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Remove the SP loss for T3's. Modify T3 related skills.

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Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#1 - 2014-07-13 21:01:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Caleb Seremshur
I will be brief.

I have played since 2009 and right when Incarna was launched, I have witnessed the entire rebalancing initiative from its conception to its current state. What I have learned is thus, in bullet point fashion.

  • T1 ships are meant to be the most common ship flown in game. Not just because they are cheaper but because they can be flown sooner and are perfected faster.
  • T2 ships are specialised in one direction or another. They are very skill intensive to fly in the first case and take many more SP further to be maximised. In effect they are their own ship line.
  • T3 ships can generally be accessed just after T2's. At this point in time they're a bit slower than HACs, have a bit better EHP and otherwise apart from a few specific subsystems have been outclassed by various T2 ships in those specific roles (as was intended).

In having gained access to every ship in the game (ie I have trained for every t2 and t3 hull available, I can fly dreads and carriers soon(tm)) I have seen something. A very little something about the T3 hull. It is a solo ship. It is a ship that has modules which innately mimic T2 ships but fall short. It is a ship that is costly to build and hard to gain the materials for. It is a ship designed for the most dangerous space in the game. It has the capacity for solo work and this where it should be the most utilised. It should have diminished appeal for fleet work. It is not these things right now but it could be.

My thoughts are these.

  1. Remove SP loss - these are draconian and arbitrary limitation that is no longer needed as a balancing factor.
  2. Consolidate all subsystem skills in to a single T3 skill. This single skill will gain synergy bonuses from relevantly trained T2 skills which will apply to the specific subsystem you have fit at the time.
  3. Rebalance the subsystems with this new model in mind - combat subsystems should be synergetic and should have poorer synergy with non-combat subsystems. In other words, make slot layouts less subsystem specific.
  4. Generally lower EHP values on T3's. T2s have ~50% more ehp than T1's, T3's should have maybe a scratch more again for 160% the ehp of a T1.

I reserve the right to modify or expand the lists at a future date.

My main objective for these modifications is because I want to create more scenarios where T3's do what they were designed for - these ships were advertised as being flexible and adaptable. Right now there are ships that are pidgeon holed in to a couple of roles which is in contradiction with this mission statement, but I attribute this more to the march of time and of the global rebalancing effort than strictly to T3's themselves.

I will preface the skill consolidation with the assumption that right now T3's are quite balanced internally, within a vacuum. The skill consolidation works as thus:

T1 Cruiser skill
| --- Level 1
| ---- Level 5
T2 Cruiser skills - Logi, HAC etc \\\ T3 skill plugged in. T3's available to fly. T3 Subsystem skill available
T3 level 5. \\ T3 subsystems skill level 5.

This basic model does not do justice to the graph in my head. What I want is to take the 5 subsystem skills which are level 1 and replace them with a single level 6 (or level 8 or whatever) skill that never loses SP against it but that applies a bonus per level to the bonus per relevant t2 skill in addition to existing bonuses we see today.

Much like set bonuses of games of Yore this is my open objective. If you have for example trained Logi V then logistics based subsystems should grant bonuses based on this level. HAC V should grant bonuses to combat related subsystems and if you have HAC 1 it should offer a straight 20% of the bonus of HAC 5.

This is only a draft but I wanted to put it to the floor here before taking it to the CSM forum section to iron out any bugs.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2014-07-13 21:11:40 UTC
If they removed SP loss for T3's I'd never fly a different cruiser.

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Lothros Andastar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2014-07-13 21:14:09 UTC
The skill loss is there for a reason. The multiple skills are there for a reason.

This is not Hello Kitty Online.
Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#4 - 2014-07-13 21:15:54 UTC
Caleb Seremshur wrote:
I will be brief.
  • T3 ships can generally be accessed just after T2's. At this point in time they're a bit slower than HACs, have a bit better EHP and otherwise apart from a few specific subsystems have been outclassed by various T2 ships in those specific roles (as was intended).

  • a BIT more EHP ??? are you on crack ???

    [u]Carpe noctem[/u]

    Mr Epeen
    It's All About Me
    #5 - 2014-07-13 21:19:21 UTC
    It sucks when I lose a Proteus (usually because of my own stupidity), but it doesn't happen often and the 4 days loss of training is not really a disincentive for me to keep flying them.

    It's the cost of the bloody things that I hate.

    I see no need to change the current mechanic.

