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Why are people leaving? and wjhat can we do about it?

Ved Riru
#21 - 2014-06-08 08:30:30 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Nothing should be done about it.

If you do something about it, it is necessary to destroy the core of the game. If people are not fit for this game and leave after the trial with this knowledge, good. If they stay and learn the game, good. If you break the game to appeal to WOW or Angry Birds players in order to retain people, who would not have stayed anyways, bad.

EVE does not need more people, EVE needs more quality content that expands and supports its core, not some trendy, today-hot-tomorrow-out content.

Do you realize that game development is a way to make money and all the game developers are people, who came to work for CCP in order to get money for the things they like doing? That investors give money to CCP to see bigger returns? Making games is a business. If CCP doesn’t make enough money, your game will be shut down.
While PvP games can usually generate content without much contribution from developers because interaction between players is the content of PvP games, with more money available from more subscribers CCP could hire more and better 3D artists, programmers and even get better bandwidth to distribute the game client.

Ray Kyonhe wrote:
Eve in current state somehow reminds me those session mmo, when you need to grind money to "repair" your craft to grind more money, and in the end "pilot" more expensive craft to grind even more money. Yes, it's more complex, it have other layers than just battling each other, but all they simply here to support and complement it, and this quickly becomes obvious. All social interactions are built around this, so those people, who don't intrested in PvP that much, have some difficulties to find their place in game world, and either revert to leveling their "Raven", or just get bored and quit

Finally I can agree with you on something. War is not everything humans cater about. I too would love to see more peaceful uses for well-earned loot like terramorphing planets or build star bridges to jump through a dozen of solar systems!

Ray Kyonhe wrote:
Yes, and this too. Many of those who leave are convinced solo PvE players, and PvE in Eve currently is a shite. And as Eve offers very slow character progression (you can't speed up it like in typical mmo, by grinding day and night), they can't even resort to their second favorite thing - to collect something (like, pretty expensive ships and officer modules Big smile) right out from the start, as they need 3 to 6 month of training to be able to use a little fraction of those.

A ray of hope indeed! The game is very punishing in terms of character progression in comparison with other games currently on the market. New players can do very little to accelerate their character progression. EveMon and careful planning don’t sound like much fun. One wrong step (or three) and you are stuck with the same set of attributes for a year. And modern gamers are not going to wait for a year to fix their character advancement.

Foxstar Damaskeenus wrote:
A solution could be to increase taxes or some disadvantage example: the more money you make the higher your taxes get effectively putting a cap on wealth mongering. In Eve it could be the amount of players in an alliance eventually you get penalized. The problem with that is, groups like the CFC (specifically) aren't even in the same alliance, its a bunch of alliances that want to suck up.. er simply agree to never shoot each other but shoot other people.

Are you a communist or something? Big smile You want to punish people for doing stuff you probably cannot do, for making an effort, for playing the game the way they like and being better at it?

There are multiple truths in every fact. I protect my truths with a passion.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#22 - 2014-06-08 08:37:29 UTC
Ncc 1709 wrote:
people leave because the games become boring at 'End Game' level
and the getting to 'End Game' level keeps getting easyer and faster, producing more time to get bored

EVE has no "endgame".

A huge amount of players leave because they have never played a game in which you make your own content and goals.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#23 - 2014-06-08 09:27:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
Ved Riru wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Nothing should be done about it.

If you do something about it, it is necessary to destroy the core of the game. If people are not fit for this game and leave after the trial with this knowledge, good. If they stay and learn the game, good. If you break the game to appeal to WOW or Angry Birds players in order to retain people, who would not have stayed anyways, bad.

EVE does not need more people, EVE needs more quality content that expands and supports its core, not some trendy, today-hot-tomorrow-out content.

Do you realize that game development is a way to make money and all the game developers are people, who came to work for CCP in order to get money for the things they like doing? That investors give money to CCP to see bigger returns? Making games is a business. If CCP doesn’t make enough money, your game will be shut down.
While PvP games can usually generate content without much contribution from developers because interaction between players is the content of PvP games, with more money available from more subscribers CCP could hire more and better 3D artists, programmers and even get better bandwidth to distribute the game client.

