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faction warfare plex timers not appearing

Grythome DrakeAmour
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-06-19 16:58:03 UTC
In the last few days, I've encountered an issue that affects every faction warfare plex that I enter. No timer. I've confirmed this when entering a plex by myself, and as part of a group (in the latter case, I received the pop-up window for successfully defending the plex, and got the evemail, but the plex timer itself was nowhere to be seen on my screen).

In what may be a related issue, without making any changes to my overview, the fw rats stopped appearing on my overview AND no longer were visible in space. i.e. I would sit in an enemy plex, looking directly at the area of space and suddenly see damage notifications appear, but no visible rat. The rat would appear (on overview and in space) if I went to the default 'all' overview. I could write it off as bad overview settings if it just affected the overview, but I'm unaware of any mechanic that could actually prevent the rat from being displayed in space. Even with the rats on overview/space though, there is still no timer displayed for the plex.

I sent in a petition, and am going on 48 hours without a response.

I've restarted the client, went through the small client update, with no change to any of the above.

Has anyone else encountered this, have any theories as to what may be going on?

SmokinJs Arthie
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#2 - 2014-06-19 17:07:16 UTC
I haven't encountered anything like this lately. If you can fraps it and give a copy of the video to a GM I'm sure it will give them more information and could get your issue resolved faster. Another Idea could just to go full re-install.
Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#3 - 2014-06-19 17:08:21 UTC
Your overview settings are not including FW ships. Yes, this does cause them to not appear in space as well if you are using the same overview settings for your brackets (every tab has two selections: Overview (the windowed list) and Brackets, which is what appears in space). Update your overview to include FW ships, and make sure that you are using the same settings for your brackets for that tab, or make sure that FW ships are included on whatever brackets settings you want to use (personally I have a PvP overview setting and use the default select all for brackets).

And the timer will not run down while an enemy rat is alive and in the plex.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#4 - 2014-06-19 17:09:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Sounds to me like your overview and bracket profiles are incorrectly set up. Initially i would go to the top left of your overview window, click on the horizontal line 'settings' icon and select the 'show all brackets' option.

From there i would clear your cache and trawl through the settings making sure things that you want to see on your overview are all selected in your overview profile and things you want to see in space are all selected on your bracket profile. Certai things should not be common to both, for example drones should not be in your overview profile but commonly feature in bracket profiles. it is advisable to have a tab dedicated to drones where they are shown on both overview and brackets, just as an example.
Grythome DrakeAmour
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#5 - 2014-06-19 17:14:45 UTC
Thanks for the info on the brackets - that should help solve that part.

The timer issue may or may not be related. I've killed the rat (in offensive plexes) and no timer displays. Sat (with friendly rat) in a defensive plex and no hostiles - no timer. Was with a fleet in a plex when the plex was captured - no timer displayed, even when the capture was announced. I have not attempted to sit in a plex by myself and capture it to see if that would still happen, even without the timer being displayed. However, I DID :) check to make sure I was still in faction warfare :)

Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#6 - 2014-06-19 17:16:27 UTC
It's possible you don't have the complex itself on your overview/brackets? That might be what's causing the timer to not display. Fix your brackets and such and see if that helps.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#7 - 2014-06-19 17:19:53 UTC
Grythome DrakeAmour wrote:
Thanks for the info on the brackets - that should help solve that part.

The timer issue may or may not be related. I've killed the rat (in offensive plexes) and no timer displays. Sat (with friendly rat) in a defensive plex and no hostiles - no timer. Was with a fleet in a plex when the plex was captured - no timer displayed, even when the capture was announced. I have not attempted to sit in a plex by myself and capture it to see if that would still happen, even without the timer being displayed. However, I DID :) check to make sure I was still in faction warfare :)


i think its related. The timer is a bracket like any other entity in space. 'show all brackets' should fix it. Its always worth clearing your cache though.
You most likely stumbled n the 'hide all brackets' shortcut.

Grythome DrakeAmour
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#8 - 2014-06-19 17:30:51 UTC
Will try this out soonest. Thanks, forum warriors!
Gordin Brott
Huvilma Sentinels
#9 - 2014-06-19 22:08:08 UTC
I've seen this happening as well. From what I've seen the culprit is a change in the latest patch causing the timer button to spawn much farther away from the warpin beacon than before. I noticed that orbiting the warpin beacon at close range (hoping for somebody to come along and interfere) was leaving me outside the 30km radius of the timer button, and hence causing the timer to not count down.
Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#10 - 2014-06-19 22:29:34 UTC
That is another thing, too. You can't orbit the original plex beacon from before the patch or it'll send you 30k+ out. If you want to orbit the warp-in you have to use the warp-in beacon, which is just called 'beacon' and is added to overview with the Large Collidable Object setting.