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Wreck Creation Services: A new corp with a goal of small gang pvp!USTZ

Nex Parietis
Interstellar Booty Hunters
#1 - 2014-06-05 16:37:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Nex Parietis
Hello there Eve denizens.

I am a CEO of a new corp that I hope can draw some attention in the crowd.
We are a small group currently, but a lot of corps are like that.

A few things, which is pretty much a copy of the recruitment ad that I have up.

We are a multifetish artificial being with a heavy focus on teamwork and non-contemporary or experimental pvp. And the best part? We are learning.

If you like that, fire off an application.
As for specifics? Heres what we aim to do:
-No Skillpoint requirements
-Trials accepted(Just let the recruiter know!)
-Group activities
-A place to learn about EvE in a relaxed enviroment
-Embracing PvP as a integral part of the game, throughout the New Eden universe.
-An area where you can field ideas and have them put to the test because itd be fun to try.

If you want to dive right on into eve and help a corp build itself up as a bunch of crazy homeless people, then sign up, we'd be glad to have you.

1. I want to make a corp that embraces pvp as a regular part of the game.
2. I want to try stupid ideas that seem ridiculous. Battle barges,Combat industrials, massive ecm fits, just odd things.
3. I want to have a good social group that works together to achieve group activities, be it incursions or small gang pvp.

Join "Wreck Observation Yard" if you want to just chat.

Fly safe!
Nex Parietis
Interstellar Booty Hunters
#2 - 2014-06-06 20:12:46 UTC
Still out and about looking for people interested in getting out there and attacking all the things.