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CSM, pressure CCP to ban IsBoxer.

First post First post
Lothros Andastar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#121 - 2014-07-10 03:59:38 UTC
ian papabear wrote:
im one of those duders who re upped my alt so that i could use isboxer, why would ccp ban it expecially when it only encourages people to purchase more accounts

Bots also purchase more accounts.
Ryuu Towryk
Caldari State
#122 - 2014-07-15 01:27:14 UTC
If isboxing gives you no advantage to alt-tabbing to control other accounts, why pay for it?
Noble Sentiments
Second Empire.
#123 - 2014-07-16 16:43:50 UTC
Ryuu Towryk wrote:
If isboxing gives you no advantage to alt-tabbing to control other accounts, why pay for it?

It significantly improves screen space utilization when running multiple accounts, helps with managing CPU threads and using the correct GPU if you're running multiple monitors on separate cards, and makes launching clients and managing account/overview settings easier.

Lykouleon > CYNO ME CLOSER so I can hit them with my sword

So you want to be a Hero
#124 - 2014-07-16 20:39:17 UTC
Until CCPgames will make a better worded company policy towards programs like ISboxer in their TOS/EULA and are willing and able to enforce these new wordings, hopefully in the fall this year, I do not see the company acting on the current situation.

Banning ISboxed accounts will hurt, the company through less plex being bought from the market to fuel multiple accounts, and it could hurt the price of stuff ingame, compressed ore prices will go up and there for t1/t2 modules / ships, except plex prices though Cool

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

ashley Eoner
#125 - 2014-07-16 23:44:16 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Freelancer117 wrote:
Until CCPgames will make a better worded company policy towards programs like ISboxer in their TOS/EULA and are willing and able to enforce these new wordings, hopefully in the fall this year, I do not see the company acting on the current situation.

Banning ISboxed accounts will hurt, the company through less plex being bought from the market to fuel multiple accounts, and it could hurt the price of stuff ingame, compressed ore prices will go up and there for t1/t2 modules / ships, except plex prices though Cool

Plex prices will always go up.

I use isboxer for the screen and resource management functions. I can do just as well without it and sometimes I do go without it cause I'd rather spend the money on something else.

*Snip* Removed reply to a deleted post. ISD Ezwal.
Writing Memoirs
#126 - 2014-07-18 08:50:52 UTC  |  Edited by: 2pt
After all the discussion I've read, it remains that ten accounts can accomplish no more than ten other accounts given the same number and types of ships with equivalent fits and skills operating in the same environments over the same amount of time.

That leaves the crispy piece of chapped skin inflamed over not the number of accounts or the total time it takes for either set of ten ships to accomplish the same outcome, but chafed skin only comes into play when the number of players involved is mentioned.

1. If ten ice mining ships came into a belt and mined out the belt, does it really matter to the person who came to the belt too late if it was done by ten mining ships or by ten other mining ships?

2. Does it really matter if the belt was cleaned out in the same amount of time by one set of ten mining ships or a different set of ten mining in the same exact amount of time, give or take a few seconds?

3. Would it really matter if that belt was eaten by ten accounts or a different set of ten accounts?

4. Would it really matter if each of the ten ships in both sets of ten would just sit idly by not doing anything until the pilot of each of those ships used a keyboard or mouse to send the correct command to the ships in each set of ten to keep moving the mining operation forward?

5. Would it really matter if the owner of each account for each ship from one of the two sets of ten ships was at a movie or asleep and the ten mining ships went about efficiently reading their scripts while the AFK player was not even in the same zip code as the computer sending commands to the ten ships?

6. Would the description of behaviors in number five be fair to the ten mining ships whose account owner was present in the belt and without the entering of commands by keyboard or mouse to control each of the ships in the game and making decisions about the actions and movements of the ten ships?

Please weigh in on the 6 scenarios stated above. I believe it would be interesting.
LtCol RTButts
Abandon AII Hope
#127 - 2014-07-18 09:08:40 UTC
2pt wrote:
After all the discussion I've read, it remains that ten accounts can accomplish no more than ten other accounts given the same number and types of ships with equivalent fits and skills operating in the same environments over the same amount of time.

