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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Mashka Cybertrona
Imperial Dawn.
#401 - 2014-07-08 12:33:16 UTC
Emma Muutaras wrote:
Mashka Cybertrona wrote:
I don't believe its a problem with movement of capitals, its instant teleportation of capitals. It does not make any sense that warps inside a system take longer than jumps between systems...

Travel time needs to be light year based for ALL ships.

as a rule i would agree with you as a game design it would suck bad 10% tidi sucks as it is nobody likes it traveling x lightyears to the fight in your carrier wats it gonna say on your screen jump active will land on grid in 35 mins so feel free to go take a shower/mow your lawn ect.

my point is sitting looking at what is basicly a loading screen while your in your jump i dont think is the way to go

If anything slowing down the speed of escalation of a fight would assist the server is being able to prepair and respond. If it has 1000 capitals about to hit a system currently, its an instant hit on the node, if travel required time based on light years the node would have ample time to reinforce itself prior to the capitals landing.

Personally, I would rather have an extended travel time and lower overall TIDI than be able to jump instantly into 10% TIDI.
Emma Muutaras
State War Academy
Caldari State
#402 - 2014-07-08 12:39:24 UTC
Mashka Cybertrona wrote:
Emma Muutaras wrote:
Mashka Cybertrona wrote:
I don't believe its a problem with movement of capitals, its instant teleportation of capitals. It does not make any sense that warps inside a system take longer than jumps between systems...

Travel time needs to be light year based for ALL ships.

as a rule i would agree with you as a game design it would suck bad 10% tidi sucks as it is nobody likes it traveling x lightyears to the fight in your carrier wats it gonna say on your screen jump active will land on grid in 35 mins so feel free to go take a shower/mow your lawn ect.

my point is sitting looking at what is basicly a loading screen while your in your jump i dont think is the way to go

If anything slowing down the speed of escalation of a fight would assist the server is being able to prepair and respond. If it has 1000 capitals about to hit a system currently, its an instant hit on the node, if travel required time based on light years the node would have ample time to reinforce itself prior to the capitals landing.

Personally, I would rather have an extended travel time and lower overall TIDI than be able to jump instantly into 10% TIDI.

your right it prolly would help the node still i feel sitting there at a loading screen for x mins is not the way forward make it some kinda mini game to keep the jump aligned you fail the mini game you drop out of your jump in a random system on the route lol

ccp seam to like mini games at the moment this idea will prolly be taken seriously and added
Cyaron wars
Academia RED HOT Corporation
#403 - 2014-07-08 12:58:34 UTC
I see you all started discussing jump drive mechanics while ignoring bigger issue with current sov. While jump drive allows deployment of massive fleet from one corner of eve to another in no time, the bigger issue here is security of your home regions.

Huge HP of structures, time that take to fully capture one station system is the key here. An alliance can fully deploy god knows where and don't feel like they are leaving home vulnerable. It takes one week to grind down one system with station. So even if small alliance enters a region and will try curve their name on small part of map, it still remains impossible. Attacker has one week time to gear up, get his troops ready and go defend home whenever is needed.

Proposed changes to structure hp that OP provides is very reasonable. You should not be able to leave home with doors open and hoping nobody will enter there while you are away. Even if people will completely ignore the timers and let attacker take undefended region, it'll take a huge effort to grind down half of it before alliance CEO will not get pissed by notification mails and come down to finally fend off the attacker.

Ability to take control over the region or completely burn it down while owner is out on Haway will ignite more conflicts and generate more content.

I will repeat this - Nobody should be able to leave home region undefended and not pay a high price for this.
Anthar Thebess
#404 - 2014-07-08 13:14:29 UTC
Especially when you link their speed to current mass, or type.

Mass is better, but it will put more pressure to servers, but on the other hand, making once per 20 minutes calculation for capitals is not something you can stress up eve servers.

Lets assume that Jump Time is based on mass, the calculation for this is very simple :

LY*Mass / 1000000000

Based on this capital pilots that will travel 7 LY will see warp tunnel for :
Type Mass Outcome
Avatar 2,278,125,000 15.946875 = 16 minutes
aeon 1,546,875,000 10.828125 = 11 minutes
archon 1,113,750,000 7.79625 = 8 minutes

Lets apply similar logic to the titan bridging , the same calculation.
Type Mass outcome
abaddon 103,200,000 0.7224 = 43 seconds
eagle 11,720,000 0.08204 = 5 seconds

This will put interesting pressure on capital movements.
For example:,554/37S-KO:A1RR-M
So we are talking about 85.6 LY that give us 132 minutes just in warp tunel.