    Mr Epeen Cool
    Ellendras Silver
    CrashCat Corporation
    #6 - 2014-07-13 21:19:52 UTC
    Sentamon wrote:
    If they removed SP loss for T3's I'd never fly a different cruiser.

    exactly why they need to remove SP loss and balance T3 cruisers, and that will be reality soon enough, ofc T3s need to be viable and usefull but not the OP godly ships they are at this moment

    [u]Carpe noctem[/u]

    Caleb Seremshur
    Commando Guri
    Guristas Pirates
    #7 - 2014-07-13 21:21:29 UTC
    Ellendras Silver wrote:
    Caleb Seremshur wrote:
    I will be brief.
  • T3 ships can generally be accessed just after T2's. At this point in time they're a bit slower than HACs, have a bit better EHP and otherwise apart from a few specific subsystems have been outclassed by various T2 ships in those specific roles (as was intended).

  • a BIT more EHP ??? are you on crack ???

    Than HACs.

    The skill loss is there for a reason. The multiple skills are there for a reason.

    The reason for their existence is probably not as concrete and irrefutable as you've permitted yourself to believe. At this point in the balancing program T3s are being outclassed in a number of roles and perhaps as part of the T3 rebalance addressing one of their most obscure pain points should be a considered.

    also T3 skill loss doesn't stop anyone from flying them really as you will consistently see from wormhole and pirate groups. Furthermore I shall mention the nullsec T3 blobs.

    If they removed SP loss for T3's I'd never fly a different cruiser.

    I'm curious how you have arrived at this conclusion, bearing in mind not everyone is able to afford one. Does your sweeping generalisation apply to FW and highsec as well?
    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #8 - 2014-07-13 21:22:23 UTC
    Ellendras Silver wrote:
    Sentamon wrote:
    If they removed SP loss for T3's I'd never fly a different cruiser.

    exactly why they need to remove SP loss and balance T3 cruisers, and that will be reality soon enough, ofc T3s need to be viable and usefull but not the OP godly ships they are at this moment

    Meh, that's your point of view. It's nice to have more choices, not less.

    ~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

    Mario Putzo
    #9 - 2014-07-13 21:22:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
    If they did that why fly any other ship.

    However a line of implants that reduced effects of skill loss (including when you get podded without a proper clone.) would be interesting.

    While you still lose SP if you sacrifice say slaves or crystals you can greatly reduce SP lost. Or you can use another implant set and earn a vastly improved combat modifier.

    So people who wish to not lose SP can invest into them, and people who don't care can continue on with how they do.

    Infact make it a random drop in Wormhole space from sleepers across 3 grades like the others. Call it an Augmented Memory Chip. Give it a similar bonus percentage grade as the others to the point where you can get around 50% maximum SP loss reduction.

    This provides a marketable commodity that provides incentive to go to other areas of the game, it provides more player options, and it maintains a hierarchy of specialization. Ideally you would want a slaved Proteus but you could chose to protect your SP investment, while you lose a lot of survivability you can protect yourself incase of loss as well.
    Fer'isam K'ahn
    SAS Veterinarians
    #10 - 2014-07-13 21:37:24 UTC
    OP you are getting from "is" (or rather perceived) to "ought", that's a fallacy and your whole argument is based on that.

    Besides that I have not flown and probably will not fly a T3 and can not really judge the necessity for such a drastic penalty, but since it has stayed that long, is well established and your argument is false to begin with I doubt this needs fixing.
    Catalina Cruz Madeveda
    256th Shadow Wing
    #11 - 2014-07-13 21:41:39 UTC
    Lothros Andastar wrote:
    The skill loss is there for a reason. The multiple skills are there for a reason.

    This is not Hello Kitty Online.

    Exactly. T3s come with high risk and high reward. Tech 3 means better than T1 and T2.

    I just wish we could start getting tech 3 modules.
    Caleb Seremshur
    Commando Guri
    Guristas Pirates
    #12 - 2014-07-13 21:55:38 UTC
    Mario Putzo wrote:
    If they did that why fly any other ship.

    However a line of implants that reduced effects of skill loss (including when you get podded without a proper clone.) would be interesting.

    While you still lose SP if you sacrifice say slaves or crystals you can greatly reduce SP lost. Or you can use another implant set and earn a vastly improved combat modifier.

    So people who wish to not lose SP can invest into them, and people who don't care can continue on with how they do.

    This is pretty much the exact thinking I am trying to address.

    T3's were made for wormholes or otherwise any dangerous area of space were having a versatile ship that can refit remotely into a very different ship was the main selling point.

    How does taking a T3 with a no doubt very expensive clone in to space where getting blown up is already ISK expensive but also SP expensive become any less painful when you now fly a clone deliberately designed to mitigate one cost while dramatically increasing the other? Your implant set is about as useful as the booster set i.e nearly completely useless. Only extremely fringe examples find them workable and even then you're still hamstrung by how much you can bring through the door.

