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I too like to live dangerously.

Pepper Solette
#1 - 2014-07-05 16:14:52 UTC

I'm currently live streaming the world cup (Argentina v Belgium) on one screen and multibox pirating on the others.

Nothing can possibly go wrong.............


** Miko Sunji:  "There is no better way to find out if you can swim, than swimming for your life."**

Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#2 - 2014-07-05 16:19:53 UTC
Are you from Belgium?

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Pepper Solette
#3 - 2014-07-05 16:33:13 UTC
No i'm not. I'm also going for Argentina.

The hope is a Germany v Netherlands final or a Brazil v Argentina final. Now that would be an awesome match!

** Miko Sunji:  "There is no better way to find out if you can swim, than swimming for your life."**

Nose' Feliciano
#4 - 2014-07-05 16:50:23 UTC
As long as you dont text and fly, you will be ok.