And that warrants the sacrificing of a good game? If so, then CCP has taken the wrong investors. Period. If a game must be leveled to meet the expectations of Angry Bird players and if this is enforced, or shall I say encouraged (to stick with the EVE terminology. Roll) by the investors, these investors are the worst possible money lender for the game and publisher.

If you need this kind of investors, you don't love the game or what you do, you just love the money. Simple.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Ved Riru
#24 - 2014-06-08 10:37:15 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Ved Riru wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Nothing should be done about it.

If you do something about it, it is necessary to destroy the core of the game. If people are not fit for this game and leave after the trial with this knowledge, good. If they stay and learn the game, good. If you break the game to appeal to WOW or Angry Birds players in order to retain people, who would not have stayed anyways, bad.

EVE does not need more people, EVE needs more quality content that expands and supports its core, not some trendy, today-hot-tomorrow-out content.

Do you realize that game development is a way to make money and all the game developers are people, who came to work for CCP in order to get money for the things they like doing? That investors give money to CCP to see bigger returns? Making games is a business. If CCP doesn’t make enough money, your game will be shut down.
While PvP games can usually generate content without much contribution from developers because interaction between players is the content of PvP games, with more money available from more subscribers CCP could hire more and better 3D artists, programmers and even get better bandwidth to distribute the game client.

And that warrants the sacrificing of a good game? If so, then CCP has taken the wrong investors. Period. If a game must be leveled to meet the expectations of Angry Bird players and if this is enforced, or shall I say encouraged (to stick with the EVE terminology. Roll) by the investors, these investors are the worst possible money lender for the game and publisher.

If you need this kind of investors, you don't love the game or what you do, you just love the money. Simple.

I totally didn't point what game Eve Online is supposed to borrow players from. Not Angry Birds or World of Warcraft. Or some other specific title or genre. I just wanted to say that changes usually happen to improve the product's earning ability and I humbly propose some changes for consideration of the community and the development team. It is a period for a change. As good as any other when changes happened and changes happen all the time.

There are multiple truths in every fact. I protect my truths with a passion.

Eagle's Talon's
#25 - 2014-06-08 12:27:48 UTC
Perhaps CCP needs to create a new type of Node where you first have to find a bridge point that would be similar to a Wormhole bridge point. Once you find the bridge point with your 'new ship' the ship would deploy a miniature Bridge Structure Depot that would then allow the 'new ship' to breach the undiscovered node and then deploy another depot that would link the two depots together.

Once the new system had been located it would not be accessible or linked to any of the other systems in New Eden much the same way that Wormhole space has node closure mechanic that limits the number of packets traveling through the normal system and wormhole system node.

The new space would then be controlled by the occupying pilot where large scale combat would take place without affecting the rest of the node network in New Eden.

Ray Kyonhe
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2014-06-08 13:34:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Ray Kyonhe
Ved Riru wrote:

Finally I can agree with you on something. War is not everything humans cater about. I too would love to see more peaceful uses for well-earned loot like terramorphing planets or build star bridges to jump through a dozen of solar systems!

I would love to see this ingame. Something similar to "minecraft in space", yea, but with ability to ruin each other's "houses" with orbital strikes, that would be a bomb. But it will defenetly require some other game engine, additional servers cluster, and, in fact, some additional playerbase. So this have to be some related project, we won't see this as part of Eve online. We left to hope that Project Legion will be aiming for something like that in distant future.

But what we actually could see in game are some different planes of players' interaction, which won't require too much of effort from devs and сomputing facilities. Like gambling, fully integrated into the game engine, out of pod occasional combat activities, some crafty ways to meddle with others while they are hiding in stations, new systems for explorers and scientists which make them feel like ones, ability for creative individuals to change visual appearance of ingame objects and create their own fancy and luxury goods, some social out of pod activities, and the like. Well, in fact even terraforming-related stuff could be added without choking ther servers too much. You probably seen the "games" like that genepool before, I think. Spore also comes to mind. So the point is to allow our demigods to meedle with mother nature and start to experiment with life and evolution in Eve, creating funny nonviable life forms and speacies and observing like they changing the planet's surface and contesting new lands, struggling with each other (while at the same time providig some invaluable materials for PEW-PEW industry of spaceship game, and some components needed for creation of luxury goods and stuff needed to customize visual appearance of Eve world, so it won't be simply unsensical entertainment). CCP could probably even buy some ready to use engine for such system.

