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Industrial player learning the ropes of pvp!

Ewok Treen
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2014-06-06 19:41:31 UTC
I assume that the EVE forums are cluttered with these, but I am gonna say it anyways. I am an undustrial play that was kicked out of my industrial corp and decided that I want to get into pvp. I sold my Orca for capital and I am ready to learn how to play. If anyone wants to like, coach me or train me in pvp, even a little advice, eve mail me or shoot a conversation request over. Thanks! Lol
Bridgette d'Iberville
Better Killing Through Chemistry
#2 - 2014-06-06 19:49:58 UTC
How much of a grudge do you have toward your former Corp? There could be some people over in the Crime & Punishment Forum that may be willing to take you under their wing. It would make a great story if nothing else.

"I considered a career in griefing, but then realized that I would never achieve the level of tear generation that CCP manages to do each and every expansion."

Isabela Valentine
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2014-06-07 00:05:13 UTC
If you're really looking to learn pvp just post this type of thread in the recruitment area. Seems like it would be more appropraite there. So.... why were you kicked? Didn't participate enough in mining fleets?
Ewok Treen
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2014-06-07 00:27:13 UTC
I was kicked because I was chatting with someone that decced our corp who later turned out to be a huge jerk that I'd much rather dec with my new corp. I still have positive relations with the corp that kicked me.
Loraine Gess
Confedeferate Union of Tax Legalists
#5 - 2014-06-07 01:37:21 UTC
Not really any point training a third party unless you're getting paid for it...
#6 - 2014-06-07 05:21:23 UTC
Check out the Mjolnir Bloc (corp) / The Bloc (alliance). MBLOC was set up nine months ago by two trader/industrialists who wanted to learn to PvP so you might find some common ground with us. If you're interested drop into our recruiting channel (MBLOC Public) We're a Faction Warfare corp/alliance, though, so if it's highsec wardec PvP you are after there are better places to go.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#7 - 2014-06-07 05:46:22 UTC
Epikurus wrote:
Check out the Mjolnir Bloc (corp) / The Bloc (alliance). MBLOC was set up nine months ago by two trader/industrialists who wanted to learn to PvP so you might find some common ground with us. If you're interested drop into our recruiting channel (MBLOC Public) We're a Faction Warfare corp/alliance, though, so if it's highsec wardec PvP you are after there are better places to go.

These guys are pr0!
#8 - 2014-06-07 06:22:14 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Epikurus wrote:
Check out the Mjolnir Bloc (corp) / The Bloc (alliance). MBLOC was set up nine months ago by two trader/industrialists who wanted to learn to PvP so you might find some common ground with us. If you're interested drop into our recruiting channel (MBLOC Public) We're a Faction Warfare corp/alliance, though, so if it's highsec wardec PvP you are after there are better places to go.

These guys are pr0!

Be nice. Just because you have more kills by yourself than our corp does ...
Catalytic morphisis
Deep Space Coalition
#9 - 2014-06-07 13:03:34 UTC
Once I can get back to the actual game rather than being a forum cruiser I'll be doing low sec/0.0 roaming in frigs, Cruisers and such, Cheap ships mainly and people are always welcome to come along and get advice and help in learning, Add me in game if you like, You'll also get to be live on stream if I happen to be doing a twitch stream at the time

Actual Link free and scout free solo PvP'er

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2014-06-11 17:28:54 UTC
Catalytic morphisis wrote:
Once I can get back to the actual game rather than being a forum cruiser I'll be doing low sec/0.0 roaming in frigs, Cruisers and such, Cheap ships mainly and people are always welcome to come along and get advice and help in learning, Add me in game if you like, You'll also get to be live on stream if I happen to be doing a twitch stream at the time

I'm adding you, cause that sounds like a ton of fun.

To the OP. I suck at PVP, but I'll gladly share anything and everything I know any time. :D Sending you a mail.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Eagle's Talon's
#11 - 2014-06-11 22:10:40 UTC  |  Edited by: DrysonBennington
Treen....CODE is not PvP....they are Suicidists who blob to a ship and attack it in High Sector.

