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Remove the SP loss for T3's. Modify T3 related skills.

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Anthar Thebess
#21 - 2014-07-14 09:18:45 UTC
Loosing SP is always something that discouraged me from using T3 ships.
5 days is not much , but always some time that i prefer to put to some other LVL 5 skills.

Still i agree , only thing that makes T3 not to OP ships is this SP loose : risk vs reward.
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2014-07-14 13:22:07 UTC
Andrew Indy wrote:
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
The problem with "rebalancing" T3's in ANY WAY is this:

If its weaker at any given time than ANY T2, but able to be fit for more T2 roles, then it will never see use, ebcause it would be vastly superior to just bring a T2.
If it is aimed at being "versatile" or "adaptable", then anything short of having 3 fittign widnows with the ability to enter a 1-minute siege cycle to switch them out, is pointless.

The main problem with making T3 more "versatile" is that between the logistics of hauling a bunch of modules around with you on top of the mobile depot, the time it takes to deploy, refit, and scoop the depot, and the fact you cant change your rigs, means T3's are usually locked into a SINGLE role, no matter what, unless your defending in close proximity to a starbase/outpost.

Basically, T3's are powerful, but thats because if they worked like they were originally intended, not only would they be useless for wormholes because they were weak, there wouldnt be much use running them since you may as well go home or to your carrier and swap ships to begin with.

Not really true, You can't turn a normal T2 ship into a Nullified Covert Ops for travel and then into a DPS ship 1 minute later, or a scanning ship ect ect. Sure in HS its not benefit but just about any other dangerous space it is.

The Rigs are some what of an issue and the size of the Subs is really a limiting factor (My Legion can only carry like 4000 missiles after fittings and subs and thats with 2 Cargo expanders).

PS, I support the removal of the SP loss assuming CCP changes the T3s to be sub part of a T2. While they are OP the SP lose is justified however once the are inferior not so much.

Great, now think about how costly a T3 is, even though to effectively "use" it as an "adaptable" platform, youll have to carry well over a billion in mods and subsystems, AND a mobile depot, AND 2 types of ammo depending on offensive subsystem, It becomes incredibly inefficient, and in most cases irresponsible.

I hate when peopel try to argue "flexibility" in eve, the only ship in EVE thats "flexible" without being rendered obsolete is carriers, and thats because they are primarily repping platforms with millions of EHP, at subclass levels, being flexible is equivalent to not being good or worth it. And thats where CCP wants T3 to be after their "rebalance".

On a more meta note, nerfing T3's in any way would make it IMPOSSIBLE to siege out a solid group in a C5 or C6 wormhole, since T3's with their battleship stats and cruiser mass, are the only way to bring in a significant enough amount of force within a reasonable timeframe to counter a heavy capital presence in a defenders home wormhole.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#23 - 2014-07-14 13:31:28 UTC
Reserving this post here for a much larger reply in a few minutes.
Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#24 - 2014-07-14 13:42:11 UTC
On a more meta note, nerfing T3's in any way would make it IMPOSSIBLE to siege out a solid group in a C5 or C6 wormhole, since T3's with their battleship stats and cruiser mass, are the only way to bring in a significant enough amount of force within a reasonable timeframe to counter a heavy capital presence in a defenders home wormhole

battleship stats on a cruiser hull kind of tells you its time they are re-balanced does it not Question

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#25 - 2014-07-14 14:03:58 UTC

  • If its weaker at any given time than ANY T2, but able to be fit for more T2 roles, then it will never see use, ebcause it would be vastly superior to just bring a T2. If it is aimed at being "versatile" or "adaptable", then anything short of having 3 fittign widnows with the ability to enter a 1-minute siege cycle to switch them out, is pointless.

  • The main problem with making T3 more "versatile" is that between the logistics of hauling a bunch of modules around with you on top of the mobile depot, the time it takes to deploy, refit, and scoop the depot, and the fact you cant change your rigs, means T3's are usually locked into a SINGLE role, no matter what, unless your defending in close proximity to a starbase/outpost.

  • Basically, T3's are powerful, but thats because if they worked like they were originally intended, not only would they be useless for wormholes because they were weak, there wouldnt be much use running them since you may as well go home or to your carrier and swap ships to begin with.

  • The Rigs are some what of an issue and the size of the Subs is really a limiting factor (My Legion can only carry like 4000 missiles after fittings and subs and thats with 2 Cargo expanders).

