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Obligatory RCC Thread

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Bob Artis
Rolled Out
#81 - 2014-05-25 00:11:08 UTC
ChrisLCTR wrote:
Bob Artis wrote:
ChrisLCTR wrote:
Winthorp wrote:
John Caldr wrote:
BU/QEX/LH and few yet not spotted parties will harass/evict any third party that will come to help RCC, starting from the weakest ones.

I can see why BU and Lazerhawks have blued up.

Must gank all the people, WH fights are so 2010.

We are only here for gudfites there brochacho. You've missed the mark by a substantial margin.

Yea we sure did have a good fight last time we met. Fighting in our static and all. Oh wait you decided to just gank us when we were reshipping, nvm.

Failure to communicate. You guys literally only said "one sec", in some random public channel. That doesn't indicate anything other than stalling tactics. Actually I was incredibly surprised that you and the rest of your forum blob didn't jump straight on here and generate a ten page thread attempting to feel better about how buttmad you were. So Kudos to you guys for using some restraint here on the forums regarding that particular 'engagement.'

Not our fault you guys decided to warp your triage off the hole and keep your subcaps there with no support. That was a fail call on whoever your FC was. Next time make sure you don't leave stragglers, and try to use your misfortune as a lesson to improve.

What is there to understand? You asked us to come into the static to fight and we said one sec, as in sure but give us a sec. The hole was stage 2 so we couldn't bring our one Archon through. We needed Guardians if we were going to come out and fight you.

It's groups like yours that change our policy from giving a good fight to one where we throw every cap we have on the field and tell you to go screw yourselves.
Ion Udan
Stellar Ascent
#82 - 2014-05-25 00:20:32 UTC
Henry Cummings wrote:
Ion Udan wrote:
Hmmmm, I'm not too sure how i feel about this?

How should I be feeling?

You should feel the same way you do when you walk into the movie theatre and think: "Man, this is going to be a great movie. I can't wait."

I'm actually feeling the way I feel when I go to have a sip of my coffee, and realised I've already finished it. :(

So, glorious QEX brother steals potatoes from hisec.

Irish-Sewer-Maniac Egnald
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#83 - 2014-05-25 00:25:31 UTC
Winthorp wrote:

It was a mistake to leave our remaining fleet there while we took away the Archon we could no longer field due to you massing the hole and replacing it with guardians yes,

If i recall correctly, before it was stage 2 we sat on the other side for about 5 minutes waiting for you to jump your capital ships out of your home for a fair fight in a neutral hole. When that didn't happen we jumped into your Archon and fleet, of course never breaking your reps and your neuts murdered our guards, with no choice but to jump out again.
That was your second chance for jumping your fleet out of your hole which you didn't.

While it was indeed a misunderstanding of what you meant in the other channels, you hopefully can understand why after you only saying 'one sec' and having half of your fleet warp away; that we jumped in as we presumed you were running. After your reinforcements landing including a Moros and your Archon, leaving us 2 to 0 in capitals we escaped while we could.

You didn't ever jump into us, through a lightly stage 2 hole, perhaps you were scared of being "Rolled Out?" Roll
Sith1s Spectre
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#84 - 2014-05-25 00:28:30 UTC
I thought we were done with this sperge.

Evictions happen, deal with it

Resident forum troll and fashion consultant

Angsty Teenager
Broski North
#85 - 2014-05-25 00:30:52 UTC
I see no content in this thread.

Seems like you guys are intent on fighting a forum war rather than a real war? Link some BR's tia. Otherwise nut up or shut up.
Yonis Pserad
Snuffed Out
#86 - 2014-05-25 00:36:39 UTC
Angsty Teenager wrote:
I see no content in this thread.

Seems like you guys are intent on fighting a forum war rather than a real war? Link some BR's tia. Otherwise nut up or shut up.

Due to the nature of wormhole wars its going to be a few more hours of chest beating, a few hours of trying to find each other, and then the fight
Henry Cummings
Mince n Tatties
#87 - 2014-05-25 00:37:13 UTC
Angsty Teenager wrote:
I see no content in this thread.

Seems like you guys are intent on fighting a forum war rather than a real war? Link some BR's tia. Otherwise nut up or shut up.

give us about a day.
Aegis Kashniir
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#88 - 2014-05-25 01:22:20 UTC
Angsty Teenager wrote:
I see no content in this thread.

