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The Argument is Over

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#121 - 2011-12-07 15:25:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Roosterton
1. Increase TE's optimal bonus to be the same as falloff, or reduce falloff and increase optimal slightly.
2. Give blasters a large optimal and shorter falloff.
3. Change all hybrid falloff bonuses to either tracking/optimal.

3 is logical. 2 would be logical if 1 was logical. Sadly, I just still don't see the point of 1.

Autocannons are already very "meh" at applying their DPS in comparison to other weapon systems. Missiles and drones don't need tracking mods, (well, ok, drones theoretically have tracking mods which are rarely used in PVP) and lasers do full damage inside their optimal, which is often as large as Minmatar falloff (where Minmatar will only be doing half damage.)

I just don't see why autocannons are in need of such a nerf. Amarr ships are already a good counter to most minmatar kiting ships, (kitecane vs. scorch harb is not a good idea) Megathrons outdamage Tempests at any range, and even nano Thoraxes can compete with Ruptures in the range department, while doing far superior damage up close. Nanodrakes are even sometimes used as a substitute to nanocanes, simply because missiles do so much better damage at point range. (not to mention the far superior tank)

AC's might have some advantages compared to other weapon systems, such as switchable damage types (I wouldn't mind adding some such ammo variation between the lasers and hybrids) and null being crap, but damage projection is certainly not one of them.
Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#122 - 2011-12-07 15:27:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
Onictus wrote:
Not sure about that one. really I'd rather see rails get a tracking boost (another one yes) so they are viable mid-range tracking enhancers aren't so much the issue there.

Do you know that railguns are now generally better all-around than beam lasers? If you still think rails are too weak, maybe sniping weapons as a whole just suck? Other than artillery of course, which brings us back on topic.

EFT it for yourself, I was looking at a Megabeam Apoc and a 425mm Mega.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#123 - 2011-12-07 19:46:23 UTC
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
Onictus wrote:
Not sure about that one. really I'd rather see rails get a tracking boost (another one yes) so they are viable mid-range tracking enhancers aren't so much the issue there.

Do you know that railguns are now generally better all-around than beam lasers? If you still think rails are too weak, maybe sniping weapons as a whole just suck? Other than artillery of course, which brings us back on topic.

EFT it for yourself, I was looking at a Megabeam Apoc and a 425mm Mega.

If both systems weren't completely overshadowed by pulse lasers and auto cannons you would have an argument there IMO.

I'll worry about that when I get a warnings for rail mega's or rohks for fleet calls. Personally I'm not holding my breath.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#124 - 2011-12-07 21:59:53 UTC
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
Onictus wrote:
Not sure about that one. really I'd rather see rails get a tracking boost (another one yes) so they are viable mid-range tracking enhancers aren't so much the issue there.

Do you know that railguns are now generally better all-around than beam lasers? If you still think rails are too weak, maybe sniping weapons as a whole just suck? Other than artillery of course, which brings us back on topic.

EFT it for yourself, I was looking at a Megabeam Apoc and a 425mm Mega.

"Generally Better" when you're looking at a rail boat with both a tracking and damge bonus and a laser boat with a cap and range bonus. Was this with "all 5" or "all 0" skills? Line up the apoc with a 425 Rokh, see how it looks then, and see what happens if you give the rokh an extra TC in place of a tank module (to simulate an additional native tracking boost to rails). Let us know. (seriously. Don't have EFT access right now, but I suspect they'll not be "generally better." Might be "reasonably close" though, in which case we move on to, "yes sniping weapons as a whole just suck.")

1. Increase TE's optimal bonus to be the same as falloff, or reduce falloff and increase optimal slightly.
2. Give blasters a large optimal and shorter falloff.
3. Change all hybrid falloff bonuses to either tracking/optimal.

1. Or remove both and ditch the scripts. Or rename them to "Turret" Enhancers. Or better yet, leave them alone until the stuff they're screwing up has been sorted because I'd rather encourage CCP to stich up the wound than change the type of band-aid they're using. TE's/TC's *are* probably out of whack, but aren't the answer to "projectiles are too popular and/or powerful."

2. We don't mini-railguns (pulse lasers Mk. II?), and IMO caldari pilots would rather have *fewer* reasons to want to just bolt on blasters... the range bonus is meant for rails, it's just "see above for sniping weapon opinion."

3. Makes a *lot* of sense, blasters don't really have THAT much falloff to get range out of, and both hybrids are generally pants outside of optimal (hence all the ammo flavors and *why* it's so nice to have that 5-second reload now).

