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The truth about EVE-O forum personalities

James 215
#1 - 2014-06-08 01:22:56 UTC
Let's start with a story about myself.

In my high school years I was highly active on internet forums. I was an active member on WBB and, two premier forums for those hobbies respectively. At the tender age of 17 my activities had peaked; 8,000 posts on WBB and nearly 3,000 on

I was quite honestly a pretty viscous and immature poster. If someone asked a question I perceived as stupid I would let them know I thought they were stupid. I would rarely actually help but would simply spew trolling one-liners or tell them to "Do a google search".
If someone disagreed with me in an argument I reacted much the same. Instead of holding a proper discussion, I would focus on small segments of their post and lambaste them for it. I had no interest in discussing things like an adult; I was more interested in seeming right and impressing others. My attitude was aggressive and I rarely respected the intelligence of the poster.

It was all part of a larger mentality at hand: Using the internet as a tool to make myself feel a certain way. Using the internet as a tool to feel smart, right, important and awesome about myself at the expense of others.

As I grew older and matured my posting style adapted; I become more reasonable. I apologized to those I had disrespected and began my journey of goodposting. Over time I eventually stopped posting on forums almost entirely and disappeared from such communities for several years. Recently I have returned to a forum community for my first time in a while... and that community is the EVE Online forums.

Unsurprisingly I found myself presented with dozens of posters like my former teenage self. I found a large amount of the posts I read were designed to make the poster look cool to the rest of his forum bros. I found a large amount of the posts were rude, impolite and an obvious way for the poster to simply get his rocks off at someone else's expense. My first reaction was, "damn, lots of 17 year olds frequenting these forums!".

What I found out next was quite surprising however. It was brought to my attention that the average age in EVE Online is something like 28 years old! Upon further investigation I became aware that most of these posters we're not 16 but in fact older than I am. I couldn't believe it; fully grown adults acting so shamelessly on an internet forum, I actually believed them to be 17 year olds.

This is the reality of the situation. I am sorry, random EVE-O forum regular, that you feel offended by this. The truth is that you should be. You are effectively shaming yourself every time you post by acting half your age.

If you do not believe that you are ashamed, consider what would happen if the following people asked you to send an e-mail containing your entire post history to them:
- Your mother
- Your wife/gf
- Your boss

Would you would be willing to send your post history to these people if they asked for it? If not, ask yourself why that is. What could be the harm after all?
We all say things we regret sometimes or prefer to be anonymous. So I'll tell you what... you can even remove up to 5 posts from your post history.
Still not willing to send it? Once again, consider why that is.
You will quickly realize that you're not willing to send it because you'd feel ashamed if they saw your posts.

As you consider your response to this thread, consider your motivations behind it. Yes, you have thought of a brilliant trolling retort to my post here. By why are you posting it?
Yep, you're doing it to look cool. You're doing it to impress other posters who might read it.

You really have nothing to be ashamed of... especially considering your age!

Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2014-06-08 04:00:56 UTC
James 215 wrote:
Let's start with a story about myself.

In my high school years I was highly active on internet forums. I was an active member on WBB and, two premier forums for those hobbies respectively. At the tender age of 17 my activities had peaked; 8,000 posts on WBB and nearly 3,000 on

I was quite honestly a pretty viscous and immature poster. If someone asked a question I perceived as stupid I would let them know I thought they were stupid. I would rarely actually help but would simply spew trolling one-liners or tell them to "Do a google search".
If someone disagreed with me in an argument I reacted much the same. Instead of holding a proper discussion, I would focus on small segments of their post and lambaste them for it. I had no interest in discussing things like an adult; I was more interested in seeming right and impressing others. My attitude was aggressive and I rarely respected the intelligence of the poster.

It was all part of a larger mentality at hand: Using the internet as a tool to make myself feel a certain way. Using the internet as a tool to feel smart, right, important and awesome about myself at the expense of others.

As I grew older and matured my posting style adapted; I become more reasonable. I apologized to those I had disrespected and began my journey of goodposting. Over time I eventually stopped posting on forums almost entirely and disappeared from such communities for several years. Recently I have returned to a forum community for my first time in a while... and that community is the EVE Online forums.

Unsurprisingly I found myself presented with dozens of posters like my former teenage self. I found a large amount of the posts I read were designed to make the poster look cool to the rest of his forum bros. I found a large amount of the posts were rude, impolite and an obvious way for the poster to simply get his rocks off at someone else's expense. My first reaction was, "damn, lots of 17 year olds frequenting these forums!".