That leaves the crispy piece of chapped skin inflamed over not the number of accounts or the total time it takes for either set of ten ships to accomplish the same outcome, but chafed skin only comes into play when the number of players involved is mentioned.

1. If ten ice mining ships came into a belt and mined out the belt, does it really matter to the person who came to the belt too late if it was done by ten mining ships or by ten other mining ships?

2. Does it really matter if the belt was cleaned out in the same amount of time by one set of ten mining ships or a different set of ten mining in the same exact amount of time, give or take a few seconds?

3. Would it really matter if that belt was eaten by ten accounts or a different set of ten accounts?

4. Would it really matter if each of the ten ships in both sets of ten would just sit idly by not doing anything until the pilot of each of those ships used a keyboard or mouse to send the correct command to the ships in each set of ten to keep moving the mining operation forward?

5. Would it really matter if the owner of each account for each ship from one of the two sets of ten ships was at a movie or asleep and the ten mining ships went about efficiently reading their scripts while the AFK player was not even in the same zip code as the computer sending commands to the ten ships?

6. Would the description of behaviors in number five be fair to the ten mining ships whose account owner was present in the belt and without the entering of commands by keyboard or mouse to control each of the ships in the game and making decisions about the actions and movements of the ten ships?

Please weigh in on the 6 scenarios stated above. I believe it would be interesting.

ISBoxer can still accomplish more than 10 multi boxed ALT+Tab accounts.

1) 1 person with ISBoxer Bomber squad can nuke complete fleets solo, it's impossible with multiboxing ALT+Tab
2) 10 ISBoxer ratting ships have an constant Alpha strike equal to the gun cycling time, it's impossible with multiboxing ALT+Tab. the result is a much more higher income. you never will reach the damage output at all like with ISBoxer, the factor "rep ability of target" is irrelevant. one-shot-kills with pressing a single key.
3) 10 ISBoxer gate camping gang has a constant Alpha strike equal to the gun cycling time. logis in the enemy fleet can be useless because the have zero chance to rep anything. with ALT+Tab delay reps are able to hold because the damage comes in lower
4) you can combine different account onto the same screen with different tasks. for example logis on the same screen, tackle and alpha strike on the same screen, tackle, ECM, alpha on the same screen.

you don't play 10 individual accounts with ISBoxer, you play 1 accounts with a factor 10.
Writing Memoirs
#128 - 2014-07-18 10:18:47 UTC
In reading the EULA I found an interesting little piece:

" amendment alters a material term of the EULA that is unacceptable to you, you may, as your sole and exclusive remedy, terminate the EULA and close your Accounts by: (a) clicking the "DECLINE" button when you are prompted to review and agree to the amended EULA;

By your choice of not accepting ISBoxer when CCP did, the above may apply to you.

Your quote:

"you don't play 10 individual accounts with ISBoxer, you play 1 accounts with a factor 10"

tells me you have not used or have very little experience using ISBoxer. I rarely use it beyond logging in and moving a fleet, and in moving fleets, I have found some ships will arrive at a gate after I pressed the command for jump and I'd screwed up and left that ship behind. When I finally counted ships and found I was one or two short, they had followed my command to move to a gate two or three from the top of two different lists; one in the system I just left and on in the system where I wanted and thought all the ships were. I was navigating by memory and did not take the time to be sure each ship's overview contained only gates, I had a destination in each overview and I was sorting each overview by the gates. When that happened to me and I to0ok a headcount of the ships arriving at a gate that was not so busy, I'd often find the slow ship about 8 jumps away and blown to kingdom come. I learned to over come that mistake, so the increased factor you mentioned can also count the number of ways you can screw up.

I'm sure it works better for others who take a great deal of time in learning the nuances of it's use, but it is no piece of cake and certainly not a just a factor applied to an equation that is always good.

The bottom line seems to be, not how many accounts, not the length of time when one is pitted against ten ships with ten players or ten accounts with one player pushing buttons and moving a mouse to control the ships, it is all about player to player. CCP looks for equanimity between accounts, not between players. I can vote using each account, I can petition using each account, I am given a Christmas gift for each account and each account started with 5000 ISK and a crappy ship. I can simultaneously mine with each account with or without using ISBoxer, but I always have to be present and I always have to initiate each move any ship or module in any slot will take whether I am Boxing or bouncing from window to window. Nothing about it is automatic. I would not touch it with a ten foot pole if it were.

