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Upgrading Local to Eliminate All AFK Influence

First post
Cassandra Aurilien
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#381 - 2014-06-02 19:32:23 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:

Ahhh, allow me to point out the details you seem to be missing.

As to the game map offering intel, that's lovely. I would also tweak this to offer updates only once per 24 hour period, diminishing the intel to statistical value rather than tactical.

This idea, by concealing the presence of those parked behind POS shields, and docked, removes awareness of presence for those who would otherwise react to these numbers.

The hostile pilot who skims a quick look at local, has no idea how many reserve forces are NOT listed, as a result.

At the same time, local forces need to scan more directly to determine hostile presence, which can bounce between multiple systems in order to boost confusion regarding where they might be at any one time.
That name flickering in local... Was that them just arriving, or simply decloaking off grid... maybe they stuck the ship outside a POS shield just long enough....?

Player effort trumps all, applied properly. And isn't that what makes the game interesting?

Those in POS shields & docked are no direct threat until they undock or leave the POS.

Using the mining fleet as an example, without a cloaky ship to provide a warp in, you have sufficient time to escape from a cloaked gang.

If the cloaky ship even appears on grid, your "detector" ship will know it's there. And since it can't use any prop mods while under cloak, you have plenty of time to get away. The other option is to use combat probes, but since you can see those on D-scan, and know exactly what ships are actually in system and able to deploy them (a cloaked ship has to decloak to deploy probes), you have advance notice of that, as well.

If that cloaky has pre-setup bookmarks, it might just get lucky enough to drop in on top of you, but you know that it's there and looking for you, if it picks the wrong point in the field.

Secondly, the quick flash of someone in local would guarantee a cloaky ship doing something. (Or maybe a ship poking it's nose out of a POS, but the question would be why would they do that in the first place?) It takes several seconds to burn back to a gate or to be able to redock at a station, so if the name is there for only 1-2 seconds, it's going to be a cloaky.

As to the question that someone asked about whether that info is live, I'll have to check. I had the map up while typing this, and the numbers in the various systems updated several times. (I had to reclick the button for it to do so.) It doesn't look like it's instant, but it doesn't look like there is a delay of more than a minute or so, maybe less.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#382 - 2014-06-02 19:54:38 UTC
Cassandra Aurilien wrote:
Those in POS shields & docked are no direct threat until they undock or leave the POS.

Using the mining fleet as an example, without a cloaky ship to provide a warp in, you have sufficient time to escape from a cloaked gang.

If the cloaky ship even appears on grid, your "detector" ship will know it's there. And since it can't use any prop mods while under cloak, you have plenty of time to get away. The other option is to use combat probes, but since you can see those on D-scan, and know exactly what ships are actually in system and able to deploy them (a cloaked ship has to decloak to deploy probes), you have advance notice of that, as well.

If that cloaky has pre-setup bookmarks, it might just get lucky enough to drop in on top of you, but you know that it's there and looking for you, if it picks the wrong point in the field.

Secondly, the quick flash of someone in local would guarantee a cloaky ship doing something. (Or maybe a ship poking it's nose out of a POS, but the question would be why would they do that in the first place?) It takes several seconds to burn back to a gate or to be able to redock at a station, so if the name is there for only 1-2 seconds, it's going to be a cloaky.

As to the question that someone asked about whether that info is live, I'll have to check. I had the map up while typing this, and the numbers in the various systems updated several times. (I had to reclick the button for it to do so.) It doesn't look like it's instant, but it doesn't look like there is a delay of more than a minute or so, maybe less.

Cloaked, docked, and those behind POS shields are no threat. This remains unchanged, and seems odd to point out, although you left out cloaked in your list.
The fact that those behind POS shields and cloaked can both quickly change these postures, is worth consideration.

As to my detector ship being able to spot cloaked traffic, technically true so long as they have that module active.
The thoughtfulness behind those willing to sacrifice their play time in order to babysit a mining fleet, is sadly too rare. Most players tend to seek out more predictable encounters, above those that might never eventually yield anything.

Now, add to this, that the ship fitting that module you referred to, cannot mine while observing, or do much of anything really.
If they decide to engage, they must first close to within targeting range, without the benefit of any prop mods to aid them.
Otherwise, when they switch modes, they will lose sight of the cloaked ship.

I hope you do understand, that right now the mechanics simply display the new pilot, and all who feel unprepared simply warp off without delay.
You have players making a greater effort, as well as cooperating for mutual benefit, in order to portray this as not adequate for a solution.

I am satisfied with players making an effort to counter each other. If I am not mistaken, that is the very nature of competition, and should be held in high regard.

I think you felt concern this was unbalanced, so I am happy to help correct this misconception.
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#383 - 2014-06-03 00:30:06 UTC
There are and have been many discussions on the same subject..

As such, thread closed.

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ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)