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Mobile Tractor Unit logic

Ihazcheez Hashur
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2014-06-28 08:24:57 UTC
Today was the first time I really got to use these guys, i have been away for a while.

Anyhow, i tried a level 4 mission and dropped one and they work great. I dropped two, and they had a tug of war between the same two wrecks and ignored the rest of the field (another 20 wrecks or so).

Please can you change the logic so that they tractor the furthest wreck, not the closest avoiding the tub o' war that seems to go on?

Also, please can i add to my request for a 'launch for corp' option?

Ace, thanks for listening.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#2 - 2014-06-28 11:22:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Daichi Yamato
asked for already. CCP says no cause they are dumb (the MTU's that is Ugh) edited this post like 5 times..

Many players have been asking why the MTUs pull the closest wreck, as this behavior essentially prevents effectively using two complementary MTUs side by side. I can see why this would frustrate some players who are trying to maximize the effectiveness of their MTU setup.
We intend the MTUs to be a valuable option for many types of players, but we wanted to make sure that they do not completely overshadow other tractor beam platforms, most notably the Noctis. This is why they are limited to one beam at a time and why their tractor velocity is set lower than that of a Noctis. However if we made it easy to use multiple MTUs in parallel their effectiveness would scale far too well when used in groups, removing any role for other tractor beam solutions. This is why we have no plans to adjust the collection algorithm of the MTUs.

if u want to be more efficient, do it urself.

edit- though the launch for corp option hasnt been asked for.

cant corp members already take and scoop?

or maybe it has lol

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2014-06-28 11:29:09 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:

edit- though the launch for corp option hasnt been asked for.

cant corp members already take and scoop?

or maybe it has lol

I know for sure you can't scope them.
Matcha Mosburger
Matsuko Holding
#4 - 2014-06-28 12:20:42 UTC
I know you can't "Launch for Corp" but the MTU currently will pull anything that is the launching player's OR the Corp the launching player belongs to. This is why it still works in mining corp mining fleets, but won't work with your friends if they are in different corps.

I'd like a "Launch for Fleet option."
Ihazcheez Hashur
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2014-06-28 17:55:10 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
asked for already. CCP says no cause they are dumb (the MTU's that is Ugh) edited this post like 5 times..

Many players have been asking why the MTUs pull the closest wreck, as this behavior essentially prevents effectively using two complementary MTUs side by side. I can see why this would frustrate some players who are trying to maximize the effectiveness of their MTU setup.
We intend the MTUs to be a valuable option for many types of players, but we wanted to make sure that they do not completely overshadow other tractor beam platforms, most notably the Noctis. This is why they are limited to one beam at a time and why their tractor velocity is set lower than that of a Noctis. However if we made it easy to use multiple MTUs in parallel their effectiveness would scale far too well when used in groups, removing any role for other tractor beam solutions. This is why we have no plans to adjust the collection algorithm of the MTUs.

if u want to be more efficient, do it urself.

edit- though the launch for corp option hasnt been asked for.

cant corp members already take and scoop?

or maybe it has lol

Thanks for the post, answers it completely.. I still have a few questions but devs seem to have a bizarre philosophy on the MTU vs Noctis if they think a bunch of MTUs make a Noctis redundant.. Roll
Catherine Laartii
#6 - 2014-06-28 22:04:52 UTC
This is somewhat unrelated, but I would love to see them change tractor beams for use in military purposes, so you can pull ships in close to you. The idea would basically be set up that the strength of the tractor beam is relative to the size of the ships using it, so a battleship with one of these could pull in a frigate much in the same way you see in the movies.
It would also function as a new level of ewar for big ships, sort of giving them a scaled-up alternate version of the webifier. It would also let people abuse the hell out of marauders, which has immense comedic and military value. Lol