Still i think Mass for super capitals should be increased.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#405 - 2014-07-08 13:31:22 UTC
Going to just leave these here to help shape the discussion a bit - they are indicative of how CCP was thinking about sov and nullsec, at least once upon a time. I have no idea if any of it is still relevant but from my perspective there's a bunch of good direction here, and frankly a lot of the principles are getting echoed here already, without realizing it.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Anthar Thebess
#406 - 2014-07-08 13:43:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Anthar Thebess

Bigger ships/fleets travel slower

As the amount of power your fleet can deploy increases, its mobility should decrease. Small, flimsy fleets should always maintain a mobility advantage over big, dangerous ones. This ensures that a wider range of fleet compositions and sizes remain valuable, catering to more preferences and playstyles. It also makes fleet composition more a case of selecting the right tools, and less of just dumping the whole toolbox onto the floor, encouraging players to innovate tactically and strategically.

Something went wrong CCP.
Very wrong.

Edit :
I think that this dev blog have bad name :
How we will not make nullsec working.

As most of statements there are in opposite to the things CCP created in eve.
Cyaron wars
Academia RED HOT Corporation
#407 - 2014-07-08 13:45:30 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Going to just leave these here to help shape the discussion a bit - they are indicative of how CCP was thinking about sov and nullsec, at least once upon a time. I have no idea if any of it is still relevant but from my perspective there's a bunch of good direction here, and frankly a lot of the principles are getting echoed here already, without realizing it.

No matter what CCP thinks, because WE are those who play the game, WE are those who push every single mechanics to it's limits, WE generate the content not Devs, WE ignite conflicts, WE create blobfest, WE pay for damn subscription.
I guess you are really annoyed with even an idea that somebody can come and screw up your ihubs so your ISBoxing won't be that productive, or that somebody can come to your home and just burn it down while you are away. But before you will drag rest of us in that swamp remember that it is YOUR alliance that put a lot of effort to get where we all are today, it is YOUR alliance that made all it's allies incapable of fending anything on it's own. I clearly see that with proposed changes CFC is will be getting greatest punch in the nuts and might seize it's existence. I understand that you feel uncomfortable realizing that if said mechanics will be implemented your house of cards will fall apart. I do understand that you don't want to lose that throne, we all got your point. Now please step aside and let us pass.

Do you actually copy everything that mittens tells you or u just gave him your log in details so he could type it himself? :)
Rogue Inferno.
Pandemic Horde
#408 - 2014-07-08 13:46:49 UTC
Ok this is actually quite a good thread to read on :)

From what I have gathered and in addition from what I want to propose:

Force Projection:


Manny's 1 system jump drive ideas will create burden as it will change(enhance/deteriorate?) the game play. Forexample I also remember a time when I wanted to buy something from empire I should manually warp around 20 jumps by stargates and I was quite happy when I saw the first jump bridge ... ( Yes they are exploited I'll add my thoughts later.)

Carrier dread titan super carrier force projection ? It is a big no-no..

With very easy solution. Regardless of cap, make them stranded for 15mins after a cyno jump, you may even add a - can not cloak due to rewinding of jump drives massage and let cyno and bridge to give aggresion.

For small guy small capital guy : He can still jump around his carrier to a safe or NPC station. Dock up and wait. If he is the kind moving for that escalation or officer he is in risk now.. 15 minutes no clock and active beacon is a `content creator`. If he wants to do 2 jumps he is truly vulnerable outside of his comfort zone of 12 light years. As he has to be docked or in space not cloaked for same duration.

For small guy big capital (AKA supers) guy : You can still make the jump but you can't dock up and now u can not even cloak.. This is grim for that solo super guy with gazillion alts who randomly moves around systems. 2 jumps is very very risky without deep safes or POS network to shield the super.

For small alliance normal capitals : They can still move around their force.. It will take just longer. 12 light year is easy as cake but even a 1 mid situation will make them lose 15minutes while they are charging up. They can strategically relocate to systems (and this means logistics and planning) but they can not head rush to that nyx tackled in deep ratting empire in 7 minutes. Also even 1 mid means fleet should have some proper defenses in case there is no station or Pos to hide in mids.