  • Great, now think about how costly a T3 is, even though to effectively "use" it as an "adaptable" platform, youll have to carry well over a billion in mods and subsystems, AND a mobile depot, AND 2 types of ammo depending on offensive subsystem, It becomes incredibly inefficient, and in most cases irresponsible.

  • I hate when peopel try to argue "flexibility" in eve, the only ship in EVE thats "flexible" without being rendered obsolete is carriers, and thats because they are primarily repping platforms with millions of EHP, at subclass levels, being flexible is equivalent to not being good or worth it. And thats where CCP wants T3 to be after their "rebalance".

  • On a more meta note, nerfing T3's in any way would make it IMPOSSIBLE to siege out a solid group in a C5 or C6 wormhole, since T3's with their battleship stats and cruiser mass, are the only way to bring in a significant enough amount of force within a reasonable timeframe to counter a heavy capital presence in a defenders home wormhole.

  1. You don't need any of the things you have just suggested, also the mobile depot is your 1 minute timer and finally it has 3000m3 room when unpacked. If you want to argue that it's a liability due to things like combat probes or whatever be my guest but that's been discussed before in other threads and I recommend you take it there.

  2. The rigs argument is pretty flimsy. I would wager an overwhelming majority of ships are fit with resist/hp rigs and/or a damage rig. The whole point of T3's is the subsystems are the part you swap, not the rigs. Realistically T3's shouldn't even have rigs at all, they're a design oversight and add little value.

  3. T3's working solo is the only practical design they possess. If you want to swap out to a T2 from your starbase or whatever it's a cost issue or a doctrine issue. T3's are the amongst the last ships to be balanced because they're not meant to be better than T2. Your perception of the issues of their relative power is skewed and off balance. They are functional in wormholes (or in lowsec if you wish) just fine because you're not meant to be taking everything, you take what you need. Mobile depot, salvagers and tractor beams and a cloak. Done and dusted. Mobile depots have their advantages and their disadvantages. They're meant to be a locked chest or a tent, not a pallisade or a fort. If you're a solo pilot then you travel smart and you travel light. Not because of the cost of what you may lose but because carrying around 1000 different things introduces functional redundancies.

  4. Carriers are flexible in that they can rep smaller ships as well as larger ships. If logi modules acted like missiles with their effectiveness affected by sig radius interactions then things would be very different, wouldn't they? Also carriers require a ridiculous amount of SP in support modules not the least of which includes needing Logi V to run t1 triage modules. Carriers also don't get used for what they're supposed to (talking about wrecking ball) and hey presto! they're also on the ironing board soon so please don't compare pre-balance ships against each other. It is only proper to compare pre-balance to post-balance since the post-balance ships are what they'll be competing with in the end anyway. See? Ships have been rebalanced by roles and this is important because the role of the T3 is to be flexible which means it must make sacrifices for the advantage of not automatically having a hard-counter, unlike neuts vs a zealot or TD vs blasters, etc.

  5. My impression of Wormhole life and why sieging of larger groups doesn't occur is more a matter of culture and not a matter of practicality. Wormhole corps think they're some kind of space-SAS and that others are inferior. <--- actually go here and take a look some time. Beneath the veneer of wanting more players (whom they openly call targets) they cry about how boring and static their part of the game is. They're so hungry for action that they're poisoning their own wells, clawing at themselves at the chance to kill someone new and then most hilariously of all the dichotomy of yelling at one another for killing new corps while simultaneously adding those same corps to 'eviction lists' when they refuse to play by 'the rules' of wormhole space which the subtext suggests is just "please whelp your entire corps assets against my fortress of overtanked T3's and capitals".

Bohneik Itohn
#26 - 2014-07-14 14:24:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Bohneik Itohn
Support T3's assisting carriers that have been tanked to almighty hell still get alpha'd off the field in WH ratting, let alone PvP. If the idea is to keep them useful for WH's while nerfing them below T2's, you're not going to do it. C4-C6 corps will change their ship preferences and suffer the logistics problems of more BS's and WH mass limits, because it just isn't worth the time to continually ferry T2's and T3's out to the WH because they keep popping.

I'm still of the opinion that the SP loss isn't a big deal, given the utility of the ships. It makes large nullsec fleets hard to do because you're going to get alpha'd off the field when you're called primary no matter what your tank, and people aren't willing to take that hit twice a week or however often their alliance forms up, but it's not an issue in small gang and solo PvP where a single hull can last weeks, and a smart pilot can reap the benefits of having a flexible ship ready to go at any time. I think this is where the benefit to reward ratio starts to balance out.

