I am building supercapitals, but i have not been contacted about my supers in build... SO um whelp?

Also remember this only applies to players building supers in a POS with the blueprint being used remotely in an Outpost.

CCP Nullarbor // Senior Engineer // Team Game of Drones

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#752 - 2014-07-25 16:56:16 UTC
Aluka 7th wrote:
I managed to find quiet system. On star map is shows that in last 24hours only 9 R/D jobs were installed and that index is 0.00.
BUT Industry index (red bar) in my facility rose to half and cost already increased 5 fold.
Since Crius, I have installed 6 jobs that lasted 16h and 4 jobs that lasted 7hours and that got index to half red?!
Little steep IMHO.
Is that intended? Star map shows low activity but facility cost being at half red already?!

They need to implement a threshold where the base costs stay "understandable" untill the system gets heavily loaded.

this system is built as an isk sink in its current state.
Tarsas Phage
#753 - 2014-07-25 17:00:09 UTC
I don't see this listed in the OP, so in case it hasn't been aired:

*) The station Guest list will appear incomplete after docking, logging in, or after other station residents dock or log in. Switching to a new tab (Agents, Offices) and back to the Guest tab will "refresh" the list and the previously unlisted inhabitants will then be shown.

*) The new Thukker Array in Covert Besieged Research sites is lacking a name (bracket shows up as "no message ID number")
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#754 - 2014-07-25 17:04:09 UTC
Ezeus wrote:
When you announced the changes on the BPO ME and PE you basically said that existing bpos that were researched would stay the same or get better, well that is not the case.

Just tried to start a job with my archon BPO which was ME 5 and wasting only 1 drone bay,

Now its me 9 and wasting
1 cap engine
1 power generator
1 battery
1 construction parts
1 jump drive
1 armor plates
1 corporate hangar
1 ship maintenance

To me this BPO actually got worst than what it was

this BPO is now not competitive on the market due to the patch.

the last line,
this is a widespread concern.

ofcourse we're expected to adjust our current stocks value and push on ~dealwithit?~

rounding up damaged the market.
Karash Amerius
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#755 - 2014-07-25 17:15:06 UTC
There will be a fix for changing the input / output hangers to something besides Hanger 1 correct???

Karash Amerius Operative, Sutoka

Karash Amerius
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#756 - 2014-07-25 17:17:34 UTC
Oh and btw....I had a complete set of "perfect" Rig BPOs (I know...small fish here), but after Crius, most of them are -8% ME and such. Working as intended?

Do small rigs need ME research now with the rebalanced of extra material thingy? I am not an industrialist, just looking for general answers.

Karash Amerius Operative, Sutoka

Twilight Achasse
Goonswarm Federation
#757 - 2014-07-25 17:27:24 UTC
When will you fix the problem with the lowered Drone Avionics skill? Lost this skill up to two levels on 3 chars
CCP Nullarbor
C C P Alliance
#758 - 2014-07-25 17:29:22 UTC
Karash Amerius wrote:
There will be a fix for changing the input / output hangers to something besides Hanger 1 correct???

All hangar type access should be working correctly as of yesterdays patch. If you have a specific case where you think it isn't please file a bug report so I can have a look.


CCP Nullarbor // Senior Engineer // Team Game of Drones

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#759 - 2014-07-25 17:36:50 UTC
Issue: Ore info shows the amount required for reprocessing (100), but not for compression (also 100).

Kudos: Although not obvious to find in the mineral info, the list of where you can find ore bearing that mineral is a GREAT ADDITION! Big smile
Prince Spod
Dark Lords Of The Spod
#760 - 2014-07-25 17:47:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Spod
I keep getting a message "TRYING TO SAVE ILLEGAL QUEUE"

skill queue ran out - trying to add in 5 lvl 2 drone skills

click apply - get message

I have all the prerequesites for the skills - i have them all at lvl 1 - not sure what is wrong

**note only happens when i add Drone Avionics to the queue