    T3's I think should be pushed in to the solo players direction with much more assertiveness than now. Your secondary implant set idea is covered by the synergy concept I thought of but if you want to take the notion further I will state that the variation provided by the SP needed in my model is much higher than the variation produced by your plug&play implant concept which like any ISK-only related constraint is immediately gamed by those who have enough money for it not to matter. I just personally don't think we need another implant set or at least neither of these ones as they don't bring enough value to the table outside of their ridiculously niche applications.

    Sentamon wrote:
    Ellendras Silver wrote:
    Sentamon wrote:
    If they removed SP loss for T3's I'd never fly a different cruiser.

    exactly why they need to remove SP loss and balance T3 cruisers, and that will be reality soon enough, ofc T3s need to be viable and usefull but not the OP godly ships they are at this moment

    Meh, that's your point of view. It's nice to have more choices, not less.

    I focus in my suggestions on increasing the number of gameplay applications things have, or increasing access to them in logical and reasonable ways. This is one of those cases. By making T3's in the first instance be more organic and intuitive for the majority of playstyles in particular the neglected solo play style and in the second instance of making them less penalising for people using them for what they were originally designed to do (fly around wormholes, a space where you are by design alone and transient) I hope to diversify their use away from being super-tanked cruisers. To paraphrase the wormhole subforum "T3 combat is about who makes a mistake first". This shouldn't be the case.

    Catalina Cruz Madeveda wrote:

    Exactly. T3s come with high risk and high reward. Tech 3 means better than T1 and T2.

    I just wish we could start getting tech 3 modules.

    You are wrong. CCP confirmed this during Fanfest. They're not immediately better they're more generalised and that fact is often forgotten because T3's are fundamentally broken in their design which leans them towards the lack of enthusiasm in their use and the very specific builds which have eventuated.
    Ellendras Silver
    CrashCat Corporation
    #13 - 2014-07-13 22:05:48 UTC
    Sentamon wrote:
    Ellendras Silver wrote:
    Sentamon wrote:
    If they removed SP loss for T3's I'd never fly a different cruiser.

    exactly why they need to remove SP loss and balance T3 cruisers, and that will be reality soon enough, ofc T3s need to be viable and usefull but not the OP godly ships they are at this moment

    Meh, that's your point of view. It's nice to have more choices, not less.

    coming from someone that clearly said he would not fly ANY other ship if there wasn't skill loss, thats pretty hilarious

    [u]Carpe noctem[/u]

    Zan Shiro
    #14 - 2014-07-13 22:17:53 UTC
    Caleb Seremshur wrote:
    The reason for their existence is probably not as concrete and irrefutable as you've permitted yourself to believe. At this point in the balancing program T3s are being outclassed in a number of roles and perhaps as part of the T3 rebalance addressing one of their most obscure pain points should be a considered.

    Apparently its keeping some like the people you want to hook up from flying them must be working. Yes there are hundreds out there. This is keeping hundreds + the damn the sp loss sucks holdouts away.

    You made the point that its more solo based than fleet and should shift there. Here I will use my argument of that is better for solo is even better for the fleet. I use it in the lets boost eve solo pvp threads. Ship that better handles say 2 on 1's.....becomes even better when its the 2 on 1 and not the 1 vs 2.

    Consolidation of subs also a bad idea. T3 is nice in that early on its it training you pick what you want to do well first and roll with it. Want the dakka dakka t3, offensive subs a good top list skill to put on the to do list. I want to make my tengu a falcon variant....I'd put in that skill instead. I get what I want faster, you get what you want faster. We all win end of the day really.

    Also you have to lose the must be xyz skill e-peen. I have popped a few t3 to pebcak errors. I then roll them out at one skill at 4 not 5. They still work decent enough and the skill loss is a subtle reminder to not fly a tard at least for a little while.

    T3 based on t2 skills he start of rather slippery don't want this. Skills should not carry over for it. This be a slippery slope just in t3 alone. I could push for my CS 5 boosting my t3 link fits after CCP had logi skill affect logi t3 fits. CCP with firm intent in a rebalance had t3 boost less than CS. This would negate this. Even worse...t3 gets 3 areas of link boosts vice t2's 2 areas of boosting. I'd get stronger boosts for more areas. This is why t3 is a pain to balance. You in your example looked at logistics. t3 balance has to look at all options it can do.

    YOu also need to look grandscheme as you keep on comparing t2 to t3. Cerb had a short lived hayday with rlml post buff prenerf. RLML got its nerf bat...and cerb got cut down abit. end result.....tengu still kept its dominant role in caldari cruiser use. Have to look at the big picture...not all races have t2 cruisers outshining the t3 the take away.
    Mario Putzo
    #15 - 2014-07-13 22:52:46 UTC
    Caleb Seremshur wrote:

    How does taking a T3 with a no doubt very expensive clone in to space where getting blown up is already ISK expensive but also SP expensive become any less painful when you now fly a clone deliberately designed to mitigate one cost while dramatically increasing the other? Your implant set is about as useful as the booster set i.e nearly completely useless. Only extremely fringe examples find them workable and even then you're still hamstrung by how much you can bring through the door.