What I found out next was quite surprising however. It was brought to my attention that the average age in EVE Online is something like 28 years old! Upon further investigation I became aware that most of these posters we're not 16 but in fact older than I am. I couldn't believe it; fully grown adults acting so shamelessly on an internet forum, I actually believed them to be 17 year olds.

This is the reality of the situation. I am sorry, random EVE-O forum regular, that you feel offended by this. The truth is that you should be. You are effectively shaming yourself every time you post by acting half your age.

If you do not believe that you are ashamed, consider what would happen if the following people asked you to send an e-mail containing your entire post history to them:
- Your mother
- Your wife/gf
- Your boss

Would you would be willing to send your post history to these people if they asked for it? If not, ask yourself why that is. What could be the harm after all?
We all say things we regret sometimes or prefer to be anonymous. So I'll tell you what... you can even remove up to 5 posts from your post history.
Still not willing to send it? Once again, consider why that is.
You will quickly realize that you're not willing to send it because you'd feel ashamed if they saw your posts.

As you consider your response to this thread, consider your motivations behind it. Yes, you have thought of a brilliant trolling retort to my post here. By why are you posting it?
Yep, you're doing it to look cool. You're doing it to impress other posters who might read it.

You really have nothing to be ashamed of... especially considering your age!


I'm not ashamed!

My forum life is very much like the fox and the rabbitBear

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Akita T
Caldari Navy Volunteer Task Force
#3 - 2014-06-08 09:07:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Akita T
Well, my EVE-O forums posting history is a matter of public record (as well as EOFPHs of all members), so I couldn't hide it from anybody even if I wanted to. ;)

Then again, other forums... hmm... well, I was already in my mid-twenties when the "vogue" of forums started catching on, but I suppose some of my early twenties IRC chat logs might be a tad bit embarrasing.
I guess sometimes some people just push my buttons and I can't help myself even nowadays.
Although, I'm usually fairly invective-free about it and prefer to methodically destroy the opposition's argument instead.
And other times, you read walls of text that are not even worth reading, let alone answering as a whole... and usually from the same people over and over again.

The phenomenon you describe is not so much a "teenage thing" (although most "sufferers" are indeed teens nowadays), it's an internet thing in general, a large forum thing in particular, and a much more specific thing to ratings-based discussion areas (although it's worst in those where negative ratings are possible).
You just don't see it so much in older people because they tend to have a lot less free time to post (and a lot less "aimless passion" to spew around), but EVE concentrates a lot of those atypical adults in this corner of the internet.
All Kill No Skill
#4 - 2014-06-08 09:26:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Webvan
Kids these days Roll
Let me tell you about myself, let me mention my highschool days, look I'm a big boy now and am above you all. Twisted
Really? Smile

But you have a point, one that I've heard before and considered: kids now are lacking social skills being on the internet too much. Once you remove yourself from the equation, spend too much time on texting, chat rooms and forums, you don't really get enough time with developing your social skills.

See? there will always be someone older than you willing to lend a criticism where a criticism is due Straight

Akita T wrote:
You just don't see it so much in older people because they tend to have a lot less free time to post (and a lot less "aimless passion" to spew around), but EVE concentrates a lot of those atypical adults in this corner of the internet.

Oh don't underestimate us old folk, that's usually a fatalistic approach. We've had years to practice this stuff, have become very skilled at delivering daggers in the dark and then to slip out unobstructed. And many of us only had the BBS at best when developing our social skills, nothing to impede our development, so we learned how to throw a punch to back up our words, our good social etiquettes. And when you get older, well you know how some people just become downright crotchety, but you will only spell your doom if you try to outwit them in forum battle. And I'm not even that old and I tread carefully around them Shocked

I'm in it for the money


Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#5 - 2014-06-08 10:34:21 UTC
James 215 wrote:
I rarely respected the intelligence of the poster.

My first reaction was, "damn, lots of 17 year olds frequenting these forums!".

I couldn't believe it; fully grown adults acting so shamelessly on an internet forum, I actually believed them to be 17 year olds.

Mhm yep. 3/10
Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#6 - 2014-06-08 12:37:24 UTC
I have seen 80 year old people acting like 13 year olds in real, so the OP still has to learn something.
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2014-06-08 13:06:57 UTC
James 215 wrote:
Let's start with a story about myself.

