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Autopilot - Please add Warp to Zero

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Gryphon Infinite
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-07-02 20:07:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Gryphon Infinite
Greetings fellow players and CCP,

Please add a "Warp to 0 km" option inside of the Autopilot or Game settings. Instead of how it is now, how the Autopilot warps to 10 to 15 km out.

This new option is not forced on any Eve players. It will not be the default, and must be manually selected. This new option also doesn't create more afk'ers or hurt the game, it almost will slightly increase gank potential.

Here is some math:

If I want to Autopilot between Jita <> Amarr (9 Jumps) all day , and I have 20 billion in wealth. Thus I decide to make my total fitting and cargo when undocked a maximum of 1 out of 100 of my wealth. So 20 billion divided by 100 is 200 million total outdoor fitting.
Thus what will happen is, I have 200 million fitted of Ship / Rigs / Cargo / Modules, etc.; autopiloting between the two hubs, with the new warp to zero feature. This is fair because I am certainly following rule 1 of Eve: Fly what you can afford to lose. (Although
the specific value is subjective).

This new feature to the game will definitely increase commerce and trade. People can now take a tiny risk of autopilot afking, and do another task, and possibly finish the route when they get back.

Warp to zero will immensely cut down on travel time for Industrials, Freighters, Battleships, etc.

Trade, although boring to some, is necessary for the game. Trade is the backbone, and increased overturn of exchanges from player to player, will increase the amount of a certainpart ofthe game of which we all love, Combat!
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#2 - 2014-07-02 20:10:13 UTC
The courier profession definitely needs fixing, but warp to zero is not how to do it.

Mr Epeen Cool
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#3 - 2014-07-02 20:12:01 UTC
Has it dawned on you that auto pilot might be like it is by design....
Nalelmir Ahashion
Industrial Management and Engineering
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
#4 - 2014-07-02 20:12:44 UTC
Work as intended TM.
Sugar Kyle
Middle Ground
#5 - 2014-07-02 20:15:00 UTC

I spend more time in my freighter and jump freighter then my other ships. If they have time to auto-pilot they have time to showboat 15k and be in-convinced. Speeding up auto-pilot is removing reasons for people to sit at their keyboard and fly their ships.

And yes, doing logistics runs is boring. I spend the money to put implants in my freighter pilots head to improve her warp speed because it is boring. I keep my cargo down so that I reduce the risks of being ganked.

Now, if we ignore the speed argument we have the fact that any fast warping ship has no worries about moving around the game anymore. They just press auto-pilot and they are warping gate to gate faster than a player can hit the buttons. There is no more worries about muti-boxing. I don't have to remember that I'm flying when my husband comes home and I want to say hi. My ships may as well teleport to their end locations.

Flawless, perfect, gate to gate piloting. No errors. No mistakes. That's what you are suggesting.

Member of CSM9 and CSM10.

Marsha Mallow
#6 - 2014-07-02 20:15:09 UTC
Gryphon Infinite wrote:
Greetings fellow players and CCP,

Please remove "Warp to 0 km" altogether

This will increase the amount of a certain part of the game of which we all love, Combat!

I'm sure everyone would be delighted by this change (because I would).

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Paranoid Loyd
#7 - 2014-07-02 20:15:46 UTC
Dis gon be good

Please pass popcorn

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

3 R Corporation
#8 - 2014-07-02 20:18:53 UTC
The autopilot not warping to zero is intentional by the devs. I remember them commenting about it oh some 8 years ago, claiming that they wish people would actually play the game instead of set the autopilot and go afk. You are free to go afk on autopilot but you inherit some risk if you do that.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#9 - 2014-07-02 20:21:21 UTC
Paranoid Loyd wrote:
Dis gon be good

Please pass popcorn

Beer aswell?
Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2014-07-02 20:24:17 UTC
You could, wait for it...

actually be at the keyboard and play the game. But I know, crazy talk right?
malcovas Henderson
#11 - 2014-07-02 20:32:02 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
You already have W2Z. If you cannot be at the keyboard, then don't haul till you can. It really is that simple.

