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Mittani: Greifers drive away new players

First post
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#341 - 2014-07-14 13:18:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Reiisha wrote:

If they drive away all the new players there won't be a game left for them to play.

You know that people have been saying that since 2003 right. Every time I hear it I imagine a dude with a long white beard looking at his wrist watch and saying "any time now".

Nothing can chase away 'all the new players', it didn't chase you or me away, and we were new once.
Jur Tissant
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#342 - 2014-07-14 13:45:11 UTC
WoW and WoW-clones provide meaningful PvE content with real progression, not a L1 grind which leads to a L2 grind and eventually an endless L4 grind. I think the NPE, and the game at large, could benefit from story-driven PvE content which isn't as open-ended as the rest of EVE's universe.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#343 - 2014-07-14 13:53:15 UTC
Tried to get 3 people into this game over the last ~18 months.

#1 Spent somewhere between 1-2 months, quit the game after he had 3 retrievers suicide ganked in as many days despite moving systems as I suggested.

#2 Spent ~2 week in game and quit after being ganked with PLEX in cargo - despite me telling him multiple times not to ever undock with it. (As an aside I'm 99% sure the corp he joined encouraged him to do it then ganked him on alts - which is both funny and a bit sad at the same time).

#3 Dunno how long he played but was looking for more opportunities to join up with random players to do missions and as a new char couldn't get into incursions, etc. so quit the game.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#344 - 2014-07-14 13:54:58 UTC
I think the possibility to infiltrate a corp and awox the members is a fun gameplay aspect of EVE you find in no other game. It also makes trust in EVE a real and important thing and adds to the social fabric of the whole game.

CCP always struggles to implement meaningful gameplay into their games, so why should they remove such a gem that has emerged from the sandbox and was probably not even intended in the first place.

Also it worked for 10 years, why the sudden concern that it drives away new players? The game was never easier and CCP never held your hand more if you are a new player.

If there is indeed a problem with player retention (where are the numbers that suggest there even is a problem?) then maybe it's because you already diluted the sandbox so much it's no longer appealing to the sort of player who does not quit after 1 month and is actually interested in the sandbox aspect. Maybe they go play Rust this days..

Also I hope you don't get this wrong, but I think a nullsec alliance leader who makes suggestions about how to fix a game mechanic that is only relevant in highsec can be taken as serious as a highsec miner making suggestions about how to fix sov warfare in null.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#345 - 2014-07-14 13:57:03 UTC
^^ While I have no idea if there is a player retention problem or not - the game certainly doesn't grab a lot of the players it could be. Whether thats a good thing or not is a whole discussion of its own.
#346 - 2014-07-14 13:58:21 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
Grrr goons-want-more-WoW-in-EVE...

Wait, what?

wat... What?
Christina Project
Screaming Head in a Box.
#347 - 2014-07-14 14:26:28 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Reiisha wrote:

If they drive away all the new players there won't be a game left for them to play.

You know that people have been saying that since 2003 right. Every time I hear it I imagine a dude with a long white beard watcing his wrist watch and saying "any time now".

Nothing can chase away 'all the new players', it didn't chase you or me away, and we were new once.

That last line is actually the best shot against this crap.

[i]"Don't look into another human's bowl to see how much he has ... ... look into his bowl to see if he has enough !" - Sol[/i]

Nexus Day
Lustrevik Trade and Travel Bureau
#348 - 2014-07-14 14:50:42 UTC
Old players say, "I was new once" and then go on to defend their stale gameplay. Story at 11.

Face it, you don't want to have to out think experienced players. New players are easy targets. But griefing, or doing things that are perceived by the inexperienced as griefing, is a zero sum game that cannot support itself in the long term. The Mittani realizes it, why can't you?
Carthoris ofHelium
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#349 - 2014-07-14 15:00:08 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
I think the possibility to infiltrate a corp and awox the members is a fun gameplay aspect of EVE you find in no other game. It also makes trust in EVE a real and important thing and adds to the social fabric of the whole game.

CCP always struggles to implement meaningful gameplay into their games, so why should they remove such a gem that has emerged from the sandbox and was probably not even intended in the first place.

