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Character Bazaar

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Simon Dodge
TIBI Logistics
#1 - 2014-06-25 15:08:05 UTC
I want to sell this char to the highest bidder it needs to sell today.
Positive Wallet
Located in Jita
In a NPC corp

5 Basic Implants

Hull Upgrades lvl5
Mechanics lvl5
Remote Armour Repair Systems lvl5
Repair Systems lvl4
Drones lvl5
Light Drone Operation lvl5
Medium Drone Operation lvl5
Capasitor Emision Systems lvl5
Power Grid lvl5
Energy Grid Upgrades lvl4
Power Grid Management lvl5
Weapons Upgrade lvl5
Gunnery lvl5
Small Energy Turret lvl5
Navigation lvl5
Industry lvl5
Mining lvl5
Science lvl5
Shield Emisions lvl5
Shield Management lvl5
Amar Cruiser lvl5
Spaceship Command lvl5
Long Range Targeting lvl3 (training to 4)

Theres a lot more skills between lvl2 and lvl3.
5 Days and he can fly the Guardian

Starting Bid : 4.8bill
Buy Out : 7.8 bill
sfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsf Shaishi
#2 - 2014-06-28 10:10:07 UTC
i will give you 4bill for it as it dont have the logi skill to 5