In my high school years I was highly active on internet forums. I was an active member on WBB and, two premier forums for those hobbies respectively. At the tender age of 17 my activities had peaked; 8,000 posts on WBB and nearly 3,000 on

I was quite honestly a pretty viscous and immature poster. If someone asked a question I perceived as stupid I would let them know I thought they were stupid. I would rarely actually help but would simply spew trolling one-liners or tell them to "Do a google search".
If someone disagreed with me in an argument I reacted much the same. Instead of holding a proper discussion, I would focus on small segments of their post and lambaste them for it. I had no interest in discussing things like an adult; I was more interested in seeming right and impressing others. My attitude was aggressive and I rarely respected the intelligence of the poster.

It was all part of a larger mentality at hand: Using the internet as a tool to make myself feel a certain way. Using the internet as a tool to feel smart, right, important and awesome about myself at the expense of others.

As I grew older and matured my posting style adapted; I become more reasonable. I apologized to those I had disrespected and began my journey of goodposting. Over time I eventually stopped posting on forums almost entirely and disappeared from such communities for several years. Recently I have returned to a forum community for my first time in a while... and that community is the EVE Online forums.

Unsurprisingly I found myself presented with dozens of posters like my former teenage self. I found a large amount of the posts I read were designed to make the poster look cool to the rest of his forum bros. I found a large amount of the posts were rude, impolite and an obvious way for the poster to simply get his rocks off at someone else's expense. My first reaction was, "damn, lots of 17 year olds frequenting these forums!".

What I found out next was quite surprising however. It was brought to my attention that the average age in EVE Online is something like 28 years old! Upon further investigation I became aware that most of these posters we're not 16 but in fact older than I am. I couldn't believe it; fully grown adults acting so shamelessly on an internet forum, I actually believed them to be 17 year olds.

This is the reality of the situation. I am sorry, random EVE-O forum regular, that you feel offended by this. The truth is that you should be. You are effectively shaming yourself every time you post by acting half your age.

If you do not believe that you are ashamed, consider what would happen if the following people asked you to send an e-mail containing your entire post history to them:
- Your mother
- Your wife/gf
- Your boss

Would you would be willing to send your post history to these people if they asked for it? If not, ask yourself why that is. What could be the harm after all?
We all say things we regret sometimes or prefer to be anonymous. So I'll tell you what... you can even remove up to 5 posts from your post history.
Still not willing to send it? Once again, consider why that is.
You will quickly realize that you're not willing to send it because you'd feel ashamed if they saw your posts.

As you consider your response to this thread, consider your motivations behind it. Yes, you have thought of a brilliant trolling retort to my post here. By why are you posting it?
Yep, you're doing it to look cool. You're doing it to impress other posters who might read it.

You really have nothing to be ashamed of... especially considering your age!


TL;DR version please?


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

All Kill No Skill
#8 - 2014-06-08 13:12:11 UTC
Grimpak wrote:
TL;DR version please?

I had already anticipated your postings..
Webvan wrote:
Let me tell you about myself, let me mention my highschool days, look I'm a big boy now and am above you all.

I'm in it for the money


Gallente Federation
#9 - 2014-06-08 13:20:07 UTC
Webvan wrote:
Grimpak wrote:
TL;DR version please?

I had already anticipated your postings..
Webvan wrote:
Let me tell you about myself, let me mention my highschool days, look I'm a big boy now and am above you all.



[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

All Kill No Skill
#10 - 2014-06-08 13:31:05 UTC
Grimpak wrote:

well, it's the very condensed version. I thought the same thing at first, let it sit for a while wondering if it was just going to drop off the page or not, deciding whether or not I'd tackle reading it. Someone posted, then another, now here I am after reading it... how did it come to this?

But he is basically saying that the average age of EVE players is 27 or whatever, but he thinks most people that post, post like they are 12 or something, he thought that they were all young until he saw the 27yo age avg thing. Spoke of his highschool days, how he posted the same way once, and now he is more mature and doesn't understand why people don't post as well as he does, in a more mature fashion.

I'm in it for the money


Gallente Federation
#11 - 2014-06-08 13:48:23 UTC
Webvan wrote:
Grimpak wrote:

well, it's the very condensed version. I thought the same thing at first, let it sit for a while wondering if it was just going to drop off the page or not, deciding whether or not I'd tackle reading it. Someone posted, then another, now here I am after reading it... how did it come to this?

But he is basically saying that the average age of EVE players is 27 or whatever, but he thinks most people that post, post like they are 12 or something, he thought that they were all young until he saw the 27yo age avg thing. Spoke of his highschool days, how he posted the same way once, and now he is more mature and doesn't understand why people don't post as well as he does, in a more mature fashion.

yeah I got that.

also, 27 year old average? then I'm above average!


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

All Kill No Skill
#12 - 2014-06-08 14:37:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Webvan
Grimpak wrote:
yeah I got that.

also, 27 year old average? then I'm above average!