Of course you and every other player may do as you wish, but I ask you to examine if it is jealousy that another player may be more productive or a true belief that ISBoxer violates the EULA and TOS, even though it has had to be hashed and rehashed in Iceland probably many more times than I can imagine.

I hope you and every one else who reads this finds success in your future endeavors and you embrace every advantage of every game mechanic that is acceptable to CCP. Don't ever tell me you are breaking the rules or let me see you breaking them or you will get a she ton of petitions about it.
LtCol RTButts
Abandon AII Hope
#129 - 2014-07-18 10:38:01 UTC
your comment and problems with different kind of ships doing differnet things shows me only that you have no clue about how to manage things. and you are right, your advantages with ISBoxer are very limited.

but anyways, time to create a legal bomb squad.
Iain Cariaba
#130 - 2014-07-18 21:02:40 UTC
LtCol RTButts wrote:
ISBoxer can still accomplish more than 10 multi boxed ALT+Tab accounts.

1) 1 person with ISBoxer Bomber squad can nuke complete fleets solo, it's impossible with multiboxing ALT+Tab
2) 10 ISBoxer ratting ships have an constant Alpha strike equal to the gun cycling time, it's impossible with multiboxing ALT+Tab. the result is a much more higher income. you never will reach the damage output at all like with ISBoxer, the factor "rep ability of target" is irrelevant. one-shot-kills with pressing a single key.
3) 10 ISBoxer gate camping gang has a constant Alpha strike equal to the gun cycling time. logis in the enemy fleet can be useless because the have zero chance to rep anything. with ALT+Tab delay reps are able to hold because the damage comes in lower
4) you can combine different account onto the same screen with different tasks. for example logis on the same screen, tackle and alpha strike on the same screen, tackle, ECM, alpha on the same screen.

you don't play 10 individual accounts with ISBoxer, you play 1 accounts with a factor 10.

1) Playing in window mode I can click in taskbar, f1, repeat pretty damn fast and have last window be squad leader to warp squad. A little timing and coordination is all you need.
2 and 3) Can do same with drones.
4) Proves you've not looked into ISBoxer. ISBoxer performs the same mouse/keyboard actions over multiple clients. This isn't commands, it is actions. All overviews, window locations, hud locations, sizes, everything has to be identical or it won't work right. Therefore you cannot run tackle, ewar, and damage off the same screen because the actions to perform these commands are not the same.

Yes, ISBoxer lets you control multiple identical ships from a single interface. No, ISBoxer does not give you an overpowered advantage. If you make one mistake, your cost for the mistake is multiplied. The advantage you get is only slightly more than if you ran EvE in window mode and spent 20-30 minutes practicing your mouse clicks and keystrokes to perform the same actions.

I'm sure CCP did not arbitrarily decide to let ISBoxer remain. I'm sure a lot of thought went into the decision because no other software close to it is allowed. Add to all this the fact that you can dump a few hundred dollars into inexpensive hardware and get the exact same results. Surplus government computers are cheap and a simple google search will provide hardware ways to repeat the commands. Smile

P.S. I, personally, don't use ISBoxer.
LtCol RTButts
Abandon AII Hope
#131 - 2014-07-19 00:16:33 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
LtCol RTButts wrote:
ISBoxer can still accomplish more than 10 multi boxed ALT+Tab accounts.

1) 1 person with ISBoxer Bomber squad can nuke complete fleets solo, it's impossible with multiboxing ALT+Tab
2) 10 ISBoxer ratting ships have an constant Alpha strike equal to the gun cycling time, it's impossible with multiboxing ALT+Tab. the result is a much more higher income. you never will reach the damage output at all like with ISBoxer, the factor "rep ability of target" is irrelevant. one-shot-kills with pressing a single key.
3) 10 ISBoxer gate camping gang has a constant Alpha strike equal to the gun cycling time. logis in the enemy fleet can be useless because the have zero chance to rep anything. with ALT+Tab delay reps are able to hold because the damage comes in lower
4) you can combine different account onto the same screen with different tasks. for example logis on the same screen, tackle and alpha strike on the same screen, tackle, ECM, alpha on the same screen.

you don't play 10 individual accounts with ISBoxer, you play 1 accounts with a factor 10.

