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Please Do Something About Bots

Prince Kobol
#21 - 2011-12-03 22:58:00 UTC
Joking aside, CCP are in a no win situation here.

A lot of player presume/suspect that most null sec alliances are heavily engaged in RMT (rightly or wrongly) and everything that includes.

The majority of members of all of the CSM combined are\were members of large null sec alliances.

People who are currently employed by CCP also were part of the same null sec alliances that have / are currently part of the CSM.

So when the topic on conversation turns to RMT/Bots the perception of a lot of players is that CCP are aware of those who part take in RMT but because of friendships / history / past associations etc that they turn a blind eye. (Again rightly or wrongly)

You can also throw into the mix that many people think that CCP are scared of punishing these said alliances as it might lead to a significant number of players leaving and CCP are in a no-win situation.

The only way CCP could ever prove to the Eve population that they do take the business of banning players who are involved in RMT is to name and shame, however that is something I can never see them doing.

So we are in this situation where when it comes to the subject of RMT, CCP will always look bad.

Now quite a few months back CCP Screeg was quite vocal here on the forums and a big show was put on all about the subject of bots and RMT and yet everything went very quite and we have heard next to nothing.

Now some people will just point out the CCP Screeg was a member/leader of the goons and most likely involved in RMT so he can not be trusted.

Again we arrive at CCP can not win.

The question that needs to be answered by the player base is

"How can CCP make the players believe that people who are involved in RMT are punished"

If this question can not be answered then nothing CCP do will ever be enough.

Arjola Elongur
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2011-12-03 23:02:31 UTC
Astrid Stjerna wrote:
Florestan Bronstein wrote:

making python injections and hooking into the eve process slightly less trivial would be a good first step.

A good first step, but only effective until someone finds the next loophole. You can wrap the client in enough security to make a corporate firewall look hopelessly amateur, but eventually someone, somewhere, will find a way in.

Velicitia wrote:

... you do realise that it is possible to determine if the money is coming from sell orders, right?

When I worked for T-Mobile, we had an unofficial policy about disputed calls: the customer has to point to a call that she thinks is suspect. There are way too many calls logged in an account for us to just go through them one by one.

It's the same with EVE.

There are, at any given moment, twenty to thirty thousand people playing this game, and at least 3/4 of them are buying and selling on the market at any given time. I don't know about you, but I don't exactly love the idea of running through a log of two or three million orders in search of a weird pattern of 'sell' commands.

Pre-screening would be done by computers and they don't get to decide what they love to do and what not (at least for now).

Stuff always sounds like impossible to solve if you start thinking about the most complicated way of doing it.
Seriously, a human scanning all the market transactions to find those accounts that make money 24/7 by NOT doing market transactions?! That's not even close to making sense...
Dbars Grinding
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2011-12-03 23:26:33 UTC
Shocked the irony

I have more space likes than you. 

Mentat Cthulhu
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2011-12-03 23:31:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Mentat Cthulhu
well ok maybe it wouldn't work for market bots so good but macro ratter definitely bounties received over a span of 16 hours (very generous imo) should get account flagged for investigation. You know GM turns up to clear drones/probes off a gate camp because some dude whines about it? Why can't they take a few mins to check a bot?!!?

I reported so many dudes and I usually add them to contact list. tramalius, atfaster and the rest of the bots in in Idilios Corp, Red Citizens (now a different corp in RC but same ceo) I reported almost 3 months ago. Still botting near 23/7 in QN-6J2 and adjacent systems (he has 2 sets of character he cycles for ~12 hours to try avoid suspicion). Same thing NK-AOZ constellation, Geminate. Bot farm still going strong. How do I know they bot? I use blue spy alt to awox and I can say with 100% certainty whether they are botting.
Mentat Cthulhu
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2011-12-03 23:36:26 UTC
Nerf local in 0.0 imo is the solution. Provide intel tools that bots aren't able to just check pixel color to use. The botters would keep at it for a while till they got sick of people farming them for easy guaranteed kills then they would go bot high sec lvl4s. Good!! further decrease in value of lp (the high sec nerf we've been waiting for!).
Kronos Research
#26 - 2011-12-04 01:03:51 UTC
T' Elk wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
A Russian Alliance complaining about bots... Jesus next thing you know we will have the the goons claiming they are also against bots..

wait a minute....

This is what I believe those in the world of literature call dramatic irony.

I'd just call it racism.
Veerhouven Group
#27 - 2011-12-04 01:38:32 UTC  |  Edited by: ACY GTMI
FORGET BOTS!!! (Caps intended.)

The bot problem is a CCP problem. Not a player problem.

We keep paying them.

They keep saying they are going to do something to fix it.

They don't.

We keep paying them anyway.

From kind of an Icelandic point of view . . . makes sense to me.
Widemouth Deepthroat
Pink Sockers
#28 - 2011-12-04 03:29:30 UTC
I saw this the other day. Pretty interesting although runescape blows.!
Prince Kobol
#29 - 2011-12-04 07:42:41 UTC
ACY GTMI wrote:
FORGET BOTS!!! (Caps intended.)

The bot problem is a CCP problem. Not a player problem.

We keep paying them.

They keep saying they are going to do something to fix it.

They don't.

We keep paying them anyway.

From kind of an Icelandic point of view . . . makes sense to me.

Sebastian N Cain
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2011-12-04 08:16:32 UTC
Desmios Sanguis wrote:
Please Do Something About Bots

Is CCP listening to anything we say? I've played since 2007 and I've never seen things this bad. Market/mining/ratting (market botting in particular) is at an ALL-TIME high! CCP, DO SOMETHING! It's driving me crazy!

