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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Skilling up.

Elseerian Lynks
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-06-21 02:55:11 UTC

If im skilling up to get battlecruisers is it worth me getting the cruiser skill up to 5 or do i just get it to 3 and then max out battlecruisers?
Ice Fire Warriors
#2 - 2014-06-21 03:56:53 UTC
The [Racial] Cruiser skills have nothing to do with the [Racial] Battlecruiser skills beyond being pre-requisites.

So no... you do not NEED to get Cruiser up to level 5 before progressing.

HOWEVER, I would recommend getting the Cruiser skills to level 4. Something tells me you might need it.
Netan MalDoran
Mercenaries and Merchants
#3 - 2014-06-21 04:50:07 UTC
I would get cruisers to lvl 3, then get BC's to lvl 3, then max out cruisers.

I wish I would've done this, this way you can get into T2 cruisers and eventually T3 quickly 'cause you'll be able to afford T2 ships a lot easier than T2 battlecruisers.

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Falcon's truth

Elseerian Lynks
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-06-21 04:59:53 UTC
Thanks guy's
Marc Durant
#5 - 2014-06-21 07:54:43 UTC
It all depends on what you're looking for in a ship. If you mostly do PVE missions then you'll want to "progress" fairly quickly to keep up with the mission difficulty and then you can leave cruiser at 3, get BC to 4 and start working on your support skills. If you want to do PVP then bigger isn't necessarily better and you want to stay/start small (and cheap) for a while.

Yes, yes I am. Thanks for noticing.

Nick Starkey
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2014-06-21 17:05:49 UTC
Like most things in this game, it depends what you want to do with it.

You will soon notice most PVE content quickly forces you to step into bigger hulls. Level 3 missions are better done in battlecruisers for newer pilots so if your goal is to grind lv3s to eventually hit level 4s then go ahead and train your racial battlecruiser skill to IV.

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DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2014-06-21 17:39:44 UTC
Not to mention training level 4 on most skills doesn't take very long. It's usually a good idea to train it so you don't have to come back to it later.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#8 - 2014-06-21 19:59:11 UTC
My basic advice with skills, try to get them at least to 4 first.

3 = bare minimum you should have it.
4 = good enough if not a pre-requirement (most of the time the bonus for a skill level is in the range up to 10% - which means in the worst case you are 90% effective compared to a level 5 skilled guy).
5 = when ever you need it as a pre-req, when you really want that perfect skills or when you don't know what else to skill for now (personally I have a couple of partially trained level 5 skills, I just drop them in when ever I have a couple of days where I'm looking for what to skill next. Rather spent that time on skilling that then don't skill at all).

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Triglavian Outlaws and Sobornost Troika
#9 - 2014-06-22 18:14:17 UTC
Any skill ranks that are not directly pre-requisites are not necessary, both technically and practically. You'll note that all the rank 5's take a long time to train up, while yielding the same bonus per rank that you'd gotten at skill 1. 5 minutes for 5% bonus, all the way to 16 days for 5% bonus - Diminishing returns, in other words.

So, in my opinion, the conclusion you ought to draw: Until the low-hanging fruit has all been harvested, avoid these time sinks.

Rank 4 is an edge case, but for new pilots, I'd suggest stopping at 3. The power difference between rank 3 and 4 is not generally attractive enough, compared to what you could gain in training a bunch of other skills up to 2 or 3 in that time. Typically, the lions share of a pilot & ship's power, in a given situation, is dependent on how well their setup is tailored to that situation. Meanwhile, the situations change quite a lot. Therefore, it can be argued that your ability to adapt and change yields much more of a benefit over time than that extra 5% on that one faction's cruisers, etc.

Eventually though, cruiser rank 5 is one of the top-tier useful skills to have, as cruisers and tech2 cruisers are the ultimate ship size class of Eve, in terms of versatility vs power vs cost vs frequency of use. If one ship class defines Eve gameplay, then it's a contest between frigates and cruisers. Getting two factions to 5 is an excellent goal, after you've trained up all your core skills and have a wide variety of basic/mild access across the factions and size classes.

TL;DR: Specialization and rank 5's are for veterans. Newbies gain more from being a generalist with many, diverse, low ranked skills.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#10 - 2014-06-23 04:20:38 UTC
The question is, what do you want to use battlecruisers for?

If it's because you've heard (correctly) that lowskilled PVE is easier in a BC than a cruiser, then just get it to 3 or 4.

If it's because you've researched various roles in EVE and have decided that your long term goal is to train into a fleet boosting command ship, then you should (long term) train Amarr Battlecruiser 5, but even then, it should not be all that high a priority, and you should get it to 3 or 4 now, then work on the rest of your fitting and tank skills, and medium lasers.

If it's to become the best Talos or Tornado ganker you can, then fitting skills, the relevant large weapon skill and some utility skills are also priorities.

If you just want to experiment with battlecruisers and aren't sure what your future plans are, you can't go wrong training one (or more) racial BC skill to 3.

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