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Why are people leaving? and wjhat can we do about it?

Ala Bamma
Virtual Democracy
#1 - 2014-06-07 19:55:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Ala Bamma
Troll all you want, but this is the truth from the 50% that leave, as was noted at fanfest

Why are players leaving?
they die too much to the big hammer (10X or more then their numbers)

... that is it. If a player cant learn how to play without joining a coalition or getting their isk taken by the CFC their most likely option is leaving the game with a sour taste.

this game progression is simple

start out solo --> die to big hammer until you quit
Join a small corp --> corp dies to big hammer/metagame/infignting/RL issues-->quit or try again
join a big corp--> sit on titan--> keep sitting on titan--> WTFF! why am i still on a fking titan?-->quit or try again
join a coalition --> get trolled for sucking --> leave corp --> try again or quit

There is a few solutions for this, and I really don't care what you do or what the trolls say, because as soon as I am done with my current subscription I'm selling and leaving this game (I'm in a game that has scrolls if you're interested)

1. instead of devoting a bigger node to prevent tidi, how about capping the number of players in the fight?
-I have always seen this working like the jita gates, except for at lower numbers, and have the system owners be able to set the max numbers in the system by tidi (say I don't want ANY tidi, I could set the system at 0% and the max would be, say 500 or 2 full fleets)
-This will prevent the argument of "why buy a super when they rarely get used except in tidi fests" argument

-Also allowing the owners to turn off the gate all together, say if they want a cap brawl (this is a wild idea, but it would end up fun and prevent 10000 players sitting at a gate

- fixing the damn code so the entire game can be in the same system... you know you want to do this, but you cant as long as you have devs that don't know how to fix this on your staff

- stop catering to the big coalitions. I know these guys are playing NOW but they are also the biggest reason those 50% dont stay. This is what I refer to as the big hammer. This is like a bull in a china shop, and if it is not tamed, eve will probably not survive another decade. I'm not taking sides, or saying one side is worse then the other, but this is an issue that I was surprised could even happen. Before I joined, I always saw eve as a game with "I am gallente, I should in theory only be able to fly gallente" I definitely feel like this could really shake up the game, and make for a LOT more content, and for once make lowsec relevant.

Other reasons players leave:

2 I die in new player systems/ I get scammed in new player systems. This should be a swift and LONG ban (or a system of 1.0 sec and CONCORD EVERYWHERE, I mean EVERYWHERE). These players are saying "FU CCP I TAKE YOUR MONIES" and everyone that reads this knows it, even if you don't agree with it. Who cares if someone wants to stay in hisec for a year? In other games players dont have to go into pvp until they are ready for it. And let's be real, the next generation IS a lot more carebear. If you want to survive, you need to cater to the audience that is most likely to play eve. Think of eve as a bakery. If I walk into a bakery and the baker takes my money and slaps me in the face, I will either call the cops or walk out and never go back again. THERE IS YOUR 50% CCP NOW STOP FKING AROUND AND FIX THIS! We all know the concept of trolling/scamming/whatever the kids are calling being asshats these days is not going to make you any money. I give it 5 years at this rate and CCP will belong to sony, and eve will become WOW. 8 servers and nobody on ANY of them

Best of luck, I'll see you in the future if the reviews start to change.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2014-06-07 20:02:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Corraidhin Farsaidh
Look at it this way...50% of new players realize that Eve is the game for them...and Eve players tend to stick around...

Ed: I would caveat that with my usual belief that tutorials and PvE need to improved...that would help new players get acclimatized more rapidly and earn some isk in a more fun way...
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#3 - 2014-06-07 20:02:51 UTC
Capping players in a fight won't happen because CCP knows fights will turn into a rush of who can pile in the most pilots first - and thereby win the battle.
Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#4 - 2014-06-07 20:16:53 UTC
people leave because the games become boring at 'End Game' level
and the getting to 'End Game' level keeps getting easyer and faster, producing more time to get bored
Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#5 - 2014-06-07 20:23:14 UTC
There is no endgame for thiefs.Big smile

What do I want?


EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Cynric Cobon-Han
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2014-06-07 20:31:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Cynric Cobon-Han
A game that has an in-built counter to let you know how many times your ship has spun in the hangar is admitting that it has a large boredom factor. A lot of people out there don't like to be bored.
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#7 - 2014-06-07 20:37:54 UTC
never use subs as an argument to change something.

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#8 - 2014-06-07 20:48:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
Nothing should be done about it.

If you do something about it, it is necessary to destroy the core of the game. If people are not fit for this game and leave after the trial with this knowledge, good. If they stay and learn the game, good. If you break the game to appeal to WOW or Angry Birds players in order to retain people, who would not have stayed anyways, bad.

EVE does not need more people, EVE needs more quality content that expands and supports its core, not some trendy, today-hot-tomorrow-out content.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Dave Stark
#9 - 2014-06-07 22:03:49 UTC
the thing that drives people away is likely the core feature of eve; the sandbox.

virtually every other game on the market force feeds people content in a linear and uninteresting fashion. if that's what people want then they've come to the wrong place and a 50% retention rate after a month might be the best eve will ever do due to the nature of the game.

