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[Black Ops] Jumping Without a Cyno

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2014-07-02 20:56:35 UTC  |  Edited by: IceAero
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:

I like this a lot- it'd be like a Black Ops equivalent of the Bastion Module Marauders got.

I actually feel you may have imposed a little too many limitations though- maybe it could narrow down to:

'Cannot Warp/Jump for a set time after Jumping' timer, say 60 seconds (30 seconds at BLOPS V)
'Cannot activate Cynosural Field Generator/Covert Cynosural Field Generator while module is online' restriction

Maybe some other things as well.

I'm so glad to see positive feedback Big smile

I like your idea with the reduction and the activate with cyno online. I also think I agree that you should be stuck at 0 velocity after jumping in for a time period, i'm just not sure how long.

More thoughts:

1) Require Astrometrics V and BlackOps V for the mod.

2) Activation delay starts at 10 seconds and gets a 10% reduction per level with "Astrometric Acquisition." I just don't think you should be able to uncloak and jump INSTANTLY. There needs to be a delay.

3) Cool down starts at 60 seconds with a 10% reduction per level with "Astrometric Rangefinding"

With max skills, a forced delay of 30 seconds in space uncloaked seems...fair?. I don't do any scanning, so I don't know what is reasonable, but I think it's only fair that you have to sit there long enough to be scanned down. So you have to keep moving in system, and without a safe that's a risk. And there needs to be some risk involved with jumping into an unscouted system.

[A more simple skill-implementation would just involved BlackOps V for the mod, and Astrometrics skill affects the cool down (with a forced activation delay).]
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#22 - 2014-07-02 21:08:02 UTC
Yeah, if this is a mod, it needs some requirements- the Bastion Module has a set of requirements separate from the ships' requirements, I'd see this one having something along the same lines.

3) Activation delay starts at 10 seconds and gets a 10% reduction per level with "Astrometric Acquisition." I just don't think you should be able to uncloak and jump INSTANTLY. There needs to be a delay.

I do agree with this one- it would make sense- you'd have to be uncloaked for a small window before you Jumped.

The one thing I'm not sure about is post jumping, whether or not you should be allowed to warp. With max skills, a forced delay of 30 seconds sitting in space seems brutal. You'll definitely be scanned down in that time because everyone knows you'll be by the star.

I wouldn't say they couldn't cloak- plus, you could land cloaked, too, I suppose Smile
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2014-07-02 21:13:45 UTC  |  Edited by: IceAero
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:
Yeah, if this is a mod, it needs some requirements- the Bastion Module has a set of requirements separate from the ships' requirements, I'd see this one having something along the same lines.

The one thing I'm not sure about is post jumping, whether or not you should be allowed to warp. With max skills, a forced delay of 30 seconds sitting in space seems brutal. You'll definitely be scanned down in that time because everyone knows you'll be by the star.

I wouldn't say they couldn't cloak- plus, you could land cloaked, too, I suppose Smile

I re thought this and I think that this mod CANNOT be used for risk-free jumping into a system. Being forced to sit in space for 30 (20?) seconds, uncloaked, at zero velocity, seems like a good trade. It's not as if when local goes up someone will instantly think "Oh, I better go scan down the star to see if someone jumped in." And, if they do, they have a very small window to get a fix on you and warp to you for a tackle. And a fleet is protected anyway because even being scanned down will locate only 1 ship. If the fleet wants a fight, then they should save their buddy.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2014-07-02 21:16:14 UTC
I like it. Saves you from having to have some random cyno alt scout the system.
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#25 - 2014-07-02 21:22:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
IceAero wrote:

I re thought this and I think that this mod CANNOT be used for risk-free jumping into a system. Being forced to sit in space for 30 (20?) seconds, uncloaked, at zero velocity, seems like a good trade. It's not as if when local goes up someone will instantly think "Oh, I better go scan down the star to see if someone jumped in." And, if they do, they have a very small window to get a fix on you and warp to you for a tackle. And a fleet is protected anyway because even being scanned down will locate only 1 ship. If the fleet wants a fight, then they should save their buddy.

Well if that's the case, I think 30 seconds would work as a base timer, if it can't cloak in that window- it's simple enough to scan down a battleship-sized signature in well under 30 seconds.

Maybe a related skill reduces it by 13.333... (13 and 1/3) % per level, so it'd be down to 10 seconds at V.

Either that, or have it be the 60 second start, reduced to 30 at skill level V, but be able to cloak. After all, sitting still for any amount of time is a big drawback- and if someone sees a black ops on d-scan before it cloaks, they'll know for sure that it's around the sun somewhere and be able to prepare for it once it decloaks, if they're that dedicated (after all, it can't covops cloak).
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2014-07-02 23:09:38 UTC
Not being able to move for 30 seconds would suck. Wouldn't it be better if you spawned within 100km of the sun and couldn't cloak for 30 after a sun jump?