1) Playing in window mode I can click in taskbar, f1, repeat pretty damn fast and have last window be squad leader to warp squad. A little timing and coordination is all you need.
2 and 3) Can do same with drones.
4) Proves you've not looked into ISBoxer. ISBoxer performs the same mouse/keyboard actions over multiple clients. This isn't commands, it is actions. All overviews, window locations, hud locations, sizes, everything has to be identical or it won't work right. Therefore you cannot run tackle, ewar, and damage off the same screen because the actions to perform these commands are not the same.

Yes, ISBoxer lets you control multiple identical ships from a single interface. No, ISBoxer does not give you an overpowered advantage. If you make one mistake, your cost for the mistake is multiplied. The advantage you get is only slightly more than if you ran EvE in window mode and spent 20-30 minutes practicing your mouse clicks and keystrokes to perform the same actions.

I'm sure CCP did not arbitrarily decide to let ISBoxer remain. I'm sure a lot of thought went into the decision because no other software close to it is allowed. Add to all this the fact that you can dump a few hundred dollars into inexpensive hardware and get the exact same results. Surplus government computers are cheap and a simple google search will provide hardware ways to repeat the commands. Smile

P.S. I, personally, don't use ISBoxer.

really ? you wanna tell me that you are able to do a complete squad bomb run in windowed mode ? warp in as squad, decloak, throw bomb and warp out ? hopefully the enemy has no light tackle, otherwise it will be a one time job, every second counts to leave the field. btw, how have you solved the problem that ships aligne away from the warp direction after landing when they get no command instant after landing ? with moving targets, and in PVP targets normally move every second counts, every misangle of the warp in direction destroys your focused bomb damage you have with 10 player controlled bombers or ISBoxer.

but yeah, drones are not guns for a good reason. be efficient, use guns. 10 accounts with a ROF gun cycling time alpha are that what you get with ISBoxer. nothing else, nothing less. without ISBoxer you have a hard time delay, 1 second per account is realistic if you are well trained as you told us. so 10 seconds to get back to the first account. wow, the first macharial has still shot 2 bullets. but yeah ....
btw, have you ever used drones for sniping gates ? with tornados you can bounce around, with drones you are sticked to a position. with tornados you can fire on land, with assisted drones, holy crap, you have first to assist them to the gunner with several mouseclicks. ah no, target is gone, no assisted drone alpha needed anymore. ISBoxer alpha from 10 tornados would be a wet dream in this situation to shoot full DPS with every ship after seconds without any delay.
same for ratting/incursions. nobody wants frigates in close range so best strategie is to blow them up in a single alpha on range. switching costs time and the frigs get in close range because of all the delay, ISBoxer is ony Alpha shot at once. boom boom boom, tackle dead at range.

to get all clients identical takes 1 minute with all overviews, chatchannels and so on and yes, it is possible to create a new UI ( i know people will scream again because "it is only a cutted screen from different screens"). you can "place" everything you need on one screen and get the ability to do different tasks from different shiptypes. just look the videos for incursion runner setups, DPS + Logis. same is possible for PVP, same is possible for bomber squads -> command bomber with probes, rest DPS. ******* simple.

and yes, if you do a mistake alot of **** can die ... same like in multi box modus with ALT+Tab when you try to find your logis fast enough to get reps. thats the only point without any difference. hm, okay, it's a lie for PVE stuff. you will use much more expensive stuff in PVE with ISBoxer because it is much more saver to operate with only just one single screen with all different kinds of ships (normally DPS + logi).

about hardware solutions, it is an ISBoxer thread. Hardware solutions or other software is not really better but thats another topic.

Writing Memoirs
#132 - 2014-07-19 01:47:50 UTC  |  Edited by: 2pt
LtCol RTButts wrote:
your comment and problems with different kind of ships doing differnet things shows me only that you [quote=LtCol RTButts]your comment and problems with different kind of ships doing differnet things shows me only that you have no clue about how to manage things. and you are right, your advantages with ISBoxer are very limited.

but anyways, time to create a legal bomb squad.

You failed to address any thing I wrote except an example of what happened to me when I thought multiboxing was as easy as you seem to thinki it is and then criticized my managerial skills.

