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EVE having trouble updating?

m3talc0re X
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-07-23 00:06:44 UTC
Running the launcher for the third now trying to update to Crius. It's failed twice.. Anyone else having troubles?
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2014-07-23 00:20:25 UTC
Yeah I've been having the same thing. it tried to install the patch, froze at like 22%, so I restarted, it got to 6.7%, it froze, I restarted and its now stuck on 2.6%.

Tried the repair tool version 3.52 and it failed as well with the following issues:

(7/7) Applying patch: Initializing ...
Restoring: launcher\launcher.exe
Deleting downloaded temporary data
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "repairTool\progressPanel.pyc", line 82, in _TaskRun
File "repairTool\repairUI.pyc", line 97, in Start
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 199, in Repair
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 380, in Restore
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 407, in RestoreFolder
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 464, in ReconstructFiles
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 505, in ReconstructFile
FileTotal Runtime: 0h25m14s
Locarno Raid
Pilot Has Terrible Standing
Imperial Empire
#3 - 2014-07-23 00:49:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Locarno Raid
My launcher is getting stuck at 100% at the Applying Patch stage
Launch button is greyed out cant do anything

Edit: Freed up some memory and ran the launcher without logging in and seemed to work
Pothouse Cartel
#4 - 2014-07-23 15:27:13 UTC
Same old shite

wish i hadn't resubbed tbo

cant update two accounts or repair
khamael III
New Rome corp.
#5 - 2014-07-23 16:34:13 UTC
it's three day that it's really a pain trying logging and/or updating the game. Well, dear CCP mates, this is a subscription game after all ... and patience is difficult sklill to level up to 5 if one cannot even log into the gameCool.