I think that would be a bit more fair as interceptors would have a good chance to catch you and an arazu camping the sun would always be able to lock and point you.
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#27 - 2014-07-02 23:17:39 UTC
Well a sun jump wouldn't put you in some predetermined place around the star- it'd be a totally random spot within a certain distance of it- not on a specific grid, at least the way I imagined it.

Also, the immobilization could work as a balance factor- I mean, it needs a drawback, and that works decently (IMO)- after all, it can still cloak itself, it just can't warp off immediately after sun jumping. It's a minor inconvenience, but it works.

I mean, it'd kind of defeat the purpose of being 'covert' if it could just be found that easily after it sun jumps.

But again, thanks for good input- I have to think about some of these things more Smile
Raw Matters
Brilliant Starfire
#28 - 2014-07-03 09:02:48 UTC
I totally like the idea of jumping without having to have a secondary char, but I think it would be much more consistent with the way things are now if you'd arrive at the gate of a system instead.

If there is any defense fleet, it will most likely be at a gate, waiting for intruders. If you could now just Black-Op-Hop around it, that would severely reduce the effectiveness of gate camps. If the BO however would appear at that gate, defenders could take it out right away. I would even go that far and have the server plot a route to the target system and select the gate you would appear when flying there by warp. Or weight the chances to appear at a gate in a way, that the amount of ships at a gate increase the chance for you to appear at that (camped) gate.

Then the old risk vs reward would be still intact. Risk: you might end up in a gate camp. Reward: you can jump around freely at any time.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#29 - 2014-07-03 09:34:31 UTC
Very good idea. I'd suggest giving this ability to all jump-capable ships and removing cynos from the game altogether but that's been requested before and I won't get my hopes up.

"Wow, that internet argument completely changed my fundamental belief system," said no one, ever.

Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2014-07-03 10:14:21 UTC
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:
Well a sun jump wouldn't put you in some predetermined place around the star- it'd be a totally random spot within a certain distance of it- not on a specific grid, at least the way I imagined it.

Also, the immobilization could work as a balance factor- I mean, it needs a drawback, and that works decently (IMO)- after all, it can still cloak itself, it just can't warp off immediately after sun jumping. It's a minor inconvenience, but it works.

I mean, it'd kind of defeat the purpose of being 'covert' if it could just be found that easily after it sun jumps.

I think that is where the cyno comes in. You can use an alt to create a safe and then light a cyno for your Black ops or you can risk jumping blindly to the sun where someone could be waiting.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#31 - 2014-07-03 14:34:33 UTC
I agree with some of the above. I do think that having it be a random location in the system (around the sun) is important. This way you maintain the 'black ops' nature of being able to enter a system undetected. If you just land on-grid at the Sun, it would create an entirely new game dynamic whereby camping that grid was an anti-blackops tactic. Currently the only way to prevent blackops from entering a system is to stop the cyno ship at the gate, and that's actually impossible if it's a T3.

So, this idea needs to maintain the usefulnes of the covert cyno while adding a new 'buff' for the ships generally.

First off, this Only involves the blackops ships and, once in system, they themselves cannot light a cyno without refitting.

Second, you cannot hotdrop anything because you're scattered in the system. Unless you've already scouted, you're entering blind.

Third, you cannot cloak up or jump out of system for 30-60 seconds. I agree that being stationary for this cool-down is pointless. At worst, it just makes it easy to catch one ship with probes. The real penalty should be that you cannot hide from scanning for a time period.

I'm trying to think of some detrimental/abusive game mechanics created by this. Any thoughts?

I imagine that, typically, a fleet will jump to a system, and then group up somewhere and wait out the timer to cloak up or jump to a new system. If nothing else, this will introduce more battleship-based combat.
Trin Javidan
Caymen Labs
#32 - 2014-07-03 14:56:52 UTC
Very good idea! But maybe ccp go's like: only constalation wise with random systems and/or maybe fix the balck op tiercide with Tier 1: only these jump logi/bridge haulerlike ships and Tier 2: Current black ops
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#33 - 2014-07-03 20:05:18 UTC
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:
IceAero wrote:

I re thought this and I think that this mod CANNOT be used for risk-free jumping into a system. Being forced to sit in space for 30 (20?) seconds, uncloaked, at zero velocity, seems like a good trade. It's not as if when local goes up someone will instantly think "Oh, I better go scan down the star to see if someone jumped in." And, if they do, they have a very small window to get a fix on you and warp to you for a tackle. And a fleet is protected anyway because even being scanned down will locate only 1 ship. If the fleet wants a fight, then they should save their buddy.