It's probably more important to reverse the 10% 40% split, rather than worry about the 50% who quit.
Gavin Dax
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2014-06-07 22:58:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Gavin Dax
Many people who leave like the sandbox aspect of the game. If the sandbox is boring though...

Why is EVE generally boring?
- PvE is bad
- PvP is bad

Well, PvP is actually great. It's amazing. The problem is that 99% of PvP is just waiting for a fight that never happens.

So the question is - if so many players like a good fight, then why is it so hard to get one? Simple - EVE pilots are afraid to lose their ship. Even though you're solo in a maelstrom, maybe you have a cyno. Maybe there is a fleet waiting to jump us next door. Nobody wants to lose if they can make sure they win. Hench the endless waiting.

"Oh what's that there's a fleet of 5 cruisers roaming around with no logi? Let's bring no less than 20, a few falcons and we're not engaging unless we have 5 logi."

This happens not because of the sandbox. It's because EVE *only* has "no rule" combat. IMO, there is room for rule-based combat, or some additional mechanic that helps encourage fights. Acceleration gates that only let X number of people in from alliance/corp A, or only battlecruisers, etc. Something like that, to reduce the amount of time people spend ship spinning waiting for a decent fight.
Ray Kyonhe
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2014-06-07 23:26:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Ray Kyonhe
Dave Stark wrote:
the thing that drives people away is likely the core feature of eve; the sandbox.

This is only a half-truth. The limitations placed by available tools in this sandbox is what could be driving people away too.

Aside from very rare exceptions, all you can create in the game (aka "generate a content") is related, or serve the needs of shooting each other in space. You could become trader or manufacturer, but all trade and production are build up around shooting each other in space, you can't probably produce a single possible thing which would serve some other purpose; even POSes and stations needed either to hide here from someone, to sell wepons of destruction, to produce them, or to facilitate income generation to have currency for all these things.

You could become a space explorer, but all those misterious artefacts you will find are needed only to sell them for isks to buy more tools of destruction, or to use them to produce those tools. And all you do as an explorer is trivial resource gathering, and each element of it intentionally reduced to most trivial operations, as to show you that it's not core part of gameplay at all.

You can create communities, but they serve only aforementioned purposes too.

You can amass an enormous amount of isks, but you won't be able to spend it for something other than goals mentioned above.

Yes, I know, there is some tiny percent of those, who stand out, like RP communities, or some creative individuals that from time to time find the way to overcome lack of tools and deliver some out of box content. They do their best to create a more diverse and rich ingame experience, but unfortunately mostly in their heads - as there is lack of tools to support activities other than shooting each other in space.

Eve in current state somehow reminds me those session mmo, when you need to grind money to "repair" your craft to grind more money, and in the end "pilot" more expensive craft to grind even more money. Yes, it's more complex, it have other layers than just battling each other, but all they simply here to support and complement it, and this quickly becomes obvious. All social interactions are built around this, so those people, who don't intrested in PvP that much, have some difficulties to find their place in game world, and either revert to leveling their "Raven", or just get bored and quit

Survey/voting system inbuilt to the game client: link_Reforming corp and taxation system: link_New PvE content (reward collective gameplay): link

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#12 - 2014-06-07 23:31:52 UTC
Ala Bamma wrote:
they die too much to the big hammer (10X or more then their numbers)

... that is it. If a player cant learn how to play without joining a coalition or getting their isk taken by the CFC their most likely option is leaving the game with a sour taste.

Of the 50% of new players who end up leaving the game, most probably never fired upon another player or were fired upon by another player.

Most were probably not scammed by the CFC.

They leave because EVE is boring and they fail to make human connections.

You're saying the reason people play EVE for one month and then quit is NullSec blobs or something. There is absolutely no connection between the two.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Gavin Dax
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2014-06-07 23:40:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Gavin Dax
Xuixien wrote:

They leave because EVE is boring and they fail to make human connections.

^ This
Ray Kyonhe
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2014-06-07 23:46:37 UTC
Gavin Dax wrote:
Xuixien wrote:

They leave because EVE is boring and they fail to make human connections.

^ This

Yes, and this too. Many of those who leave are convinced solo PvE players, and PvE in Eve currently is a shite. And as Eve offers very slow character progression (you can't speed up it like in typical mmo, by grinding day and night), they can't even resort to their second favorite thing - to collect something (like, pretty expensive ships and officer modules Big smile) right out from the start, as they need 3 to 6 month of training to be able to use a little fraction of those.

Survey/voting system inbuilt to the game client: link_Reforming corp and taxation system: link_New PvE content (reward collective gameplay): link

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#15 - 2014-06-07 23:50:26 UTC
Ray Kyonhe wrote:
Gavin Dax wrote:
Xuixien wrote:

They leave because EVE is boring and they fail to make human connections.

^ This

Yes, and this too. Many of those who leave are convinced solo PvE players, and PvE in Eve currently is a shite. And as Eve offers very slow character progression (you can't speed up it like in typical mmo, by grinding day and night), they can't even resort to their second favorite thing - to collect something (like, pretty expensive ships and officer modules Big smile) right out from the start, as they need 3 to 6 month of training to be able to use a little fraction of those.