Free awoxing doesn't make any sense though it's counter intuitive. It's not immediately obvious that your corpmates can kill you without CONCORD intervention, because it doesn't make intuitive sense why that would be true. Corp theft is already a big enough threat to corp security that people still need to be careful about who they hire and what roles they assign, all hi sec awoxing does is make people even more paranoid about who they let into their corps.
Chewytowel Haklar
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#350 - 2014-07-14 15:00:53 UTC
Goons being anti-awox is very indicative that they don't like the dangerous side of EVE, and they want the game to be even more carebear in their cute little blue donut resort in nullsec.

EVE is supposed to be dangerous and unforgiving. When that gets removed more and more in favor of whatever the Goons or anyone else wants EVE will have lost its main catch. My proposal of vastly improving the PVE aspect of the game and its story would not harm that however and wouldn't also require throwing new players into a padded system where GM's and whoever else kiss the new players butts giving them false impressions of EVE. I mean what in the hell do you think those players are going to think when they leave that system that was all nice and rosy and jump right into their first smartbomb gate camp? Yeah, that little padded safe system would do nothing to retain new players then.

The truth is you can't improve player retention by making the initial experience easier because that just gives those players a false idea of what the game is really like. If you REALLY want to help new players out then revamp the starting missions to be HARD and require tactics like those that are used in pvp. Give them a fighting chance by training them up yourself CCP in how to win at pvp via mission training.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#351 - 2014-07-14 15:04:05 UTC
Nexus Day wrote:
Old players say, "I was new once" and then go on to defend their stale gameplay. Story at 11.

Face it, you don't want to have to out think experienced players. New players are easy targets. But griefing, or doing things that are perceived by the inexperienced as griefing, is a zero sum game that cannot support itself in the long term. The Mittani realizes it, why can't you?

Because it's wrong.

Who cares about new players being easy targets, I'm a pve jock, so unless those new player dress up like Guristas, they are safe from me lol.

What I want is what EVE already is, a sandbox game full of tools to manipulate for one's own enjoyment, set in a future/spaceship setting.

As for 'griefing cannot support itself in the long run', well, people have been saying things like that for 11 years too. I myself have spent the last 7 years (I started playing in 2007) learning how to avoid being 'grief' and I've succeeded.

Because, Nexus, that's what real EVE players do, FIGURE IT OUT FOR OURSELVES rather than expecting the powers that be to deliver 'content' to us. Not saying that EVE won't grow and evolve, but it should only do so within the bounds of what the game is. What you and your type keep asking for is for EVE to grow into some useless WoW-clone.

No thanks.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#352 - 2014-07-14 15:19:43 UTC
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
Goons being anti-awox is very indicative that they don't like the dangerous side of EVE, and they want the game to be even more carebear in their cute little blue donut resort in nullsec.

In defense of Goons (this is my playing Devil's advocate, side note Mittani is the Devil), they don't want any such things. This is jsut a case of the Goon's leader being IMO wrong about something based on his personal preferences and understanding. He's human, he's been wrong (and right) before and will do it again.

When I think of Mittani (Whom i have not met personally) I think of the 'superstar who lets you know his politics' lol. You know the guy who is an A-list actor and because he's A-list at something, he thinks he's A-list about everything Big smile .Those superstars testifying before congress are no more qualified than the average citizen about such things any more so than I would be a good source of information regarding Heart Surgery lol.

Mittens is a world class video game spy and online gaming group leader. He's not a game designer.


EVE is supposed to be dangerous and unforgiving. When that gets removed more and more in favor of whatever the Goons or anyone else wants EVE will have lost its main catch. My proposal of vastly improving the PVE aspect of the game and its story would not harm that however and wouldn't also require throwing new players into a padded system where GM's and whoever else kiss the new players butts giving them false impressions of EVE. I mean what in the hell do you think those players are going to think when they leave that system that was all nice and rosy and jump right into their first smartbomb gate camp? Yeah, that little padded safe system would do nothing to retain new players then.

The truth is you can't improve player retention by making the initial experience easier because that just gives those players a false idea of what the game is really like. If you REALLY want to help new players out then revamp the starting missions to be HARD and require tactics like those that are used in pvp. Give them a fighting chance by training them up yourself CCP in how to win at pvp via mission training.

