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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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About Lowsec Plexin

First post
Kero Resistanbul
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-06-04 23:16:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Kero Resistanbul
Hello guys;

I am plexing in fw since may. I'm new on that but after this patch i 'm like mad. By the way i'm not a lp farmer. I'm just a pvp pilot need isk to surive and buy new ships.

Plexes npc are so powerful now. Especialy if u in a rifter u can't destroy the destroyer in small. I didn't try to get in medium and large after that. ( Before patch i was doin all of them. )

NPC spawning like a mushroom. When you enter the plex and destroy the npc it ll spawn very shortly and u have to scan your scanner for rats, destroy very fast frig whic is npc.
Sometimes after destroying npc timer stil remain contested. İ'm orbiting, approching, bouncing but still having same bug.

Plexing was not easy before patch ( except cloakers ) but now it's very very painful. I was earnıng my pvp money from plexin but know its very hard to do that.

Please don't mix the farmers and just plexers.This patch ll stop the farmers but it ll be a pain for plexers.Anticloak on plex is awesome but powerful npc are takin our time so much. 10min novice last 15 min without rats. İts very annoying.

Pirates-rats-npc timers is killin our time. Maybe npc's strenght can be lower and maybe npc spawn time can be longer.

Please help with that cuz if we can't plex we can't play ....
Sugar Kyle
Middle Ground
#2 - 2014-06-04 23:49:01 UTC
You are able to kill the rats in the novice with your Rifter?

Have you tried destroyers for the current situation?

Is it just time or are you losing ships?

Member of CSM9 and CSM10.

Douglas Nolm
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2014-06-05 05:42:22 UTC
Sounds like it's working as intended to me. Do you have weapon upgrades in the lows? Are you thinking about which ammo type you're using?
A destroyer should be a tough target for a frigate.
Ice Fire Warriors
#4 - 2014-06-05 07:31:05 UTC
I am receiving reports that our 3 month old rookie (in a **** PvP-fit) is only having slightly more difficulty killing the NPC rats in FW complexes... but is still truckin' on.

Try harder OP... preferably with less warp core stabs.
Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2014-06-05 07:36:06 UTC
What's your DPS? Looking at your KB it seems like you like to fit mwd fit brawler rifters. Are you using your MWD while brawling?

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-06-05 07:49:00 UTC
Kero Resistanbul wrote:
Hello guys;

I am plexing in fw since may. I'm new on that but after this patch i 'm like mad. By the way i'm not a lp farmer. I'm just a pvp pilot need isk to surive and buy new ships.

Plexes npc are so powerful now. Especialy if u in a rifter u can't destroy the destroyer in small. I didn't try to get in medium and large after that. ( Before patch i was doin all of them. )

NPC spawning like a mushroom. When you enter the plex and destroy the npc it ll spawn very shortly and u have to scan your scanner for rats, destroy very fast frig whic is npc.
Sometimes after destroying npc timer stil remain contested. İ'm orbiting, approching, bouncing but still having same bug.

Plexing was not easy before patch ( except cloakers ) but now it's very very painful. I was earnıng my pvp money from plexin but know its very hard to do that.

Please don't mix the farmers and just plexers.This patch ll stop the farmers but it ll be a pain for plexers.Anticloak on plex is awesome but powerful npc are takin our time so much. 10min novice last 15 min without rats. İts very annoying.

Pirates-rats-npc timers is killin our time. Maybe npc's strenght can be lower and maybe npc spawn time can be longer.

Please help with that cuz if we can't plex we can't play ....

adapt your ship to the difficulty
adapt your skills to the ship needed.

That is balancing.

If you cant handle it you are not supposed to do it. simple as that.

Doctor Knuckles
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2014-06-05 09:58:03 UTC
OP has a legit concern tbh.

Rats in smalls can't be killed with less than 110ish dps, apparently. Which is low, indeed, but above what many legit kiting fighting fits can push out

Altough my biggest concern is the rat respawning mid fight. That's something that can turn a 1v1 no doubt (simple solution here, make the rat non aggressive, he shoots only if shooted at, but the timer stops as long the rat's alive)
Kero Resistanbul
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2014-06-05 10:06:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Kero Resistanbul
Guys i have the skills i can take the frigate quickly BUT after the patch its painful.You can't enter the novice with des you have to go there with frigs. In that situtation ( new pvp players and earning isk from plexes from fw ) it's time wasting anoying and cause the leave plexin or eve . I'm guna tell you why?

Just for novice

When u enter the plex u 've to destroy frig after 90 sec u have to destroy it again and after 90 again and again. When npc resapwn timer is contested so u r wasting your time for killin nothin!!! Also u have to scan for rats and. It's painful for earning isk.

Anti cloak in plexes is awesome but UPGRADED npc is unnecessary. I dont want to do plex anymore. Plexin was very boring and time wasting before patch but now its also PAINFUL and annoying.

For small -destroyer

When i enter the small and medium and large it was cheesy. If i m brawler i was web him and orbit 500 and kill in seconds but know after the patch when i enter the small and want to do same thing, destroyer shield rep is very fast and it's just time wasting.

I didnt try to enter med or large after patch after that npc ...

Dear CCP we have to earn isk and give our precious time to earn isk to pvp. When u put that npcs at there we have to deal with upgraded npc, a lot of rats and wt. I'm a lot of us r workin in real life so we have 2-3 hours in a day for eve. When i want to earn isk if i cant earn it how it ll be ? It's not neccessary to do that just lower the new npcs hp and change the spawn time ...
I know u want action in low sec but in plexes we have to earn isk too...
Samuel Triptee
#9 - 2014-06-06 13:37:21 UTC
Attention.. Attention New FW Players!

Do not fly with stabs on your ships!

Commit to a fight only if you plan on winning or loosing. Running away is not an option.

It requires a different mindset, but it is much more rewarding to fly dangerously.

1. You must learn to use the D-Scan and the Local Channel to see who and what is in system and where they are.

2. You must learn to use the Pilot Info to see how old and potentially how skilled the player is.

3. You must learn the capabilities of each ship you see.

In general, fitting a ship with stabs is a safety blanket to help you get out of a situation you probably should have avoided in the first place.

Take 10m ISK, buy and fit as many T1 frigs as possible. Go plex. Take fights when you think you can win. Finish what you start.

I am by no means a good PvP pilot, but I do know committing to a fight is the same as committing to learn this game. Bite the bullet, go through the learning curve and practice, practice, practice.

Have You Hugged Your Frigate Today?

Ovv Topik
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2014-06-06 14:49:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Ovv Topik
Say goodbye to your Rifter buddy, it just cant cut it now.

Go for the top brawlers - Incursus, Tormentor or Merlin, and use Void or Conflag on the rats.

All 3 of those will top 200dps easily, which makes handling the Nov, Sml and Med rats feel like they were before the patch.

If you like your Minni hulls, the Firetail is only about 8m atm. An active shield tanker will be perfect for plexing.

The respawning is a hassle, but we'll get used to it, and remember it is keeping the pesky cloaky farmers away!

BTW: Don't fit a MWD with a web and scram. Go for an AB on a brawler. Your opponents scram will kill your MWD costing you all range control.

"Nicknack, I'm in a shoe in space, on my computer, in my house, with a cup of coffee, in't that something." - Fly Safe PopPaddi. o7