*Snip* Please refrain from personal attacks. ISD Ezwal.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#12 - 2014-07-02 20:34:01 UTC
If you want to warp to zero you have to play the game.
Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2014-07-02 20:37:14 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
You could, wait for it...

actually be at the keyboard and play the game. But I know, crazy talk right?

A Marlona Sky post I agree with? That's it, the world is ending. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

Sunshine and Lollipops
#14 - 2014-07-02 20:42:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Gryphon Infinite wrote:
Please add a "Warp to 0 km" option inside of the Autopilot or Game settings. Instead of how it is now, how the Autopilot warps to 10 to 15 km out.
Why? What problem will it solve?

This new option is not forced on any Eve players. It will not be the default, and must be manually selected. This new option also doesn't create more afk'ers or hurt the game, it almost will slightly increase gank potential.
All of this is incorrect. It will be the default; it will create more AFKers; it will hurt the game; it will drastically decrease gank potential. All of them are bad thing, and again, for what?

Warp to zero will immensely cut down on travel time for Industrials, Freighters, Battleships, etc.
This already exists. If you want to cut down on travel time, just use it. There's no need to remove all incentives to not AFK just to replicate the pre-existing functionality.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#15 - 2014-07-02 20:49:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
CCP have claimed the reason auto-pilot drops one 15 km from the gate is to allow capacitor to recharge.
Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#16 - 2014-07-02 20:54:54 UTC
Boom McCondor
#17 - 2014-07-02 20:58:03 UTC
Falin Whalen wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
You could, wait for it...

actually be at the keyboard and play the game. But I know, crazy talk right?

A Marlona Sky post I agree with? That's it, the world is ending. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

Vincent Athena
#18 - 2014-07-02 21:10:22 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
You could, wait for it...

actually be at the keyboard and play the game. But I know, crazy talk right?

Yes, it is.
I can set buy and sell orders, and they are automatic and fill even if I am AFK.
I can set industry jobs and they complete even if I am AFK, and will not complete faster if I am at the keyboard.
I can set a contract and it will be accepted even if I am AFK, and will not fill faster if I am at the keyboard.
I can set up PI and it will work automatically, even if I am AFK, and will not fill go faster if I am at the keyboard. (Well, OK, I can set short cycles. But I still can be AFK most of the time.)
I can set up a moon miner or POS reaction and it will work automatically even if I am AFK, and will not go faster if I am at the keyboard.
I can set a skill and it will train automatically even if I am AFK, and will not train faster if I am at the keyboard.
I can set a mobile tractor unit and salvage drones and clear a mission space even if I am AFK.

A tremendous part of the game is already done AFK, and much of it is not made faster by being at the keyboard. Why not travel?

Now, a bit of history:
It use to be that all warps to a stargate or station would end up 15 km away. The goal was to make fights on gates feasible. But us clever players started making bookmarks at every gate and station, allowing warp to zero. The sever started straining under the load of hundreds of thousands of BMs, being created, copied, and used. So CCP made warp to zero part of the game, the compromise being "not on autopilot".

But that was years ago. Are we still stuck in the past on this one? After all, a freighter on autopilot is still a sitting duck when on the departure gate, this would not stop ganking. Also, sitting at a keyboard, pressing a button once every 3 minutes is hardly "playing a game". It's machine work, let a machine do it.

On the other extreme, the 15 km warp-to distance could be brought back for everyone by placing a 15 km warp disruption field around every gate. Would you all like that one?

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ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#19 - 2014-07-02 21:17:16 UTC
This thread has been moved to Features & Ideas Discussion.

I have also removed some rule breaking posts and those quoting them. As always I let some edge cases stay.
Please people, keep it on topic and above all civil!

The Rules:
4. Personal attacks are prohibited.

Commonly known as flaming, personal attacks are posts that are designed to personally berate or insult another forum user. Posts of this nature are not beneficial to the community spirit that CCP promote and as such they will not be tolerated.

5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Leoric Firesword
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2014-07-02 21:18:52 UTC
no, auto-piloting paints a big "gank me" target on your back. It's meant to be this way. Working as intended.

Want to travel faster? don't auto-pilot.
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