Seems like you guys are intent on fighting a forum war rather than a real war? Link some BR's tia. Otherwise nut up or shut up.

should have been named Edgy Teenager instead.
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#89 - 2014-05-25 01:32:01 UTC
Where da hell is your red coat....

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Senn Denroth
#90 - 2014-05-25 01:38:15 UTC
lol wow, so much rage in here. First you start off with jokes saying you didn't want the wormhole, then when you realise you're too lazy to do anything you turn all forum warrior as per normal and go full butthurt.

Sith1s Spectre wrote:
I thought we were done with this sperge.

Evictions happen, deal with it

Yes, it's a game. Some people lack a bit of perspective I believe. We look for reasons all the time to generate content like this, and so far RCC have far surpassed on the forum butthurt side. What I don't get is why people including us are constantly being put down for generating said content. I mean, do we all wish to log in, farm, do whatever we want, then log out every day? I don't wish to play like this.. and it's wormhole space, so do whatever you want.

Henry Cummings wrote:
give us about a day.

Sorry bro, wardecs don't count. J151909.
Yonis Pserad
Snuffed Out
#91 - 2014-05-25 01:41:58 UTC
Senn Denroth wrote:
lol wow, so much rage in here. First you start off with jokes saying you didn't want the wormhole, then when you realise you're too lazy to do anything you turn all forum warrior as per normal and go full butthurt.

Sith1s Spectre wrote:
I thought we were done with this sperge.

Evictions happen, deal with it

Yes, it's a game. Some people lack a bit of perspective I believe. We look for reasons all the time to generate content like this, and so far RCC have far surpassed on the forum butthurt side. What I don't get is why people including us are constantly being put down for generating said content. I mean, do we all wish to log in, farm, do whatever we want, then log out every day? I don't wish to play like this.. and it's wormhole space, so do whatever you want.

Henry Cummings wrote:
give us about a day.

Sorry bro, wardecs don't count. J151909.

Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#92 - 2014-05-25 01:45:03 UTC
Ion Udan wrote:
Hmmmm, I'm not too sure how i feel about this?

How should I be feeling?

Share all the feels.

Apollo Eros
Percussive Diplomacy
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#93 - 2014-05-25 01:51:30 UTC

[Triple OG LVL 5 Space Wizard]

Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#94 - 2014-05-25 01:58:27 UTC
John Caldr wrote:
BU/QEX/LH and few yet not spotted parties will harass/evict any third party that will come to help RCC, starting from the weakest ones.

do you have any idea how much of a pansy this makes you sound?
I used to think BU actually wanted fights, apparently they just want ganks. guess I shouldn't be surprised.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Freddie Merrcury
Fukushima Daiichi Electric Power Co.
#95 - 2014-05-25 02:13:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Freddie Merrcury
Alright, I logged in to see this ****.

I hope our slavic invaders have brought their honorable 1v1 phoenix with them because I intend on a most valiant joust of pre buff citatedel torps at the sun.

Any refusal to accept my challenge will be seen as cowardice and there is no room in this hole for cowards who won't 1v1 me.

May Bob have mercy on your clones, for I will not.

I been kicked out of better homes than this.

Aegis Kashniir
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#96 - 2014-05-25 02:16:08 UTC
I demand honorable 1v1 orca combat next to the ensuing 1v1 phoenix battle.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#97 - 2014-05-25 02:40:40 UTC
not involved but if we ever roll into each other i'm up for both of those challanges
Candi LeMew
Division 13
#98 - 2014-05-25 03:05:07 UTC
ITT: Actual Game of Holes.

So basically what's happened is House Baratheon has been invaded by the White Walkers .. allied with the Dothraki?

Never saw that plot twist coming.

inb4 Dragons?


Remember... in Anoikis Bob Is Always Watching...

"I been kicked out of better homes than this" - Rick James

Apollo Eros
Percussive Diplomacy
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#99 - 2014-05-25 03:08:11 UTC

[Triple OG LVL 5 Space Wizard]

John Caldr
State War Academy
Caldari State
#100 - 2014-05-25 03:18:22 UTC  |  Edited by: John Caldr
Jack Miton wrote:

do you have any idea how much of a pansy this makes you sound?

In space, nobody hear your screams

Jack Miton wrote:

I used to think BU actually wanted fights, apparently they just want ganks. guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Oh, thats is why you batphoned wide number of parties to get an overblob - to get a FAIR fight Lol
Don't be such a hypocrite.