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Is anyone bowing out of Industry with these new changes?

First post
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#81 - 2014-07-24 13:33:08 UTC  |  Edited by: so3ke
Aineko Macx wrote:
As a lowsec cap builder I'm among the ones hit on multiple fronts by the nerfs. I am stopping that activity for the forseeable future as there is no acceptable way (cost/risk/effort-wise) to go about it.

Yea pretty much this. Anyone who thinks that Lowsec cap building will happen in a POS has serious illusions about this game.

'hey guys lets put a supercap on a moon in lowsec with a 24h timer and everyone with a dscanner can find it. I am sure none of the bored super pilots out there will jump on the opportunity'

I for one don't know anyone in Lowsec for whom that makes sense. As a cap builder it's either kiss the ring of one of two 0sec groups out get out of the market. I picked the 2nd option.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#82 - 2014-07-24 13:45:47 UTC
so3ke wrote:
Aineko Macx wrote:
As a lowsec cap builder I'm among the ones hit on multiple fronts by the nerfs. I am stopping that activity for the forseeable future as there is no acceptable way (cost/risk/effort-wise) to go about it.

Yea pretty much this. Anyone who thinks that Lowsec cap building will happen in a POS has serious illusions about this game.

'hey guys lets put a supercap on a moon in lowsec with a 24h timer and everyone with a dscanner can find it. I am sure none of the bored super pilots out there will jump on the opportunity'

I for one don't know anyone in Lowsec for whom that makes sense. As a cap builder it's either kiss the ring of one of two 0sec groups out get out of the market. I picked the 2nd option.

Please tell me where you can build super caps in lowsec.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#83 - 2014-07-24 14:02:30 UTC  |  Edited by: so3ke
Steve Ronuken wrote:

Please tell me where you can build super caps in lowsec.

A Carrier/Dread production chain that is worth spending time on has 20b in ships and components in build at any time.
If you don't want to move a freighter for every carrier and two for every dread round. it will be on the same POS.

Yes I am painting a stupid example, but if I'm moving the ore/components/ships around after every step it turns building something into a logistics nightmare.

Given the choices the best one is not doing it anymore unless the margins explode .. which is rather unlikely seeing how alive Nullsec war is.
#84 - 2014-07-24 14:34:08 UTC
I am seriously considering it. I simply do not have the physical stamina in my hand to unlock, move and lock hundreds of blueprints as I now need to do.

No good deed goes unpunished

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#85 - 2014-07-24 14:41:39 UTC
So today, I am a newish player, maybe 6 months experience in Eve.

So let's have a look today at the huge profits I can make building an Abaddon, if the UI is to be believed.

Sell price in Dodixie: 214 million, which + / - 5%, has been the price the last 3 months or so.
According to the UI, my material costs are 212 million, in station.
Of course, in a 0.5 system with what looks like a 50% index bar, I have slot costs of 8.7 million.
BTW, next door, the low sec system has slot costs of 5.9 million.
Oh look, I can shift my mfg operations ( no biggie moving freighters of mins, right?) one jump to another high sec system, and my slot costs are now only 5.0 million. What a bargain!

Hey wait! I can move my mfg production to Rancer and it is only 293 K to build an Abaddon. I am sure I can get large scale movements of minerals and product in and out of there easily. it looks like building one ship is just not cost-effective for me anymore in station.
Guess I won't be building my own ships anymore, if I wanted to.

But, maybe it is better of I go hardcore, and try to build 20 ships?
Let's see what that does to my material cost. Not that I can afford it, but 4.236 billion / 20 ships = 212 million, still, and my slot costs per ship don't change.

Yup, if the UI is to be believed, I can't make even T1 battleships from a station anymore.

So if I don't have a POS, I am screwed as a new player.
Or the UI can't calculate accurate mineral costs, which makes it useless, for a new player.

Yeah CCP, your casual high sec builder is going to just love Crius.
Paynus Maiassus
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#86 - 2014-07-24 14:52:44 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
So today, I am a newish player, maybe 6 months experience in Eve.

So let's have a look today at the huge profits I can make building an Abaddon, if the UI is to be believed.