    T3's I think should be pushed in to the solo players direction with much more assertiveness than now. Your secondary implant set idea is covered by the synergy concept I thought of but if you want to take the notion further I will state that the variation provided by the SP needed in my model is much higher than the variation produced by your plug&play implant concept which like any ISK-only related constraint is immediately gamed by those who have enough money for it not to matter. I just personally don't think we need another implant set or at least neither of these ones as they don't bring enough value to the table outside of their ridiculously niche applications.

    Whats wrong with spending money for time? Worked for sec status.
    Christopher Tsutola
    State Navy
    #16 - 2014-07-13 23:51:59 UTC
    Caleb Seremshur wrote:
    I will be brief.

    In having gained access to every ship in the game (ie I have trained for every t2 and t3 hull available, I can fly dreads and carriers soon(tm)) I have seen something. A very little something about the T3 hull. It is a solo ship. It is a ship that has modules which innately mimic T2 ships but fall short. It is a ship that is costly to build and hard to gain the materials for. It is a ship designed for the most dangerous space in the game. It has the capacity for solo work and this where it should be the most utilised. It should have diminished appeal for fleet work. It is not these things right now but it could be.

    A T3 is meant to be slightly worse off then its T2 counterpart untill over heating where it gains an advantage along with its modular utility

    A T3 is not a solo ship T3s shine when working in combination with one another especially in the small gangs of WH space

    now do the sub-systems need re-balance? yes but CCP has already stated they are working on this.

    is there a problem with risking as much as 4 days of sp? No if you cant afford that then don't un-dock the ship
    Blackwater USA Inc.
    Pandemic Horde
    #17 - 2014-07-13 23:54:52 UTC
    Nobody gonna point out that incarna was not in 2009?
    Nariya Kentaya
    Ministry of War
    Amarr Empire
    #18 - 2014-07-14 03:15:24 UTC
    The problem with "rebalancing" T3's in ANY WAY is this:

    If its weaker at any given time than ANY T2, but able to be fit for more T2 roles, then it will never see use, ebcause it would be vastly superior to just bring a T2.
    If it is aimed at being "versatile" or "adaptable", then anything short of having 3 fittign widnows with the ability to enter a 1-minute siege cycle to switch them out, is pointless.

    The main problem with making T3 more "versatile" is that between the logistics of hauling a bunch of modules around with you on top of the mobile depot, the time it takes to deploy, refit, and scoop the depot, and the fact you cant change your rigs, means T3's are usually locked into a SINGLE role, no matter what, unless your defending in close proximity to a starbase/outpost.

    Basically, T3's are powerful, but thats because if they worked like they were originally intended, not only would they be useless for wormholes because they were weak, there wouldnt be much use running them since you may as well go home or to your carrier and swap ships to begin with.
    Jarlhettur's Drop
    United Federation of Conifers
    #19 - 2014-07-14 06:02:20 UTC
    To be fair, I had to read that a few times to catch it.
    Andrew Indy
    Cleaning Crew
    #20 - 2014-07-14 09:08:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Andrew Indy
    Nariya Kentaya wrote:
    The problem with "rebalancing" T3's in ANY WAY is this:

    If its weaker at any given time than ANY T2, but able to be fit for more T2 roles, then it will never see use, ebcause it would be vastly superior to just bring a T2.
    If it is aimed at being "versatile" or "adaptable", then anything short of having 3 fittign widnows with the ability to enter a 1-minute siege cycle to switch them out, is pointless.

    The main problem with making T3 more "versatile" is that between the logistics of hauling a bunch of modules around with you on top of the mobile depot, the time it takes to deploy, refit, and scoop the depot, and the fact you cant change your rigs, means T3's are usually locked into a SINGLE role, no matter what, unless your defending in close proximity to a starbase/outpost.

    Basically, T3's are powerful, but thats because if they worked like they were originally intended, not only would they be useless for wormholes because they were weak, there wouldnt be much use running them since you may as well go home or to your carrier and swap ships to begin with.

    Not really true, You can't turn a normal T2 ship into a Nullified Covert Ops for travel and then into a DPS ship 1 minute later, or a scanning ship ect ect. Sure in HS its not benefit but just about any other dangerous space it is.

    The Rigs are some what of an issue and the size of the Subs is really a limiting factor (My Legion can only carry like 4000 missiles after fittings and subs and thats with 2 Cargo expanders).

    PS, I support the removal of the SP loss assuming CCP changes the T3s to be sub part of a T2. While they are OP the SP lose is justified however once the are inferior not so much.
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