As for "ACs never get to do full damage so they're fine," AC's (projectiles in general) do "most" damage for a MUCH wider band than anything else and really only need to change ammo in order to change damage types. Really that's only a complaint compared to missiles, though, as that's the only other weapons system (ignoring drones here) that allows you to significantly change your range without changing your ammo, and they have their own drawbacks (425mm AC boat isn't doing most of its damage at 30+km? How much is your average torp boat going to do at that range?). One of the big complaints is the discrepancy between how easy it is to make that band EVEN BIGGER compared to with other systems so you need EVEN LESS to carry anything but max-damage ammo. That mechanic shouldn't change, but it probably shouldn't be as easily amplified as it is now.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#125 - 2011-12-07 22:28:45 UTC
Emily Poast wrote:

1. Reduce the falloff bonuses from the angel ships that have it,

Its the whole package that's the problem. I guess a falloff change would fix some of the problem, but I'm not 100% sold.


4. Remove/reduce speed penalty from armor rigs (have to be careful here because this will effect everyone - but amarr already have lower base speed - but might cause issues with armor matar ships)

I really want to see a full rethink of rig penalties as a whole - not limited to armor rigs. I'd really like to see rigs be trade offs to the same area - ECM rigs that increase strength but lower range, armor rigs that increase HP at the cost of resists, etc. Make it a sum zero game at skill 0, but pretty advantageous by level 5.


5. Change the fitting balances between the races in some classes of ships (though this needs to be examined - it may be just perception - i dont think so though).

Caracal, Omen, Nighthawk, Augoror, etc. Its not just perception.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Gallente Federation
#126 - 2011-12-08 00:16:12 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Emily Poast wrote:

1. Reduce the falloff bonuses from the angel ships that have it,

Its the whole package that's the problem. I guess a falloff change would fix some of the problem, but I'm not 100% sold.

I'm more for reducing the 10% bonus to 5% in all matari ships that have them.

the ships that have this bonus seems to be the ones that "demonize" of sorts this situation.


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#127 - 2011-12-08 00:17:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Liang Nuren
Grimpak wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:
Emily Poast wrote:

1. Reduce the falloff bonuses from the angel ships that have it,

Its the whole package that's the problem. I guess a falloff change would fix some of the problem, but I'm not 100% sold.

I'm more for reducing the 10% bonus to 5% in all matari ships that have them.

the ships that have this bonus seems to be the ones that "demonize" of sorts this situation.

If a race has no ship that is demonized, its probably not balanced.


Ed: Spelling

I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Gallente Federation
#128 - 2011-12-08 00:37:09 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Grimpak wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:
Emily Poast wrote:

1. Reduce the falloff bonuses from the angel ships that have it,

Its the whole package that's the problem. I guess a falloff change would fix some of the problem, but I'm not 100% sold.

I'm more for reducing the 10% bonus to 5% in all matari ships that have them.

the ships that have this bonus seems to be the ones that "demonize" of sorts this situation.

If a race has no ship that is demoized, its probably not balanced.


can't argue with that tbhP


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

Sam Marquez
Freelance Excavation and Resistance
#129 - 2011-12-08 02:20:44 UTC
Minmatar is fine. Really, it is.

It's really sad how people don't seem to realize what will ultimately happen when you get so wrapped up in balancing stuff. Because there's only ONE way to balance everything.

Make everything identical.

There are NO other options.

The instant you change the smallest thing on one ship, it functions differently and has different strengths and/or weaknesses, and one ship or the other will definitely become more popular than the other - if for no other reason than the placebo effect.

If you want to have variety and fun, things must of necessity seem unbalanced in one way or another.

And guess what? Eve is the perfect game for this, because no one is class or race restricted.

So if you want to have only one ship available to pilot in all of Eve, please, continue to argue for balancing.

Otherwise, please shut up and go have fun.
m0cking bird
#130 - 2011-12-08 02:28:11 UTC  |  Edited by: m0cking bird
Emily Poast wrote:
I think Grimpak has the right of it - most of the tweaks need to be done through ship bonuses. Changes to modules will change them for everyone and lead to less controllable results.

As for the rest of the folks who still dont believe there is a balance issue...try to be a little objective. If you guys dont think the quoted stats show an imbalance, what do they show?

Doctrines are often made around uniform theme's. There are also other factors to consider specific to this game, but real life references can be applied.