So yeah, that would be something like mostly 15 to 39. I think it's a higher range though, like avg 30 or 32 here playing EVE. So like from 30 I'd say 18 to mid 40's being most, with less subscribers higher and lower than that. I've seen the "27" thrown out there in industry numbers for years, but from almost a decade ago, while a lot of gamers have aged since then and still play.

I'm in it for the money


Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#13 - 2014-06-08 15:06:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Debora Tsung
James 215 wrote:
If you do not believe that you are ashamed, consider what would happen if the following people asked you to send an e-mail containing your entire post history to them:
- Your mother
- Your wife/gf
- Your boss

I am quite convinced that, once they understood what I was talking about, they'd be sharing a good lough with me. Big smile

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Eurydia Vespasian
Storm Hunters
#14 - 2014-06-08 15:49:37 UTC
i don't understand what this thread is supposed to be conveying.
Kijo Rikki
Killboard Padding Services
#15 - 2014-06-08 15:59:04 UTC
I'd let anyone read my post history, I don't care. Neither would my mother or my boss. Neither would my imaginary girlfriend.

You make a valid point, good Sir or Madam. 

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2014-06-08 16:07:05 UTC
Mrs Gray would just roll her eyes at my logs. My mum would tel me to stop screwing about and im the boss of my company.

Therefore i see now issue with my fabulous poasting. Blink

"I think you should buy a new Mayan calendar. Mine has muscle cars on it." - Kenneth O'Hara

"I dont think that can happen, you can see Gray has his invuln field on in his portrait." - Commissar "Cake" Kate

Sunlight...Through The Blight.
#17 - 2014-06-08 17:37:21 UTC
1. My wife currently reads my tear logs. Same with some of my forum rambling. Same with listening to all of the Bonus Round recordings as Teg suggested. Rounds I recorded myself.

2. She laughed, as most people do, and said, "Ripard Teg is an idiot." (it helps even more that she is an EvE player from the "other side of the fence," so to speak.)

3. I, above all else, post intelligently, even when I am being an asshat or facetious.

4. My sig explains my posting and you would be well to adopt this train of thought in EvE, where a thick skin is necessary, and the comedy is 99% of the time, extremely dark.

Because it is a game. A darkly humorous game.

It has no intrinsic purpose, beyond entertainment value.


Trolling as James 215, and shitposting about how everyone shitposts, is still shitposting.

Go figure.


Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#18 - 2014-06-08 20:32:32 UTC
Mrs Ralph also reads some of the threads I do, and is prowd of the sense of humour that I have managed to adapt to fit here. (arguably one of the harsher communitys to click with).
As a side note, the dark sense of humor here is not dissimilar to that In Ireland (admittedly much nerder and a tad less Catholic).
Marsha Mallow
#19 - 2014-06-08 20:59:38 UTC
It's a bit sad to see someone measure their maturity based upon forum interraction. Having said that, OP looks like another Prencleeve alt. Impersonation is bad, I don't care if you're 15, you've been told. I'm trying to resist remarking on your use of the word viscous, but I just can't stop myself.

Some of us are genuinely like this IRL. It's not a fake persona created for anyones approval. Take it or leave it. There's nothing wrong with being shameless, it's a lifestyle choice. You don't need to use the internet to feel good about yourself either, it's possible to take the **** out of anyone, anywhere. The artistic part is getting away with it.

ps. My mother is even worse than me, so is my best mate (who happens to be my longest running boss) and partners are selected based upon how close their humour is to mine.

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Sunlight...Through The Blight.
#20 - 2014-06-08 21:20:21 UTC
I agree with both Ralph and Marsha.

Ralph brings up a great point with certain cultural attributes.

I, while American, grew up Irish Catholic. And trust me when I say that all Irish "humor" is dark. Nearly every member of my family is dark-humored, lol. I learned it well. I never realized that could be the reasoning behind it, Ralph, thank you.

Marsha brings up the wonderful point, that the OP should never presume to know anything about the person behind the avatar.

I play this game nearly strictly as a villain, after years of grinding progressed me no further than the cycle of "Grind for ships one half the month, blow up ships one half of the month."

However, while a villain in EvE, I am a loving husband, a patient father, and a good son...or at least I try my hardest to be those things.

But I am also sarcastic, witty, and intelligent. And I use those things in conjunction with my dark humor, to make myself more effective in a game that min/maxes everything from isk-grinding to tear-collection. As is expected if one presumes to "adapt and overcome."

+1 to both of you for your insights.

Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

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