Small alliance super capitals: 12 light year np but outside that they will need to shield or defend their supers. Or they can easily be prey while going hunting by some other alliance who has some capitals 12 light year to any of their mids. As above they can catch the BIG WARS as they will take hours and hours but they have to think about randomly drop on a single ratting carrier. Because if that ratting carrier can some how call his big brothers, supers will be extremely vulnerable with their warp drives still charging and without cloak ability.

Big alliance normal capitals : This is easy .. They will make backup dread and carrier fleets docked in central NPC stations in various parts of EvE. They will clone jump and commit to fight and that part of the EvE for at least for 24 hours. They may even pod jump around various parts of EvE with a negligible cost and exploit 24 hour timer. Still it is not really efficient to drop a carrier in the other part of the universe just for killmail. But if more than 1 small entity starts wars on big alliances, jumping around and fighting between different fronts will probably quickly deplete the resolve of the giants.

Big alliance super capitals : This is kinda hard. Probably manny can comment on this much better than me. But I guess big alliance should take a decision now. Should they keep all their supers in same area and limit their projection to smaller threats or spread them around and let them hit the enemy when you know that other big boys supers are at least 2 mids 30mins away?

As long as BR incident happens it will still allow every party to join the fight with tidi.


Make titan bridges stay open for 15 min and with max cap of 50 ships

Small alliance titan bridge : You can still hot drop the **** out of the stupid gate camp as long as your fleet number is below 50. You can still fish in low sec for pirates and dump carriers. As long as you are not trying to go out to other side of map with a scout titan you should be fine. In that case first mid you will arrive instantly. Titan arrives 15 mins later. You jump at 15th minute to second mid. Titan arrives there 15 mins later(remember the above proposed idea). Btw Titan will be hugely exposed if you are using neutral systems for travel.

Big alliance titan bridge : As long as there is nothing important and your fleet is lower than 50 ships, above conditions apply.

If fleet is capped at 250 then you will need 5 titans for the last jump or else your fleet will be killed going in 50 by 50. Force projection is not hindered at first glance but if you have 5 titans logged in each mid to your destination that is kinda a lot of titans. EvE is roughly 8 jumps from 1 side to side means 40 titans are needed seeded in systems. Ofcourse normally you would like to stay 1 mid away from the hell so it means you need only 10 titans to fleet your 250 men gang. Ah to bring in 1000 you have to use gates or 40 titans yours choice. It is manageable as long as stakes are high enough.. But you will not catapult or can not catapult 250 men gang to other side of the universe for Friday roam.
Rogue Inferno.
Pandemic Horde
#409 - 2014-07-08 13:47:39 UTC

Time and volume cap them. For 1 hour only 1 freighter worth of volume (17.5mil m3) can pass thorough. Time resets at each start of the new clock (For example 1200, 1300, 1400 etc ).

Small alliance logistical operations : You can not jump your freighter as easily. You have to announce your passage to alliance so no one else use it for that hour. IT means to all SPIES too. Good luck. Ah due to restriction you can not even bring in your escort fleet with you.. But as long as you are safe that there are no one in next JB system and you believe in your alliance mates and scouts, you can try to make a run for it.

Small alliance daily operations : As long as a freighter didn't pass recently you can move around your empire freely. Good day to you alliance grunt. Random offline massages of JB because your fellow freighter pilot has used them will bring a good smile to your face.

Small alliance pvp : It allow 34 BS to move in the start of the hour or 170 cruiser... Force projection is allowed but restricted. End of the hour should be great time to move far away to use the last hour's remaining volume and next's fresh volume.

Big alliance logistical operations : Same with above but they are already accomplished with JFs and we will look to them later.

Big alliance daily operations : Same with above

Big alliance pvp : Well here money comes into play again.. They may try to seed every system to other every system. So when 1 is out of volume you can jump to next system and try to move from there.. Even then, splitting a 250 men gang into 34 bs parts will be a nightmare. Better announce your CTA and let them form there in 24 hours.. And Volaa! Force projection no more.


Well they don't actually project force. They carry stuff. Give them a special ability to lower the 15 min timer so at JF 5 they start to jump in 5minutes.
As long as you boost null sec enough it will flourish. For argument sake if you can build a carrier at 0.0 for half the price no one will built one in low-sec. It WILL create much more trade between high-sec low ores and nul-sec building stations and Poses.

