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With Farmers Gone From FW...

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#61 - 2014-07-15 09:42:20 UTC
With the reduction of farmers I'm hoping the value of my stored LP will increase.

I've not actively checked prices but I am definitely expecting to increase my overall income now :)
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#62 - 2014-07-16 15:47:20 UTC
GODS H4ND wrote:
With the reduction of farmers I'm hoping the value of my stored LP will increase.

I've not actively checked prices but I am definitely expecting to increase my overall income now :)

Hope you are really, really good at holding your breath because that LP you have stored is a pittance compared to the total stored across the militias for the same reasons you probably had to squirrel it away in the first place.

In short: Prices won't move much until the stockpiles are depleted.

PS: If anyone from CCP reading this, could/would you delve into the data and tell me/us just how much LP is out there in peoples wallets? Big smile