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Select Division Wallet for Buy/Sell Order - "Little Things"

laura raumal
Anvil Inc.
#1 - 2014-06-24 17:48:04 UTC  |  Edited by: laura raumal
Currently when creating a Buy/Sell order, you can only check whether or not that order should go in / out of your current wallet division.

Meaning, if you want to create an order for a different division you have to exit the order and do the following:

  1. Go to Corporate Wallet
  2. Change Division
  3. Go back to Marketplace / that item
  4. Recreate the order again
  5. Check the "use corp account" check box with the proper division.

If you want to create another order for a different division, you have to again repeat the above steps. This seems unnecessarily and burdensome, and often leads to incorrect orders being in the wrong divisions.


Please have a drop down box where you can select the division directly in the buy / sell window. (one window to rule them all). Check-boxes are so 1990's Lol

I believe this would qualify as a "little thing"

A second request would be to have market deliveries broken out by division, rather then all orders for all wallet divisions get delivered to a unified hangar, but I'll create another topic for that. Blink