P.S : Time delay on cynos is not my idea I just elaborate it to show feasibility.
Anthar Thebess
#410 - 2014-07-08 13:58:45 UTC
The issue is also in the instant capital jumps.
Currently you are just flooding grid just after lighting the cyno.

Lets just assume we going to add FLY TO cyno option.

IF this will be at delay that will be closely connected to range you have to travel , then jumping directly from staging points is not so viable any more , and you have to :
1. include sub capitals that will tackle , and hold every thing before carriers arrive
- titan bridge is closer than carrier jump range, so you will have to keep supers in different places
2. if you loose cyno ship, then arriving capitals will be spread out around the system , easy to tackle and kill before fleet reassembles

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#411 - 2014-07-08 14:31:12 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
The issue is also in the instant capital jumps.
Currently you are just flooding grid just after lighting the cyno.

Lets just assume we going to add FLY TO cyno option.

IF this will be at delay that will be closely connected to range you have to travel , then jumping directly from staging points is not so viable any more , and you have to :
1. include sub capitals that will tackle , and hold every thing before carriers arrive
- titan bridge is closer than carrier jump range, so you will have to keep supers in different places
2. if you loose cyno ship, then arriving capitals will be spread out around the system , easy to tackle and kill before fleet reassembles

Theorethically interesting but need to be careful because that might make jumping into a capital fight suicide, and therefore reduce a lot the number of engagements.

The important is not so much the movement but the need to make middle ground work before jumping to deep enemy territory.

Instead of time.. you coudl add imprecision of the jump if you are too far.. you might end up at a different planet in the same system... so precise jumping INTO a dangerous zone must be done from very close . But trivial jump into the backends of your own territory.. whatever.. you do not care(so much) if you land a bit off.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#412 - 2014-07-08 14:51:37 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
So I am all for all out war but I cannot call what others want to do. I am the minority here most will want to make agreements so they have some reasonable measure of security... It's sad and makes me sad.

And the reason you remain a part of this despised majority is - what?
Why dont you quit PL, create your own alliance, call it Against ALL... ehm... Carebears, and wreck the havoc?

That's because it involves efforts and risks, and you're either too lazy or too scared (or both). Instead, you go for ranting on forums, starting a topic #723467529346 about "how to fix sov". The sov is fine.

Sov is fine, yes.

Sov mechanics is broken, indeed - but the sovereignity map itself represents the state of mind of nullsec population and is therefore fine. Most people are risk-averse, deal with it. Those who chose to fight - they have all kinds of tools for that. They have NPC nullsec to live in, they have blackops to hunt the renters and siphons to drain the moons (since recently). Those tools may be sub-optimal and require some balancing/revamping, but they are there.

You may say - oh no, it's not for me, it's just pathetic guerilla warfare, and I want all out, I want to welp yet another 59 titans. Well, those titans, I remember them... and what triggered that fight. It was a Halloween War, which started... let me remember... after Solar Fleet and Darkness of Despair formed a coalition. And who are those DD dudes? I guess those were some try-hards from Stain, who (in the beginning) were not even able to take a single R64 moon. That's how you create content, Manny.

And also obligatory - your tears are delicious.
#413 - 2014-07-08 14:53:06 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:

Theorethically interesting but need to be careful because that might make jumping into a capital fight suicide, and therefore reduce a lot the number of engagements.

How many capital fights do we have a year now? Does it really matter if they get reduced? It seems like the only reason they exists is to sit around 9-10 months out of the year, and simply deter smaller engagements from happening.

For as much pain as it is going to cause, capitals (or at least supers), and insta-jumping half-way across the universe need to be head-shot and taken out of the equation. There is simply no way to allow them to be used as it currently stands and have any type of productive environment. Those that amassed the most of these wonderful massively unbalanced ships first have won the game.
Yroc Jannseen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#414 - 2014-07-08 14:53:22 UTC
Interesting thread so far but it seems a lot of people are prepared to throw the baby out with the bathwater pretty quick. For all the people crying for the days of old, I think it's important to remember that there was a reason things were changed and features were added in the first place. Was I personally around for all of them? Nope. But a lot of things don't sound all that fun to go back to to be honest. Of course there's a lot of problems with the current system but everything developed to this point for a reason.

