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[EU] Returning 60M SP char

Lazor Monkeys
#1 - 2014-06-15 11:56:34 UTC

Returning to the game after a 4 year break.

My char has 60M SP, maxed carrier & dread skills. Plus 30M SP alt.

Im looking for a relaxed/friendly pvp & pve corp around low sec/0.0. Trying to ease my way back into the game so nothing too strenuous.

I joined a pretty serious pvp corp when i rejoined the game and was suprised by how much it has changed in 4 years so wanting to learn the ropes again but nothing too green.

I am also EU TZ but play pretty late.

Msg me here or evemail me on this char.

Buccaneers of New Eden
Liquor Legion
#2 - 2014-06-15 15:29:42 UTC
hey man,

we have some ebil plans to rule the universe.

join us you wont regret it =)
Section 387
VOX Cartel
#3 - 2014-06-15 20:49:06 UTC
in game mail sent
Lazor Monkeys
#4 - 2014-06-15 23:04:40 UTC
Bump. Had some good offers but keeping my options open.

O i didnt say, im a really comical guy.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2014-06-16 13:53:54 UTC
Want a totally new challenge? Choose the less walked path and join up with the NRDS (Not Red Don't Shoot) corp, the Yulai Guard. We strive for professionalism and aim to lead by example.

Member and Executor of the Yulai Federation, 1100+ pilots, sov holding alliance in the Providence region.

Small gang warfare, daily roams, defence fleets and regular capital ops as part of the Providence Bloc. (Alot of industrialists and new EVE players also). We consider pretty much all NBSI alliances as pirates, so do be aware we have alot of enemies. ^^

Mature player corp with a friendly atmosphere, majority are EUTZ / USTZ


If you're interested you may read through our membership directives and join YULAI-PUB if you have any questions.


State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-06-16 14:17:50 UTC

Ordo Drakonis is a pvp corp part of Nulli Secunda null-sec sov holding alliance. We are mostly a EU tz corp but also have members from AU. RL comes first as we are all mature players that understands the difference between a video game and reality. Ordo Drakonis is looking for pvppers, not the hard-core nuts but the relaxed ones that log in to pew pew to have a good time.

Do check out our recruitment advert: and join our public channel "Ordo United" for a quick chat.

Have a nice day!

In Ordo Drakonis we trust!

Traba Regina
Serene Vendetta
#7 - 2014-06-16 16:14:49 UTC
hey buddy, were a C5-C5 corp looking for laidback new blood, hop by our recruitment post or drop into serene recruitment in game

Rodric O'Connor
Dark Evolved Industries
Dark Taboo
#8 - 2014-06-16 16:35:13 UTC
well my corp might be what you want we tack it easy and we will show you the ropes of all the new things you have missed out on and our alliance backing you up to.
with them helping you to you get more info then you can handle and with the fleets we have going on just about every day at 20.00 eve time there a lot you can.
we are a high and low corp but the alliance dose every thing we have people get in to null and WH space and there all way looking for a bit of fun
look us up if you interested

our add

Jean-Paul Sartre once said “People are like dice. We throw ourselves in the direction of our own choosing.” these words are so true in eve