In eve-online there are 2 races that focus on conventional warfare and 2 races that focus or are limited to irregular warfare. (Roman legion and Greek Hoplite/Spartan sh!t)

The race that has fielded the most powerful conventional ships have been Amarr for a very long time. Legion's of Apocalypse, Armageddon and Abaddons. Once fielded. These ships can only be countered by another mass of the same ship or another conventional fleet with the assistance of stealth bombers.

The Guardian is the most powerful armour logistic ship.

They field the second most powerful strategic cruisers (legions)

The power of these Amarr ships once fielded have no equal, for the most part. At-least In fleet (conventional warfare).

The second most powerful conventional race is Caldari. Mainly with ships battle-cruisers and below. Masses of Drakes or Nighthawks have no equal in it's class. Caldari Field the most powerful strategic cruisers (Tengu).

The basilisk is the most powerful shield logistic ship for conventional warfare.

Caldari can also field the most powerful conventional long range t1 cruisers (Caracals). This all scales. In fact Missiles have almost no equal in fleet engagements below battleship weapon systems.

The benefits of most ships and weapon systems that excel in conventional warfare is limited to very few ships. Most must be able to field very large defences. Large hit-points and resistance. Weapon systems that can project damage the furthest. High damage per second. Abililty to apply damage most of it's damage @ the weapon systems effective range.

This actually makes the use of these ships very linear (easy to use). Uniform in projected and applied damage. Uniform in effective hit-points and damage resistance. All that is required is discipline and the ability to fallow basic orders (lock target! f1, f2, f3. Align, warp etc). These fleets often do not need to move and able to do damage over a vast engagement range.

The other 2 races excel in irregular warfare. One in skirmishing (Mongol) and the other in raiding (Viking). Gallente ships minus drone ships are suppose to be raiders. Blasters limited range regulates them to this activity. The point is to go in and do as much damage as possible and get out. (Gallente ships are having a hard time with the get out part above frigates)
The Taranis, Catalyst, Enyo, Ishkur and Federation Navy Comet are the most effective in this kind of combat in eve. This does not scale @ all.

Minmatar are regulated to skirmishing (most heavy assault ships are able to do this to). They do not have the sustained damage @ range that Amarr and Caldari do. Nor do they compare in defences to Amarr and Caldari ships. Mobile tactics @ ranges where they can disengage and re-engage @ any-time. Allows them to harass superior forces and destroy soft targets. You may notice it takes a massive advantage in numbers of Maelstroms with Artillery to engage a fleet of Abaddons effectively. What should be used is Tempest with artillery to warp around or move around 80,000meters or more outside of Abaddon ranges doing as much damage as possibly to soft targets and then disengaging. When forced to defend a fixed position. Minmatar ships are subpar and need a massive advantage in numbers to compete with Amarr and Caldari ships.

That list shows the ships and weapon systems useful in the 2 most popular form of combat in eve. Skirmishing (irregular warfare) and Conventional warfare. If you see a Hurricane being used more than a Drake. It does not mean a Drake is inferior to a Hurricane. In-fact the Drake is the best skirmishing battle-cruiser in-game. It excels in everything and is not just good @ everything like the Hurricane. So if I see 425mm auto-cannons or Hurricanes above Drakes and heavy Missiles in any form of data. It's not worth looking @ for any other reason than what the most popular doctrines/combat are favoured by fleet commanders and pilots.

m0cking bird
#131 - 2011-12-08 02:39:55 UTC  |  Edited by: m0cking bird
Also, I've tried to focus this discussion on close range ships and not only Gallente vessels. I've been flying a armour-Stabber Fleet Issue on one of my characters of late and I've been having the same issues as I would with any Gallente ship above destroyers. This is not new to me, because I've seen the same issue with a heavy assault missile Drake, armour-Hurricane, Brutix and Myrmidon. Same with the armour-Rupture (with 2 gryos), armour-Vigilant.

Close range combat needs changes to make it more effective. The concept and how to execute it in-game above frigates is the issue. All ships that are limited in range have the same issue as blaster ships. High velocity is not enough to deal with the issue (does not seem to help the stabber fleet issue). There is many examples of why that is.

Focus on changes to stasis webifier, scramblers, warp disruptor's, Armour plates, drones, eccm, serious increase in defences (effective hit-points) and slight changes to agility (acceleration).

