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Burn Huola

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Christine Peeveepeeski
Low Sec Concepts
#181 - 2014-07-10 07:57:42 UTC
Plug in Baby wrote:
Garr Earthbender wrote:
I find the amount of baseless spurge in this thread to be weaker than most.

Seems that youze Amarr lost a few guardians just now. Way to raise prices in trade hubs!

Half of those guardians didn't have ABs Shocked I dont even...

In plex fights you are busting into when do you think logi would have time to actually move?

Not that I was there of course, don't know how fleets were set up but i do know warping guardians into occupied plexes without ab's is not uncommon.
East Trading Co Ltd
#182 - 2014-07-10 08:07:01 UTC
Mabego Tetrimon wrote:
Huola stable? what happend?

Bait tanking on both sides I guess
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#183 - 2014-07-10 08:41:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Christine Peeveepeeski wrote:
Plug in Baby wrote:
Garr Earthbender wrote:
I find the amount of baseless spurge in this thread to be weaker than most.

Seems that youze Amarr lost a few guardians just now. Way to raise prices in trade hubs!

Half of those guardians didn't have ABs Shocked I dont even...

In plex fights you are busting into when do you think logi would have time to actually move?

Not that I was there of course, don't know how fleets were set up but i do know warping guardians into occupied plexes without ab's is not uncommon.

Except we warped into you :p

TBH dual eccm is a thing if you are more afraid of jams than you need sig tanking.
Ice Fire Warriors
#184 - 2014-07-10 08:58:50 UTC
Rajeet Achmar wrote:
[05:33:14] Gritz1 > you gus are killing eve

[05:33:20] Rajeet Achmar > by creating content?

TLDR of gritz1 argument guis, making content is bad, its better just to not fight and stay in station.

literally never said that. thanks for the fake post though!
Ice Fire Warriors
#185 - 2014-07-10 09:02:30 UTC
So Huola is stable.... I was told their would be burning.

Barely a singe along the edges, if that.
#186 - 2014-07-10 09:33:57 UTC
Stalking Mantis wrote:
Garr Earthbender wrote:
Well, attacking is a bit of an overstatment . It's more like fighting and dying and losing 1 bill pods.

You do realize how cheap those pods are with FW lp right? mean you BUY your implants and hardwiring?

Minerals i mine are free ... gotcha Roll

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Dreaded Vengance
Godless Horizon.
#187 - 2014-07-10 10:32:43 UTC
Templar Dane wrote:
Starting tomorrow the siege of Huola begins. We've waited long enough for good fights from the farmatar farmlitia, and since the gud fites have not been forthcoming...we will be coming to them.

The goal is system control. Many ships will be lost. Much fun will be had.

We come for your people.

Maximus Decimal wrote:

We will burn everything!

Can we get an update?
Lost Patrol
#188 - 2014-07-10 10:39:54 UTC
Dreaded Vengance wrote:
Templar Dane wrote:
Starting tomorrow the siege of Huola begins. We've waited long enough for good fights from the farmatar farmlitia, and since the gud fites have not been forthcoming...we will be coming to them.

The goal is system control. Many ships will be lost. Much fun will be had.

We come for your people.

Maximus Decimal wrote:

We will burn everything!

Can we get an update?

Update: "Didnt want that system anyways."
Caldari State
#189 - 2014-07-10 11:15:09 UTC
its been what 2 days?

give them some time Big smile
Suun Ablehart
Parallax Shift
#190 - 2014-07-10 11:18:12 UTC
Huola is stable with +5 system upgrades.


Parallax SHIFT // @SuunAblehart

Recruiting Pilots // Low-sec Pirate Corp

State War Academy
Caldari State
#191 - 2014-07-10 11:18:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Luwc
Update :

Minnies batphoning half of EVE - Still loosing majority of Fights

Update :

Farmers now called in to help plex - Price of Warpcore Stabs rising - Tiberius' Thrasher approves

Update :

Huola turning into TZ war - Null Sec alliances now interested in joining

Update :

Minnies smug about stable system - Gallente actually did the work.

Update :

Butthurt posts incoming - Winmatar. still #1 PVP Corp in EVE.

Update :

Minmatar FW Corp joined Shadow Cartel in hopes of supporting Huola - Reactions : "Oh sh*t ... SC is US TZ we are Euros"

Update :

Gritz1 in denial - Even his own FW People actually dont like him at all.

Update :

DoGGofWar's secret strategy of winning - " Just don't wear pants while playing eve" - Minmatar terrified.

flaming phantom
Unlimited LTD
#192 - 2014-07-10 11:33:35 UTC
Luwc wrote:
Update :

Minnies batphoning half of EVE - Still loosing majority of Fights

I seem to recall beating the amarr and Bio every time i have been invoved the past couple days.

Regardless, it has been a blast, and i can only hope this bloodbath continues through till monday, as I won't be able to get on so much action this weekend
Dreaded Vengance
Godless Horizon.
#193 - 2014-07-10 11:37:24 UTC
Luwc wrote:
Update : bitter excuses, forgot to moan about links.

It's all true; we lost all of those fights and you guys just let farmers slip through your superior and system-wide control to deplex the system to 0% contested. Seems legit.

You must be on track to achieve the goals posted in the OP, congrats.
Kain Duku
LoGisTicAl ERr0R
#194 - 2014-07-10 12:19:07 UTC
Stalking Mantis wrote:
Garr Earthbender wrote:
Well, attacking is a bit of an overstatment . It's more like fighting and dying and losing 1 bill pods.

You do realize how cheap those pods are with FW lp right? mean you BUY your implants and hardwiring?

LP is not FREE!

Ah this will just end like the arguments with miners who think the ore they mine is free.....

I've bashed my head against a wall enough times already.....
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#195 - 2014-07-10 12:20:11 UTC
flaming phantom wrote:
Luwc wrote:
Update :

Minnies batphoning half of EVE - Still loosing majority of Fights

I seem to recall beating the amarr and Bio every time i have been invoved the past couple days.

Regardless, it has been a blast, and i can only hope this bloodbath continues through till monday, as I won't be able to get on so much action this weekend

They are only telling people about the few fights they won, the rest didn't happen I guess or it was all Gallente and neutrals fighting while Minmatar count there LP lol.

Its just a tactic they use to get newbies to join up and keep them from quitting afew days after because of all the fail.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#196 - 2014-07-10 12:25:11 UTC
Update :

Iron Oxide lost 3 Moons to Winmatar. Are they really just farmers ?

Private Pineapple
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#197 - 2014-07-10 12:27:47 UTC
The fire has been extinguished.


Micky Nox
Decadent Court
#198 - 2014-07-10 12:33:02 UTC
Maximus Decimal wrote:
We will burn everything!

It's not burning...
#199 - 2014-07-10 12:34:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Rahelis
Huola did reach 0% at early morning day IV (eu tz).

It took combines efforts of 2 enemy militas to deplex it - including neutral help. Some 6000 ships lost in the process.

We are doing fine as planned - week I did not end.

Now our prize it is reaching 10% again - we can get 20% soon. Upgrade 4 and falling.

See you all on the battlefield.
Suun Ablehart
Parallax Shift
#200 - 2014-07-10 12:41:22 UTC
Forgot to mention that Niluso and I upgraded Huola with LP we gained from killing a ton of Amarrs \o/

Parallax SHIFT // @SuunAblehart

Recruiting Pilots // Low-sec Pirate Corp