I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.

I got lost in thought... it was unfamiliar territory.

Miss President
#31 - 2011-12-04 19:37:25 UTC
I think an update from CCP is due on their action against bots.

I've been doing some exploration and guess what I see, some noob corp within a renter alliance of one of the power blogs, with corp and player names slightly more creative then before. Players of this corp spread through different systems ratting in drakes. ALso the system they rat in doesn't really belong to them but is empty from other owners.

Here is an issue, once CCP increased pressure on BOTs, bot also have probably got more creative - so I wonder if CCP has stopped upped their game and is working harder.

Additionally, I was reading one of the post on eve-o forums listed a bot source - which I'm not going to repeat , but it's not a direct website, but a source - I was curious and checked it out - the bot seller claims 100% no detection by CCP - and buyer feedback is all positive. I still wouldn't even try it or trust it from not stealing my passwords and credit cards credentials - but I'm sure other people just buy it - and looking at the site the program is very popular in feedback - verifiable feedback btw nothing fake.

This tells me CCP is greatly behind their game. This also tells me that all PR they did about fighting bots was only temporary to keep players down - because they were loosing subscriptions.

In short,bots still there- CCP is quiet. Hopefully an update will come forth from CCP - proving that they are still working hard on the issue and perhaps issuing some statistics.

Borun Tal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2011-12-04 19:52:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Borun Tal
If mining bots: kill them. Rejoice in the awesomeness that is King of Killmails, if you're into that tripe.

If missioning bots, follow them on missions, loot/salvage, profit.

ps: check Kamio. Loaded with ice mining bots. You're welcome.

pps: can't wait for Hulkageddon. Cool
#33 - 2011-12-04 20:01:32 UTC
They did.

They gave am all another bot for 60 days.
Syrkos Technologies
#34 - 2011-12-04 20:09:02 UTC
I offer a partial solution. You run sql queries on the db and look for anomalies. Takes a little effort and you run the queries on a mirror. You will pick up botters for follow up. This will work in most cases if you design the queries properly. I used to do this for a living though obviously not on CCP servers.

It really is that simple. Its very hard to evade because you are looking at results not actions.

My two cents.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2011-12-04 20:10:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Nullity
I agree that the botting problem is getting completely out of hand, and has to be dealt with in some radical way. I recently came across an entire forum dedicated to assisting people with botting in EVE. Perhaps I was naive before, but I never knew that botting was rampant enough to generate an entire subcommunity assisting in its practice. That is completely unacceptable, and very disheartening to see people ruin a game as unique as EVE with rampant cheating.

Edit: I think it's worth saying that I actually attempted to notify CCP of the forum I mentioned, but have yet to hear of any response.
Opertone wrote:

ISK farming, by bots or by forced labour is immoral act which undermines EvE's open end economic system.

Very true.
Atomic Core Industries and Science
#36 - 2011-12-04 20:17:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Zevina
I really cant see what the 60-day trial has to do with bots. You were able to create alt accounts with 51 days for free for years now. And there definetly is nothing financially rewarding in Eve which you could do with 2 months training. (apart from scamming, luck or special one-time activities)

I guess the most hate against botters comes from players which have a hard time getting enough ISK to pay their bills. They think botting must be the easiest and most lucrative thing ever and often enough when they see a wealthy player they scream "BOT BOT". Its nonsense...
Im sure there are botters in Eve, but likely a very small percentage of how much people think there are.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2011-12-04 20:19:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Nullity
Zevina wrote:

I guess the most hate against botters comes from players which have a hard time getting enough ISK to pay their bills. They think botting must be the easiest and most lucrative thing ever and often enough when they see a wealthy player they scream "BOT BOT". Its nonsense...
Im sure there are botters in Eve, but likely a very small percentage of how what people think there are.

The hate comes from the fact that such a practice is against the rules, and cheating in a game as unique like this is a pretty cruel thing to do. It gives them an obvious an unfair advantage. There's no other games like EVE really. Ruin this, and we have nothing left.

As for how many botters there actually are, see my previous post regarding people using bots having a subcommunity forum. It's sickening.
Evei Shard
Shard Industries
#38 - 2011-12-04 20:24:29 UTC
Botting was fixed completely back around the release of Incarna when CCP added the "Report Bot" feature. Therefore there are no more bots in the game, as everyone knows that when you use "Report Bot" that CCP jumps right on it to determine if the reported user is a bot.

No really. That's what happens

CCP wouldn't lie to us, you all know that.

Profit favors the prepared

Atomic Core Industries and Science
#39 - 2011-12-04 20:30:09 UTC
Nah Im not saying botting werent a very very bad thing. It sure is unfair for all who arent and after all its a multiplayer game and playing along with a bot kinda contradicts the idea behind an MMO.

But my point is I dont feel like botting is such a great problem in Eve and often people just exaggerate. For instance a few months back I was farming belt rats in a very quiet low sec system and some guy enters local. So I warp to my safespot, turn the cloak on and go grab some coffee from my kitchen. When Im back in front of my computer the whole local chat is spammed with some broken english "bot bot" bragging and a another few minutes later a GM actually shows up and literally asks me if I was botting.
That was probably the most rediculous thing I ever experienced in my Eve life and I guess in some form it happens rather regularly.
Wolf Kruol
Suicide Squad Gamma
#40 - 2011-12-04 20:30:29 UTC
I try every chance I get. Twisted

“If you're very very stupid? How can you possibly realize you're very very stupid?

You have to be relatively intelligent to realize how stupid you really are!”