Sell price in Dodixie: 214 million, which + / - 5%, has been the price the last 3 months or so.
According to the UI, my material costs are 212 million, in station.
Of course, in a 0.5 system with what looks like a 50% index bar, I have slot costs of 8.7 million.
BTW, next door, the low sec system has slot costs of 5.9 million.
Oh look, I can shift my mfg operations ( no biggie moving freighters of mins, right?) one jump to another high sec system, and my slot costs are now only 5.0 million. What a bargain!

Hey wait! I can move my mfg production to Rancer and it is only 293 K to build an Abaddon. I am sure I can get large scale movements of minerals and product in and out of there easily. it looks like building one ship is just not cost-effective for me anymore in station.
Guess I won't be building my own ships anymore, if I wanted to.

But, maybe it is better of I go hardcore, and try to build 20 ships?
Let's see what that does to my material cost. Not that I can afford it, but 4.236 billion / 20 ships = 212 million, still, and my slot costs per ship don't change.

Yup, if the UI is to be believed, I can't make even T1 battleships from a station anymore.

So if I don't have a POS, I am screwed as a new player.
Or the UI can't calculate accurate mineral costs, which makes it useless, for a new player.

Yeah CCP, your casual high sec builder is going to just love Crius.

So what you're saying is you're going to do us all a favor and quit Eve?
Zinther Del'Ara
#87 - 2014-07-24 15:14:04 UTC
I'm gonna wait and see how the market pans out but not having high hopes.

Anyone and their hamster can do manufacturing now, and with refining changes they won't notice they are doing it below mineral price, since that cap is gone down to 50%. My guess is the market will fluctuate favoring the station traders while all the new blood *think* they are making a profit since mined and refined minerals are free (tm)

A lot of people whining shouldn't have started production anyway, but it is pretty much an entire profession being removed, well, actually 2, since the mini profession of being a loot buyer/refiner is also gone - Replaced with skill-less drag&drop. Don't get me wrong, the new interface is great, and other professions have been shafted skill-wise, but this is entire gameplay removed.

So go ahead and ask for my stuff and tears, you wont be getting either but you will get my pity for not understanding the issue.
#88 - 2014-07-24 15:27:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Careby
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
So today, I am a newish player, maybe 6 months experience in Eve.

So let's have a look today at the huge profits I can make building an Abaddon, if the UI is to be believed.

Sell price in Dodixie: 214 million, which + / - 5%, has been the price the last 3 months or so.
According to the UI, my material costs are 212 million, in station.
Of course, in a 0.5 system with what looks like a 50% index bar, I have slot costs of 8.7 million.
BTW, next door, the low sec system has slot costs of 5.9 million...

So the current situation is unsustainable. What will change to make building the ship profitable (even ignoring the problem of said newish player obtaining a usable blueprint)?

Will the market price of the ship rise?

Or will the material costs fall?

Or will job costs fall?

The first two possibilities do not happen in isolation, i.e. higher prices mean either more ISK in the economy or less stuff. Where would that additional ISK come from when the new industry model is removing more ISK from the game? Less ships and stuff would mean a change in the game itself. If material costs fall, the return on time spent mining falls, leading to less mining, less available materials, tending to put upward pressure on material prices.

I would have guessed job costs are currently artificially high and possibly broken, but dev posts seem to indicate they are working as intended. It may be too early to make any conclusions about long term costs, but it does seem that CCP intends one of the first two possibilities.
Ginger Barbarella
#89 - 2014-07-24 15:49:23 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
All the tears in here are out of control.

But when you all start your fire sales i will be surely looking for the bargains, thanks in advance.

The other bonus to you all bowing out of industry is the system cost index will go down. Pirate

Reading comprehension really rox. You should try it sometime.

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Ginger Barbarella
#90 - 2014-07-24 15:54:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Ginger Barbarella
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
So today, I am a newish player, maybe 6 months experience in Eve.

So let's have a look today at the huge profits I can make building an Abaddon, if the UI is to be believed.

~ snip ~

Yeah CCP, your casual high sec builder is going to just love Crius.

I think your word "casual" says a lot here. For the "casual" player building a ship or module here or there, the changes are essentially irrelevant. However, most of us commenting here are NOT "casual" players, we're players who have build businesses over the years into full-time or near-full-time in-game careers. Just up and moving several FREIGHTERS full of materials to another constellation or region really isn't an option every month when Teams move and indexes (massively broken right now) change. That's a key point that you're not seeing: moving and setting up all over again takes time and money, and during that time we're not making new money: we're spending more of it.