Well if that's the case, I think 30 seconds would work as a base timer, if it can't cloak in that window- it's simple enough to scan down a battleship-sized signature in well under 30 seconds.

Maybe a related skill reduces it by 13.333... (13 and 1/3) % per level, so it'd be down to 10 seconds at V.

Either that, or have it be the 60 second start, reduced to 30 at skill level V, but be able to cloak. After all, sitting still for any amount of time is a big drawback- and if someone sees a black ops on d-scan before it cloaks, they'll know for sure that it's around the sun somewhere and be able to prepare for it once it decloaks, if they're that dedicated (after all, it can't covops cloak).

I am not seeing this jumping ability as needing a penalty like this at all for balance.

First, you are concerned about something being risk free. That has no bearing here, as any degree of reward possible already comes with it's own set of inherent risks. The BLOPs pilot can't do anything without involving risks already established in the game, so simply being in a new place has trivial reward potential as a result.

Whether it came in from a gate, or cyno, or wormhole, or even this idea, it is not going to drop on grid with it's target before that target has had the chance to see the new name in local, and react to it.

The whole point of the Blac Ops is to establish a ship class that supports stealth entry specifically where it is blocked by any other means. Diminishing it with pointless penalties so it is no better than an interceptor for gaining system entry defeats this, in my opinion.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2014-07-03 21:19:43 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:
IceAero wrote:

I re thought this and I think that this mod CANNOT be used for risk-free jumping into a system. Being forced to sit in space for 30 (20?) seconds, uncloaked, at zero velocity, seems like a good trade. It's not as if when local goes up someone will instantly think "Oh, I better go scan down the star to see if someone jumped in." And, if they do, they have a very small window to get a fix on you and warp to you for a tackle. And a fleet is protected anyway because even being scanned down will locate only 1 ship. If the fleet wants a fight, then they should save their buddy.

Well if that's the case, I think 30 seconds would work as a base timer, if it can't cloak in that window- it's simple enough to scan down a battleship-sized signature in well under 30 seconds.

Maybe a related skill reduces it by 13.333... (13 and 1/3) % per level, so it'd be down to 10 seconds at V.

Either that, or have it be the 60 second start, reduced to 30 at skill level V, but be able to cloak. After all, sitting still for any amount of time is a big drawback- and if someone sees a black ops on d-scan before it cloaks, they'll know for sure that it's around the sun somewhere and be able to prepare for it once it decloaks, if they're that dedicated (after all, it can't covops cloak).

I am not seeing this jumping ability as needing a penalty like this at all for balance.

First, you are concerned about something being risk free. That has no bearing here, as any degree of reward possible already comes with it's own set of inherent risks. The BLOPs pilot can't do anything without involving risks already established in the game, so simply being in a new place has trivial reward potential as a result.

Whether it came in from a gate, or cyno, or wormhole, or even this idea, it is not going to drop on grid with it's target before that target has had the chance to see the new name in local, and react to it.

The whole point of the Blac Ops is to establish a ship class that supports stealth entry specifically where it is blocked by any other means. Diminishing it with pointless penalties so it is no better than an interceptor for gaining system entry defeats this, in my opinion.

Yeah, I've come around on the idea. I do think there needs to be a delay so that you cannot immediately jump to a new system, but I think not being able to move or whatever is too much. My instinct is that you should not be able to immediately cloak up, but then again, I don't think there's much of a difference except that you'll appear on d-scan for a few seconds around the sun. You think you should be allowed to immediately cloak?
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#35 - 2014-07-03 21:40:35 UTC
IceAero wrote:
Yeah, I've come around on the idea. I do think there needs to be a delay so that you cannot immediately jump to a new system, but I think not being able to move or whatever is too much. My instinct is that you should not be able to immediately cloak up, but then again, I don't think there's much of a difference except that you'll appear on d-scan for a few seconds around the sun. You think you should be allowed to immediately cloak?

Being able to cloak right after arriving?

The Black Ops cannot warp cloaked to begin with, so the idea that it may not have meaningful capacitor with which to actually leave the vicinity by jumping OR warping is always a factor.
I think there would be a good chance the pilot may choose to cloak and slow boat away from the landing spot, giving residents valuable extra time to look up the pilot, or prepare a response.

If someone wanted to know if they had a Black Ops visitor, all they would need to do is hit the grid defaulting to the star, assuming that it lands so predictably.
Whether it intended to leapfrog into another system or move around the current one, it would need to drop it's cloak before proceeding.
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#36 - 2014-07-04 00:32:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Honestly, I've come around somewhat on ideas too- maybe a 'cannot cloak' for like 15 seconds at base, 5 at V would work, OR 'cannot warp' for 45 seconds base, reduced to 15 at V.