My managerial skills are so bad that I can win a vanguard mission in lo or null with eight ships fitted for a VG incursion and a reserve fleet fitted for PVP standing off to warp in and run off or destroy any fleet which comes into the mission after I have started it. I always scan and never go in to contest a site, but will not be chased out of a site and never have been.

CCP seeks equality for accounts not people. Each of everyone's accounts can vote in CSM elections, gets a Christmas gift, can petition, can post likes on forums, costs a plex to play, got 5000 ISK and a crappy ship.

You continue to hold out the example of having a race between a single mult-boxer with multiple accounts and a single player without multi-boxer with multiple accounts. You are pitting player against player and not account against account. Your argument is as valid as complaining that your three accounts with rookie ships cannot win against three supers. Rookie ships are allowed, Supers are allowed and get your brain wrapped around this - multiboxers are allowed as long as they do not provide automation, stored key strokes and alll the other things that come along with bots,

Nothing happens with a ship in a multiboxed fleet untill a human presses a key or maneuvers a mouse. Bots operate from a script when the "player" is afk getting laid or on a waterski vacation in the Persian Gulf.

Pit a multi-boxer with ten accounts & ten ships against ten players with each having a single account and if all else is equal - training, equipment, etc, the two teams of ships will basically accomplish the same amount in the same amount of time - they are equal because the multiboxer will be pressing one key at about the same time as each of the individual players will be pressing the same key..

If you take a single ship on a single account from the non- boxer and from the boxer with the same assignment, such as mine five Veldspar asteroids in a full belt each account will perform nearly the same given they both have the same skills and ships and modules. The Boxer player using boxer commands will not have an advantage over the non boxer account as they will be pressing the same keys at about the same times. Add another player with single nonboxer account and another account belinging to the boxer and do the experiment again. The two teams will finish at about the same time. Keep doing that and at some point the boxer account will not be able to perform as quickly as the same number of single player accounts each on a different computer. Even if the boxer has multiple computers which are comparable to each of the single player computers, the boxer will eventually slow

The hair you are splitting is not a hair for which CCP has a concern for how well it is split.

It is time to stop using ISBoxer as the universal term for all multi-boxing software. It is like calling every computer an IBM

The OP called for a an uprising of the CSM against multiboxing, but what has happened is the sound of crickets and many supporting multi-boxing or ar at least not finding it in contravention with the EULA..

Are you familiar with the term luddite?

Oh wait, you are a crusader fighting for Eve to be played the way it oughta be played - according to you.

I've already given you cordial wishes for god luck and happiness in another post, which went unnoticed I guess, so that is taken care of. Oh look, Don Quixote, A Windmill!
ashley Eoner
#133 - 2014-07-19 05:55:55 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
LtCol RTButts wrote:
ISBoxer can still accomplish more than 10 multi boxed ALT+Tab accounts.

1) 1 person with ISBoxer Bomber squad can nuke complete fleets solo, it's impossible with multiboxing ALT+Tab
2) 10 ISBoxer ratting ships have an constant Alpha strike equal to the gun cycling time, it's impossible with multiboxing ALT+Tab. the result is a much more higher income. you never will reach the damage output at all like with ISBoxer, the factor "rep ability of target" is irrelevant. one-shot-kills with pressing a single key.
3) 10 ISBoxer gate camping gang has a constant Alpha strike equal to the gun cycling time. logis in the enemy fleet can be useless because the have zero chance to rep anything. with ALT+Tab delay reps are able to hold because the damage comes in lower
4) you can combine different account onto the same screen with different tasks. for example logis on the same screen, tackle and alpha strike on the same screen, tackle, ECM, alpha on the same screen.

you don't play 10 individual accounts with ISBoxer, you play 1 accounts with a factor 10.

4) Proves you've not looked into ISBoxer. ISBoxer performs the same mouse/keyboard actions over multiple clients. This isn't commands, it is actions. All overviews, window locations, hud locations, sizes, everything has to be identical or it won't work right. Therefore you cannot run tackle, ewar, and damage off the same screen because the actions to perform these commands are not the same.
In theory you can but it would require weeks if not months of daily work to get it working well and even then a minor system lag missclick or any number of other things would break the setup so badly you'd be forced into exiting and restoring the settings from a save folder.