Survey/voting system inbuilt to the game client: link_Reforming corp and taxation system: link_New PvE content (reward collective gameplay): link

Ray Kyonhe
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2014-06-08 13:35:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Ray Kyonhe
Ved Riru wrote:

A ray of hope indeed! The game is very punishing in terms of character progression in comparison with other games currently on the market. New players can do very little to accelerate their character progression. EveMon and careful planning don’t sound like much fun. One wrong step (or three) and you are stuck with the same set of attributes for a year. And modern gamers are not going to wait for a year to fix their character advancement.

Thats why I'm playing it, actually, and I even heard from one casual acquaintance of mine, who is a typical solo highsec carebear, that the reason he plays Eve is partly because it's hard - he wouldn't been able to treasure what he earns ingame if not for possibility of losing it any moment. Eve's character's progression isn't so hard, unless you have problem with planning itself (but in that case you've got a real problem as Eve and planing are inextricably linked; if you can't plan things ahead you won't even be able to effectively roam the game's world, no to say succeed as manufacturer, or PvP player, or to survive in spaces more dangerous than highsecs, and even in highsecs itself; it's a core Eve gameplay and you just can't rid of planning without ruining something and enrage its core playerbase).

Yes, I can agree that new players could be given some lift, but, in fact, it's already partly done - all those nifty implants; that exploration Sisters' frigate almost as good as covert ops, but easly accessible to total newbies; those op t3 hulls, which can be mastered to perfection relatively quick and will give you upon that such unimaginable ease of movement all over the world and unrestricted possibilities to choose your PvE activities I couln't even imagined while being newbie myself long time ago; those character market where most unpatient ones can get what they want from the very begining (the only counterarguments to this I've heard to the moment are that it's too expensive, and that you can't change the name of the character; the later is a real problem, indeed, but the former one is what I just can't get - why it shouldn't be? Just because for that money you could buy a bunch of some other crappy casual games from Steam? Well, screw them, I won't buy those even on -85% sale, anyway)

I don't understant why some newbie absolutely need an perfected tengu from the very start of the game to have some fun. Or some maradeur, no matter. What about other ships, are you implying that frigates aren't good enough, that they don't need to fly a cruiser, because it's too boring? Why they absolutely need to start with a 6 month old character? To have all frigates and cruiser accessible to them? For what? Purely to spin all them while in dock from time to time? Will it solve the problem? This, and not enhancing some gameplay aspects, because, you know, it's spinning your ship that should help you squeeze a joy out of game, not its gameplay and mechanics, right?

And what they will have as incentive for further progression than, to fly a capital ship as fast as possible? It's not very sane picture, IMO. Capitals, maradeurs and such should remain as some distant, vague dream, something you are anticipating for a while. And players should be more intrested in dozen of other ships available to them, as well as dozen of other ingame activities (well, Eve has problem in this department, indeed, as most activities available to newbies are PvP related; and this is what should be attended, in fact, first of all).

I think at best 3 month of pretraining is the optimal for new players. This will let them to have 1-3 pretty good developed t2 frigate/cruiser-size hulls and a BS of their choosen race (which is pretty much enough to find some fun and provide yourself with funds), not to mention all other hulls those skills will open to them. And from that starting point they will have to make some hard choices and set their priorities for the next 6-24 months, this how Eve is works, it's not a drawback.

I also see some reason in those proposals to substitute multiaccount training with sped up training of one account for greater subscription fee, but this one should be approached with caution and some reasonable caps should be placed.

Survey/voting system inbuilt to the game client: link_Reforming corp and taxation system: link_New PvE content (reward collective gameplay): link

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#28 - 2014-06-08 13:52:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaarous Aldurald
Ved Riru wrote:

A ray of hope indeed! The game is very punishing in terms of character progression in comparison with other games currently on the market. New players can do very little to accelerate their character progression. EveMon and careful planning don’t sound like much fun. One wrong step (or three) and you are stuck with the same set of attributes for a year. And modern gamers are not going to wait for a year to fix their character advancement.

You're kidding, right?

The has NEVER, in all of it's history, been as forgiving to new players as it is right now. If that feels "punishing", it's because other games are too banal and easy. They let you replace actually knowing a damned thing about the game with running the rat wheel to reach level 90, or whatever.