The thing is, this idea uses the plan that the ship would land in a totally random position within x AU of the star- not on its grid, the one you warp to. It gives it a little more unpredictability and keeps people from being able to camp the landing point.

I'm really glad to have all of this discussion- this is how good ideas come together Big smile
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#37 - 2014-07-05 15:41:37 UTC
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:
Honestly, I've come around somewhat on ideas too- maybe a 'cannot cloak' for like 15 seconds at base, 5 at V would work, OR 'cannot warp' for 45 seconds base, reduced to 15 at V.

The thing is, this idea uses the plan that the ship would land in a totally random position within x AU of the star- not on its grid, the one you warp to. It gives it a little more unpredictability and keeps people from being able to camp the landing point.

I'm really glad to have all of this discussion- this is how good ideas come together Big smile

I very much agree.

I see too many discussions where others resort to attacking the integrity of the others, if not calling them out as unworthy entirely.
I have even stepped up and argued points that I personally did not favor, just to clarify and establish parameters or expose how flaws existed in an argument.

I happen to think this could very well be exactly what the BLOPs is missing, something that steps outside the box of existing options appropriately for a ship that is supposed to be different and unique.
Mordus Angels
#38 - 2014-07-05 16:43:25 UTC
I would like it, personally, however I'm afraid in grand scheme of things this would be a bit too overpower.

What it would mean, in a nutshell, that BLOPS would be totally invulnerable when traveling. Jump without cyno, cloak 2 sec later, recharge cap, uncloak, jump without cyno, cloak 2 sec later. And off I go through 60+ly with few thousand m3's of cargo and healthy pile of fuel.

At the moment, they are also almost invunerable if wanting to avoid combat, but you have at least theoretical ability to probe down the covert cyno and kill it, perhaps even uncloak the blops if it's still around the cyno somewhere. As the shortest you can get covert cyno is 30 sec on recon and properly skilled prober can nail it down in that time with little luck. Also you would need to maintain approx 10 covert cyno positions for traveling 60 ly atm which would be signiificant investment. In hardware, number of accounts as well as in SP ofc. Need few weeks for cov ops + 3 weeks for cyno 5 at minimum.

But oh how sweet it would be to have it. Pod express is kinda expensive at my age.

Here, sanity... niiiice sanity, come to daddy... okay, that's a good sanity... THWONK! GOT the bastard.

Mordus Angels
#39 - 2014-07-05 16:47:53 UTC
Perhaps a slight variation of the idea. Let's add a little risk for the happy blops pilot that decides to not use his cover cyno alt. Spawn a beacon at the spot where he jumps that lasts, say, 2 minutes. He would be sitting at 0 at the beacon so he would have to get few km away from it after jump before he can cloak.

Or alternatively. Add beacon for few minutes, blops jumps to random distance from it, say, within 10 to 20 km from it. However, jump happens only 15 seconds after beacon goes up in target system.

Here, sanity... niiiice sanity, come to daddy... okay, that's a good sanity... THWONK! GOT the bastard.

Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#40 - 2014-07-05 17:59:37 UTC
Carniflex wrote:
Perhaps a slight variation of the idea. Let's add a little risk for the happy blops pilot that decides to not use his cover cyno alt. Spawn a beacon at the spot where he jumps that lasts, say, 2 minutes. He would be sitting at 0 at the beacon so he would have to get few km away from it after jump before he can cloak.

Or alternatively. Add beacon for few minutes, blops jumps to random distance from it, say, within 10 to 20 km from it. However, jump happens only 15 seconds after beacon goes up in target system.

Well a spawn 15 seconds before he lands sounds like it'd be hard to make work- I mean, when you jump, you jump- the game can't predict the future Smile

But having a beacon to find exactly where the ship lands seems a little too much- the entire idea is to have a ship that can covertly travel and move around on its own. That would let anyone find it and immediately know what class of ship they were dealing with, letting them easily figure out what to do to take it down- in a way, it removes even more of the covert aspect.

But I do see not being able to warp for a set time, reduced by skill, along with, say, a 15 second cannot cloak reduced to 5 at BEST would allow the ship to perform a very unique function that we really haven't seen before- if any ship should be able to do this, it'd make sense for the only battleship-class covert ships to get the ability and make use of it effectively.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
I happen to think this could very well be exactly what the BLOPs is missing, something that steps outside the box of existing options appropriately for a ship that is supposed to be different and unique.

Big smile