And again, you can do anything with these ships, PvP is just the beginning. Their value to people not currently engaging in PvP is even higher, because they can mitigate more risk while keeping the same utility that makes them desirable. It's often just the narrow focus most people have in their Non-PvP activities that cause us to see so little use of them in these areas.

Wait, CCP kills kittens now too?!  - Freyya

Are you a forum alt? Have you ever wondered why your experience on the forums is always so frustrating and unrewarding? This may help.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#27 - 2014-07-14 18:27:30 UTC
I think T3s should be true jacks of all trades. Where is the mining subsystems, the hauling subsystems, the PI subsystems etc etc. So then you have a ship that's no where near as good as a 'real' ship made to purpose, but one that can pop up a mobile depot, change on the fly and be at least somewhat useful in a given task.
ISD Tyrozan
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#28 - 2014-07-14 20:04:51 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Tyrozan
Trolling post removed. Personal attack post removed. Off-topic post removed.

Forum rule 5. Trolling is prohibited.
Forum rule 4. Personal attacks are prohibited.
Forum rule 26. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

ISD Tyrozan


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

@ISDTyrozan | @ISD_CCL

Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#29 - 2014-07-14 22:46:19 UTC
Zan Shiro wrote:
Caleb Seremshur wrote:
The reason for their existence is probably not as concrete and irrefutable as you've permitted yourself to believe. At this point in the balancing program T3s are being outclassed in a number of roles and perhaps as part of the T3 rebalance addressing one of their most obscure pain points should be a considered.

Apparently its keeping some like the people you want to hook up from flying them must be working. Yes there are hundreds out there. This is keeping hundreds + the damn the sp loss sucks holdouts away.

You made the point that its more solo based than fleet and should shift there. Here I will use my argument of that is better for solo is even better for the fleet. I use it in the lets boost eve solo pvp threads. Ship that better handles say 2 on 1's.....becomes even better when its the 2 on 1 and not the 1 vs 2.

Consolidation of subs also a bad idea. T3 is nice in that early on its it training you pick what you want to do well first and roll with it. Want the dakka dakka t3, offensive subs a good top list skill to put on the to do list. I want to make my tengu a falcon variant....I'd put in that skill instead. I get what I want faster, you get what you want faster. We all win end of the day really.

Also you have to lose the must be xyz skill e-peen. I have popped a few t3 to pebcak errors. I then roll them out at one skill at 4 not 5. They still work decent enough and the skill loss is a subtle reminder to not fly a tard at least for a little while.

T3 based on t2 skills he start of rather slippery don't want this. Skills should not carry over for it. This be a slippery slope just in t3 alone. I could push for my CS 5 boosting my t3 link fits after CCP had logi skill affect logi t3 fits. CCP with firm intent in a rebalance had t3 boost less than CS. This would negate this. Even worse...t3 gets 3 areas of link boosts vice t2's 2 areas of boosting. I'd get stronger boosts for more areas. This is why t3 is a pain to balance. You in your example looked at logistics. t3 balance has to look at all options it can do.

YOu also need to look grandscheme as you keep on comparing t2 to t3. Cerb had a short lived hayday with rlml post buff prenerf. RLML got its nerf bat...and cerb got cut down abit. end result.....tengu still kept its dominant role in caldari cruiser use. Have to look at the big picture...not all races have t2 cruisers outshining the t3 the take away.

This reply of your doesn't really make a lot of sense but I'll address what I can get from it.

The 2v1/1v2 is supposed to be a losing situation for the 1 in straight-up combat. T3's are not meant to steamroll entire fleets. In having said that, bringing the right gear to kill something is also prudent and a contextually blank comparison is a poor platform for making this suggestion. Part of the reason why I said in my OP to make synergy bonuses for subsystems and skills was to simplify balancing and hopefully avoid future extemporanerous efforts like RLML/RHML being repeated.

The skill multipliers still add up. I see where you're coming from I just don't agree with it. I think it's a relic from an earlier design ideology that CCP no longer follows and it's something they can fix now.

The skillpoint loss has no precedent anywhere else in the game. It's not a "fun" mechanic and doesn't promote the use of T3's in scenarios where their loss is a fair probability except by those who take huge risks poorly evaluated anyway. For these people they by and large make it through on luck or as you said "I have popped a few t3 to pebcak errors".