This will help all races, but more so Gallente ships that are almost all limited to close range pvp.
Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#132 - 2011-12-08 03:25:21 UTC
Emily Poast
The Whipping Post
#133 - 2011-12-08 04:54:03 UTC
Zarnak Wulf wrote:


And kinda off topic, but i have had some success with a long point/200mm rail/TC/OD fit thorax this week. I have to use an ACR to get them to fit but they do fit, unlike before. I can also actually hit and kill stuff with them under MWD. The 5 second ammo swap makes it possible to carry plutonium, tungsten, spike and javelin and I have used them all. Its certainly not the best sniper, but its viable. Makes me want to try to fit a BC roaming shield brutix with 250s. It also is tempting to actually undock my diemost now and try a rail fit...
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#134 - 2011-12-08 08:03:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Mfume Apocal
Thelron wrote:
As for "ACs never get to do full damage so they're fine," AC's (projectiles in general) do "most" damage for a MUCH wider band than anything else and really only need to change ammo in order to change damage types.

In order to change damage types and have full damage, you have to stick to stick with EMP, PP or fusion. I don't know exactly what you meant by "most" but the range they get 50% of their DPS is a whooping 18km on a hull w/o falloff bonus. For 75% of their DPS, you're looking at around 12-13km. I really hope you don't think lasers and HAMs are quite that range limited.

edit, this is with two tracking enhancers btw, 425s, etc.
Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#135 - 2011-12-08 08:48:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
Grimpak wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:
Emily Poast wrote:

1. Reduce the falloff bonuses from the angel ships that have it,

Its the whole package that's the problem. I guess a falloff change would fix some of the problem, but I'm not 100% sold.

I'm more for reducing the 10% bonus to 5% in all matari ships that have them.

the ships that have this bonus seems to be the ones that "demonize" of sorts this situation.

See Hurricane vs Amarr and Gallente BCs. Hurricane has no falloff bonus and is still vastly more popular in PvP. It can't be only the falloff bonus.

The above is true for the "ACs do poor damage in falloff" argument as well. While generally true, ACs are still more popular despite this.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#136 - 2011-12-08 08:58:47 UTC
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
Grimpak wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:
Emily Poast wrote:

1. Reduce the falloff bonuses from the angel ships that have it,

Its the whole package that's the problem. I guess a falloff change would fix some of the problem, but I'm not 100% sold.

I'm more for reducing the 10% bonus to 5% in all matari ships that have them.

the ships that have this bonus seems to be the ones that "demonize" of sorts this situation.

See Hurricane vs Amarr and Gallente BCs. Hurricane has no falloff bonus and is still vastly more popular in PvP. It can't be only the falloff bonus.

The above is true for the "ACs do poor damage in falloff" argument as well. While generally true, ACs are still more popular despite this.

...until two weeks ago
It was called fastest in class.......which is kind of huge. In addition to being double bonused and easy to fit

Amarr Empire
#137 - 2011-12-08 10:10:43 UTC
Final blows, weapon type, 2011 only, PVP only:

Projectile Weapon 1,455,484
Energy Weapon 392,605
Hybrid Weapon 250,858
Combat Drone 221,329
Heavy Missile 203,896

425mm AutoCannon II 388,602
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II 207,378
200mm AutoCannon II 163,613
150mm Light AutoCannon II 144,349
720mm Howitzer Artillery II 136,879

By ship type scoring the final blow:
Hurricane 378,864
Drake 272,204
Sabre 124,472
Dramiel 118,128
Vagabond 117,136
Cynabal 113,905
Abaddon 80,659
Tengu 79,493
Harbinger 71,286
Rifter 67,721

the problem lies in the ammunition NOT in the weapons

solution: remove EM damage type from any procjetile ammonitions. Minmatar should not deal EM damage at all.

consequeces: Minmatar will gain the first and only defect, PvP rebalanced at ANY level, more respect to missiles and lasers.

I rule!
Grog Barrel
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#138 - 2011-12-08 10:55:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Grog Barrel
meanwhile @ amarr engineering headquarters:

"10% energy usage for X turret"

-Awesome Carthum Conglomerate, next time thought try making guns less cap hungry by themselves, so we dont waste a whole ship bonus for this.
Amarr Empire
#139 - 2011-12-08 11:50:43 UTC
7.5% should be equal
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#140 - 2011-12-08 11:53:49 UTC
Grog Barrel wrote:
meanwhile @ amarr engineering headquarters:

"10% energy usage for X turret"

-Awesome Carthum Conglomerate, next time thought try making guns less cap hungry by themselves, so we dont waste a whole ship bonus for this.

the vaga gives a up a bonus for speed, but the faster cynabal, does not. figure that one out.