Bolded part is important, because neither are you a game designer lol. Your 'vastly improved pve' idea was and is bad because pve in a sandbox game serves a wider purpose (ie it's a method of gathering currency and resources to be used to interact in someway with other people, whether that is direct pvp or things like building and market pvp).

PVE for the sake of PVE, in other words, 'giving people something fun to do' detracts from the interaction part of the game that is so crucial. At a certain level, sandbox pve has to suck at least bad enough to get normal asocial gamers to actually interact with other gamers lol.

"Improved PVE" (such as the much suggested "fewer but more pvp like npcs) is just as bad an idea for the game as the original concept of WiS was, it takes people further away from doing the things that creat actual content in a sandbox game. The guy who can get a pvp like trill fighting npcs don't need real pvp. The guy who can fight boredom by walking to a bar in a station rather than undocking (thus risking getting killed) is denying content to other players, even if that content is just those would be gankers being frustrated because the guy outsmarted them and got away from their gank.
Barbelo Valentinian
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#353 - 2014-07-14 15:20:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Barbelo Valentinian
I think the only real problem with the NPE (I recently had a go at it) is that it still gives a new player the impression that they're going to be a Big Hero out of the gate. It's still misleadingly giving the impression that the game is like any other MMO, only in space.

The mission in the NPE where you lose a ship is a step in the right direction, but it ought to be your ship, the one you've lovingly cared for in the first few missions, not one given to you specially to lose. And you shouldn't be warned about it, it should be a "no win scenario", and it's explained to you afterwards that this is the nature of EVE (you will get blown up).

Also, after you do the missions where you get the hang of basic controls, shooting and mining, etc., there ought to be a couple of missions where you're thrown into a PUG with other newbies to do some task (group mining or waypoint patrol or something like that), led by an AI commander who's explaining stuff as you go and assigning tasks in the way an FC might.

Then after that, another kind of group mission (again, randomb PUG of newbies), this time with no AI FC, but with the difficulty pitched so that the team can just about squeeze through if nobody communicates, but you can get a nice reward if the team happens to get it together to communicate and co-ordinate.

IOW, the NPE needs to reflect the range of options in the game - of which solo play is more of a minority sport, with various kinds of teamwork being more the norm.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#354 - 2014-07-14 15:30:38 UTC
Carthoris ofHelium wrote:

Free awoxing doesn't make any sense though it's counter intuitive. It's not immediately obvious that your corpmates can kill you without CONCORD intervention, because it doesn't make intuitive sense why that would be true. Corp theft is already a big enough threat to corp security that people still need to be careful about who they hire and what roles they assign, all hi sec awoxing does is make people even more paranoid about who they let into their corps.

With the "new" safety switch you can find that out in a few seconds without risking your ship. Discovering game mechanics is part of the fun of a game. But some people obviously think this isn't a game and losing a pixel spaceship over a deficit in knowledge is something that should not happen at all. I don't think we need this kind of people in EVE, they will only ask for more nerfs and safety because they are not actually interested in how the game works.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#355 - 2014-07-14 15:32:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Barbelo Valentinian wrote:
I think the only real problem with the NPE (I recently had a go at it) is that it still gives a new player the impression that they're going to be a Big Hero out of the gate. It's still misleadingly giving the impression that the game is like any other MMO, only in space.

The mission in the NPE where you lose a ship is a step in the right direction, but it ought to be your ship, the one you've lovingly cared for in the first few missions, not one given to you specially to lose. And you shouldn't be warned about it, it should be a "no win scenario", and it's explained to you afterwards that this is the nature of EVE (you will get blown up).

Also, after you do the missions where you get the hang of basic controls, shooting and mining, etc., there ought to be a couple of missions where you're thrown into a PUG with other newbies to do some task (group mining or waypoint patrol or something like that), led by an AI commander who's explaining stuff as you go and assigning tasks in the way an FC might.

Then after that, another kind of group mission (again, randomb PUG of newbies), this time with no AI FC, but with the difficulty pitched so that the team can just about squeeze through if nobody communicates, but you can get a nice reward if the team happens to get it together to communicate and co-ordinate.

IOW, the NPE needs to reflect the range of options in the game - of which solo play is more of a minority sport, with various kinds of teamwork being more the norm.

omg SO much this. Especially the bolded part.