The idea of "regional gates" that capitals have to go through to get from one region to another is interesting. But the fact is a similar mechanic essential already exists. Distance

Problem is too many of the regions in null are too close together. More of a problem in the east then the west.

Look at the Fountain War. For a good portion of that conflict there was constant fighting on the B-D/J5A gate. The CFC held both sides of the gate, but we had no station in J5A (despite local philanthropists best efforts) so we had to go through that gate to titan bridge anywhere in Fountain. Carriers could make the regional jump but dreads couldn't. It was a natural geographic chokepoint that generated content.

The only thing that changed that was 4-EP reaching sov level three so that we could put up a jammer allowing us to stage from there. How did the system get to sov level three? Waited an arbitrary number of days. An influence based system would of made that interesting…

So now what if every null region was separated by enough distance that capitals had to mid through low or npc null. It's not huge but it would make things more difficult. To go great distances. There are already a lot of natural chokepoints that jump bridges can't cross, but people don't bother to camp them.

Of course as it is now Cap fleets just use station cynos in NPC null and aside from having the cyno popped and needing to light another one, they are completely safe. So make it impossible to light a cyno within docking range of a station. Yes supers essentially have this restriction now, so this only deals with caps, but think about the impact of having to midpoint through a limited number of systems in low or null and having to jump to a pos. You either go the the edge or go 200km's off, you could get ambushed, you could get ****-caged, you could have idiots who don't know how to enter pos passwords.

Then create an extra module called a logistics or freight cyno that only JF's can jump to. Sorry null logistics does not need to get harder….

The most boring and the worst missions I ever played in single player games were the ones where you have to guard or escort some slow defenceless NPC who inevitably spends most of their time running into walls. Hopefully human platers wouldn't run into walls. As the defender they are boring. In order for the system to function and null sec to thrive MOST of the time the object being escorted would have to make it through otherwise the system is broken. So what you would end up with, is the defenders having 9/10 or 8/10 escort ops being boring as ****. For the nomadic pirate types, once they have intel, they pretty much get to choose when they want to strike or if they just want to go after them next time.

The other question is, what is in those freighters and who is it of value to? It's nice to think that JF's that are going back and forth are carrying "super important materials of war" all the time, but most of the time they are not. There's a lot of "personal" moon goo, reaction outputs, ratting ships etc, going back forth. So think about how exciting "hey guys we have to do a freighter escort because Theta lost a bunch of ishtars" sounds.

There are already things that need escorts and need freighters to move. They are alliance or strategic assets that are too big. If freighter escorts online, really is a desirable form of gameplay, than perhaps there needs to be more "things" that are of value to an entity to a whole, that need to be bigger. While dominion sov is awful, what if we suddenly had two forms of SBU's, one with low hit points that could fit in a blockade runner, then another one with more hit points that needed a JF, a rorq or maybe even as small as a carrier fleet hangar to deploy. What if there were more objects that could only fit in a freighter. Things that take a whole entity to defend, should be of value to the whole entity.

The one other thing that I think contributed to coalitions that I think people forget, is how many things that it takes to run an alliance or a coalition, that are almost completely outside of CCP's control and are created and utilized by the player base. CCP still has some control because of the API, but the IT infrastructure and all of the third party apps and web tools are the things that make coalitions possible. And a lot of them are created because managing an alliance with the tools in game sucks.

Besides all of the previous mentioned reasons that cost is a horrible limiting factor, the other one is that it's really hard to know from an alliance stand point, where all the isk is going. Third party accounting and auditing tools should not be something the player base has to create and that's just one example.

The fact is if you want to get into null now as a new alliance or entity, there is a ton of outside IT things, that without, the whole experience will make you want to kill yourself. One of the biggest strengths of the established coalitions, is this infrastructure. Outright removing things from the API or just saying everything should be dark and scary is not a solution. As boring as it sounds CCP needs to look at management tools and perhaps this could even be tied to a mechanic where you get better management tools for "x effort".
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#415 - 2014-07-08 14:57:52 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
The issue is also in the instant capital jumps.
Currently you are just flooding grid just after lighting the cyno.

Lets just assume we going to add FLY TO cyno option.

IF this will be at delay that will be closely connected to range you have to travel , then jumping directly from staging points is not so viable any more , and you have to :
1. include sub capitals that will tackle , and hold every thing before carriers arrive
- titan bridge is closer than carrier jump range, so you will have to keep supers in different places
2. if you loose cyno ship, then arriving capitals will be spread out around the system , easy to tackle and kill before fleet reassembles

You posted earlier that it should take time to arrive @ destination based on mass.