If you are looking for PvP that you can learn the ropes without becoming - Red Dead convo me.
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2014-06-13 03:30:07 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Treen....CODE is not PvP....they are Suicidists who blob to a ship and attack it in High Sector.

If you are looking for PvP that you can learn the ropes without becoming - Red Dead convo me.

Don't convo him.

He leaves corp the second somebody likes me declares war against him. You wont learn much from him.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

#13 - 2014-06-13 06:56:07 UTC
The rifter used to be ship of choice that people would suggest when starting out with pvp, "fit up 100 rifters and go down to low/null".

These days after the ship balances they all have their perks and you'll do well learning nearly any of them, pvp doesnt even have to be expensive, i've linked my breacher fit below that costs around 4-5 mill per ship and i've lost count with the amount of kills i've had with that fit.


chose a frigate that you're already skilled best for, fit up 20 or so of them with a meta fit and go pvp in it, you'll learn it's strengths and weaknesses and what you're able to take on.

also, HEAT, train up the thermal dynamics skill (i think that's what it's called) as far as possible because overheating will save your life. Cool
Karak Bol
Low-Sec Survival Ltd.
#14 - 2014-06-13 07:11:00 UTC
I always advice for adapting towards lowsec Industry. PvP happens there. You can go out in a cheap cruiser an will be killed... and then... suddenly... you -kill- something that was aggressing you. You will feel the rush, the adrenaline, the euphoria of hitting back and winning... and then you will hunt that feeling, and it will be always out of your grasp... *sigh* I will get drunk now...
Catalytic morphisis
Deep Space Coalition
#15 - 2014-06-13 10:17:52 UTC
Tengu Grib wrote:
Catalytic morphisis wrote:
Once I can get back to the actual game rather than being a forum cruiser I'll be doing low sec/0.0 roaming in frigs, Cruisers and such, Cheap ships mainly and people are always welcome to come along and get advice and help in learning, Add me in game if you like, You'll also get to be live on stream if I happen to be doing a twitch stream at the time

I'm adding you, cause that sounds like a ton of fun.

To the OP. I suck at PVP, but I'll gladly share anything and everything I know any time. :D Sending you a mail.

Sounds good dude, Gone down really well in the past when I've done them :)

Actual Link free and scout free solo PvP'er

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#16 - 2014-06-13 12:15:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Ima Wreckyou
Join the FW militia and start with cheap frigates. You can ask the people there for good fits, you can join small gangs to roam around with and you get LP which translates into ISK for your next cheap frigate.

It's just a tonn of fun and you learn the basics at it. You will die a lot at first, but always remember that ships in eve are consumables and there is no need for an expensive pod when you start to PvP.

Edit: EVE Uni link with a guide that may help you get started
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#17 - 2014-06-14 17:02:37 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
Join the FW militia and start with cheap frigates. You can ask the people there for good fits, you can join small gangs to roam around with and you get LP which translates into ISK for your next cheap frigate.

It's just a tonn of fun and you learn the basics at it. You will die a lot at first, but always remember that ships in eve are consumables and there is no need for an expensive pod when you start to PvP.

Edit: EVE Uni link with a guide that may help you get started

Yup, there is a lot of fun to be had in cheap FW. Another great cheap option is RvB. Ton of fun and a good chance to learn some basics. Fit dirt cheap for RvB though, even cheaper than you would for FW. I have 32 executioners left over from the last time I was in Red, their fits are just under 1 million per ship (including the hull).

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Eagle's Talon's
#18 - 2014-06-15 14:12:08 UTC
Tengu Grib wrote:
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
Join the FW militia and start with cheap frigates. You can ask the people there for good fits, you can join small gangs to roam around with and you get LP which translates into ISK for your next cheap frigate.

It's just a tonn of fun and you learn the basics at it. You will die a lot at first, but always remember that ships in eve are consumables and there is no need for an expensive pod when you start to PvP.

Edit: EVE Uni link with a guide that may help you get started

Yup, there is a lot of fun to be had in cheap FW. Another great cheap option is RvB. Ton of fun and a good chance to learn some basics. Fit dirt cheap for RvB though, even cheaper than you would for FW. I have 32 executioners left over from the last time I was in Red, their fits are just under 1 million per ship (including the hull).

