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Milites Umbra
#1 - 2014-05-23 20:26:45 UTC
Hey guys,

Long time player first time on linux and i'm struggling to get things to work.

I downloaded play on linux and all the extras it needed but I'm unable to get past the game launcher. Game is all installed and updated but when I click on play, it just bounces from launching back to the play option. I must be doing something wrong and was hoping one of you fine folks could help me out..

AMD 965 Phenon II 3.8ghz
8GB of Ram
Nvidia GTX480,

Manjaro Distro


Range Desola Desola
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2014-05-24 15:06:37 UTC
I to have a pc that has Mint installed on it along with play on linux. (Mint is a linux based OS) I had Eve up and running on it one time and then the second and third time it kinda ran and then I to could not get past the launcher. Sometimes the launcher doesn't even load correctly. I'm not sure that it's an Eve thing tho as much as it's a "Play on Linux" thing. My son and I have been tinkering with play on Linux for awhile now and the only thing that seems to run correctly is runescape. Most other games won't launch or run really ******. I currently run Eve on my primary pc which runs windows 7, 64 bit. I have the Mint OS on my secondary machine which is suppose to be my backup but if the primary goes down, I might be in trouble, lol...
Elmore Jones
New Eden Mining Organisation
The Craftsmen
#3 - 2014-05-24 15:32:05 UTC
The launchers always iffy under linux - and windows tbh. Set yourselves up a shortcut to the exe for main use and just use the launcher for patches if required :)

+++ Reality Error 404 - Reboot Cosmos +++

#4 - 2014-05-24 16:59:14 UTC
I don't use PoL anymore, but from what I remember, the bulit in setup scripts use very old versions of wine sometimes. Prior to wine 1.6 we had to juggle around library overrides to make the game work. Current wine 1.7.something however works pretty much out of the box, so check if you are running an old version and replace it if needed. Also, while you are at it, also check your winecfg and remove the dll overrides if there are any.
Elmore Jones
New Eden Mining Organisation
The Craftsmen
#5 - 2014-05-25 00:36:08 UTC
You can override what version of Wine PoL uses :)

+++ Reality Error 404 - Reboot Cosmos +++

Milites Umbra
#6 - 2014-05-25 01:12:32 UTC
Yeah, I have since delete PlayOnLinux, tried every version I could install and run of wine and it did not seem to work. Alot of people have it running just using wine on it's own with no play on linux help. Just can't find an up to date guide that would cover arch or something non unbuntu related. Tried using both of the exe both, had the same issue unfortunately.


#7 - 2014-05-25 09:02:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Neuntausendeins
Your flavour of linux doesn't really matter, the process is (apart from the actual wine installation) pretty much the same for all modern desktop distributions. I haven't used Arch in a while, but as I said, same difference. A current wine version is available in the official repository:

Here's how I would do it:

First make sure that you have up to date drivers for your graphics card installed. I recommend the proprietary ones, but the open source ones (nouveau) might work as well, I honestly don't know how far the nvidia oss drivers are. Read the wiki if you don't know how to do this:

Then, assuming you have a 64 bit Arch, in a terminal do the following: (# is root, $ is your desktop user)

to install wine:
# pacman -S wine

to install eve in a fresh prefix:
$ WINEDEBUG=-all WINEPREFIX=~/eve_prefix wine "/path/to/eve/installer.exe"

to start the launcher and update the game:
$ WINEDEBUG=-all WINEPREFIX=~/eve_prefix wine "C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\Eve\eve.exe"

to start the game directly:
$ WINEDEBUG=-all WINEPREFIX=~/eve_prefix wine "C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\Eve\bin\exefile.exe"

Be patient, the first launch can take a while, as Eve in wine has trouble loading up the EULA, but it will work eventually. Once you are on the character select screen, open the settings (escape) and set Eve to run in a "Fixed Window" and uncheck "Load Station Environment". You can check it again after you have entered the game, just keep in mind not to enter captains quarters, since that will most likely crash the game. Everything else should work.

If you want to run Eve in a virtual desktop (It can help with tabbing issues and multiple clients) you can modify the command like so:

$ WINEDEBUG=-all WINEPREFIX=~/eve_prefix wine explorer /desktop=eve,1024x768 "C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\Eve\bin\exefile.exe"

Put in your screen resolution if you want fullscreen, otherwise you will get a window. If something doesn't work or you need help with one of the steps, copy/paste the command you entered and the terminal output here, so we can see what's wrong.
Torgeir Hekard
#8 - 2014-05-26 06:37:44 UTC
Launch exe file through console and write the output here.

Wild guess - some 32bit libs are missing.

IIRC a couple of month ago some arch user was missing lib32-libldap.
Possibly there are some other 32bit libs required for running 32bit applications on nvidia cards that don't get installed with nvidia drivers by default (the case on *buntu).