I think this is a very very bad idea, becasue you still play a game. It's not fun spenidng alof of money on a powerfull ship, just to wait 2hrs for it to acutally use it. And nobody wants to watch a warp/FTL tunnel for that long.
I know it makes sence on a more realistic base, but EVE is still a game.

I think the right way to go is with a mass limit on a cyno and if you want do bring sub-caps on the grid you need to risk a capital for it.

I think every capital should be able to bridge ships, but in a different way.

A Carrier has a SMB of 1mio km³.
So allow ships to "dock" in the carrier, and then he jumps, then you "undock" again and fight.
Thats a max of 2 BS per Carrier.

I know, the big blobs can field 100+ carriers and bring with them 200+ BS or even 500+ HACs, but thats where the mass-limit of the cyno comes in.

Say it's 10mio kg per cyno, that would be 2 titans with 10 BS each and some carries. The mass of the ships in the bay add up to the mass of the capital.

So everytime you jump you need to bring your capitals with you, if you want to skip space with sub-caps.

Carriers & Supers would become support platforms, with limited offensive capability, while Titans have both, support and offensive capabilitys. Dreads would be the dedicated anti-capital platform.

There is alot of number tweaking required to get it right and balanced.

Also the fact that each capital in can just light a new cyno, but the more cynos are close to each other, they get unstabil and collapse and each cyno mod still has finish the 10min cycle.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#416 - 2014-07-08 15:04:47 UTC  |  Edited by: mynnna
Cyaron wars wrote:
mynnna wrote:
Going to just leave these here to help shape the discussion a bit - they are indicative of how CCP was thinking about sov and nullsec, at least once upon a time. I have no idea if any of it is still relevant but from my perspective there's a bunch of good direction here, and frankly a lot of the principles are getting echoed here already, without realizing it.

No matter what CCP thinks, because WE are those who play the game, WE are those who push every single mechanics to it's limits, WE generate the content not Devs, WE ignite conflicts, WE create blobfest, WE pay for damn subscription.
I guess you are really annoyed with even an idea that somebody can come and screw up your ihubs so your ISBoxing won't be that productive, or that somebody can come to your home and just burn it down while you are away. But before you will drag rest of us in that swamp remember that it is YOUR alliance that put a lot of effort to get where we all are today, it is YOUR alliance that made all it's allies incapable of fending anything on it's own. I clearly see that with proposed changes CFC is will be getting greatest punch in the nuts and might seize it's existence. I understand that you feel uncomfortable realizing that if said mechanics will be implemented your house of cards will fall apart. I do understand that you don't want to lose that throne, we all got your point. Now please step aside and let us pass.

Do you actually copy everything that mittens tells you or u just gave him your log in details so he could type it himself? :)

Kid, Manny's proposing changes that would effectively dismantle Pandemic Legion as it exists today. Sure, they'd continue to exist, but not really anything like they do now. And this is purportedly for the good of the game. Is it really so hard to imagine a goon might be interested in the health of the game as well? If you came out of the myopic shell that "grr-goons" weaves around its adherents and thought about it for a few minutes, maybe it wouldn't be.

Or if that's just too much to wrap your mind around and you want to go on insisting we're out to make things the best they can be for ourselves, chew on this - all the things people talk about being really great in this thread - using your space mattering, local industry & production, etc - Goonswarm already does or is in a position to do. Emphasizing sub-capital power and minimizing capital superiority? We've been on the back foot compared to our foes in capital and supercapital terms for most of our existence. By the standards of what this thread says about how things should work and how great they'd be for the game, we're already playing it "right" and most of what's here would just make it righter still. What I take issue with are some specifics of implementation (I think his jump drive nerf is a bit over the top and even he acknowledged that the inherent timezone vulnerability his hacking suggestion would create is a bit daft, for example) but no, by and large, a lot of these concepts are great. And it's not like I haven't been talking about topicslike this for a long time or anything (hmm those ideas are really old and kinda shaky, I ought to revisit them...)

vvvv More myopia sufferers Lol

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Colt Blackhawk
#417 - 2014-07-08 15:11:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Colt Blackhawk
This post is already worth reading becaue of all the "mynna" and goon tears. Lol
Most of his time this toon lived in bleak lands and this is almost completely in perfect PL droprange.
I have seen guys dropping several cynabals on a a lonely atron. PL dropping supers on on lonely bs...
Yes power projection as it is now needs to burn in a fire because it ruins the game when all you need is caps and cynoalts to hit everywhere and almost immediately in whole eve.
It would not only be healthy for 0.0 but also for low.

