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Crashing The New Eden Economy

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State War Academy
Caldari State
#61 - 2014-05-24 02:25:36 UTC
The PLEX market has been bought out in its entirety before in the past. They were back to the original prices within a week.

Xenuria wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Xenuria wrote:
I always figured that the idea or at least the goal was to have a market run by and for players.
With the reality that CCP CAN and WILL intervene to prevent economic collapse, it is no longer a player market then is it?
Yes it is.
One does not exclude the other.

I disagree, they are in fact mutually exclusive.

A player controlled market cannot be such if there are back doors for CCP to artificially change things. The potential for abuse is not only really high but readily demonstrable.

This faux outrage in what is no doubt an attempt to bolster your name for your CSM run next year is amusing, but also pretty silly. CCP "artificially changes things" any time they change anything in a patch that affects something a player might buy, sell, or farm for money, which is pretty much every major patch. Are you going to get outraged that CCP continues to develop the game next?

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Lady Areola Fappington
#62 - 2014-05-24 02:32:05 UTC
I'm also pretty sure CCP would adore the person silly enough to buy out the plex market, and destroy them all. That'd be who knows how many years of game time "debt" wiped out in a flash.

In fact, I encourage silly people to do just that. Please, show your support for CCP today. Trash a PLEX!

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

#63 - 2014-05-24 03:07:14 UTC
mynnna wrote:
The PLEX market has been bought out in its entirety before in the past. They were back to the original prices within a week.

Xenuria wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Xenuria wrote:
I always figured that the idea or at least the goal was to have a market run by and for players.
With the reality that CCP CAN and WILL intervene to prevent economic collapse, it is no longer a player market then is it?
Yes it is.
One does not exclude the other.

I disagree, they are in fact mutually exclusive.

A player controlled market cannot be such if there are back doors for CCP to artificially change things. The potential for abuse is not only really high but readily demonstrable.

This faux outrage in what is no doubt an attempt to bolster your name for your CSM run next year is amusing, but also pretty silly. CCP "artificially changes things" any time they change anything in a patch that affects something a player might buy, sell, or farm for money, which is pretty much every major patch. Are you going to get outraged that CCP continues to develop the game next?

Tell me more about how I was creeping on you this fanfest, despite me not even being in Iceland.
I don't need to bolster my name for CSM next year. So long as people like you keep seeing my face in their morning slice of bread, I will have all the advertising I could ever need.

Stay Classy~
State War Academy
Caldari State
#64 - 2014-05-24 03:27:57 UTC
Well, upon realizing the tweet I'd seen earlier in fanfest with the guy's picture that claimed it was you was, in fact, erroneous, the dude turned out to be pretty chill. Thanks for asking! Bear

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Tribal Solidarity
Garoun Investment Bank
#65 - 2014-05-24 03:44:47 UTC
The act of intervention happens in the free market as we in the real world know it. Governments will also intervene if they feel they need to do.

You're not thinking very clearly.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#66 - 2014-05-24 03:56:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Xenuria wrote:
I don't need to bolster my name for CSM next year.
This is true. Just not in the way you are hoping for. Lol

Your spectacular lack of insight into… well… everything EVE related, really, rather makes any such bolstering pointless and needless. Have you at least figured out if 20 is more or less than 50 yet?
#67 - 2014-05-24 03:58:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Xenuria
mynnna wrote:
Well, upon realizing the tweet I'd seen earlier in fanfest with the guy's picture that claimed it was you was, in fact, erroneous, the dude turned out to be pretty chill. Thanks for asking! Bear

So as you claim it was a image from twitter following you around during the pub crawl. Fascinating...
This is another reason why we needed net neutrality, now images and tweets can just wander about in the real world as they please. It's a travesty I tell you.

Either way I think my "purist" mentality is classing with the practicality of running a real economy inside a giant skinner box. That being said, where is the line?

Where does CCP say "ok this isn't something we need to get involved in" verses "OHGOD OHGOD SEED SEEEEEEED"?

Tippia wrote:
Xenuria wrote:
I don't need to bolster my name for CSM next year.
This is true. Just not in the way you are hoping for. Lol

Your spectacular lack of insight into… well… everything EVE related, really, rather makes any such bolstering pointless and needless. Have you at least figured out if 20 is more or less than 50 yet?