Other games (and EVE's lore) says you're this big hero and everyone else is basically nearsighted arthritic Star Wars storm troopers compared to you lol. REAL EVE then tells the player "you are an insignificant scrub and you only have your own wits, cunning and ability to make friends/manipulate people, now go make something of yourself". That confused message turns into a slap in the face the 1st time a player hit's "real EVE" and then they quit.

This is why I think the idea of 'more safety' in any fashion is just stupid.

Lots of people come to EVE not only with MMO misconceptions, but also spaceship misconceptions.

Chief among the space ship misconceptions is the idea that the space ship 'means' something. In Sci-fi, the space ship is the center of the universe and has a name (personality). The Enterprise, Galactica, Blake's Liberator, SDF-1, The Argo/Yamato etc etc. So 'losing' a ship is a big deal.

In EVE however, a spaceship is nothing more than an expendable tool to be used in whatever way furthers your goal. They are a dime a dozen (and that's being generous). Yet the NPE doesn't explain this except for the mission you mention. So these new players come in, put everything they own on 1 ship, die and curse the name of EVE forever.

The NPE can be improved, but not with more safety.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#356 - 2014-07-14 16:18:40 UTC  |  Edited by: James Amril-Kesh
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
Or, in other words, if you want to mine in high sec or run level 4 missions, "get the **** out of our corp". (And, good luck getting all your stuff back to high sec by yourself.) You have made my point for me.

Uhhh, if you want to do those things, you wouldn't have joined my corp in the first place. So no, point not made.

And tbh we'd probably help you get your **** back to highsec, albeit possibly for a fee of some few hundred isk/m3 depending on who does it.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#357 - 2014-07-14 16:22:30 UTC
Barbelo Valentinian wrote:
The mission in the NPE where you lose a ship is a step in the right direction, but it ought to be your ship, the one you've lovingly cared for in the first few missions, not one given to you specially to lose. And you shouldn't be warned about it, it should be a "no win scenario", and it's explained to you afterwards that this is the nature of EVE (you will get blown up).

I think putting the Kobayashi Maru in NPE will cause more new player fallout than less. But maybe having an un-winnable test is what ensures Starfleet trains the best officers.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#358 - 2014-07-14 16:34:52 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Barbelo Valentinian wrote:
The mission in the NPE where you lose a ship is a step in the right direction, but it ought to be your ship, the one you've lovingly cared for in the first few missions, not one given to you specially to lose. And you shouldn't be warned about it, it should be a "no win scenario", and it's explained to you afterwards that this is the nature of EVE (you will get blown up).

I think putting the Kobayashi Maru in NPE will cause more new player fallout than less. But maybe having an un-winnable test is what ensures Starfleet trains the best officers.

Problem is an awful lot of new players never do that ship loss mission.

One of the flaws of the career agent system is many people get theimpression they are meant to choose acareer like "industry" do that agent and then go off and "do stuff".
Blastcaps Madullier
Handsome Millionaire Playboys
#359 - 2014-07-14 16:41:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Blastcaps Madullier
Sentamon wrote:
Le Martini desperate for clueless noobs making it to the nulsec phase so his zerg has someone to shoot at.

Usually I'd rather not agree with any of goons, BUT one thing a lot of people are overlooking is the fact that if Eve is to continue and prosper, then it absolutely NEEDS NEW players, not just yet more alts of vet players. or to put it another way, people need to stop playing eve like it's still 2009.

IF you've been paying attension to the clues that have been floating round, as a GUESS it looks like CCP are having financial issues, partly from the waste of money that went into development of WOD that they wrote off, partly due to the fact that in a sense dust 514 was a flop (most of my friends with PS3's who like FPS games were not exactly polite describing why they thought dust 514 was s**t), but there are other things pointing towards that.

But getting back to the point, I dunno about you but personaly I'd rather see Eve here in another 10 years, not gone and nothing more than a foot note in gaming history.
Gallowmere Rorschach
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#360 - 2014-07-14 16:48:50 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
After reading most of these posts, I have come to one conclusion: at least half of the people commenting here didn't actually read the article.

Please do not circumvent the profanity filter. Thank you. -ISD Dorrim Barstorlode