Treen - The whole idea behind PvP is to not die a lot. The idea is make the other guy die for your kill board without losing your pod.

This is the main reason why CODE Ganking is the best PvP trainer. During their Blobs they fly Catalysts and or Thrashers which are easy to gank, ecm, drone, smartbomb or snipe because of their - Red is Always Dead status.

Even if you come across one of them in a cruiser or battleship which you hardly ever will because they have to be fast and mobile you can still lock them down with a 24k Warp Scramble II. ECM them and attack them all the while the rest of local will be locking them up as well.

The CODE Alliance is by far the best PvP Training target in the Universe, and you don't have to lose ships or a pod in the process.
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#19 - 2014-06-15 14:35:18 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Tengu Grib wrote:
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
Join the FW militia and start with cheap frigates. You can ask the people there for good fits, you can join small gangs to roam around with and you get LP which translates into ISK for your next cheap frigate.

It's just a tonn of fun and you learn the basics at it. You will die a lot at first, but always remember that ships in eve are consumables and there is no need for an expensive pod when you start to PvP.

Edit: EVE Uni link with a guide that may help you get started

Yup, there is a lot of fun to be had in cheap FW. Another great cheap option is RvB. Ton of fun and a good chance to learn some basics. Fit dirt cheap for RvB though, even cheaper than you would for FW. I have 32 executioners left over from the last time I was in Red, their fits are just under 1 million per ship (including the hull).

Treen - The whole idea behind PvP is to not die a lot. The idea is make the other guy die for your kill board without losing your pod.

This is the main reason why CODE Ganking is the best PvP trainer. During their Blobs they fly Catalysts and or Thrashers which are easy to gank, ecm, drone, smartbomb or snipe because of their - Red is Always Dead status.

Even if you come across one of them in a cruiser or battleship which you hardly ever will because they have to be fast and mobile you can still lock them down with a 24k Warp Scramble II. ECM them and attack them all the while the rest of local will be locking them up as well.

The CODE Alliance is by far the best PvP Training target in the Universe, and you don't have to lose ships or a pod in the process.

Warp Scrambler II cannot scram at 24km. You need boost for that and a ship that has bonus to scram range. You can however use a disruptor II at 24km without any boost.

Once again.. Like I said. Don't listen to him, he knows nothing.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#20 - 2014-06-15 15:45:43 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Treen - The whole idea behind PvP is to not die a lot. The idea is make the other guy die for your kill board without losing your pod.

That's terrible advice. You learn from your mistakes. If you don't make any mistakes you'll never learn anything. Get out there, make mistakes, think about what went wrong, ask on the forums if you can't figure it out, convo the person who killed you, ask what you could have done better. (you'll be surprised how often they are perfectly willing to tell you)

DrysonBennington wrote:
Even if you come across one of them in a cruiser or battleship which you hardly ever will because they have to be fast and mobile you can still lock them down with a 24k Warp Scramble II.

24k warp scramble II. Wow. Quality advice right there.

DrysonBennington wrote:
ECM them and attack them all the while the rest of local will be locking them up as well.

Yeah cause that ever happens. Even when a carebear does decide to fight back, his carebear brethren cheer him on in local while they continue to mine. Or they remain docked in station, or cloaked in their favorite battleship. (Not kidding)

DrysonBennington wrote:
The CODE Alliance is by far the best PvP Training target in the Universe, and you don't have to lose ships or a pod in the process.

Fighting Code is a very specific situation in PVP, you have to counter our specific tactics. I wouldn't say trying to hunt code is great PVP training because it doesn't prepare you for the myriad of possible situations you have to deal with in PVP. It could potentially teach you about lock times, Ewar, bumping and counter bumping, and maybe a few other things, but it's a far cry from a thorough pvp training.

If you do want to learn to PVP, don't do it from Dryson, he's awful at pvp and a coward, he wouldn't even fight Cannibal Kane. Don't take any advice from him. If you don't believe me, check his killboard.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

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