Were you saying something about Guardian Vexor fits? Oh, right. You are talking about insight into how eve works.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#68 - 2014-05-24 04:05:59 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
Where does CCP say "ok this isn't something we need to get involved in" verses "OHGOD OHGOD SEED SEEEEEEED"?
Wherever they want, should they ever seed anything. But since we're talking about PLEX here, seeing isn't really a concern.

Were you saying something about Guardian Vexor fits? Oh, right. You are talking about insight into how eve works.

So have you learned which is larger out of 20 and 50? The rest of the problems you were having with how EVE works were just a continuation of this problem of yours…
#69 - 2014-05-24 04:11:34 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Xenuria wrote:
Where does CCP say "ok this isn't something we need to get involved in" verses "OHGOD OHGOD SEED SEEEEEEED"?
Wherever they want, should they ever seed anything. But since we're talking about PLEX here, seeing isn't really a concern.

Were you saying something about Guardian Vexor fits? Oh, right. You are talking about insight into how eve works.

So have you learned which is larger out of 20 and 50? The rest of the problems you were having with how EVE works were just a continuation of this problem of yours…

I think the only way I could possibly respond to this jarring and unrelenting assault on my skill as an eve player is to post an image response.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#70 - 2014-05-24 04:26:18 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
I think the only way I could possibly respond to this jarring and unrelenting assault on my skill as an eve player is to post an image response.
So that's a no, then.
I'll help (again). 50 is more than 20. You could even put it on a post-it or something for future reference because it's quite a handy thing to know.
Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#71 - 2014-05-24 04:39:10 UTC
Foxstar Damaskeenus wrote:

"Gross an Inappropriate" You mean they are trying to keep the game fun and trying to keep themselves in business.

I'd have called it 'hypocritical' myself. Eve is a game that touts itself as one where the sandbox rules and the developer takes a hands off approach to in game events to have the players generate their own content. The market is supposedly driven by players, not CCP.

His actions amount to a gross betrayal of that principal and effectively make a lie of EvE's 'sandbox'.
Schwa Nuts
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#72 - 2014-05-24 05:33:52 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Well, upon realizing the tweet I'd seen earlier in fanfest with the guy's picture that claimed it was you was, in fact, erroneous, the dude turned out to be pretty chill. Thanks for asking! Bear

Yeah, I'll take responsibility for that. I've never met Xenuria in person, and saw a super creepy looking guy who made my soul go cold when I made eye contact with him. I messed up and made a poor assumption. And for that, I truly apologize... to the guy in the picture.
Warlock Assassins
#73 - 2014-05-24 06:03:00 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

CCP has embraced Ayn Rand's warped view of a utopia created by people making decisions based on "enlightened self-interest".

In the real world, we have seen how well that works with object lessons like Somalia, Ethiopia, and to some extent Russia. The u.s is heading as fast as it can down that path with their "libertarianism = freedom" insanity.

CCP has decided if someone can corner the market on plexes, which requires something in the high hundreds of billions / low trillions, that is perfectly acceptable, even celebrated, within the Eve universe. We have dozens of acolytes of Ayn Rand rushing to defend this Eve culture as one that is "good for the game", every day on the forum, especially the ones ruthless enough to use the constructs provided by CCP to achieve a dominant position within the game.

But bottom line, the vast majority of humans, no matter how morally flawed we are as a species, recognizes that this kind of behavior should be abhorred, not celebrated. That is why Eve subs are stagnant, even falling (which CCP refuses to acknowledge as they won't release full CSM voting data). CCP has captured the full market of sick individuals that think crushing all others makes for great fun. There is not a lot of movement left in that that market segment. But on the other hand, there is large downside on driving people from the game, the ones that like to play a co-operative, or at the very least., a benign game.

As CCP continues down the path that the null sec cartels have laid out for them, CCP will learn that advertising "be the villain " might not be the best marketing strategy, sort of like New Coke was not that great.

And not one single like was given.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2014-05-24 06:16:33 UTC
If you people don't like Xenuria then don't respond into the thread. If you think the subject matter is objectionable, then provide arguments against it.

Making personality comments or sharing irrelevant Fanfest commentary.. that's a bit petty and not what I expect of somebody on CSM.

Whatever you might think of Dinsdale's opinions, at least the guy can provide a relevant response in thread.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#75 - 2014-05-24 06:25:02 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
mynnna wrote:
Well, upon realizing the tweet I'd seen earlier in fanfest with the guy's picture that claimed it was you was, in fact, erroneous, the dude turned out to be pretty chill. Thanks for asking! Bear

So as you claim it was a image from twitter following you around during the pub crawl. Fascinating...
This is another reason why we needed net neutrality, now images and tweets can just wander about in the real world as they please. It's a travesty I tell you.