[09:04:53] Ashira Twilight > Plant the f****** amarr flag and s*** on their smoking wrecks.

Wentworth III
Oblivion Watch
#418 - 2014-07-08 15:24:09 UTC
Why not just limit the amount of times a capital can make cross-regional jumps to like 2 or 1 per every 2 days ? That way they can be used in combat still, but couldn't, say, move from delve to tribute in 15 minutes.
Torpedo Industries
#419 - 2014-07-08 15:30:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Rastlor
Fascinating thread although not much has been said about what is a an appropriate level of block / alliance / corp / personal income?

At the moment the majority of the "have's" in the two main blocks have what can only be described as healthy SRP schemes (CFC's is bordering on absurd), alliance funded / part funded capitals / skillbooks for all etc etc. Everyone should train for a super / titan and every system should have a station. They are awash with Isk and with the current mechanics / agreements will be for the foreseeable future.

A fundamental question should be is this an appropriate level of income? Should blocs / alliances be able to derive such levels of revenue that events like BR are just a drop (a significant drop I concede) in the river of Isk? Should a bloc be able to grind half the map with horrific ship losses and win by virtue of having more warm bodies (skill of grunt does not really factor in the current bloc on bloc fights outside of perhaps Interdictors) and still pay double SRP and fund Capital programmes? Or is it time to stem the flow and strive for a more frugal existence, where losses mean something and whelping a fleet has some serious consequences other than an opportunity to laugh at the opposing FC?

Isk in it's current form is simply too easy to earn (in all areas of space anyone that tells you different is lying) - in addition to Manfreds proposed changes and some of the saner other ideas income I believe should be suppressed significantly.

I'm not proposing a hand to mouth existence for anyone - nor do I have any firm ideas about how to deal with the current wealth that players / blocs have built up (perhaps for the good of the game the blocs could have at it until they are down to their last titian supper - here's wishing Evil) - but a more sustainable model needs to be found.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#420 - 2014-07-08 15:31:04 UTC
Retar Aveymone wrote:

The main driving forces behind bipolar eve are:

1) Survival.

2) Lack of serious inhibitions in controlling space.

3) Dominion Sov: Nobody likes this.

4) Supercaps. Death to supercaps.

A very good post and I have to wonder about the law of unintended consequences. Given the Dominion sov system attacking even far flung regions of a coalitions space will that both the attacker and the defender will have to move men and material into position. If anything logistics will become even more important, not less. Further, given the deep pockets of existing coalitions could the suggested changes ossify the current null state situation, at least for a significant timer period?

I'm wondering if a big and rich coalition could not build up weapons/ship cache's at strategic spots around their various holdings and along with jump clones, death cloning, and so forth forces could not still deploy somewhat quickly for defense where as attackers, especially new ones, might have the problem of the force build up would basically signal to the defender where the attack is going to come from.

Add on the Dominion Sov structure which gives time to the defenders it could make breaking into null sec harder at least initially.

Mainly I'm thinking of the CFC which has lots of pilots and are much more spread out vs. their rivals PL/N3 which rely on a smaller number of pilots, but with greater mobility and good super capital numbers. After all, N3 and PL through their rental empire control quite a few systems, but how many PvP pilots are in close proximity to those systems? Not many. And PL/N3 rely on dropping capitals and super capitals into fights quite a bit.

Now the CFC on the other hand is much more widely dispersed. You'll have alliances residing in a region or part of a region to provide an initial level of resistance and intelligence. If a group decides to go after say, Pure Blind, well there are people who live there day-in and day-out. They'll likely see the build of hostile forces and will be right there with their own supply of ships to provide an initial defensive response until the rest of the CFC can send in additional support.

My point being, could the CFC "model" end up being the end result with a null sec map still looking like it does now? With big sprawling coalitions? Granted there might be more use of systems and more targets for roaming and small scale warfare and guerrilla actions, but is the goal to radically change the null sec map and create more opportunities for smaller scale fights? If so, then just nerfing power projection alone might lead to perverse results.

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