They need to revamp the missions.

Security missions, in their current iteration, need their rewards nerfed a bit.

Then they need to add another form of Security mission, called "Enforcement" that's similar to an Incursion in that it focuses on a pirate faction "invading" HiSec space, and requires a group to complete. The income would be a bit above what current Security missions grant.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Ray Kyonhe
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2014-06-07 23:55:27 UTC
Xuixien wrote:

Then they need to add another form of Security mission, called "Enforcement" that's similar to an Incursion in that it focuses on a pirate faction "invading" HiSec space, and requires a group to complete. The income would be a bit above what current Security missions grant.

If you are intrested in this topic, you could check my proposal concerning this problem and share some thoughts. I tried to come up with some idea of PvE framework of sort, which will generate very diverse and pretty challenging missions on the fly, like it done in some roguelike games, where world/dungeon is generated each time you start new game. You can find a link in my signature.

Survey/voting system inbuilt to the game client: link_Reforming corp and taxation system: link_New PvE content (reward collective gameplay): link

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#17 - 2014-06-07 23:58:22 UTC
Ray Kyonhe wrote:
Xuixien wrote:

Then they need to add another form of Security mission, called "Enforcement" that's similar to an Incursion in that it focuses on a pirate faction "invading" HiSec space, and requires a group to complete. The income would be a bit above what current Security missions grant.

If you are intrested in this topic, you could check my proposal concerning this problem and share some thoughts. I tried to come up with some idea of PvE framework of sort, which will generate very diverse and pretty challenging missions on the fly, like it done in some roguelike games, where world/dungeon is generated each time you start new game. You can find a link in my signature.

I don't like the idea of "instances" in EVE where it's private and no one can enter them except your fleet.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Ray Kyonhe
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2014-06-08 00:11:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Ray Kyonhe
Xuixien wrote:

I don't like the idea of "instances" in EVE where it's private and no one can enter them except your fleet.

You should check it more carefully, they are not instances. It's dynamically generated when your fleet first warps into it, and it adapts to its composition and numbers (similar to Capital escalation mechanics from WH); mission environment are highly randomized and some pretty good safeguards are placed to make life of multiboxers harder, so to encourage collective approach.

The profits from bounties/rewards/loot also scale up to "power index" of your fleet, but as strength of mobs scale up just to this index, profits scale up only to the number of those who are in the same corp as that who received the mission (it's more profitable to engage those missions with your corpmates) - to encourage joining one.

But these missions as easly scanable as any other current agent mission complex.

Survey/voting system inbuilt to the game client: link_Reforming corp and taxation system: link_New PvE content (reward collective gameplay): link

Foxstar Damaskeenus
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2014-06-08 00:23:33 UTC
A solution could be to increase taxes or some disadvantage example: the more money you make the higher your taxes get effectively putting a cap on wealth mongering. In Eve it could be the amount of players in an alliance eventually you get penalized. The problem with that is, groups like the CFC (specifically) aren't even in the same alliance, its a bunch of alliances that want to suck up.. er simply agree to never shoot each other but shoot other people.

Requiring a player to join some sort of corp might be a start to creating a human connection but some will simply chose to make their own corp and remain bored and isolated.

Maybe they could put a little disclaimer or popup or have new player "tips" or messages come up for new accounts. One of the tips could be "Eve is more fun when you play with other people".

"[this thread] is a cesspit of trolling and flaming" ISD Buldath

Ray Kyonhe
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2014-06-08 03:33:08 UTC
Ala Bamma wrote:

1. instead of devoting a bigger node to prevent tidi, how about capping the number of players in the fight?

As somebody already have mentioned above, that won't work good. At least because equal number not necessarily mean equality in power in Eve. Do you imply CCP should create some kind of balancer to oversee it? That simply isnn't possible and will be horribly exploited by players.

There are still better approaches to the problem, and they were mentioned many times. All the strategy of nullsecs' warfare should be redesigned this way, that coming with all you got to one system will shurely bring you to the defeat if your enemy will answer with less massive, but multidirectional counterstrike. For example, by making it so that to capture a system you have to secure several objects in serveral other systems of this constellation (so it should force you to split your forces along wide frontline to achieve success).

As another enforcing control speed of fleet's movement while warping and moving through portals could be tied up to its size, so if you have fleet of 700 ships in one system, your warping speed will become horrible, like 5-10 minutes only to allign and reach the gate, and then gate will be preparing to send you another 5-10 minutes. And if somehow you will get into a system with another huge enemy fleet, you both won't probably be able to avoid confrontation anymore, as you are effectively locked here. This will make fleets of such sizes pretty unusable and lacking mobility, so if you stuffed all your ships in one system, and your opponent divided it in 5 parts, 3 of which attacked other systems, and 2 - your home region, you are in a pretty pinch situation as you will spend around 20-30 minutes only to devide your ranks and get out of here segment by segment before you'll be able to react.

Survey/voting system inbuilt to the game client: link_Reforming corp and taxation system: link_New PvE content (reward collective gameplay): link

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