I have a feeling this fellow knows this but can't be arsed to spend the time to even get a somewhat decent setup working or he'd of done it already. I wish him the best of luck with his bomber fleet because there's already whole threads on the isboxer forums trying to figure out how to make bomber fleets work. It's possible but you have to have save points already setup and hope your enemy is stupid.

This is assuming that the eve's UI doesn't decide to stick a UI element to your mouse when you click or any number of stupid things that eve tends to do. The more clients you run the higher the chance you're going to get a screw up that desynchs the whole thing.
Noble Sentiments
Second Empire.
#134 - 2014-07-19 07:09:08 UTC
LtCol RTButts wrote:
really ? you wanna tell me that you are able to do a complete squad bomb run in windowed mode ?

Yes. Yes you can. It's really not that hard with a little brain-power usage.

about hardware solutions, it is an ISBoxer thread. Hardware solutions or other software is not really better but thats another topic.

There are actually plenty of other programs out there that do some of the same functions as IsBoxer. None of them that I've seen do the exact same EVE-related tweaks that IsBoxer does, which gives it a competitive advantage over our little niche.

Lykouleon > CYNO ME CLOSER so I can hit them with my sword

Iain Cariaba
#135 - 2014-07-19 16:40:11 UTC
Also, thanks to this thread I'm now curious and plan on trying ISBoxer myself and seeing if I like it. Twisted

@OP: if this thread was an attempt to make others not use ISBoxer, I think it failed.
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#136 - 2014-07-19 22:50:34 UTC
I have removed some rule breaking posts and those quoting them. As always I let some edge cases stay.
Please people, keep it on topic and above all civil!

The Rules:
4. Personal attacks are prohibited.

Commonly known as flaming, personal attacks are posts that are designed to personally berate or insult another forum user. Posts of this nature are not beneficial to the community spirit that CCP promote and as such they will not be tolerated.

5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

26. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

Off-topic posting is permitted within reason, as sometimes a single comment may color or lighten the tone of discussion. However, excessive posting of off-topic remarks in an attempt to derail a thread may result in the thread being locked, or a forum warning being issued.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Skelee VI
C5 Flight
#137 - 2014-07-21 18:30:02 UTC
CPP wont ban isboxer for simple reason that they don't give a hoot about the individual player scraping up funds to pay for one account. They like the guy who pays for 5 accounts to win eve! Isboxer is cheating because you are getting an advantage over someone who isn't running it. You can sugar coat it all you want and twist the words but one person controlling 5 or more accounts with one press of a button has an advantage.
ashley Eoner
#138 - 2014-07-23 23:48:17 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Skelee VI wrote:
CPP wont ban isboxer for simple reason that they don't give a hoot about the individual player scraping up funds to pay for one account. They like the guy who pays for 5 accounts to win eve! Isboxer is cheating because you are getting an advantage over someone who isn't running it. You can sugar coat it all you want and twist the words but one person controlling 5 or more accounts with one press of a button has an advantage.

PI alts is cheating. Having more then one account is cheating. Having more time to play is cheating. Having in game friends is cheating. Having a good corp is cheating. Reading guides is cheating. Using google to find game information is cheating. Having prior experience in the game is cheating.

All of those are cheating according to you as those who have those things have an advantage over those that don't.

Welcome to life. It's never fair.
AnJuan Jackson
Red Star Trading Corporation
#139 - 2014-07-24 02:52:43 UTC
Are you high? CCP actively encourages multiboxing with their power of 2 program... They obviously like the idea.
AnJuan Jackson
Red Star Trading Corporation
#140 - 2014-07-24 02:54:39 UTC
Skelee VI wrote:
CPP wont ban isboxer for simple reason that they don't give a hoot about the individual player scraping up funds to pay for one account. They like the guy who pays for 5 accounts to win eve! Isboxer is cheating because you are getting an advantage over someone who isn't running it. You can sugar coat it all you want and twist the words but one person controlling 5 or more accounts with one press of a button has an advantage.

Next you'll want to ban people for being better at you than this game because they have an advantage. Or banning people who have an IQ over 50 because they have an advantage.

Everyone with more money, power, intelligence, and willpower has an advantage over you. But you don't see me complaining about it because I can.