Look at the bigger picture here: onesy-twosey isn't what most of us are discussing. Large businesses that are trying to stay afloat *is* what we're discussing.

Edit: looks like the webpage code is screwed up again.

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Teslyn Sable
Shadowfire Enterprises
#91 - 2014-07-24 15:57:45 UTC
I and my corp aren't getting out of industry but we're paused for the moment to make sure the bugs shake out, and to re-evaluate where we're doing manufacturing and research. We have to figure out whether it's really worth it to pay for POS fuel every month, or whether we'd actually make more money if we just took the per-job hit by doing it in stations.

In the meantime, we're not producing anything new other than test runs. It means our income stream slows way down, but we'd rather do that than get into a mode where we throw a bunch of money away every month for no reason.
Ginger Barbarella
#92 - 2014-07-24 15:58:26 UTC
Teslyn Sable wrote:
I and my corp aren't getting out of industry but we're paused for the moment to make sure the bugs shake out, and to re-evaluate where we're doing manufacturing and research. We have to figure out whether it's really worth it to pay for POS fuel every month, or whether we'd actually make more money if we just took the per-job hit by doing it in stations.

In the meantime, we're not producing anything new other than test runs. It means our income stream slows way down, but we'd rather do that than get into a mode where we throw a bunch of money away every month for no reason.


"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Zinther Del'Ara
#93 - 2014-07-24 16:05:57 UTC
I was, and am all for boosting production in lowsec and 0.0 but my reasons for not moving there are still the same: security.

The large alliances who have already set up space and have logistics in order are the ones benefiting - from increased renters, who will still get shafted over politics.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#94 - 2014-07-24 16:20:54 UTC
you could always shift to Unel, just 7 jumps away in Highsec, and drop your multiplier to 0.76% rather than 5.14%, while staying in a system with a station. 1.29 million.

And a newish player building battleships? Hardly the best plan. Especially as you'll want to research the blueprint.

As for the material costs, that's all ballpark figures. Because how else do you give a figure?

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Chirjo Durruti
#95 - 2014-07-24 16:23:27 UTC
Winthorp wrote:

The other bonus to you all bowing out of industry is the system cost index will go down. Pirate

I don't think so. System cost index afaik is directly proportional to sqrt(activity_in_system/activity_in_new_eden) =: cst_idx.
lim_{activity_in_new_eden -> activity_in_system} cst_idx -> 1

meaning: if you are the only one producing in your system and a lot of players bow out of industry, the cost index in your system will actually rise.

HOWTO: No More Tears (solo) If you can get me a better crew than THIS: convo me.

Zinther Del'Ara
#96 - 2014-07-24 16:25:54 UTC
What defines system activity? Pretty much alone here and still 100%
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2014-07-24 16:26:02 UTC
Still figuring it all out. I researched most of my BPOs prior to the change so they'd be ready, but working the new UI is a bit different. In general I like it, in specifics, I want better sort options/remembering settings as others have suggested. I'm not going to give up by any means, but I am more interested in watching for the supposed changes coming for invention, in the next couple of updates.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#98 - 2014-07-24 16:27:48 UTC
Zinther Del'Ara wrote:
What defines system activity? Pretty much alone here and still 100%

Somewhere on the UI I think, I remember it saying it was based on how much production (activity) was done in the last month.
Zinther Del'Ara
#99 - 2014-07-24 16:30:18 UTC
Victoria Sin wrote:

It's cost uncertainty that discourages investment. What CCP seems to have done is ensure all of the idiots who previously factored their minerals as "free" have an open playing field, whilst the people who were serious about running a business in the game, making sure they made a profit and valuing their minerals at market or more when working out costs, have a lot of uncertainty.

The latter just won't build. So the market is now dominated by the former and will be for some considerable time, at least until some tools are available outside of the game.

This x 3 internets
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#100 - 2014-07-24 16:49:17 UTC
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
Just up and moving several FREIGHTERS full of materials to another constellation or region really isn't an option every month

i have moved like 20 freighterloads of stuff to another constellation or a region in five minutes

because thats how long it takes to set up courier contracts to pay pubbies like five isk per freighter-jump and then log out having spent maybe 20-40m isk