The precedent for T3 synergy skills I based off of capital ships. You specialise and have the bonuses roll over to other parts of the game (logi skill affecting both capitals and T3's) and this helps I think create two unique lines of thought where capitals are strictly a fleet vessel with incredible power and T3's slip through the cracks and become difficult to define exactly. By letting them gain some kind of internal progression with bonuses supplied from T2 skills from elsewhere you can create a more definable and personal kind of uniqueness to the T3. Certainly we may say that only players with many dozens of millions of SP invested in specifically these things will be the only people who have the stats on this ship maxed out including synergies while its a paltry 20 days or so to train a t3 to maximum effectiveness from all 4 to all 5 now?

Using boosts/links as an example anywhere is just ridiculous. They're a horribly broken mechanic and should be deleted from the game until they're working properly (on grid).

You're telling me that the cerb overtook the tengu pre-rlml nerf and that post rlml nerf the tengu took back over? What is the lesson here? That CCP balancing is schitsophrenic? It was never that the Tengu was weaker than the cerb, it was that the cerb could fit tengu tank and a hilariously long sustained damage profile on a budget of 200m instead of 600m. Also don't forget that the two ships are by and large the same animal - any skills that benefit one benefits the other except for obviously subsystem skills or the strat cruiser skill itself. Also everyone knows how broken some T3 subs are so that was a contributing factor there too. Did you also know that post-rebalance that the cerb is quite a bit faster? Lots of little things. Wife calling. Long replies again tomorrow if I have time.
Old and Petrified Syndication
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#30 - 2014-07-15 06:41:07 UTC
I dunno. Given their overall flexibility and power, the loss of skill levels for losing one seems fair compensation.

Also, have you seen them in fleets? Nasty things. Big smile

Cloaking is the closest thing to a "Pause Game" button one can get while in space.

Support better localization for the Japanese Community.

Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2014-07-15 09:00:31 UTC
Petrified wrote:
I dunno. Given their overall flexibility and power, the loss of skill levels for losing one seems fair compensation.

Also, have you seen them in fleets? Nasty things. Big smile

93% resists across the board 120k ehp and great tackle from a loki, the thing can tank a fleet long enough to kill a few ships and for your friends to get on grid. the sp loss isnt a big enough deal for me not to use one Cool

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#32 - 2014-07-15 11:01:15 UTC
Yea but as you aptly pointed out that is a fleet fit and not a solo ship. The removal of the sp loss is only a part of what I'd like to see change with T3. It's really hard to understand why people are so attached to the sp loss. It's a "jesus feature" and it makes no sense within the context of the rest of the game. CCP pretty clearly designed T3 to be some kind of end game feature with the SP loss to do *something* about controlling their proliferation. It hasn't worked and wormholers complain that t3 are worthless now because the market is so saturated with them. If they were meant to be an endgame thing then banning them from highsec should have been introduced to help curb their use, not sp loss.

And if ccp do nerf he t3 severely once they rebalance them then what? Will SP loss still be viewed as necessary/deterrent/inconvenience or will be jump up and down that its stupid and should have been removed? It's just a dumb crutch mechanic and should be removed and I've yet to see an actual argument that can objectively state reasons why it should stay.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#33 - 2014-07-15 11:09:47 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
I think T3s should be true jacks of all trades. Where is the mining subsystems, the hauling subsystems, the PI subsystems etc etc. So then you have a ship that's no where near as good as a 'real' ship made to purpose, but one that can pop up a mobile depot, change on the fly and be at least somewhat useful in a given task.

I do think that t3 could stand to have a larger cargo bay at minimum. My cerb has something like 600m3? Or whatever while my tengu gets a glorious 250 or so.
Old and Petrified Syndication
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#34 - 2014-07-16 00:53:27 UTC
What makes you think there is an end game in EVE? Or, for that matter, that the Tengu is the end-game? I've never seen EVE as having an 'end-game' that you get in other MMOs.

Cloaking is the closest thing to a "Pause Game" button one can get while in space.

Support better localization for the Japanese Community.

Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#35 - 2014-07-16 06:23:13 UTC
I think there is a pretty defined end game and certain groups are in it already. What else is there for them to do/achieve after this? At the point you run out of milestones to achieve you can be said to have reached the endgame.
Bohneik Itohn
#36 - 2014-07-16 17:47:35 UTC
Caleb Seremshur wrote:
Yea but as you aptly pointed out that is a fleet fit and not a solo ship. The removal of the sp loss is only a part of what I'd like to see change with T3. It's really hard to understand why people are so attached to the sp loss. It's a "jesus feature" and it makes no sense within the context of the rest of the game. CCP pretty clearly designed T3 to be some kind of end game feature with the SP loss to do *something* about controlling their proliferation. It hasn't worked and wormholers complain that t3 are worthless now because the market is so saturated with them. If they were meant to be an endgame thing then banning them from highsec should have been introduced to help curb their use, not sp loss.