The concept of "accelerated progression" is a hateful, poisonous themepark game concept, and has no place in EVE or anything else purporting to be a sandbox.

And the "modern gamers" can go jump in a lake, by the way. I play this game precisely because the mechanics of EVE drive people like that away. If I want a 14 year old kid screaming at me about how he defiled my mother, I can go play X-Box Live with the rest of the *******. That kind of mainstream crap is available everywhere, but there's only one refuge for me, there is only one EVE.

So stop trying to gum it up with all the lowest common denominator crap. Exclusivity is a good thing. In fact it's a great thing.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Axe Coldon
#29 - 2014-06-08 13:56:39 UTC
Ala Bamma wrote:
Troll all you want, but this is the truth from the 50% that leave, as was noted at fanfest

Why are players leaving?
they die too much to the big hammer (10X or more then their numbers)

2 I die in new player systems/ I get scammed in new player systems. This should be a swift and LONG ban (or a system of 1.0 sec and CONCORD EVERYWHERE, I mean EVERYWHERE). These players are saying "FU CCP I TAKE YOUR MONIES" and everyone that reads this knows it, even if you don't agree with it. Who cares if someone wants to stay in hisec for a year? In other games players dont have to go into pvp until they are ready for it. And let's be real, the next generation IS a lot more carebear. If you want to survive, you need to cater to the audience that is most likely to play eve. Think of eve as a bakery. If I walk into a bakery and the baker takes my money and slaps me in the face, I will either call the cops or walk out and never go back again. THERE IS YOUR 50% CCP NOW STOP FKING AROUND AND FIX THIS! We all know the concept of trolling/scamming/whatever the kids are calling being asshats these days is not going to make you any money. I give it 5 years at this rate and CCP will belong to sony, and eve will become WOW. 8 servers and nobody on ANY of them

Best of luck, I'll see you in the future if the reviews start to change.

Eve caters to Bullies! There I said it. They need to stop doing that.

But mostly eve is what it is today because of high sec. Yet they make it harder and harder to have fun there. When I started (08) ganking wasn't as was more expensive because destroyers were worthless. The main way to get a high sec miner was to flip his can and get him to do something and then you could kill him. (dont remember exact way of doing it).

Eve has forgotten a place to foster new people until they are ready to spread their wings is important also.

Faster response times on concord. Bigger get old and stale if they don't grow..something new to do and explore. Eve needs a second high sec surrounded by low and null and connected to this one. The Eve universe is too small.

Change Sov rules to favor small allainces. I think if a system isn't being used..sov should drop. The same way the Industry Index and Military Index drops if it isn't used.

Honestly I don't know how hard it is to be a newb. But I do find high sec annoying as hell. And I have friends that won't play (that used too) for most of the reasons outlined in the OP. I meet a lot that want to carve out they own little section of space.

But Eve is not for everyone. It's not for the crowd that wants to instantly be everywhere and no consequences for failure.

No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

Azn Empire
#30 - 2014-06-08 14:17:44 UTC
Axe Coldon wrote:

Eve caters to Bullies!
So following in that same logic, Chess caters to Murderers?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#31 - 2014-06-08 14:20:08 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Axe Coldon wrote:

Eve caters to Bullies!
So following in that same logic, Chess caters to Murderers?

And Monopoly to usurists.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Azn Empire
#32 - 2014-06-08 14:23:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Axe Coldon wrote:

Eve caters to Bullies!
So following in that same logic, Chess caters to Murderers?

And Monopoly to usurists.
Hungry Hippo to the gluttonous?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#33 - 2014-06-08 14:25:25 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Axe Coldon wrote:

Eve caters to Bullies!
So following in that same logic, Chess caters to Murderers?

And Monopoly to usurists.
Hungry Hippo to the obese?

No, to the binge eaters. The part unseen is the purging afterward.

And let's not even get into the horrors of the people who play Risk.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Azn Empire
#34 - 2014-06-08 14:26:58 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Axe Coldon wrote:

Eve caters to Bullies!
So following in that same logic, Chess caters to Murderers?

And Monopoly to usurists.
Hungry Hippo to the obese?

No, to the binge eaters. The part unseen is the purging afterward.