Either way I think my "purist" mentality is classing with the practicality of running a real economy inside a giant skinner box. That being said, where is the line?

Where does CCP say "ok this isn't something we need to get involved in" verses "OHGOD OHGOD SEED SEEEEEEED"?

You know, you neatly avoided the question. Any patch change that changes anything a player makes, sells, buys or farms is intervening in the player run market, so are you demanding they stop doing that as well?

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#76 - 2014-05-24 06:30:52 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
If you people don't like Xenuria then don't respond into the thread. If you think the subject matter is objectionable, then provide arguments against it.

Making personality comments or sharing irrelevant Fanfest commentary.. that's a bit petty and not what I expect of somebody on CSM.

Whatever you might think of Dinsdale's opinions, at least the guy can provide a relevant response in thread.

you are new here aren't you?
Tippia is an empty troll most of the time you just ignore
Goons just do what they do

The only wrong thing here is that you pay attention to their posts

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#77 - 2014-05-24 06:32:01 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
If you people don't like Xenuria then don't respond into the thread. If you think the subject matter is objectionable, then provide arguments against it.

Making personality comments or sharing irrelevant Fanfest commentary.. that's a bit petty and not what I expect of somebody on CSM.

Whatever you might think of Dinsdale's opinions, at least the guy can provide a relevant response in thread.

you are new here aren't you?
Tippia is an empty troll most of the time you just ignore
Goons just do what they do

I only read OP and mynnna posts here

The only wrong thing here is that you pay attention to their posts

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#78 - 2014-05-24 08:25:13 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
This year at fanfest a CCP dev said that when the plex market was peaking, he took it upon himself to artificially modify the game economy. I have a few questions about this.

1. If a player has enough in-game currency to buy all the plex on the Jita market, if that player within their right to do so?

2. If the same player puts all this plex into a cargo container and then blows up said container, has this player violated any rules?

3. Should any of the above listed events occur what safety measures are in place to prevent CCP from counter acting this large scale change in the market?

1) Yes, I have never seen a '9 items or less ' conditional on purchases

2) Rules of common sense, perhaps. Game rules? Nope

3) I will lay odds one or two devs would rub their hands in glee to get to see 'what happens next'


A dev messed with our economy? Oh lordy, say it aint so. I shall right this wrong and have the scoundrel removed from the company in the same manner that I had Ripard removed for abuse of CSM's awesome power.

Even if the person in question was one of my favourite people to get to talk to and his presentations were well attended anytime he spoke with us mortals. Even if he did not a single thing to the economy in all of 2013 and has specific rules for when he will not be interfere that make Starfleets prime directive look anemic by comparison.

He will be gone, so sayeth I

He will be missed. a lot.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#79 - 2014-05-24 08:58:00 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
Abrazzar wrote:
1. Yes
2. No
3. What measures have you taken in case aliens abduct you in the night?

This is a legitimate question because its been proven that CCP has directly influenced the market artificially. As gross and inappropriate as it is, it is a reality.

Governments all over the world "regulate" economies vis a vis direct and indirect influence.

If we had a single pure capitalistic market economy in the world with no regulation, poverty would become the new natural selection and you'd see some scary economic trends..... it would make the cruelty of Eve seem like Hello Kitty Online.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

#80 - 2014-05-24 14:15:33 UTC
Asuka Solo wrote:
Xenuria wrote:
Abrazzar wrote:
1. Yes
2. No
3. What measures have you taken in case aliens abduct you in the night?

This is a legitimate question because its been proven that CCP has directly influenced the market artificially. As gross and inappropriate as it is, it is a reality.

Governments all over the world "regulate" economies vis a vis direct and indirect influence.

If we had a single pure capitalistic market economy in the world with no regulation, poverty would become the new natural selection and you'd see some scary economic trends..... it would make the cruelty of Eve seem like Hello Kitty Online.

You are correct.
The problem is the sandbox ideology, artificial market manipulation and CCP's profit motive have a potential to all crash into each other. Even if it never happens it still taints in concept of a pure sandbox in my opinion. I am not known for my practical views on anything. I am known for my integrity and my Rorschach-esk abolitionism when it comes to truth. My views on this may be so far divorced from any practical reality but that isn't relevant.

This is a discussion not a mediation.