And if ccp do nerf he t3 severely once they rebalance them then what? Will SP loss still be viewed as necessary/deterrent/inconvenience or will be jump up and down that its stupid and should have been removed? It's just a dumb crutch mechanic and should be removed and I've yet to see an actual argument that can objectively state reasons why it should stay.

Jesus feature? No... It's well explained and most people are okay with how it fits into Eve. T3's are comprised of bits and pieces of technology that was not developed by the current factions. They have taken to slapping it together with a bit of duct tape, elbow grease and rainbows to get better ships, but they don't know exactly what they're doing and the method pilots interface with them is a minefield. Getting forcefully ejected from your ship causes brain damage in the same way that hard resetting a PC back in the day used to carry a risk of damaging the hard drive. You use your mind to control the ship.

WH'ers have complete control over the supply of the T3 market. If prices are dropping, they have only each other to blame. Volume sold has remained steady for about a year now.

How does banning them from high sec make them an endgame ship? They're subcaps. All subcaps are balanced with all security ratings in mind, only capitals are balanced specifically for low and null sec. The idea that a ship being banned from high sec is a prerequisite for it having endgame uses is just as absurd as suggesting that everyone's endgame in Eve is the same experience.

Wait, CCP kills kittens now too?!  - Freyya

Are you a forum alt? Have you ever wondered why your experience on the forums is always so frustrating and unrewarding? This may help.

Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#37 - 2014-07-16 22:10:36 UTC
At no time should simply dying in a particular ship lead to SP loss, its a horrible mechanic that needs to go.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#38 - 2014-07-16 22:18:52 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
At no time should simply dying in a particular ship lead to SP loss, its a horrible mechanic that needs to go.

i agree but AFTER they are nerfed/balanced

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#39 - 2014-07-16 22:56:02 UTC
Ellendras Silver wrote:
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
At no time should simply dying in a particular ship lead to SP loss, its a horrible mechanic that needs to go.

i agree but AFTER they are nerfed/balanced

And thats part of what I am getting at. Th sp loss should be removed as part of a more comprehensive rebalance.

Including some of the stuff I have raised previously
Bohneik Itohn
#40 - 2014-07-17 00:13:53 UTC
Skill loss sucks - Yes.

This means skill loss is a bad mechanic - No.

Skill loss is a unique tool used to balance the ships. Something unique had to be used to balance them because they were given unique advantages, so the standard balance mechanisms were not sufficient to bring them in line. If you remove SP loss you have to find a way to balance the unique advantage appropriately

This does not mean increasing initial training time along with the rebalance. Increasing training time is not a significant drawback and is no drawback at all for people who have already trained the skills, since CCP has a policy of allowing you to keep ranks instead of raw SP value. This means that you'd have to nerf T3's into the ground.

So you've nerfed T3's in exchange for skill mechanics you are comfortable with. This likely puts most, if not all, T3 subsystem combinations below the performance of T2's since versatility is such a big advantage, combined with unique skills that must be trained separately from the cores unlike the T2's. Great job, now anybody who couldn't fly a T3 before the change has no desire to do so. They are better off training for the T2's for equal if not better performance since that also allows them to train core skills which cross over to other ships. Not only this, but training those core skills benefits them across all ship factions, and not just one. T3's would be the biggest waste of time to train into for anyone not currently trained for them.

I don't like the idea of losing SP any more than the rest of you, but I also like the performance offered by the T3's. CCP has stated they have no intention of nerfing them, that they just want to balance the subsystems out and bring the OP combinations in line with expectations and the underpowered combinations up to snuff. This means that if they do it correctly T3's will have MORE utility after balancing than they currently do.

So that's what it boils down to. CCP feels that SP loss is a fair trade for what the T3's are capable of, and if you want SP loss removed, you need a reasonable and equally valuable drawback to replace it with that fits in with CCP's current plans.

Increasing training time does none of this.

Wait, CCP kills kittens now too?!  - Freyya

Are you a forum alt? Have you ever wondered why your experience on the forums is always so frustrating and unrewarding? This may help.

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