And let's not even get into the horrors of the people who play Risk.
Yea I realised and ninja edited it. Oops

Risk, yea let's not go there. Oh the humanity. Straight

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Ved Riru
#35 - 2014-06-08 14:33:52 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Ved Riru wrote:

A ray of hope indeed! The game is very punishing in terms of character progression in comparison with other games currently on the market. New players can do very little to accelerate their character progression. EveMon and careful planning don’t sound like much fun. One wrong step (or three) and you are stuck with the same set of attributes for a year. And modern gamers are not going to wait for a year to fix their character advancement.

You're kidding, right?

The has NEVER, in all of it's history, been as forgiving to new players as it is right now. If that feels "punishing", it's because other games are too banal and easy. They let you replace actually knowing a damned thing about the game with running the rat wheel to reach level 90, or whatever.

The concept of "accelerated progression" is a hateful, poisonous themepark game concept, and has no place in EVE or anything else purporting to be a sandbox.

And the "modern gamers" can go jump in a lake, by the way. I play this game precisely because the mechanics of EVE drive people like that away. If I want a 14 year old kid screaming at me about how he defiled my mother, I can go play X-Box Live with the rest of the *******. That kind of mainstream crap is available everywhere, but there's only one refuge for me, there is only one EVE.

So stop trying to gum it up with all the lowest common denominator crap. Exclusivity is a good thing. In fact it's a great thing.

Oh well, things are pretty much okay then. As an outsider I am just sadly mistaken. And apart from the elite crowd playing Eve Online all the other gamers are just 14-year-old idiots, screaming and spewing profanities.
I guess I'll just come back in a year or two when more changes of the kind announced this year have happened.

PS: A cosmos theme park game raised $4 million within 39 days so there is a demand for cosmos simulators and I think such information didn't go below the CCP radar. The price of getting money like that? Changes I guess.

There are multiple truths in every fact. I protect my truths with a passion.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#36 - 2014-06-08 14:38:54 UTC
Ved Riru wrote:

Oh well, things are pretty much okay then. As an outsider I am just sadly mistaken. And apart from the elite crowd playing Eve Online all the other gamers are just 14-year-old idiots, screaming and spewing profanities.
I guess I'll just come back in a year or two when more changes of the kind announced this year have happened.

PS: A cosmos theme park game raised $4 million within 39 days so there is a demand for cosmos simulators and I think such information didn't go below the CCP radar. The price of getting money like that? Changes I guess.

Changing the core of a game always leads to that game being destroyed.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#37 - 2014-06-08 14:40:00 UTC
Mag's wrote:

Risk, yea let's not go there. Oh the humanity. Straight

I think some of the older versions of the rulebook detailed that every numerical unit of troops you had in the game was a hundred thousand people.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#38 - 2014-06-08 14:41:20 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Ved Riru wrote:

Oh well, things are pretty much okay then. As an outsider I am just sadly mistaken. And apart from the elite crowd playing Eve Online all the other gamers are just 14-year-old idiots, screaming and spewing profanities.
I guess I'll just come back in a year or two when more changes of the kind announced this year have happened.

PS: A cosmos theme park game raised $4 million within 39 days so there is a demand for cosmos simulators and I think such information didn't go below the CCP radar. The price of getting money like that? Changes I guess.

Changing the core of a game always leads to that game being destroyed.


What you are asking for is for CCP to pull a Star Wars Galaxies, alienate their loyal core playerbase, and kill their game.

Or, God forbid, a Trammel.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#39 - 2014-06-08 14:49:59 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Ved Riru wrote:

Oh well, things are pretty much okay then. As an outsider I am just sadly mistaken. And apart from the elite crowd playing Eve Online all the other gamers are just 14-year-old idiots, screaming and spewing profanities.
I guess I'll just come back in a year or two when more changes of the kind announced this year have happened.

PS: A cosmos theme park game raised $4 million within 39 days so there is a demand for cosmos simulators and I think such information didn't go below the CCP radar. The price of getting money like that? Changes I guess.

Changing the core of a game always leads to that game being destroyed.


What you are asking for is for CCP to pull a Star Wars Galaxies, alienate their loyal core playerbase, and kill their game.

Or, God forbid, a Trammel.

SWG Refugee here, god I miss my dogfighting tie-bomberCry
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#40 - 2014-06-08 15:29:28 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

SWG Refugee here, god I miss my dogfighting tie-bomberCry

I honestly don't know whether Galaxies or Trammel was more of a tragedy.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.